Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 223 New Commissioner

As the case became clearer, Director Qian and several deputy directors of the Bureau of Light Industry reported to the law enforcement website.Xue Pingshan also returned to the Baozhou area from the provincial capital, and went to work as usual every day, still in good spirits, and there was nothing unusual about it.However, when it was close to noon, he basically stayed in his office and was not easy to receive guests.

Probably because I didn’t sleep well at night, I got up in the morning and took a hot water bath or even a hot bath to rejuvenate my spirits, but after eleven o’clock, this “stimulated” potential seemed to be exhausted, and Commissioner Xue had to stay in the In the office, close your eyes and rest.

On the fourth day after Long Tiejun came to Baozhou area, he had a talk with Xue Pingshan on behalf of the Provincial Party Committee.The time is about an hour.These two hadn't dealt with each other much before, so one hour seemed a bit long if they were just talking about the case or business affairs.

The next day, Long Tiejun, accompanied by Zhou Peiming, talked to Liu Wenju, Kang Rui, Yan Yucheng and his father respectively, and asked everyone to maintain the unity of the team and do a good job in the work of the region.

Whether the meat processing plant will continue to be built is naturally a matter of concern to Long Tiejun.Yan Yucheng assured him that the meat factory will continue to be built and will be completed as soon as possible. [

Long Tiejun was very happy when he heard it, and asked: "Yucheng, what are you going to do? In terms of funds and technology. Are there any difficulties?"

"The Tengfei Industrial Corporation in Liujiashan has decided to fully take over the follow-up construction of the meat food factory. There is no problem in terms of funds. According to experts' calculations, a meat food processing plant of this scale requires an investment of about 270 million to 300 million yuan. about……"

Yan Yucheng replied.

"Where did the experts come from?"

"Daning Meat Food Factory invited a deputy chief engineer and three engineers. Several managers from Tengfei Industrial Company went to the provincial capital a few days ago. The leaders of the Provincial Department of Light Industry gave strong support. .”

Long Tiejun was greatly surprised.He laughed and said, "I can't think of people like Liujiashan. They are moving so fast in economic construction."

"A businessman is like that. A profitable business. No one runs too slowly."

Yan Yucheng said with a smile.

Long Tiejun said seriously: "Comrade Yucheng, you can't say that. Comrade Liujiashan has the courage to shoulder heavy responsibilities. The spirit of solving problems for the government is very valuable. Isn't this solving a big problem for you?"

Zhou Peiming also said: "That's right. You can't see the valley in Liujia Mountain. It really flew out of the golden phoenix."

Long Tiejun nodded.Said: "Yucheng. The work in the area is still not detailed enough. Why didn't I think of asking experts to calculate the cost? The total investment is 270 million. Those two scammers didn't dare to ask for 200 million funds to invest in shares. The loss will be much smaller."

It has been found out that the 160 million cash obtained by Li Aiguo and Feng Jiao's fraud has been squandered by them for 10,000+, and it is difficult to recover.Although it is not unbearable for the Baozhou area, it is a huge sum of money after all, and Long Tiejun's heart aches when he thinks about it.

Yan Yucheng didn't argue, and said: "Yes, Secretary Long, this is a mistake in our work, and we will definitely learn from it."

"Comrade Yucheng, you may not be convinced when I criticize you so much. However, as a party member, especially a leading cadre, the executive deputy commissioner of the Administrative Office, you should always be vigilant. It is wrong not to find out the problem, or not to point it out when the problem is found, and it will lose the principled stand that a party member and cadre should have.”

Long Tiejun's tone became serious.

Yan Yucheng was taught humbly and nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, Secretary Long is right to criticize, I will definitely pay attention to it in the future."

"That's very good. In the future work, we must boldly grasp it."

"That's right, Comrade Yucheng, especially don't let this matter affect our process of land reform!"

Zhou Peiming was obsessed with "land reforming the city" and gave a warning.

"Don't worry, Secretary Zhou, we will do our best. Comrade Liu Jincai and his city have decided to expand the agricultural and sideline products market, add a freezing area, and plan to build ten large cold storages to increase the freezing storage capacity of the market. In addition, for the urban construction of Baozhou City, Comrade Liu Jincai also intends to invite experts from the province to conduct a unified plan, and strive to make a significant change in the urban appearance of Baozhou City within a year or two!"

Long Tiejun patted the table excitedly and stood up.

"It's right to do the job like this. Comrade Liu Jincai is indeed a practical talent..."

Zhou Peiming raised his eyebrows slightly, and then nodded in agreement.


Given that the facts of the case had been basically clarified, the provincial task force returned to Daning City a few days later.

At the beginning of March, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee of N Province issued an appointment and dismissal document.

In view of Comrade Xue Pingshan's negligence in the "Li Aiguo Fraud Case", it was decided to give him a serious warning within the party, remove him from the positions of deputy secretary of the Baozhou Prefectural Committee and commissioner of the administrative office, and be transferred to the deputy secretary-general of the Provincial Party Committee (departmental level) ).

Comrade Yan Yucheng, the former executive deputy commissioner of the Baozhou Regional Administrative Office, was appointed as the commissioner of the Baozhou Regional Administrative Office, and his position within the party remained unchanged.

Comrade Liu Jincai was appointed as the executive deputy commissioner of the Baozhou District Administrative Office, and the original positions of the Baozhou Prefectural Party Committee Member and Baozhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary will not be changed for the time being.

In the past 20 days, the "Li Aiguo Fraud Case" that has been discussed by everyone has caused an official shock in the Baozhou area.As for the appointment and removal of cadres of the Provincial Party Committee, it can be said that it was both expected and slightly unexpected.

First of all, although Xue Pingshan has been punished, his rank has not changed, and he is transferred from the commissioner of the regional administrative office to the deputy secretary-general of the provincial party committee, which is not considered relegation.It should be noted that the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee has always been concurrently held by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. The Deputy Secretary-General is usually in charge of one or several bureau-level agencies.

As a cadre who made mistakes, Xue Pingshan was able to get such a position of real power. It can be seen that the status of "former secretary of the provincial party committee" played a vital role.Given time, when the impact of this case gradually fades, it will not be difficult to make a comeback.

"There are people in the court who like to be officials", it has always been like this!

It is logical for Yan Yucheng to take over as the commissioner of the administrative office.When Long Tiejun was transferred, there was a lot of fighting around the commissioner of the administrative office. In the end, the three local "competitors" lost all three and were selected.After nearly a year of observation, the Provincial Party Committee has probably seen more and more clearly who is the most suitable to be the commissioner of this administrative office.

It is said that this time Yan Yucheng served as the commissioner, not only did Long Tiejun make great efforts, but even Zhou Peiming clearly expressed his support.As for why Secretary Zhou supported Yan Yucheng, it is unknown.Maybe Zhou Peiming thinks that Yan Yucheng is the most suitable candidate to complete the "big project" of "land reform" within his tenure?Or, Secretary Zhou saw that the provincial party committee had made up his mind, so he gave him a favor.

There are different opinions and no consensus.

Don't look at those "amateur organization ministers" analyzing the "history of appointment and dismissal" on weekdays

It seems to be very reasonable, but what can really be put into practice, can have

As for Liu Jincai's appointment as the executive deputy commissioner, it was beyond many people's expectations.Although the rank has not changed, it is still at the deputy bureau level, but there is no doubt that the gold content of the executive deputy commissioner is higher than that of the general prefectural committee members, as if he is the leader of the whole district.

The member of the prefectural committee and the secretary of the Baozhou Municipal Party Committee can only be regarded as the leader of the prefectural committee in name more often, and the main responsibility is still set as the secretary of the municipal party committee. [

In terms of Liu Jincai's means of grasping economic construction, serving as the executive deputy commissioner is also considered to be the best of his talents.But why do you want to hold on to the post of secretary of the Baozhou Municipal Party Committee?

Many people who think they are qualified to be the secretary of the Baozhou Municipal Party Committee are secretly dissatisfied and puzzled.

Naturally, this yamen does not belong to the category of "secret dissatisfaction", but it is also puzzled, and couldn't help but secretly asked Yan Yucheng a question after the celebration banquet.

Yan Yucheng said lightly: "You have to ask the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee about this!"

Immediately hated me so much that my teeth were itching, rolled my eyes, and "hummed" disdainfully: "I thought I didn't know, it was because of the land reform, Baozhou is the highlight, and I couldn't find a suitable candidate to take over for a while. That's all."

Yan Yucheng also hummed, and said, "You still ask after you know?"

If this is the case, it is estimated that Su Zhixin, the mayor of Baozhou City, is the most depressed person now.He was the most hopeful successor in sequence.

"Isn't Uncle Tang the right candidate?"

Still dissatisfied, I muttered again.

"I keep saying that I want to go into politics in the future, just this brain, hehe..."

Yan Yucheng curled his lips, shook his head, and lit a cigarette. His expression was really "too self-esteem hurt"!

Dad laughed and said, "Do you think that the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee is run by yourself, and that the Baozhou City Party Committee has appointed three consecutive secretaries from Xiangyang County, and comrades in other counties are still arguing?"

I still said angrily: "They have no ability, who can blame them?"

Yan Yucheng put on a look of "you know what a fart", and said: "Also, Liu Heqian has just arrived in Xiangyang County, and he is not qualified enough to take over as the secretary of the county party committee. Once Haitian leaves, what will happen to the work in Xiangyang County? If the economy of the city is to be developed, the economy of Xiangyang County should not be developed? Do you think that these things are not considered in the organization?"

This "organizational matter" really has a lot of twists and turns.It is rare for the two officials to explain to me patiently.Unexpectedly, the "stinky boy" didn't appreciate it, and gave two sanitary balls to the two officials and bosses, turned his hands behind his back, walked squarely, Shi Shi ran out of the study, and knocked on the door of Yan Fei's room. The commissioner's precious daughter went.

Hmph, if you "bully" me, I will "bully" your daughter, let's see who is afraid of whom!


Yan Yucheng was appointed as the new commissioner, and held the first commissioner's office meeting, and Deputy Commissioner Liu attended it for the first time.This pair of "oil and salt jars" from Xiangyang County (an old-fashioned ceramic product, two earthen jars connected together, with a handle in the middle, one end containing salt and the other end containing oil) was paired again in the Baozhou District Administrative Office.Fortunately, they are all in the government ranks, not the top leaders of the party and government, and it is at the critical juncture of the "land reform to the city", even if there is a small taboo, it is within the tolerance of the superiors.

When new officials took office, they had to give an "inaugural speech" as usual, and Yan Yucheng was no exception. He sat in the chair where Zhou Peiming and Xue Pingshan had once sat, and delivered a far-sighted speech.

He was originally a senior executive deputy commissioner, so words like "please take care of me for the first time" were avoided.

"Comrades, at present, the project of reforming cities in our region has entered a critical moment. The provincial party committee and the provincial government are very supportive of this, but our own strength is not enough. Therefore, for a period of time in the future, the focus of the administrative office's work is to speed up the transformation of the whole region. Economic development, vigorously increasing the proportion of industry and commerce in the economic field, of course, improving the appearance of the city, improving people's livelihood facilities, improving the living standards of the people, and changing the mental outlook of the general public are also very important tasks... Today's commissioner's office meeting, Please express your opinions, pool your wisdom and efforts, and hold a 'Zhuge Liang meeting'..."

Commissioner Yan smiled like a "fox", and used the old trick of "gathering the wisdom of the crowd".

"I have a few proposals here, which I want to submit to the commissioner's office meeting for discussion..."

After Yan Yucheng delivered his inauguration speech, his eyes swept around the faces of everyone present, and as soon as he fell on his father, he spoke without hesitation.Everyone was startled, this one is too straightforward, right?The new executive deputy commissioner didn't even have a polite word, and proposed a proposal as soon as he came up!

But it's normal to think about it. Liu Jincai's name as a hard-working leading cadre is well-known in the whole Baozhou area.Besides, he was a member of the prefectural committee before that, and his position in the party was higher than that of other deputy commissioners, so he did have the capital to be rude.

"Comrade Jincai, please speak!"

Yan Yucheng said with a smile.

Dad nodded and said: "At present, most of the medical and health systems in the whole region are outdated and backward. If you don't have one item, you won't pass!"

The deputy commissioners at the meeting communicated with each other out of the corner of their eyes, and all of them showed a strange look on their faces.

What, did you find trouble with Meng Yuhan as soon as you came up?Meng Yuhan has been squeezed into the health bureau to sit on the bench, and he still holds on to him like this?It seems that Liu Jincai and Yan Yucheng are also people who must take revenge.

"Then what is Comrade Jincai's opinion?"

Yan Yucheng was still smiling and remained calm.Looking at the posture, it is estimated that if Liu Jincai proposed to punish the leaders of the district health bureau, Yan Yucheng would probably nod in agreement.

Once the power is in hand, the order will be followed.

Can't stand the rapid promotion of others!

"I suggest increasing investment in the health system. First of all, we must improve the medical conditions of the people's hospitals in the region and the people's hospitals in counties and cities. The housing and other benefits of some old experts and doctors should also be improved and implemented as soon as possible. Therefore, The regional finance should allocate 150 million yuan to improve the local people's hospital, and the county and city finance should allocate at least 50 to 80 yuan to improve the people's hospital in the county and city. At the Baozhou Mayor's Office Meeting yesterday, Comrade Su Zhixin has implemented this For things, 80 yuan will be allocated, and it will be in place within ten days."

Haha, it turned out to be such a thing, I am afraid that my original guess was wrong.

"I agree with Commissioner Liu's opinion."

Deputy Commissioner Zou Baojin immediately raised his hand in support.He is in charge of the health system. It's no wonder that such a beautiful thing is not supported.

"It's a good thing, I agree."

Seeing that Yao Yumei, the director of the finance bureau who was present at the meeting, twitched her mouth, she seemed to have something to say, Yan Yucheng was so clever, and immediately jumped into the head, smiling and set the tone.

Yao Yumei opened her mouth, and then made another sound.

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