Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 215 Land Reform City

The Tengfei Industrial Development Corporation and the "holding companies" in the Yamen are in full swing, and a large amount of funds are continuously flowing into Jiangkou City to carry out "crazy land enclosure". The bigwigs in Baozhou area are not idle either.At the commissioner's office meeting, Xue Pingshan was shocked when he heard Yan Yucheng's suggestion on applying for land change, and immediately nodded in agreement, feeling that this matter has great potential.Later, at the prefectural committee meeting, the motion of "reforming the city" was formally proposed. When Zhou Peiming heard this, a blush appeared on Zhou Peiming's cold face.

This matter just scratched Secretary Zhou's itch.

Zhou Peiming was suppressed by Long Tiejun for ten years in the Baozhou area, and he was the "second child" for ten years, and he couldn't breathe.When I was finally in the right position, I suddenly looked back and realized that I had "gone middle-aged", and I was also a 52-three person.The possibility of expecting the same shit luck as Long Tiejun, picking up a ready-made bargain when he is old, and becoming a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee with real power is really too small.It is estimated that after completing this term, it is time to go to the Provincial People's Congress or the Provincial Political Consultative Conference to take care of it.When the central government vigorously advocates the use of young and middle-aged cadres, it is doubtful whether he can serve the full term of office.Maybe in order to make way for Xue Pingshan, the province will arrange for him to retire early.

Not reconciled!

If he can accomplish the "reformation of land to city" within his term of office, it will be a very colorful page. After he retires, he will have something to be proud of and bring up with future generations. [

But the excitement is the excitement, Zhou Peiming also knows that this matter is not small. There are currently fifteen prefecture-level cities in N Province, and there are only five prefecture-level cities.The Baozhou area can only be ranked after ten in terms of any aspect.If you want to change to a prefecture-level city, it seems that it is not the turn of the Baozhou area, right?

"Comrade Pingshan, is there a practical plan?"

Zhou Peiming asked with concern.

This is Zhou Peiming's brilliance. At party meetings, especially such important meetings as the prefectural committee plenary session, he usually refers to comrades in the leadership in accordance with party regulations, not titles.In this way, only he is the high-ranking "Secretary Zhou", and the other team members, including the commissioner Xue Pingshan, are all ordinary members.Don't talk about the difference between the squad leader and the deputy squad leader. There is only one squad leader at all, and there is no deputy squad leader.

This kind of trick is not worth laughing at, but if it is used well, the effect is obvious.

Although Xue Pingshan felt tired in his heart.But also helpless.On duty.Zhou Peiming pressed him on the head.On age.Bigger than him.On seniority.It is even more different.People have to put on a posture of an elder.I have to smile and turn out a modest and cautious look.

This old fox!

Xue Pingshan was impatient.Clear your throat.Start debriefing.

this matter.Yan Yucheng grasped the timing very well.It was brought up at the commissioner's office meeting just before the upcoming plenum of the prefectural committee.Xue Pingshan felt something was going on when he heard it.I can't wait to bring it to the prefectural committee plenary meeting for discussion.Things are coming to an end.Only to realize that there is no practical solution at all.Fortunately, Xue Pingshan was a secretary.The text background is excellent.Also quite quick-witted.It's just talking nonsense with your eyes open.You can also make up an hour.

It's just the prefectural committee members present here.From below Zhou Peiming.Which one is not "delicate as a ghost" (it seems to be suspected of slandering Dad and Yan Yucheng).Xue Ping pulls gourds in the east and leaves in the west.The content is empty.Words.Who can't hear it?There was an imperceptible sneer on everyone's face.Zhou Peiming frowned slightly.

If it's something else.Xue Pingshan made big talk.That's all.Everyone is a leading cadre who has been tested by "Wen Shan Hui Hai".How can you not feel sympathy?Looks like home.Such big talk.Talk about the earth every day.Commissioner Xue can't talk about it.I feel disgusted.

It's just that this matter is well-deserved. It needs to report the actual data to the province and the State Council, and it needs to send expert groups down again and again to investigate and evaluate.Without a practical plan, even if you can hide it from the expert group, how can the brother regions be convinced?For example, the adjacent Jiu'an area and the southwestern Qingfeng area have submitted materials for applying for "land reform" at the beginning of the year. The economic strength of these two areas is stronger than that of Baozhou area.

At the same time, neither the State Council nor the province can approve the establishment of three prefecture-level cities in one province.There has never been a precedent for this in the economically developed provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, let alone a relatively backward inland province like n province?

In this way, the Comrade Commissioner simply had a whim, just talking about it.

The more he heard it, Zhou Peiming frowned more tightly.

According to Xue Pingshan's statement, even the application must be submitted, so as not to bring shame on himself.

Fortunately, Zhou Peiming was very patient. If Long Tiejun was replaced, he would have interrupted Commissioner Xue who was chattering unceremoniously.

After finally Xue Pingshan finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Peiming, hoping to get his affirmation.

Zhou Peiming just nodded his head slightly, and his eyes passed over his face, scanning the ten prefectural committee members present one by one, and finally fell on Yan Yucheng who was looking down at his notebook. [

"Comrade Yucheng, you are the executive deputy commissioner. Is there anything you need to add to Comrade Pingshan's speech?"

Xue Pingshan's face turned red, and he cursed secretly in his heart.

Zhou Peiming slapped him in the face in public.

If you say Zhou Peiming's statement, there seems to be no problem with face. The commissioner has said it, and it is normal for the executive deputy commissioner to make an appropriate supplement.However, this is the prefectural committee plenary meeting, not the commissioner's office meeting.Even if Zhou Peiming wants others to express their opinions, he should not call names. At most, it is enough to say "comrades talk about their own opinions".Then, starting from Liu Wenju, the deputy secretary who ranked third, it is normal for each committee member to say a few words.

Zhou Peiming directly pointed at Yan Yucheng's general, clearly dissatisfied with what he said.

It's just that Xue Pingshan also knows that the things he said really can't pass the eyes of experts.For such a big matter, it would be too reckless to bring it up for discussion at the prefectural committee plenary meeting without adequate argumentation and preparation.

It is normal for Zhou Peiming to take advantage of this opportunity to take a small blow to his prestige.

At the level of the members of the prefectural committee, especially among the main leaders of the prefectural committee, intrigue is inevitable, and it is extremely rare to be harmonious.But everyone has to respect their identities, even if they want to fight, most of them are playing "the world in their sleeves". In terms of face, they must be gentle and refined.

Zhou Peiming, a seasoned veteran, would naturally not let go of any chance to suppress a powerful deputy.

Yan Yucheng raised his head when he heard the words, nodded to Zhou Peiming, glanced at his colleagues present, and said: "Commissioner Xue's proposal to change the city to the city is very good, and I completely agree with it. I also agree with the specific plan that Commissioner Xue just said. I agree very much..."

Xue Pingshan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded slightly to Yan Yucheng to express his gratitude.

It seems that Comrade Yan Yucheng still has a broad mind, and he didn't feel jealous because he adjusted the division of labor in the administrative office.However, it turns out that Commissioner Xue imagined things too beautifully.official

Fighting has never been so easy.

"As for Comrade Hirayama's plan, I have a few small supplementary comments..."

As soon as Xue Pingshan breathed a sigh of relief, Yan Yucheng changed the subject and began to report his plan in an orderly manner.

"First of all, I checked the relevant information and made a preliminary understanding of the situation in some areas of the country's land-to-city reform in the past one or two years..."

Xue Pingshan knew something was wrong as soon as he heard it. This is not a "small supplementary opinion", it is clearly the beginning of a complete plan.Supplementary opinions need to start with understanding the similar situation in the whole country?

Next, Yan Yucheng reported a series of place names and data. A certain region in a certain province began to apply for "land reform" in a certain month in a certain year, what work was done, and when it was finally approved. Chu.

Although Yan Yucheng is not different from his father, he is not from a technical cadre background, but for specific tasks, he has very little nonsense. Basically, after a few polite words, it is all real things. attention.Even Xue Pingshan listened intently, ignoring his jealousy.

In any case, if this matter is successfully operated, the first credit will go to him and Zhou Peiming, the two top leaders of the party and government.A little displeasure, just laugh it off.

"Comprehensively analyzing the success of the application for land reform in other regions, there are several characteristics. One is to highlight the characteristics of the region and emphasize the advantages. The other is to be fully prepared..."

Yan Yucheng talked eloquently and clearly. [

"Well, Comrade Yucheng's words are very reasonable... Then, what are the characteristics and advantages of our Baozhou area?"

When Yan Yucheng stopped to drink water, Zhou Peiming asked with a smile.

"Secretary Zhou, to be honest, our Baozhou area has no characteristics, let alone advantages!"

As soon as Yan Yucheng said this, the audience was in an uproar.

Liu Wenju was displeased and said, "Comrade Yan Yucheng, how can you say that? We..."

"Comrade Liu Wenju, please be patient and listen to me."

Yan Yucheng interrupted Liu Wenju's words unceremoniously, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, showing a trace of disdain.When it comes to economic construction, you Liu Wenju should stay where you are cool, and when will it be your turn to point fingers?

"Although our Baozhou area is a thousand-year-old city, Jiu'an City has a longer history than ours. The city's construction date can be traced back to 2000 years ago. In this regard, we cannot compare with Jiu'an area. Haha, the ancestors left behind Such a 1000-year history, we can't change it..."

For the first time, soft laughter sounded in the meeting room, and the entire dignified atmosphere was relaxed.

"Speaking of features, our biggest feature is that we have relatively rich coal resources. It is not impossible to establish a resource city, but the Baozhou Mining Bureau is not under the jurisdiction of the region. The coal resources of the land are controlled by the Mining Bureau. So. In terms of economy, we are not as good as the Jiu'an area, and even ranked behind the Qingfeng area. Therefore, I say that we have no characteristics and no advantages..."

Kang Rui smiled and interjected: "So, let's just stop fighting?"

Strictly speaking, Kang Rui and Yan Yucheng belonged to the capable generals of the Long Tie Army, and they were considered to be on the same line. Naturally, there was no reason to deliberately make trouble with Yan Yu at this time. It was just for fun to say such a sentence.It's like listening to a story when it's exciting, someone has to ask "what happened next", and the storyteller will be full of energy.

Anyone can see that Yan Yucheng has a plan in his chest.

Yan Yucheng smiled and said: "There are no characteristics, we can create characteristics, there are no advantages, we can create advantages. It depends on human effort, there is nothing impossible, only unexpected..."

"Yes, how daring people are, and how productive the land is!"

Xue Pingshan couldn't bear it any longer, and burst out such a sentence lightly.

Everyone's complexion changed again.

This sentence, everyone is too familiar with it, it is a famous saying during the Great Leap Forward period of "Great Release of Satellites", so that the myth of [-] catties of grain per mu appeared, and the people tightened their belts to pay the public grain After that, there is only "glory" and endless hunger!

All of you here have personally experienced this period of calamity, and it can be said that your memory is still fresh, and you still have lingering fears about the damage and destruction caused by the phrase "How bold people are, how productive the land is!"

When Xue Pingshan said such words at this time, his dissatisfaction was too obvious.

Zhou Peiming's face darkened, and he said, "Comrade Pingshan, if you have any opinions, you can raise them..."

Zhou Peiming's speech has always been like this, often he only speaks half a sentence, and you guess the rest by yourself, often the more you guess, the colder you break out in a cold sweat!

In fact, Xue Pingshan regretted his words as soon as he uttered them. It also seemed that he was too lacking in leadership style. He was jealous of his deputy!If it gets out, everyone will laugh at themselves for hating Yan Yucheng because of their incompetence.

All the prefectural committee members shook their heads secretly.

It seems that being a qualified secretary may not necessarily make a qualified leader!

Yan Yucheng remained calm, as if he hadn't heard this sentence at all, and continued to say calmly: "Our confidence in applying for land reform lies in the 'expert development plan' passed by the commissioner's office meeting not long ago. If the plan is implemented, Baozhou City will focus on the development of commerce and trade, give full play to the advantages of the reputation of the thousand-year-old city, and strive to build a small commodity wholesale market and agricultural and sideline product trading market within this year. It will be put into operation at the end of this year or early next year. It is to integrate and transform the existing department store department stores and the department store departments of other units to build a large-scale department store distribution market, attract merchants from surrounding areas and even the whole province to invest in Baozhou City, and comprehensively drive the development of the whole district. Business development... Comrade Liu Jincai, this timetable should be completed on time, right?"

Dad nodded slightly and said, "Yes!"

At the plenary meeting of the prefectural committee, my father never said much, but as long as he said it, he basically didn't let go of it.

"At the same time, Xiangyang County is vigorously developing the manufacturing industry, and Qing'an County is developing the characteristic breeding industry... As long as we implement this expert plan, it is estimated that the total industrial and agricultural output value of the entire region will increase by at least 40.00% this year and next, surpassing Jiu'an in one fell swoop. And the Qingfeng area is sure!"

"Clap clap..."

Zhou Peiming actually took the lead in applauding, and the meeting room immediately burst into applause.

Xue Pingshan had a gloomy face, and clapped his hands symbolically a few times!

ps: I am on a business trip this week, and the time is very tight. It may not be possible to maintain three shifts a day, but Pie will guarantee at least 5 shifts every two days.Every time it is not less than, Pie guarantees that the promise of 1 words per day can still be fulfilled.Please understand me greatly.Thank you!

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