"Squeak", a brand new Santana parked in front of Qiaoqiao bakery

Ben Ya Nei was lying on an embroidered chair, sipping tea and eating beef sauce, while watching "General History of China".Although it is not an official religious textbook, it can also prepare for the college entrance examination.

The difficulty of today's college entrance examination is far from comparable to that in the early 80s. It seems that in my previous life, I took the college entrance examination in [-], and my grades were a mess.Although it is mainly English that is holding back, after all, other homework should not be taken lightly.I boasted in front of my mother that I would "suicide and apologize" if I failed to get into a key university, and then I thought of Yan Yucheng's "threat" to me a few days ago, it's better to work harder.

But this Santana still caught my attention.

It seems that in today's Baozhou area, the number of Santanas can be counted with just one finger - there is one under Uncle Wu's ass, that liar Li Aiguo's. [

There was also a small episode in the handling of that Santana.The original intention of the task force was to hand it over to the prefectural committee for handling, as the car used by the main leaders of the prefectural committee.Zhou Peiming gave it no without even thinking about it.These guys are really good. Fortunately, they figured it out. They actually want to use a liar's car for the leaders of the prefectural committee. I don't know if there is something wrong with their brains.

If Zhou Peiming, the secretary of the prefectural committee, wants to sit in Santana, can the regional finance be reduced by 20 yuan?

On this point, Peiming's mind is clear enough. Just after such a big fraud case broke out, Xue Pingshan was overthrown. Although Zhou Peiming was fine, he was also sued by the leaders of the provincial party committee in private.Didn't I deliberately find discomfort by changing the car in a hurry at this time?

In the end, this Santana was sold at a discounted price, and it was taken over by Tengfei Headquarters, the investor of the meat factory, which can be regarded as recovering some losses for the country.Su Jianzhong encouraged me to get one to sit on.

A gourd with a dull mouth, who can't fart a single fart on weekdays, is just a new car for others.

Smiling and shaking his head.

Don't love new cars.The time has not come.

Imagine that the leader of the prefectural committee is still sitting in a jeep.Deputy Commissioner Liu's son was the first to fix the Santana.Absolutely asking for trouble.I have to wait for this kind of boxy car to run around all over the street.This yamen is so good that it doesn't show the mountain and follow the big trend.

Since Uncle Wu has arrived in person.To be a nephew.How can I lie there carelessly with my legs crossed?Naturally, he had to get up and greet him quickly.What's more, I have something to discuss with Uncle Wu.It's just in time.

But get out of the car.But not Uncle Wu.But a middle-aged man in his forties.Square faces.The skin is slightly dark.Wearing a well-fitting black suit.A clean white shirt with a dark tie.Her hair was combed perfectly.full of energy.Quite majestic.It can be seen that it is also a role that often decides major events on weekdays.This temperament.It is difficult to pretend to come out.

Look at the ground coming down from the driver's seat.It turned out to be a beautiful young woman in Huaxin.About thirty people.Wearing the same decent cream yellow professional dress - that's right.It's a professional dress.The white-collar beauty dress that I have seen in my previous life when I was working in the coastal area.Dress up like this.It seems to be the first in the Baozhou area.

With just a glance, I have concluded that these two people are not from the Baozhou area.Another glance at Santana's license plate, as expected, it is actually from Jiangkou City.Coming from a special economic zone that is developing with each passing day, it is no wonder that it is dressed like this.

"Ajia, I didn't expect Baozhou to have such an exquisite bakery. Let's go in and have a seat!"

The man opened his mouth first, and his words were correct and round, with a Hong Kong accent, that is, the dialect of that area in Jiangkou City.Not only am I very familiar with this dialect, but I can also speak it quite fluently.

The young woman known as "Ajia" is extremely proud of her figure, she goes after Liang Shaolan, but she is not as beautiful as the sisters of Liang's family, she can only be regarded as the upper middle class. , looking daunting.

"Okay... To be honest, I'm really not used to the food here..."

Ajia nodded with a smile, her voice was sweet.But the Eguchi dialect is very unpleasant for a girl to speak.

In fact, the dialect in Baozhou area is relatively sharp, and it is not pleasant to girls.Maybe girls just need to speak Wu Nong's soft language to appear gentle and watery?

In the Qiaoqiao Bakery in Baozhou City, I separated a small dining room of about ten square meters and placed several small tables similar to "couple seats".A lot of effort has been put into the decoration.Although many decoration materials of later generations were not yet available on the market at that time, it was hard for people. [

The dining room is mainly green, with a sense of "luxuriant forests and bamboos". When you walk in, you will feel the spring, and you can smell the unique fragrance of the bakery in your nose, which is very refreshing.

"Ah, boss, it's really nice here..."

Ajia sighed, smiling like a flower.

"Boss, do you have a recipe?"

The two~| sat face to face, the man turned his head and asked, which surprised me, but it turned out that he was speaking in Baozhou dialect, although the accent was a bit out of place, not very pure, but he could still understand it.

Qiaoer looked at me, seeming to be strange too.

These two, at a glance, are not natives of Baozhou, but they can speak Baozhou dialect, which is really interesting.But since the guests have come to the door, I can't just ignore them.

"Sorry, guest, we only have bread and milk here, and we don't provide fried vegetables."

Liang Qiao smiled and stepped forward.

"Wow... What a beautiful girl..."

When Ajia saw Liang Qiao, who was bright and attractive, she immediately let out an exclamation.

Even the calm and heavy "boss" took a second look at Liang Qiao and nodded with a smile: "It's really rare to see such a pretty girl as a waiter..."

The conversation between the two of them naturally still used Jiangkou dialect.

To be honest, Liang Qiao doesn't take the initiative to greet customers on weekdays, it's the waiters who come forward.Xu Shi saw the extraordinary bearing of these two, so the "lady boss" went out in person.Although I couldn't understand what the two of them were talking about, I could vaguely guess that the other party was praising me for being beautiful, so I smiled lightly at the moment, which was regarded as a gift.

"Would you like some bread, please?"

"Okay, let's eat bread..." Ajia smiled and changed the Mandarin language: "In the past two days, the spicy food is so spicy that my stomach can't stand it."

"Then please come and see what kind of bread you want to eat."

Liang Qiao also changed the Mandarin.

This is the credit of this yamen.Considering that he will always go out of Baozhou in the future, it is inconvenient to always speak the dialect of Xiangyang County.On weekdays, when she had nothing to do, she would hold her down to teach Pinyin. After a few years, even though Qiaoer only had a primary school background, she knew a lot of characters, and she could speak Mandarin with a correct accent and a pleasant sound.

Regardless of this, the process of teaching alone is too memorable.Think about it, Qiaoer with bright eyes and bright teeth, looking at me seriously, correcting the pronunciation and mouth shape word by word, what kind of pleasure is that?Occasionally, the method is wrong, and I am so anxious that I sweat profusely.

, how soul-stirring is that?

Facing such "evil" students every day, I was alone in a room, and after several years of teaching, my yamen actually only kissed Fangze a little bit, and never did "beast things" seriously. Even I admired my strength of determination. [

"Okay, let me see... Well, there are quite a few varieties..."

Ajia walked to the shelf, admiringly, ordered two or three items, paired with two bottles of milk, and brought them over to share with the "boss".

"Boss, this time you return to your hometown to invest, have you thought about the project?"

Ajia asked while eating.

Back home to invest?

My heart is full again, dare to feel sorry for this boss, his hometown is actually in Baozhou area?However, Jiangkou City has just started to develop, and it seems that it has not yet cultivated many big bosses, but it is unknown when this boss went to Jiangkou City to make a fortune.

Could it be another Li Aiguo?

That chubby liar just turned upside down in the Baozhou area, and everyone still has lingering fears.It is a reincarnated person like this yamen, when he hears the Jiangkou accent and the big boss invests, the first reaction is "Li Aiguo", and others, let alone ask.

"Hehe, I can't make up my mind on this. In fact, whether to invest or not, let's put it aside. This time I mainly go home to take a look... It's been more than [-] years, and my hometown is still the same, not much has changed... "

As the boss spoke, he shook his head, as if feeling a little touched.

In the seven years since the reform and opening up, the Baozhou area is located in a remote area. Because of the intervention of me, a traveler, Xiangyang County has developed relatively rapidly. The other six counties and one city are still relatively slow, especially in the vast rural areas. If the boss's hometown is in the countryside, it's not a reason to be so emotional.

Seeing Li Cun, I just watched with cold eyes and never came forward to say hello.

Let's see.

"Inland, the speed is a bit slow. Look at Jiangkou City, it has been changing day by day in the past year, and the changes are changing with each passing day. Didn't I hear from relatives in my hometown yesterday that the commissioner in Baozhou area is a very good cadre, be patient, and he will Get better."

Ajia smiled and comforted.

This is actually a fact. I received a call from Heizi yesterday, saying that the decoration of the Qiushui Hotel in Jiangkou City has entered the finishing stage. It was originally scheduled to open in May this year. There should be no problem. I want to fix a date for the grand opening so that they can prepare.The construction started in August last year. In just nine months, a high-end hotel with an area of ​​[-] mu has been built from scratch. It can be opened at such a speed. judge.

"Well... I will visit the city officials first to see what kind of investment they need, and then we can decide how to do it. However, the middle school in Jinyan Township has been dilapidated, and I plan to renovate the school first. For a while, it can be regarded as benefiting Sangzi. The investment will not be too large..."

The two chatted while eating, naturally speaking in Eguchi dialect.

I was secretly surprised, looking at this situation, it was really a "returned overseas Chinese".They never imagined that in this bakery, there was another person who could understand Eguchi dialect, and of course he didn't just pretend to speak it to me.

After a while, the two finished eating, and Ajia got up to pay the bill, and asked with a smile, "Sir, how can I get to the city hall?"

"It's not far ahead, turn a corner and you'll be there a few hundred meters away."

I pointed with a smile.

"Thank you! The bread made in your store is delicious!"

Ajia thanked politely.

Immediately, my affection for Ajia increased a lot, and I asked, "Are you two going to visit the city officials?"

"Yes, I heard that the mayor's surname is Su, right?"

This time it was "Boss", but in Mandarin.As far as he is concerned, the hometown dialect may have been abandoned for too long, and he needs to make some mental changes before he can speak it. It is better to speak Mandarin.It's just that his Mandarin, with a strong Jiangkou accent, is far inferior to Ajia's level.

"Yes, it's called Su Zhixin. I don't know how valuable it is for the two of you to visit Mayor Su."

Seeing that I spoke decently, the boss was slightly surprised, and said with a smile: "We are from Hong Kong, my surname is Jin, and my hometown is Jinyan Township, Baozhou City. Mr. Chang, let's see if there is anything we can do for our hometown... May I ask your little brother's name?"

"Mr. Jin, you are being polite. My surname is Liu, and my name is Liu Jun. The willow of the willow tree, the handsome Jun..."

Claiming to be handsome and shameless, the cultivation base of this yamen is getting higher and higher.

"Mr. Liu is indeed young and handsome, he is worthy of his name, haha..."

Jin laughed and gave a high hat as a gift.It seems that praising others has become the nature of businessmen.

"Boss Jin's heart is for his homeland, and it really is a childish feeling..."

Since people present a high hat, it is not indecent to come and go. I have been taught since I was a child, and worshiped under Mr. Zhou. I am a saint's disciple, so naturally I have to return a high hat.

Seeing my eloquence and quick response, Mr. Jin was even more surprised, and said with a smile: "I don't want to meet a young talent like Mr. Liu here. I am really lucky. I will not accompany you for the time being. We will meet again someday."

I nodded with a smile, and walked to the door.

I originally intended to take the two of them to visit my father, but after thinking about it, I decided to forget it.After all, we don't know the bottom line, and we have learned from Li Aiguo, so we should be more careful.Let Su Zhixin~~ talk about it first.

As for Su Zhixin's place, it is inconvenient for me to lead them there.Baozhou's political structure is the same as that of most counties and cities in the country. The first and second leaders are at odds with each other. Dad is one of the coaches of the Yanliu Clan, but Su Zhixin is Zhou Peiming's general.However, my father is also a member of the prefectural committee and an executive deputy commissioner, so he overwhelms Su Zhixin in terms of his position, and he respectfully cooperates with the city government in his daily work.

Secretary Liu's son personally brought two Hong Kong businessmen of unknown origin to visit Mayor Su, which is not an ordinary taboo.

"Xiaojun, these two people are really from Hong Kong?"

After Santana drove away, Qiaoer asked curiously.

I smiled and said, "It should be."

"Yeah, it won't be..."

Qiaoer is kind-hearted, and the word "liar" is not easy to say.It seems that Li Aiguo has a lot of poison.

I was secretly surprised, I had this mentality at the beginning, now that Qiaoer said this again, how could Su Zhixin have this suspicion?If this is the case, it will dampen people's hearts and affect them very badly.Liars are certainly hateful, but if they waste food because of choking and affect the general environment for attracting investment in the region, it is even more worth the candle.

When I think of this, I feel a little anxious.

"Qiaoer, I'll go to the city to have a look."

"Then, are you coming for lunch?"

Qiaoer followed up and asked.

"You do it first, let's see what happens."

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