Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 230 Autumn Water Hotel

Not long after Fuchang and Ajia returned to Jiangkou City, I also went to Jiangkou City.

Autumn Hotel is scheduled to open on May 28th, and now it has entered the countdown stage. Although this yamen is young and rich, he has never reached the highest level of "treating money like dung".I have high hopes for this bridgehead to enter the special economic zone for the first time.If you don't take a look, you will feel uneasy.

At that time, neither the national domestic trade department nor the tourism department had issued a hotel rating system, so no one knew exactly how many stars the Qiushui Hotel could get.I also asked Jin Fuchang, and I learned that hotels in Hong Kong have never had any star ratings.It seems that this stuff is not fashionable all over the world, but it is estimated that it will be soon.

The standard of Qiushui Hotel was designed and decorated according to the highest standard of Jiangkou City at that time.When I came to Jiangkou City last time, I personally took the lead, leading Heizi, Pang Dahai, Xiaoqing and a few designers, to visit all the high-end hotels in Jiangkou City, including layout design, interior decoration, service standards, guest rooms, etc. Standards, amenities, and more, have all been thoroughly "reconnaissed."The designer changed the draft three times before finalizing it.

In terms of design, I pre-planned a huge arena and underground parking lot.In Jiangkou City at that time, the former did not exist at all, and the latter was also very rare.After all, the car was a very luxurious and distant concept at the time. [

My request is not to fall behind within five years.

Everyone is very puzzled by my request.Only five years?The requirements are too low!We are now designing according to Eguchi No. [-].

Naturally, it is impossible for any of them to know how fast Jiangkou City will develop in the future.On a five-year basis, I'm super confident.But that's okay, even after five years, the Qiushui Hotel has been reduced to the level of a "food stall", and the land it occupies has already exceeded the current cost by many times.

Knowing that I'm coming, Miss Xiaoqing was very happy.Since we parted last year, we only met once during the Spring Festival. On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, she set off for the south.As for Pang Haihai, he hasn't been home for nine months.This kid didn't have a serious girlfriend anyway, so he found a foreign girl in Jiangkou City, and he didn't know if it was official or temporary.He himself didn't take it seriously, and neither did everyone.

It is estimated that it is the idea of ​​being a companion.

The main building of the Autumn Hotel has a total of nine floors.But the footing is fifteen floors lower.Prepare to add layers later.The main building has been basically renovated.The podium decoration and other auxiliary facilities have also entered the finishing stage.Chefs and waiters have been recruited in place.Several hired managers are conducting intensive training for employees.

Qing even has packed up one of the most luxurious suites for me.Seeing Dong Yan (Heizi's official identity is the chairman of Qiushui Hotel), Lin Zong (Pang Dahai's official identity is executive director. General manager), Liu Zong (Xiaoqing's official identity is executive director and chief financial officer) three people Excited and nervous again.It's like facing a big enemy.From top to bottom, the employees of the hotel were discussing in private.I don't know how important the upcoming person is.Looks like some time ago.The head of the Snake District came to inspect the hotel in person.The three bosses have never been so nervous.

In the eyes of Heizi and the others.I'm here this time.It is the status of "in-laws".Several of them are "ugly daughter-in-laws" who are about to meet their parents-in-law.Earn praise or be criticized.No one knows what to do.

Sister Qing personally drove to the airport to pick me up.

Since last September, the two back and forth train trips have made me feel sick.I made up my mind.Come to Jiangkou City again.Only fly.Although you have to go to Daning by plane.A few hours of bumping is better than twenty hours of chatting.certainly.Wait until the highway is repaired.A car is also a good option.

I have been in Jiangkou City for nine months.Miss Xiaoqing has even passed the driver's license test.

The hotel is equipped with five cars, two Santanas, one minivan, and two medium-sized vans.One of them is used by Guizi Santana and Pang Dahai, and the other is dedicated to Miss Xiaoqing.After all, she is a nominal investor, and a considerable part of my property has been handed over to her.

Shouldn't I give complete trust to a woman who can block a knife for me without even thinking about it?

At that time, the global industrialization process had not yet entered a period of rapid development, and global warming was not as obvious as in later generations. In Baozhou in May, I could occasionally wear long-sleeved clothes. However, the latitude of Jiangkou City is far lower than that of Baozhou City. In April, After that, it's basically summer.Miss Xiaoqing, who is wearing a Qiu Wengui purple dress, is standing pretty at the airport pick-up gate, her crescent eyebrows are swept away, her breasts are towering, her delicate face is blushing, her excitement is mixed with a little bit of shyness, she has the charming appearance of a young girl in Huai Chun , causing many men in the surrounding area to pick up the airport with "color eyes" flying around.

Sister Qing was so impatient that she arrived at the airport an hour early.Fortunately, the plane arrived on time, otherwise I guess the little feet of Miss Xiaoqing, who was wearing the same rose-colored crystal high-heeled sandals, would be swollen.

In view of the fact that there were no menswear brands in China at that time, and world-renowned menswear brands had not entered the mainland on a large scale. Although the office was very particular about grooming, there were not many choices in clothing.Fortunately, in early summer, a white shirt was enough.

"Xiaojun, here..."

When she saw me, Miss Xiaoqing excitedly raised her snowy lotus-like arm and shook it again and again.

In fact, she didn't have to wave at all, Ben Ya Nei turned the corner and saw her at the first sight.As you know, I pay special attention to beautiful women (and my immunity is low). How can I turn a blind eye to such a young and beautiful girl in purple, a typical urban beauty? [

I smiled and walked over and gave her a hug with open arms.

Sister Qing blushed suddenly, her heart beating wildly.

This... this is the first time I hug her.

Naturally, Miss Xiaoqing stretched out her hands to wrap around my waist, and leaned her head gently on my shoulder.Miss Xiaoqing belongs to the kind of petite and plump girl. She is only a little over 1.6 meters tall, but I have grown into a standard big man, over 1.7 meters tall. I guess there is still some room. Close to 1.8 meters ten, weighing more than 160 catties.Naturally, my weight has not yet reached this level, and I basically belong to the "handsome and tall and straight" type, ha ha.

After I hugged her lightly, I let go of my hands. In the public, Miss Xiaoqing naturally had to maintain a certain "ladylike demeanor".Even though it was in Jiangkou City, the bridgehead of reform and opening up, the social atmosphere at that time was not so open that people would turn a blind eye to public kisses.

"Ah, Xiaojun, you... why are you wearing glasses?"

Sister Qing was too excited just now, and only then did she notice that I had a pair of glasses on my straight nose, the kind of big black-rimmed glasses that are frighteningly old.

"Is it because you study too hard and your eyes are short-sighted?"

Sister Qing asked with concern.

I smiled and said, "It's okay. Let's go."

Wearing this pair of glasses is not myopia,

, It's pretending to be garlic!

Even though I have already told Heizi and the others not to reveal my identity to anyone and treat me as a distant cousin of Xiaoqing's family, I still have to pretend to be older.Otherwise, others will be fine. The two vice presidents who were hired with a lot of money are both industry elites and powerful characters in their early thirties.Even if people from other places can not see each other, these two people must meet each other.If they find out that Ben Ya Nei is just a 16-year-old boy, they don't know how to slander Yan Dong in their hearts.

I guess they are quite convinced of Heizi, after all, that tiger spirit can restrain people, but they may not be convinced of Mr. Lin and Mr. Liu.Fortunately, the division of labor I gave them is also very clear. Heizi is in charge, and Pang Dahai is mainly responsible for making friends at the government level. This person can speak well and smiles when he meets everyone.Although he has the title of general manager, he generally doesn't care about the specific internal affairs of the hotel.Miss Xiaoqing only cares about money, and I told her to watch and learn more about the daily management of the hotel, and not to interrupt casually.

The time has not come.

This job of managing a business empire requires a learning process if you want to be familiar with it.

Sister Qing stretched out her hand to unscrew the bag for me.In the bag is a change of clothes.In fact, this is all superfluous. In such a huge Jiangkou City, how can we not buy clothes.Just going out, I always feel that empty-handed is not a problem, I don't feel like going out.

I was also angry, and smiled and handed the bag to her.

Doing this can be regarded as gradually establishing a system of dignity, not to mention superiority and inferiority, this distinction between primary and secondary is always necessary.

Sister Qing cuddled close to me, looking like a happy bird.

As soon as I arrived at the parking lot, I saw several advertising light boxes with big words "Warmly celebrate the grand opening of Qiushui Hotel on May 28", and the advertisements were bilingual in Chinese and English.I smiled slightly, this advertisement is well done, quite in place.

When I got in the car, seeing her start the car skillfully, I smiled and praised: "Xiaoqing, you are getting more and more capable." [

Sister Qing glanced at me, pursed her lips and smiled softly, charming and charming.Seeing her white and tender arms like lotus roots and the same white and tender calves exposed under the purple skirt, Ben Yanei couldn't help feeling a little distracted.

Well, it seems that this trip to Jiangkou is a great test for my concentration.

It took a full forty minutes for the car to drive from Jiangkou Airport to Qiushui Hotel in Sheshan District.

Hundreds of meters away, the huge "Qiu Shui Hotel" neon sign has come into view.These five words were written by my father.Dad practiced calligraphy since he was a child, focusing on facial features, and also studied Zhao Meng. The thick and thick fonts reveal aura.For my son's hotel, please ask me to write a signboard, of course.

Before reaching the hall, he saw Heizi and Pang Dahai waiting there.I haven't seen him for a few months, and Heizi is still the same, with his back straight, his hands behind his back, a black shirt, black trousers and black leather shoes, and a black face. His whole body is full of evil spirits.

Such a chairman, even if he doesn't understand hotel management, few people would dare to make trouble.

On the other hand, Chubby Dahai, his body is becoming rounder and rounder, he looks a bit like "Hong Kong businessman" Li Aiguo, smiling, he looks like Maitreya Buddha.This is not bad, it seems that many "good businessmen" who look like ghosts are like this.

Hey, these two guys, didn't they agree not to engage in such a big fight?When I came here this time, I just "entered the village quietly, and don't shoot guns".After such a whole process, who in the hotel doesn't know that I have a great background, so how can I make an unannounced visit?

Well, it's all done like this, so if you can't make an unannounced visit, just check it out.

"Young Master Jun, here we come!"

As soon as the car stopped, Pang Dahai stepped forward quickly, opened the door, raised his hand to cover the edge of the door, in case I bumped my head, and greeted with a smile on his face.

This kid has been in Jiangkou City for nine months, so he has a "bourgeois sentiment"?It was unexpected.

"You can do it, Mr. Lin, is it because the food in our hotel is so good that it almost eats you like a ball."

I smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

Pang Dahai laughed so hard that he almost lost his eyes: "Shao Jun, don't tell me, the food is really good, and the chef's craftsmanship is beyond words. Didn't you see that Mr. Liu is getting more and more round and beautiful, so beautiful ?”

"Fatty man, pull on me again!"

Sister Qing was angry, but with a smile on her face, she stood beside me pretty and gracefully, with the demeanor of a "lady from a famous family".

Heizi stepped forward to hug me, then took a step back, looked him up and down, and said with a smile, "It's getting stronger and stronger."

Dare the hug just now to test my physique?I said so hard!

"How about it, Heizi, is he qualified to challenge you?"

I said with a smile.

Heizi smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Hehe, this person has become the chairman of the first-class hotel in Jiangkou City, and he still cherishes his words like gold.

"Go to your office first or go to the suite to rest for a while?"

Sister Qing asked.

I was surprised for a while: "I still have an office?"

Pang Dahai laughed and said: "How do you say that, you are the big boss, and if anyone loses, you can't lose yours!"

I waved my hand resolutely and said, "No need, what will people think of leaving this office? I said not to be too ostentatious."

It is estimated that the central government's document prohibiting the spouses of leading cadres' children from doing business will be distributed to all parts of the country in the near future. This is a minefield and must not be touched.At least the document cannot be touched for a while after it is released.

There is a habit in China. When a new policy is implemented, it is always necessary to catch a few typical models to show off their prestige, but don't catch this yamen to be taken advantage of.It seems that although the yamen is engaged in business, it has never engaged in the act of "buying and selling empty gloves and white wolves".If it weren't for the "Ya Nei" sign above his head, it would be a positive example of getting rich through labor.

Pang Dahai wanted to say more, but Heizi had already nodded his head: "Young Master Jun can do whatever he wants."

Regarding this point, Miss Xiaoqing naturally had no doubts.

"Then, go to your suite. The living room can be used as a temporary office, and it's quite spacious."

I nodded, but I really want to see what the specifications of the luxury suites in the new hotel are.At present, Mr. Lin was leading the way, and Mr. Yan and Mr. Liu followed behind me, walked through the resplendent hall, and walked towards the elevator.

All the waiters who were doing cleaning in the lobby stopped their work and respectfully paid attention to the top management of the hotel. Naturally, Liu Ya Nei, which was in the most central position, became the focus of everyone's attention.

I nodded secretly in my heart.

The personnel were trained well, and the two guys invited really had two brushes!

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