Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 31 Home Delivery

Liao Qingkai's words encouraged Yan Yucheng even more than his father.

Dad has not been a technical cadre to an administrative cadre for a long time, and he still retains the good habit of reading books.Yan Yu's achievements are different. Although his education is higher than that of his father, he has been a grassroots leader for many years and has long since lost this hobby to Java.He is used to being in power, and after this suspension for reflection, he suddenly became obsessed with everything, and he was almost insane.

But I never thought that he would come up with such an idea—go fishing in the cold!

Seeing Yan Yucheng sitting quietly by the edge of the reservoir with a fishing rod in his hand, wearing a coir raincoat over his military overcoat, and a bamboo hat on his head, I almost fell down.

After hearing what I conveyed to Liao Qingkai, my father's first reaction was to find Yan Yucheng. [

If Dad and Yan Yucheng were more or less separated from each other before, then since the publication of "On Seeking Truth from Facts", there has been no obstacle and they have become one.

I don't know if such a close relationship will have any adverse effects on their future careers.I don't have much personal experience with officialdom, and I only learned a little bit about it through novels and TV.It seems to say that there are no eternal enemies or eternal friends in officialdom, only eternal interests.But I really hope that they can break this rule.

In this lifetime, no matter what you do, even if you are the most noble and rich in the world, if you don't have friends, you can't really talk about happiness.

Yan Yucheng understands the overall situation and is extremely responsible. Being friends with such a person should be at ease.

"Uncle Yan, do you know how to fish?"

I couldn't help but screamed.

Yan Yucheng turned his head and smiled slightly: "I don't understand, do you understand again?"

Dad walked in front of me, but he didn't seem to see it.

With the relationship between the two of them, there is really no need for any politeness.

I looked into the small bucket next to him, and as expected, half of the bucket was clean, not to mention fish, not even a shrimp.


I sighed like a little adult.

"The temperature is too high or too low, and the fish will not eat. It is very cold and hot, so it is better to be still and not move. This kind of weather is really not a good day for fishing."

"Who said I was fishing? I was fishing for snow!"

Hehe, "I'm alone in a boat and hat, fishing for snow in the cold river alone." It's really unexpected that Director Yan has such a sense of elegance.

I naturally said: "Uncle is too stubborn, fishing can quite relieve impetuousness. In the officialdom, sometimes you really can't be in a hurry."

I regret it after I finish.

Although they no longer regard me as an ordinary boy, these few words are too old-fashioned.Even a veteran who has been immersed in officialdom for decades may not be able to understand it.

"you you you……"[

Yan Yucheng pointed at me with an expression as if he had seen a ghost.A sneak peek at Dad wasn't much better.

Fortunately, after experiencing it several times, I have gradually figured out a set of countermeasures.That is to distract attention and talk about him from left to right.

"Uncle Yan, Liao Qingkai has something to tell you."

"Liao Qingkai, which Liao Qingkai?"

It's no wonder, who can link the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee with a primary school student in Xiangyang County?

I shook my head again and again, tsk-tsk: "Uncle Yan, you are not politically sensitive enough. Is there a second deputy director of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee named Liao Qingkai in N province?"

With a sound of "cha", the fishing rod slipped to the ground, and Yan Yucheng stood up with a "huh" with a strange expression.

"Did Liao Qing drive to Xiangyang County? Does he have something to convey to me? Xiaojun, tell uncle quickly..."

I smiled and stepped aside.

It is more appropriate for my father to recount my "great achievements". Don't do too many things like "rats on the balance, claiming to be self-praising".

Dad succinctly recounted what I did in the third mining area of ​​the Qiyi Coal Mine. The matter of repairing the motor was just mentioned, and the focus was on the conversation with Liao Qingkai.

But Yan Yucheng showed his extremely curious side at this time, and actually put Liao Qingkai aside, staring at me: "Have you repaired the motor of Qiyi Coal Mine?"

I didn't expect him to gossip like this, so I had to answer simply: "It's just that the base is loose, and the bearings have been worn out for a long time, and they will burn out after a long time. It's a simple problem, and it doesn't take much to fix it. It's a profit." Some cigarettes, alcohol, and candy. As for cigarettes, my dad brought you a few packs, the meat and biscuits have already been eaten, and the wine is reserved for you and Uncle Zhou. It’s not too late when you have time to go to Liujiashan to drink.”

Yan Yucheng shook his head: "Look at what you can do!"

His son is so capable, and his father has a bright face, but it doesn't stop Yan Yucheng from gossiping, and is still fueling the flames.

"Even I didn't expect that after teaching him the principles of electrical engineering for a few days, he dared to repair the motor."

Yan Yucheng stared: "Here are the cigarettes, bring them."

This posture seems to be owed to him by my family.This man has a thick skin.

Dad laughed and passed a few packs of "Flying Pigeon".

"Good guy, he's good at making money at such a young age, and he'll pay off when he grows up. Can't he become a big capitalist?"

"Forget about the capitalists, let's talk about what Liao Qingkai means first?"

Dad was a little uncertain whether Liao Qingkai was talking about the scene or referring to something else.In terms of experience in the officialdom, he was far behind Yan Yucheng. [

Yan Yucheng narrowed his eyes: "Liao Qingkai's intention is very simple, this matter has not yet been settled."

"How to say?"

"Wang Benqing punished us, but the province didn't know about it. At least not all the big bosses in the province knew about it. I guess it was Wang Benqing who made the suggestion, Zhou Peiming in the district expressed his support, and then asked a leader in the province for instructions in private, and then made a decision. The decision to suspend and reflect on this has been made."

This analysis coincides with mine.

With a pensive expression on Yan Yucheng's face, he said slowly: "This suspension of duty for reflection is also very interesting. To put it nicely, it means that you can advance, attack, retreat, or defend. road."

In these matters his shrewdness and wisdom returned.

"Follow the wind and use the rudder?"

Dad was a little puzzled.

"That's right. Once the wind changes from above, they only need to say that we can resume our work. Not to mention that there will be no future troubles, at least there will be no serious problems. Even if our views are proved to be correct, at least one charge of 'organizational discipline' will be charged. It's still close to the top. It can't be said that the punishment is wrong."

After listening to this analysis, not to mention my father, even I am deeply impressed.There are really many twists and turns in the officialdom.

"So, Jincai, you don't have to worry. You can rest at home, study and recuperate, and have a good year. When we resume work, it depends on when the wind direction changes."

Yan Yucheng's words were very supportive for his father, and he felt much more at ease after returning home.In addition to reading, I often go to the houses of the branch secretaries and team leaders of several nearby brigades.It is unimaginable to put this in the previous life.Dad doesn't like visiting.He is a technician, and he doesn't gossip by nature. The job of visiting people is really not very suitable for him.Now that I have changed my career to administration, I have reversed my temperament.Although it is currently suspended for self-reflection, maybe one day the first document will be revived again?It is also helpful for future work to have more contact with the cadres of the brigade.Dad used to have a very good reputation. He was a celebrity in all directions, and he liked to help out. He didn't stop working, which didn't affect the enthusiasm of the brigade cadres for him at all.

On the 21st of the twelfth lunar month, an unexpected guest came to visit.

The uninvited guest who came was Zhang, the mine manager of Qiyi Coal Mine. He didn't come alone. He also brought a small gas truck, which was full of coal.

I'm not a car enthusiast, but the GAZ 51 still made my heart beat.Very cool car, very similar to "Old Jiefang", only smaller.In fact, FAW's Jiefang brand medium-sized truck is a fake GAZ 51.GAZ has sufficient horsepower and strong climbing performance, which is quite suitable for hilly areas like Xiangyang County.However, with the super rise of domestically produced medium trucks, it was difficult to see GAZ cars in the late 80s.In [-], however, GAZ cars were still common.

I stared at the GAZ car with great interest and looked again and again. Mine manager Zhang just thought it was a country kid who was curious about cars, and somehow got some comfort in his heart-Liu Jincai's son, after all, still has the side of an ordinary kid.Or it's too smart, my child is eleven or twelve years old, compared with him, he is just like a milk doll.

Naturally, this is just my guess, but Mine Manager Zhang didn’t reveal anything, with a smile on his face, he greeted me as if he saw an old acquaintance of the same age.

"Master Xiaoliu, is Teacher Liu at home?"

"Ah, Mine Manager Zhang, what a rare visitor..."

I also smiled and shook hands with him.

The driver of the gas truck is from the mine. When I showed my skills in the third mining area, I guess he was not there. Seeing the serious look of the mine manager Zhang bending down to shake my hand, I couldn't help rubbing my eyes, suspecting that I was wrong.

Although Lao Zhang is only a newly promoted deputy mine manager, he is also a serious deputy county and regiment level leader after all, and he can't compare with the local deputy county level leaders with real power.Look at this green brick and earth brick house, there will not be any big people living there.

Dad heard the noise and strode out.

"Mine Manager Zhang..."

"Teacher Liu..."

They really know each other.I found out later that mine manager Zhang used to be the head of the third mining area, and he and his father were old acquaintances.

When acquaintances met, they exchanged pleasantries, mine manager Zhang really praised me, and even gave my father a big compliment.Dad has a problem, he is indifferent to money, he is greedy for fame, and he likes to listen to flattery.Mine manager Zhang is also super talkative, and almost made his father faint, laughing so hard that he couldn't close his mouth, and called mine manager Zhang and the driver to come in and sit in the house.

"Mr. Liu, if Master Xiaoliu hadn't shown his talents, my old Zhang would have lost face in front of Director Liao in the province that day, hehe..."

"Kids, just try their luck. Mine Manager Zhang should stop praising him."

"Ms. Liu, Chinese New Year is approaching. We coalspots don't have any good things, but there is a lot of coal. I asked someone to dig out some charcoal in the rocky mountains. I hope Teacher Liu will not be disgusted."

Dad was taken aback. How dare this car of carbon was sent to my family?A GAZ car has at least two tons of carbon, which is four to five thousand catties, which is a big deal.I and mine manager Zhang are just casual acquaintances, how can I deserve such a big favor?

I was also taken aback by Lao Zhang.What the hell is this guy planning?Just to fix a motor?If I were really only eight years old, maybe I would believe it.

"Mine Manager Zhang, this can't be done."

If it was changed before, Dad would definitely jump up. Now that he has experienced many storms, he will not easily make a fuss.

"Oh, Teacher Liu, the charcoal from the Qianshi Mountain didn't cost the public a penny, so why not use it? Xiao Li... unload the charcoal..."

Mine manager Zhang was quick to do things, and the driver named Xiao Li was not slow. He didn't wait for his father to say anything, so he unloaded a car of carbon on the sun valley flat outside the house.

Dad is an open-minded man, seeing that mine manager Zhang is so enthusiastic, he stopped trying to dissuade him, and he didn't say any kind words like giving money.Because he knew that mine manager Zhang would not accept it no matter what, and besides, he didn't have that much money at all.

I looked at the coal, it was black and shiny, and it didn't look like it was pulled out of the rocky mountains.A big pile, enough for my family to use for a year.

Coal miners burn coal at home, so naturally they can't spend money to buy it. Most of them dig a little in the rocky mountains, but to pull out the whole truckload of new carbon and give it away to others, only powerful leaders like Zhang Zhang can do it.At the beginning of [-], before the trend of gift-giving prevailed, the mine manager Zhang had such a big hand, and he was indeed courageous and courageous.I'm just surprised why he gave such a big gift to Dad.Even if Dad doesn't make "mistakes", he is only the deputy director of the commune, and he is several levels behind the deputy county and regiment-level mine manager, so there is no need for him to curry favor.

After unloading the coal, mine manager Zhang said some polite words, then got up to leave.

Dad refused to let him live or die, and he wanted to keep him for a meal anyway.

The mine manager Zhang was not polite, so he continued to sit down and chat with his father after a few words. Listening to what he said, he was beating around the bush to inquire about the relationship between my family and Liao Qingkai.

I couldn't help but suddenly, and it was a little funny.I didn't expect Director Liao to say a few more words to me, which caused him such a big commotion.He may not be the only one with this mentality.

Although Director Liao's words were quite high-sounding, he couldn't see any selfishness.However, the deputy director of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee is so concerned about the deputy director of the Hongqi Commune, it will inevitably lead to some speculation.

In the officialdom, if you only understand the problem according to the superficial meaning of the leader's words, your achievements will probably be limited.I don't know what kind of background the mine manager Zhang was able to reach the deputy county and regiment level in his thirties, but his understanding must be extraordinary.Regardless of whether my father has a special relationship with Liao Qingkai, he won't suffer much from sending this carload of coal.

Dad just joked with him, said something irrelevant, and avoided him.

It doesn't matter at all, so what if you don't avoid it?

Mine manager Zhang saw his father's evasive words, so he showed a comprehensible expression, and wisely stopped entangled with the matter.

I am secretly funny, sometimes pretending to be mysterious can get unexpected results.Presumably Dad has learned another trick?

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