Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 234 Called by the Governor

On the 28th, the Grand Opening of the Qiushui Hotel, Pang Dahai had a wide circle of friends, and invited many leaders from the Jiangkou City Government and the Sheshan District Government to cut the ribbon, and even the deputy mayor of Jiangkou City also invited one.This is a great face.According to Jin Fuchang, he was the one who opened the Fuchang Hotel at the beginning, and he never invited the deputy mayor to cut the ribbon.

Among the officials who came to cut the ribbon, there was Liu Heqian, the magistrate of Xiangyang County.It was a coincidence that Liu Heqian was leading an investigation team from the Xiangyang County Government to Jiangkou City for investigation, and it happened to coincide with the meeting.When Pang Dahai heard the news, he naturally tried his best to invite him. After all, he is the parent official in his hometown.

Liu Heqian came here, in addition to investigating the urban construction and industrial zone construction of Jiangkou City, he also had a task to set up the "Xiangyang County People's Government Office in Jiangkou City".Nowadays, the light industry manufacturing industry in Xiangyang County is becoming more and more developed, and hundreds of large and small factories have emerged. Building an office in Jiangkou City has become a top priority.We should use Jiangkou City, the "bridgehead" of reform and opening up, as a springboard to introduce a large amount of capital, technology and talents, and at the same time, vigorously spread the products of Xiangyang County to the whole country and even the world.The meaning is extraordinary.

Before coming to Jiangkou City, Liu Heqian and his party never expected that several young people from Xiangyang County would actually set up such a huge hotel in Jiangkou City. The cadres of the investigation team were all surprised and delighted.While drinking, County Magistrate Liu made a decision on the spot and set up the office in Qiushui Hotel.

Yan Haijun, chairman of Qiushui Dajiu, also made a final decision to give the Jiangkou City Office of Xiangyang County the most favorable conditions, only seeking to preserve capital and never make a profit.Liu Heqian was even more happy when he heard the words. [

In fact, Heizi seemed to be thinking about it, and he gave the office rent and other discounts, so that he could make money without losing money.All customers of the office, regardless of whether they are from the mainland or other places, must spend at Qiushui Hotel.This is a very stable and very considerable source of customers.

Happy to everyone!

It is a little regrettable that this yamanai did not participate in this joyful opening ceremony.

On May 23, the Party Central Committee and the State Council officially issued the "Decision on Prohibiting the Children and Spouses of Leading Cadres from Doing Business." On the 25th, the office packed up and quietly left Jiangkou and returned to Baozhou City.


After the formal proposal of the public-private partnership to invest in the construction of "People's Park" and the development of the two surrounding characteristic commercial streets.It caused an uproar in the Baozhou area.

Because it is a government secret.This bill is still in the conceptual stage.It's already been rumored.

Build a park.That's certainly a good thing.It not only mentions the city's taste.It also enriches public entertainment.No matter how you look at it.Some people who have seen the world in old prefecture-level cities such as Daning City and Hongyang City.After coming back.Talking about how to show off to people is how fun their park is.To the envy of the listeners.I can't help complaining that the local bosses in Baozhou have no vision and no skills.

It is all funded by the government.No problem at all.Except for Yao Yumei, the director of the Finance Bureau, who is frowning.Everyone else is in favor.

But Commissioner Yan wants to engage in a "public-private partnership."

Worth mentioning.A public-private partnership is a public-private partnership.As long as people are willing to pay.The government is also happy to pick up a bargain.One is the big boss of the capitalists in Hong Kong.Contribute to your hometown.It can be regarded as washing away the haze left by liar Li Aiguo in the Baozhou area.The other is the richest village in the province.They all set up "universities".Also built a water entertainment park to the doorstep.Families use refrigerators, color TVs, and washing machines.The so-called "upstairs and downstairs lamps and telephones" are outdated in Liujiashan.Such a rich village.Make a contribution to the people of the whole region.It is also a matter of course.It can't be all good things are his Liu family mountain, right?

What really caused an uproar was the last paragraph of the proposal: Jiangkou City Yichang Real Estate Company and N Province Tengfei Industrial Development Corporation will jointly develop two characteristic commercial streets around People's Park.

When the bill was still in its first draft, Yan Yucheng brought it up for discussion at the office meeting, and several other deputy commissioners had different views and put forward their opinions one after another.

Although Yan Yu is the heir of Long Tiejun, when his temper explodes, he rages like thunder, which makes people tremble.

But in ordinary times, it is very democratic, quite tolerant, and can accept different opinions.

The deputy commissioners have not been working with Yan Yucheng for a day or two. Everyone knows his habits, so they don't have much scruples and speak freely.

"Commissioner Yan, I'm afraid this is inappropriate... The key is that there is no such method in other regions!"

Zou Baojin, deputy commissioner in charge of the urban construction and health system, first expressed his attitude.

This is a relatively safe approach. [

"Yes, Commissioner Yan, this involves the use of land resources, as well as the relationship between contracted developers and the government. We have to expropriate the land first. What if the province does not approve it? Is this park to be built or not? ? If built, where will the money come from?"

Deputy Commissioner Lei Weiguo asked several questions.

What he meant was that the province would definitely approve the construction of a park, but he was worried that the province would not approve the development of two entire streets if privately contracted.

"Commissioner Lei is right. Leaving aside whether the province approves or not, after the development and construction of these two streets, should the pavements and houses be sold or rented? Selling involves the issue of land transfer. Renting, the rent price Who decides? Is it entirely up to the developer to decide?"

Another deputy commissioner, Jiang Kaige, followed up.

For a while, there were endless "questions" in the conference room.

Yan Yucheng and his father listened patiently, taking a sip from the teacup from time to time, smiling without being annoyed.

Seeing the appearance of the first and second leaders, the deputy commissioners talked for a while, and then shut up.Usually, Yan Yucheng's posture like this proves that he has made up his mind and it is useless to say anything.

"What the comrades said is very reasonable. These issues really need to be carefully considered and taken seriously..." Seeing that everyone was silent, Yan Yucheng said with a smile: "...Comrade Jincai, you are the executive deputy commissioner , and the secretary of the Baozhou Municipal Party Committee, this park is built on your site, why don't you talk?"

Dad stared at the notebook. The main content of the opinions made by the deputy commissioners just now is here. When Yan Yucheng asked, he pondered for a while and said, "I think this matter should be looked at separately. The park must be It’s been built, and since we’ve applied for a land-to-city change, we don’t have a single park, so it’s really unreasonable. The province will definitely approve it, as long as we have the money.”

Everyone nodded.

"Well, the next question is another question. Since the park must be built, where will the money come from?"

Everyone looked at Yao Yumei, the director of the Finance Bureau who was present at the meeting.

Director Yao's pretty face suddenly turned into a bitter gourd, and he sighed again and again: "Leaders, don't use

look at me.I'm going to stop and rob now..."

The leader smiled knowingly again.

Thanks to Yao Yumei, she was able to make such a joke.This woman is not simple!But no matter how simple it is, you can't change money out of thin air.Who doesn't have a clue about the details of the regional finances?

"Okay, if there is no money in the finance department, then we have to find another way. If you don't use private funds, can everyone give you a better idea?"

All the participants, including the attendees and recorders, shut their mouths tightly, for fear that if they accidentally coughed or farted loudly, it would be terrible.

"As for the issue of land use restrictions, I don't think it needs to be considered. Of course, the ownership belongs to the state, and the right to use can be handled in accordance with relevant policies and laws, and sales and transfers are allowed."

Dad was neither slow nor ill, and his tone was calm, but the words he said were hard, making everyone's heads buzzing.

Haha, this Liu Jincai is better than Yan Yucheng!Yan Yucheng wanted to ask for an opinion, but he had already made all the preparations. [

"Next, on the price issue, what do government departments do to eat land? There is no need to discuss this!"

Dad ended his speech abruptly.It seems that this hard-working leading cadre is just awesome and doesn't want to talk nonsense with you at all.

"What else do you think?"

Yan Yucheng asked again with a smile.

Only ghosts have opinions!

Who doesn't know that you and Liu Jin are only wearing a pair of pants, and you are pretending to be acting here!

Well, anyway, the house is run by the two of you, and if something goes wrong, it will be the two of you who will take care of it, as long as we do our best!

It was then unanimously approved by the commissioner's office.


"Yucheng, is this appropriate?"

At the secretary's office meeting, Zhou Peiming frowned again.

Originally, the matter of economic construction was finalized at the commissioner's office meeting, and Zhou Peiming did not interfere too much.And I don't know if it's because he's getting older or has some physical problems, Zhou Peiming's energy is not as good as before.

Let Yan Yucheng do many things.However, it involved the development and use of thousands of acres of land, as well as the injection of foreign capital and township enterprises. Yan Yucheng took this proposal to the secretary's office meeting for discussion to be prudent.

"Secretary Zhou, when you say that the land is suitable, which aspect are you mainly referring to?"

Yan Yucheng asked politely.

Before that, Yan Yucheng had a bad impression of Zhou Peiming because of his dirty relationship with Wang Benqing.But now it seems that Zhou Peiming is not the kind of leading cadre with no principles.Especially since he became a commissioner, Zhou Peiming has expressed full support, including appointing Xiao Zhixiong as the deputy director of the regional finance bureau and the leader of the "leading group for fund-raising projects". Zhou Peiming also readily agreed.Therefore, Yan Yucheng maintained considerable respect for Zhou Peiming.

"There seems to be no precedent for this matter in other parts of the province."

Zhou Peiming's meaning is the same as Zou Baojin's, and he is afraid of being "the first bird".

"Secretary Zhou, I think since the reform and opening up, you should be more courageous and dare to be the first in the world."

Zhou Peiming smiled faintly: "It's good for young comrades to be energetic and enterprising, but when it comes to major issues of principle, it's better to be cautious."

"Secretary Zhou is right. So the administrative office is going to submit this plan to the provincial government for approval."

Zhou Peiming frowned slightly.

Yan Yucheng's words were not euphemistic enough.If you don't bring it to the secretary's office meeting to discuss it, but directly submit it to the provincial government for instructions, Zhou Peiming will not say anything if he knows it.But now that you are at the secretary's office meeting and you report to the provincial government without discussing the outcome, where will Zhou Peiming, the prefectural party secretary, be placed?Doesn't it mean that it doesn't matter if you agree or not?

Really unreasonable!

"Since this is the case, why did Comrade Yucheng bring this matter to the secretary's office meeting for discussion?"

Liu Wenju seized on Yan Yucheng's weakness, and immediately made a stern sentence.

In fact, as soon as Yan Yucheng said it, he regretted it.He originally had good intentions, but since you, Secretary Zhou, are afraid of taking responsibility, then let me, Yan Yucheng, be the one to do it.Unexpectedly, I wanted to speak quickly, and I didn't think well.

But regarding Liu Wenju, Yan Yucheng didn't want to look at him directly, and immediately asked, "What is Comrade Wenju's opinion on this matter?"

Liu Wenju said coldly: "Even if private funds are to be allowed to participate, public bidding should be made. Didn't the Regional Finance Bureau set up a 'leading group for fund-raising projects'? You can ask them to operate it."

What Liu Wenju meant was to directly denounce that there was a "shady scene" in it.

Regardless of whether that Hong Kong businessman Jin Fuchang has anything to do with Yan Liu, it seems that "N Province Tengfei Industrial Development Corporation" is Liu Jincai's fifth brother who is in charge!In the name of introducing foreign capital and private capital, you are practicing "collusion between government and businessmen" in an attempt to monopolize huge profits.

Yan Yucheng was startled, but not angry.

Liu Wenju's reminder is not unreasonable.Really didn't think of this before.

Kang Rui said: "Comrade Yucheng, I think what Comrade Wen Ju said is very reasonable. This matter should indeed be carefully considered."

Yan Yucheng pondered for a while, and then said: "Secretary Zhou, how about this, the regional investment promotion office will come forward to plan this matter in a unified way, openly raise funds from the public, and then determine the shares and benefits due to the developer according to the proportion of investment ,what do you think?"

"I think it's okay. Your administrative office will come up with a detailed plan. You don't need to submit specific project construction issues to the secretary's office meeting for discussion. Just submit it to the provincial government for approval."

Zhou Peiming nodded, looking even more tired.

I want to see the land reform pass smoothly, but I don't want to take risks. It really is a good way!


Yan Yucheng acted resolutely, and really made a plan, and directly reported it to the provincial government in the name of the administrative office.Then there was news from Mr. Zhou that the provincial government also had differences on this matter, but Governor Liao Qingkai was inclined to support it.

Soon after, Liao Qing called Yan Yucheng and went to the province to report face-to-face.

Yan Yucheng brought the design drawings and the revised complete plan, went to the province overnight, and met with Liao Qingkai early the next morning, and stated in detail the ideas and reasons for the Baozhou area.

"Very good, Comrade Yan Yucheng, I think you can give this a try. There is always a first time in everything. Don't be afraid of detours, and have the courage to explore new methods to revitalize the economy of Baozhou as soon as possible."

Liao Qingkai listened carefully to Yan Yucheng's report and made a final decision!

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