Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2135 New Generation Leadership Collective

In mid-October 18, the No. [-] National Congress of the ruling party of the Republic, which attracted worldwide attention, was grandly held in the capital.

There were 310 official delegates and 42 specially invited delegates (350 in total) at this conference, representing more than 7000 million members of the Party.

Comrade Liu Jincai, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau and Premier of the State Council, presided over the opening ceremony of the conference.

General Secretary Li Zhiguo made a work report to the General Assembly on behalf of the No.17 Central Committee.

Comrade Li Zhitongmin presided over the closing ceremony of the conference and delivered a speech. [

The Congress passed the "Resolution on the Report of the Seventeenth Central Committee", "Resolution on (Party Constitution (Amendment) Jiang" (this amendment came into effect on the date of adoption), "Report on the Work of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection" Resolution".

The General Assembly elected the No. 210 Central Committee consisting of 170 five members and 18 two alternate members by secret ballot, and elected the Central Commission for Disciplinary Inspection consisting of 120 nine members.

Then the first plenary session of the No.18 Central Committee was held.Two hundred and nine members of the Central Committee and 170 alternate members of the Central Committee attended the meeting.

The first plenary session of the [-]th Central Committee elected the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee of the current Central Committee.

Nine comrades including Xue Yuanshan, Jiang Xiangjie, Rong Baichuan and Guo Qiliang were elected as members of the Politburo Standing Committee.

Li Zhiguo, Guo Dingbang, Liu Jincai, Zeng Xiaocheng, Guo Jixian, Zhai Haojin, Zou Yongqing and other comrades no longer serve as members of the Politburo Standing Committee.

Comrade Xue Yuanshan was elected as the General Secretary of the new Central Committee.

Liu Jun, Qiu Qingchuan, Xiao Dongzhan, He Yanan, Wang Deyu, Shang Xiaozhong, Zhang Chenwen, Jiang Youxin, Huyan Aobo, Gong Zhaoli and other comrades were elected as members of the Politburo.

Comrades from the East War were elected as the new Vice Chairman of the Military Commission.

Gao Changhong, Yan Ming, Bai Yang, Liu Guangxing, Chai Shaoji, Li Hui, Zhao Xianjue, Tan Qigong, Xie Yixiang, Liao Shunli, Xiao Zhixiong, Mingyu, Li Tao, Wang Guohua, Xiang Han, Yang Yuanyi, Yue Huashan and other comrades were elected as members of the Central Committee .

Pan Zhiren, Yu Huaixin, Qiu Yongzhi, Feng Zhiyong, Jiang Hongmu, Guo Hongyun, Wang Daxin and other comrades were elected alternate members of the Central Committee.

Lu Yue, Lou Haiying and other comrades were elected as deputy secretaries of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Liu Jun sat on the rostrum, and at a glance, there were rows of leading cadres at the highest core level under the stage, and there were several very familiar faces.These people represent the most backbone of the increasingly prosperous Yanliu faction.

An emerging political group full of vitality and combat effectiveness has been fully formed and has grown into a huge force that cannot be underestimated by any individual or group.

And Liu Jun is the controversial leader of the new generation of this emerging political group.

Many cadres in the audience also looked at the young leader on the rostrum from time to time, their eyes full of admiration.They firmly believe that this powerful leader will lead us from one victory to another, from glory to greater glory!

Overseas media, as always, paid great attention to this National Congress of the ruling party of the Republic.On the day when the new leadership of the Central Committee was formed, many overseas media reported on the personal resumes and growth paths of the new generation of leaders at length.

The report given to Liu Jun is no less than the nine newly elected comrades of the Standing Committee.

In fact, after Liu Jun officially became a member of the Politburo last year and was transferred to Tianshan Province to preside over the overall work, overseas media have speculated that the Republic will use more powerful means to solve the border issue. [

This is the youngest member of the Politburo of the Republic known for his toughness, and his trip to Tianshan is a proof.

The results of the joint military exercise in May this year shocked the world even more.

Some senior military observers have taken this as an example to compare it with the ongoing war on terror in the United States and conduct in-depth analysis.The results are both encouraging and discouraging.

This young leader has the unique wisdom and admirable long-term vision of Eastern statesmen.With less than 5000 troops dispatched, they wiped out the base camp of the terrorists cleanly and quickly, making the terrorists slump and almost solving the frontier issue once and for all.

However, the United States has spent trillions of dollars, and it has lasted more than ten years, but it still has not fundamentally solved the huge threat posed by terrorists to the United States.In comparison, it is simply a difference between clouds and mud.

These military observers loudly appealed to American politicians to learn from Liu Jun and study carefully how to achieve the greatest results at the lowest cost.

Therefore, the Western media is not surprised that Liu Jun was re-elected as a member of the Politburo in the new Central Committee.Many media have pointed out that the battle for the new generation of the helm of the Republic, which was originally thought to be clear in a few years, has come to an early result.In the "race" with his contemporary politicians, Liu Jun was far ahead and ran at the forefront.In the foreseeable future, no comrade will be able to challenge his leading position.

Compared with the fierce competition for the helm of this year, there is no suspense for the next generation of helm.Western countries must be prepared. In the near future, this rapidly rising ancient oriental power will officially enter the "Liu Jun Era".

A tough new leader who will be a headache for all Western leaders!

Comrade Liu Jun is in a very happy mood.

This faction's complete victory in the new election of the Fung Committee is just one of the reasons why Liu Jun is happy, and the reason does not seem to be the biggest reason.What really made Liu Jun happy was seeing a truly relaxed expression on Liu Jincai's face.

At the current National Party Congress, Liu Jincai handed over his position as a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo.The First Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress will be held in early March next year. Liu Jincai will formally hand over the post of Prime Minister at this meeting and truly retire completely.

After a lifetime of hard work, it's time to rest.

At this moment, in the Chunhua Garden, there are high-ranking officials gathered, and the guests and friends are full of laughter.

Liu Jincai was sitting in the center of the sofa in the living room. Two newly elected members of the Standing Committee, Rong Baichuan and Guo Qiliang, sat side by side with Liu Jincai, one on the left and one on the right.

Rong Baichuan's new position has basically been determined. He will be in charge of the Central Secretariat, in charge of party affairs, and the principal of the Central Party School. If there is no accident, he will be elected as the vice chairman of the country at the National People's Congress next year.

Guo Qiliang will continue to stay in the State Council to assist Comrade Jiang Xiangjie in the economic construction of the country.Given the age of these two, the next five years will be the terminus of their official careers.

During this period of time, Rong Baichuan will gradually take over from Yan Yucheng to manage the daily affairs of the large group.During Rong Baichuan's tenure as the head of the Central Organization, he showed excellent organizational and coordination skills. It may not be as majestic as Yan Yucheng, but it is still more subtle.Senior leaders and cadres all know that the job of head of the Central Organization is extremely difficult and needs to coordinate the interests of all parties.Rong Baichuan's work has been approved by most of the top leaders, which is also the main reason why he was able to successfully ascend to the top decision-making level.This text is provided by Qingcheng of Rebirth Ya Nei Bar.

It is said that General Secretary Xue Yuanshan is also completely positive about Rong Baichuan's taking up his current position.

Rong Baichuan handed over the position of head of the Central Organization Department to Wang Deyu, the former executive vice-minister of the Central Organization Department and the current secretary of the provincial party committee of a certain eastern province.Wang Deyu is a cadre that Qu Haojin has worked hard to cultivate. He was also elected as a member of the Politburo at the Central Plenary Session.

Guo Qiliang also showed strong control ability in the financial national war. Under his supervision, the financial system established a perfect financial firewall and successfully blocked the outflow of large amounts of funds.At the same time, the rectification of the financial system has been intensified. According to Liu Jincai's instructions, "a group can be arrested when necessary." Through the serious handling of several typical cases, a large number of people have been deterred.

The national financial system has gradually realized the normalization of operations, and Guo Qiliang has made great contributions. [

And Guo Qiliang, like Liu Jincai, has gradually downplayed the traces of factions and devoted himself to specific work.Therefore, the arrangement for him to be Comrade Jiang Xiangjie's main deputy in the next five years has also been recognized by most political heroes.

In addition to these two new tycoons, several members of the Politburo gathered in the living room.

Yidong Provincial Party Committee Secretary Jiang Youxin and Provincial Party Secretary Shang Xiaozhong were naturally present.

It has become a habit of the main cadres of the big faction to take advantage of the opportunity of the National People's Congress or the Central Plenary Session every year to get together and visit the two old leaders Yan and Liu.This time is no exception.

Everyone had speculated that Qiu Qingchuan would be the secretary of the Haimen Municipal Party Committee.However, judging from the current situation, this guess is likely to be "mistakes".The secretary of the Haimen Municipal Party Committee will most likely be replaced by Jiang Youxin.Qiu Qingchuan, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee who was also elected as a member of the Politburo at the current Central Plenary Session, will be vice premier of the State Council next.

Such an arrangement is reasonable.

Qiu Qingchuan was originally from the financial system, and was once hailed as a top elite figure in the domestic financial industry.It is precisely because of his strengths that he serves as the vice premier of the State Council and assists in taking charge of the national economic construction.

Jiang Youxin has a lot of political voice in governing Yidong, and it is not surprising that he went north to take over as secretary of the Haimen Municipal Party Committee.

What surprised the foreign media a little at this conference was that Chief of General Staff Xiao Dongzhan was appointed Vice Chairman of the Military Commission.There was once a speculation that Hou Chunming, the former vice chairman of the Military Commission, would continue to hold his current position for a period of time, and then resign after one or two years.Unexpectedly, it turned out that Xiao Dongzhan took over Hou Chunming's position.Perhaps, this is also the result of the balance formed after repeated negotiations by major political groups.

The independent status of the He Wu Department made Xiao Dongzhan the candidate for the new Vice Chairman of the Military Commission acceptable to all parties.

Overall, it was a successful conference.

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