Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 310 It's a bit bureaucratic

Yucheng's new deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee still has the same virtue. After work, he has dinner on time, watches the news broadcast, and then goes to the study to look through miscellaneous books, such as "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", "Zeng Wenzheng Official Collection" and so on. However, what I watched during this time was "The Story of Duke Hu Wenzhong Fu Fu'e".This book was written by a teacher of Hu Linyi, one of the "Four Heroes of Zhongxing" in the late Qing Dynasty, after Hu Zhongcheng died.It is said that Zuo Zongtang never put down this book, and when he supervised Fujian and Zhejiang provinces, he often had to learn from Hu Linyi's methods of governing Hubei Province.

Yan Yucheng is a disciple of Mr. Zhou, he has a good foundation in ancient prose and likes to read such books.

Dad is too busy with work to personally send Secretary Yan to take up the post in Daning. As a son and "son-in-law", I can naturally be relieved and must come to "serve".

Because of the presence of the "smelly boy", Secretary Yan did not enter the study in a hurry. After watching the news broadcast, the family of four sat around the living room and chatted.

Yan Ming and his second sister were officially married in May of this year. Yan Ming managed a pipe casting factory in an orderly manner. Before their marriage, Yan Ming had been promoted to the deputy director of the Industrial Bureau of Xiucheng District, a position equal to that of Xie Ying.Originally, he and his second sister lived in Building No. [-] of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, but now Yan Yucheng was transferred to the province. For a while, he and his second sister couldn't get a job, so they moved into the fund-raising room of the Industrial Bureau. [

It was a suite with three bedrooms and two living rooms, and the couple lived comfortably.The two of them don't have much savings, and I posted the money privately.According to my mother, the eldest sister lives outside, and I am in South China University, and my family is quite deserted, so I want them to live in my house.But Yan Ming refused.

I guess I'm still afraid of my dad.

He is now a deputy director who is neither big nor small, and there are not a few guests who visit the door every day and night.Why do you want to be a "little" at your father-in-law's house if you don't want to be a good "master"?

Fortunately, the third sister has graduated and is assigned to the Baozhou Finance Bureau, so she can stay at home with her mother.

"Xiaojun, when are you going back to Baozhou?"

Yan Yucheng asked.


Yan Yucheng has not yet answered.Yan Fei pouted.Very dissatisfied.

The third sister graduated.Yan Yucheng went to work in the province again.Yan Fei naturally has no reason to live in Ningqing University.In fact, although the little girl is filial.But after three years I lived freely.All of a sudden, he had to go back to live in the heavily guarded Provincial Standing Committee.Somewhat reluctantly.Finally looking forward to the summer vacation.I stayed in Daning for less than two days.This is going to "separate labor from swallows".

I said apologetically to Yan Fei: "Feifei, there are a lot of things at home now. I will accompany you when things are sorted out."

Yan Yucheng "understands righteousness".Pointing at the table, he said, "Your father has two jobs. There are many affairs. You should go back early."

Seeing Yan Yucheng express this attitude, no matter how much dissatisfaction Yan Fei felt, she had no choice but to bear it, but she turned her head away angrily and ignored us.

"Uncle Yan, what do you want to tell us about the team configuration in Baozhou City?"

Undoubtedly, the most urgent task is to select a capable mayor to share the burden with Dad.Whether the mayor is promoted locally or transferred from other places, there is still a big difference.

The configuration of other team members is also very important, but in comparison, it is inferior.To look at the problem, of course, we must first look at the most important aspects.

Yan Yucheng naturally understood what I meant.

Yan Yucheng smiled slightly and said, "You don't need to ask my opinion on this matter. Your father has the final say."

I was startled: "So, the rumor is true?"

Yan Yucheng smiled and didn't answer. [

Jie Ying and Yan Fei didn't understand this charade.Fortunately, they are too lazy to bother.Yan Fei was worried about not being able to stay with me during the summer vacation, and Xie Ying was worried about the same thing as her daughter, but without the company of her mother, a caring friend, she was new here, unfamiliar with the place, and it was quite chatty.

Living in the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, even if you have acquaintances, it is not easy to go out at will.

It's going to suffocate people.

Yan Yucheng said that my father has the final say on this matter, and I immediately realized that the gossip that my father was going to be the Secretary of the Daning Municipal Party Committee some time ago was not groundless.

How big is the hurdle from the main hall to the deputy department?

No matter what the reason was, since the higher-ups made a motion but failed to materialize in the end, Liao Qingkai felt somewhat apologetic to his father.It is estimated that the opinion of the squad leader, Dad, will be fully respected in the configuration of the mayor.

Several candidates who are most likely to succeed the mayor immediately came to my mind.

, I will think of Tang Haitian first.

He is Yan Yucheng and his father's old partner. He is calm and sophisticated, honest and selfish, and he is exactly the same type of person as Yan Liu.Seniority and rank are also sufficient.He became the mayor, and Baozhou City is a new "Strict Willow Structure".It's just that the leader has become the father.

For Baozhou City, this is a very good situation. It will hardly cause any turmoil. Cadres at all levels will still perform their duties. There is no need to worry about the new mayor's "one emperor and one courtier".

However, the flaw of this partner is also obvious, that is, another taboo.

Why, you Baozhou City is so impervious to needle insertion and water splashing?Do you have to talk about it?

Fortunately, Liao Qingkai is now in charge of the Provincial Party Committee, so this taboo is not too serious.

Secondly, Shi Rongxuan, the current deputy party secretary, is also a strong contender.Although this person was single-handedly promoted by Zhou Peiming, after Zhou Peiming retired, the cooperation with Yan Liu was very pleasant and he was very good at being a man.

The other one is Lei Weiguo, the current executive deputy mayor.

This person doesn't have a big backer in the province, and he acts cautiously. When he was the executive deputy, he respected his father, a former subordinate, and almost obeyed his words.

As the mayor, it is estimated that it will still be the same as before, but my father will follow the lead, and it is very easy to use.But Lei Weiguo's problem is that he is too cautious and has no courage to forge ahead.

Conservation is more than enough, creation is not enough.

Yan Yucheng didn't urge him, lit a cigarette, and patiently waited for me to understand.

Don't look at Yan Yucheng blowing his beard and staring at me on weekdays, but when encountering such a big event, he is very patient.Thinking about it, he was quietly training me deliberately.

I pondered for a long time, looked at Yan Yucheng, and slowly said: "Uncle Yan, you are in charge of organizational and personnel affairs in the province now, can you give me a programmatic opinion?"

Yan Yucheng said lightly: "It's still the same sentence, your father has the final say!"

I feel depressed!

How can this person still have such virtue?

I simply ignored him and said to Feifei: "Feifei, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee is seven or eight miles away from Ningqing University. You walk to school every day? Shall I buy you a motorcycle? It's for women!"

It was expected that Yan Yucheng would never allow the agency's car to take his daughter to school.

This time it was Yan Yucheng's turn to be depressed.

This kid is ruthless enough.

For such a big matter in the city, he actually left it behind as soon as he said it, and only cared about his "children's personal relationship".


Yan Fei clapped her hands first, and then made a bitter face.

"I can only ride a bicycle, not a motorcycle."

At that time, motorcycles were still very rare, especially women's motorcycles. It is estimated that there were very few people buying them in the mainland, so I had to think about them from Jiangkou City.

I smiled and said, "Women's motorcycles are easy to ride. You only need to know how to ride a bicycle, and you can learn it in a few minutes."

Yan Yucheng put on a straight face: "For a few miles, you can ride a bicycle, and it won't take much time. Girls, what kind of motorcycle do you ride?"

Yan Fei gave his boss two sanitary balls.

Xie Ying does not object to her daughter's "specialization", but she is a little worried about safety issues.

It is!

I am also worried.

"Then, I..."

Just about to say to provide Yan Fei with a special car, he glanced at Yan Yucheng, and swallowed the words again.It's better not to ask for scolding.Some things can only be done but not said.

"Boy, I know you are rich. But if you want to engage in the specialization of the bourgeoisie and provide Feifei with a car, I won't agree."

Unexpectedly, Yan Yucheng was so wise, he even guessed what I was thinking.

I smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"The secretary really outwits Kong Ming, the boy bows down!"

Yan Yucheng was complacent and didn't care about my "flattery".

"However, there is one thing I don't understand. If you want to ask the secretary, please give me some advice!"

I pretended to be very sincere.

Yan Yucheng snorted: "Say it!"

"I take care of my girlfriend, what's bothering you?"

Seeing that Secretary Yan's face suddenly became "gentlemanly", Xie Ying's mother and daughter laughed together, and Yan Fei secretly gave me a thumbs up.


During these days, the province is in chaos, the city is in chaos, and my home is also in chaos.For several days in a row, the door was full of congratulatory guests, and there were no guests at night.

Sometimes Dad is still in the office, and there are already a bunch of people waiting at home.

Most of them are able-bodied generals of the Yanliu Clan, or old disciples from Xiangyang County, all of whom have a certain status and status. Although my mother is tired of coping, it is not easy to turn them away.

After staying in the dead of night, the congratulators finally left, and my mother could not help but sigh with emotion as she cleaned up the messy living room.

"Your Uncle Yan still has strict rules, the door is open, and no one dares to enter. Now it's good, the house is almost becoming a farmers' market..."

I smiled and comforted: "Mom, everyone has a different way of dealing with people, and you can't learn it."

"It's true!"

It can be seen that although my mother is busy, she is still very happy.

Thinking about it carefully, my mother is happy now, and my father became the secretary of the municipal party committee before the age of 50, and Baozhou City is the leader of Baozhou.In the 200 years of Liujia Mountain, there has never been such a "big official". Glory.Due to the rules set by my father, when those cadres came to the door, most of them were empty-handed, at most they brought some local specialties such as tea, but looking at their respectful eyes and cautious movements, this satisfaction was more satisfying than gold ten thousand taels. People are comfortable.

The eldest sister gave birth to a daughter last year, and my mother became a grandmother, happily.Jiang Youxin continued to strive, step by step, and steadily became a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Secretary of the Working Committee of the Development Zone. Among the younger generation, he was regarded as a top role.

There is no need to worry about the eldest sister's family.

Originally, the second sister was the most worried about her, but unexpectedly she became the daughter-in-law of the Yan family. Yan Ming also became the deputy director at a young age.Although the second sister didn't go to college, she was backed by the two towering trees of her husband's family and her mother's family. She was nourished in her childhood. She went home from time to time to chat with her mother, and she was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth.

The third sister is the most well-behaved and obedient, and her journey went smoothly until she graduated from university and was assigned to a good unit like the Municipal Finance Bureau. After seeing her for a few years, she found a good son-in-law and married, and she is a beautiful small family.

As for mere inferiority, it goes without saying.

The little sons of other people's families may be extremely stubborn and often cause trouble, and even affect the future of Lao Tzu.However, I have become Yan Yucheng and his father's think tank since I was very young, and now I am seriously studying for a master's degree.After graduation, whether it is politics or business, it is a first-class prospect, and there is no need for my mother to worry about it.

It was the major marriage that should have been worrying about, and now there was a daughter-in-law like Yan Fei waiting to get married, but it was hard to find a marriage even with a lantern.

How can my mother be unhappy with such a harmonious house?Naturally, I will wake up laughing when I sleep.

About the only thing that worries my mother is my father's body.

So as soon as my father came home, my mother would talk about it.

"Jincai, this doesn't work, we still have to make a rule, otherwise the house will not be clean every day, and you won't be able to spare time to read documents and handle official business."

Hehe, my mother has also made great progress in her "advice" skills, she no longer goes straight and straight, and has learned to "save the country with curves".

When Dad heard this, he smiled and said, "Talking with comrades and understanding the situation is also part of the work. Work is not just as simple as reading documents..."

Mom suddenly became upset: "Understanding what happened, do you think they still dare to tell the truth in front of you? Tell you all the nice things!"

I couldn't help laughing out loud.

My mother's "curve to save the country" seems to have only learned one trick.If there is a disagreement, it means "revealing the truth".

But let alone, what my mother said is justified.

My dad was newly appointed, and he was in a good mood, he laughed and said, "I can tell the truth from the lies."

"Not always!"

While making tea for Dad, my mother muttered "unconvinced".

"Dad, my mother is right!"

This time, I unequivocally support my mother.

"Huh? Don't you think your father is such a bureaucrat? Ten years ago, I was a grassroots cadre. How could they hide grassroots affairs from me?"

Although my father expressed his displeasure, he didn't take our mother's words seriously.

"Hey, can the grassroots ten years ago compare with the grassroots now? Ten years ago, when Uncle Yan was the director of the commune, he smoked Feige cigarettes that cost [-] cents a pack. Now which township chief smokes Chinese pandas ? I think you are the only members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee who have drawn the front door now."

I retorted with a smile.

"No way? They offered me cigarettes, but they were all at the front door..."

Dad said in surprise.

The mother curled her lips and said with a smile: "That's because I'm afraid you will scold me. Now, only your son dares to respect you Zhonghua Tobacco. Even Youxin doesn't dare."

I jokingly said: "When I graduate and enter the institution, I will not dare to respect you Zhonghua anymore."

Dad's face suddenly became serious, and he thought to himself: "Is that so? It seems that I am really a bit bureaucratic."

My mother and I looked at each other and smiled.

ps: Ladies and gentlemen, "Ya Nei" will be closed today, and the list will be changed at noon.To be honest, pie is really not easy. This book was uploaded on August 8th, and today is exactly 11 days. A total of more than 05 million words have been updated, with an average of 130 updates per day.Regardless of whether the writing is good or not, Pie is finally working hard to code.On such a big day, would you please give me more?If you have a monthly pass, please donate one or two to show your face!Thanks!

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