Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 327 A happy event in Li Lao's hometown

It's been a long time since Jianjun.

It was still in [-] that Yan Yucheng and his father became well-known figures in the province and even the whole country because of their three discussions on "Seeking Truth from Facts", which aroused huge controversy and repercussions.

Because of this "route" problem, Wang Benqing, then director of the Revolutionary Committee of Xiangyang County, had decided to double open Yan Yucheng and his father.However, on the day of preparing for the double opening, he was summoned to the office of Long Tiejun, director of the Regional Revolutionary Committee, and things took a 180-degree turn. Wang Benqing was transferred away, and Yan Yucheng and his father both took over as the first and second leaders of Xiangyang County.

Qian Jianjun was present when the appointment was announced.At that time, my identity was the deputy head of the Theoretical Dynamics Group of the Central Propaganda Department.Following the instructions of the head of the Central Propaganda Department, he went to the Baozhou area to conduct research.

It's research, but it's actually a statement of attitude, supporting Yan Yucheng and his father. [

It was precisely because of the intervention of the head of the central government that Yan Liu was able to turn the tables and complete a counterattack that was unimaginable in the eyes of ordinary people.

Since then, Yan Yucheng and his father have maintained correspondence with Qian Jianjun.Although they did not meet again, the two parties can be regarded as having a certain friendship.Friendship and friendship are also wonderful things.It doesn't necessarily mean that if you look down and don't see you, you can get deeper and deeper.Those who meet rarely, the friendship lasts forever.

Dad's eyes lit up when he heard me mention Qian Jianjun's name.

Qian Jianjun is now the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee of a province in central China. He is slightly older than Yan Yucheng, and has served as deputy secretary of the provincial party committee for a little longer than Yan Yucheng.He has successively served as the director of the Propaganda and Education Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department, the director of the Cadre Bureau, the deputy editor-in-chief of a famous magazine, and the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee the year before last.

Qian Jianjun's position is fine, the key is that he is in a special position.The faction he belongs to has a good relationship with Li Lao's faction and Liao Qingkai's faction.The power is not too big, but it is very stable.Qian Jianjun is one of the young representatives of the faction in recent years, and has a great say in the faction.

Although Qian Jianjun has been working in the propaganda department.In fact, personal political ideas.It is relatively close to Yan Yucheng and his father.This is also the main reason why they can keep in touch.Otherwise.I'm afraid I've been neglected for a long time.

at this time.Maybe he can speak the language of the earth.

Dad thought about it for a while.Finally grabbed the phone.I guess he wasn't thinking about whether to call Qian Jianjun or not.Instead, consider the wording.

"Hello. I'm Qian Jianjun. Who are you?"

Qian Jianjun's steady voice came from the phone.

"Hello, Secretary Qian. I am Liu Jincai!"

Dad also said calmly.

"Oh, Comrade Jincai, hello!"

"Secretary Qian, hello. I've been busy with work recently..."

"so far so good……"

The two chatted with each other on the phone and exchanged a few pleasantries.

"Comrade Jincai, I heard that Mr. Li went to Baozhou City to inspect the work?"

After exchanging pleasantries, Qian Jianjun took the initiative to bring up the topic.

"Yes, Mr. Li arrived yesterday."

"Hehe, it's very good. Comrade Jincai, Mr. Li came to inspect in person, which proves that the work of Baozhou City has received the attention of the central government. This is a good thing!"

Qian Jianjun smiled lightly.

Dad couldn't help being slightly taken aback, thinking quickly about what Qian Jianjun meant by his words.As Qian Jianjun, when it comes to such a sensitive topic as Mr. Li's inspection, he should not talk nonsense.

"Secretary Qian, Baozhou City has indeed achieved some achievements in economic construction in recent years, but it is far from enough...I heard that Mr. Li has been engaged in party affairs such as organization and discipline inspection for a long time, will he pay more attention to it? What about this issue?"

Dad chose his words carefully.

Qian Jianjun said calmly: "Isn't that better? This is just the opportunity to learn from Mr. Li's experience in party affairs. I heard that Mr. Li's hometown is also in Baozhou City. When necessary, you can invite Mr. Li Support the construction of the hometown's party affairs. Comrade Jincai, the so-called support for the construction of the hometown is not limited to financial allocations and policy tilts. The construction of party members is the most important thing! You are now the secretary of the municipal party committee, and you can see problems from the perspective It is also good to make some changes, to look at the overall situation, to look at the overall situation..."

Dad immediately felt "enlightened", and Ben Yamen, who was listening on the side, was even more impressed.

In other words, Liao Qingkai and Yan Yucheng's level is lower than Qian Jianjun's, and everyone's starting point for looking at the problem is just different.Liao Qiangkai and Yan Yucheng, including his father, were promoted step by step from the grassroots, and there are certain limitations in their vision. Qian Jianjun has held important positions in the central ministries and commissions for a long time, and he is used to looking at problems from the top to the top. look down.Governing the local area may not be as experienced as Liao Qingkai, Yan Yucheng and others, but when it comes to grasping the current situation, there must be something unique.

When these words came out, it really made people suddenly enlightened.

"Thank you, Secretary Qian, for your guidance!"

Dad thanked him sincerely.

"I don't dare to take advice, it's just a suggestion. The so-called bystanders are clear, haha..."

Seeing that Dad hung up the phone, I asked, "Dad, what is the itinerary for Li Laodi tomorrow?"

"Inspect the development of the characteristic breeding industry in Qing'an County, and go back to my hometown to have a look."

I nodded: "The secretary of the Qing'an County Party Committee is Fan Shuhong, right? How is this person?"

"Not bad, you Uncle Yan single-handedly picked him up, the former deputy director of the Municipal Committee Office."

In other words, he is also a capable general of the Yanliu family, and at critical moments, he should not lose the chain.But my dad and I didn't expect that this Fan Shuhong would really come.


Baili Township, Qing'an County is Li's hometown, tens of miles away from Qing'an County, with many mountains and few fields in the corners of Qing'an County.

It's no wonder that Mr. Li had to flee famine to beg for food when he was young. Even ten or even five or six years ago, he was so poor that many men in their thirties could not find a wife.Don't say that it's hard to find a woman with full beard and feathers, even a divorced woman with children, or a woman with crooked looks is not willing to marry.

Every year, Mr. Li receives a group of poor relatives from his hometown in a courtyard house in the capital.

It is said that the closeness to the hometown is more intimate. Although Mr. Li has experienced many battles and lives in the temple, once he sets foot on the land of his hometown after many years, he can't restrain his excitement. All the things in my hometown.As we talked, we naturally had to talk about the war-torn years. [

This is considered to find a common topic.Long Tiejun had been away from the army for many years, and speaking of it, those years were the most exciting.The two veterans started talking about the Long March and the Eight-Year War of Resistance, the War of Liberation, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Sino-Indian War, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Vietnam.

The car drove to the compound of the Qing'an County Party Committee. Because of yesterday's experience, the Qing'an County side did not hold a welcome ceremony with much fanfare.

The main leaders of the four teams and all the members of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee lined up to welcome Mr. Li.

For the parents and officials in his hometown, Mr. Li was a little more polite, shaking hands with the welcomers one by one.

Dad asked in a low voice: "Mr. Li, should I first listen to the report on the work of the county party committee and county government?"

Before Li Lao could answer, Fan Shuhong had already intervened.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li, can you please go to Baili Township first, and the work report will be postponed for a while?"

As soon as Fan Shuhong's words came out, everyone turned pale with astonishment.

Why, you Fan Shuhong are too courageous, right?How dare a small county party secretary dare to be the old landlord of Li without authorization?Is this okay?

Long Tiejun's face collapsed immediately, and he gave his father a hard look, which clearly meant: "Look at the soldiers you lead!"Too blind!

Dad looked calm.

Elder Li was not angry either, and asked with a smile, "Secretary Fan, is there any urgent matter in Baili Township?"

"Mr. Li, it's a happy event. The old man Li Youde from your hometown Xintang Village married his grandson-in-law today. I heard that you are coming to inspect, so why should I wait for you to have a wedding banquet... If you don't come, the banquet will not be held... You see, if you don't go, the whole village will starve..."

Fan Shuhong was not afraid either, and said with a smile.

"Li Youde marrying his grandson-in-law? Ah, that's such a happy event... Brother Youde came to the capital to visit me a few years ago... Let's go, let's go back now, how can I let the whole world down because of me alone?" Are the villagers hungry?"

Elder Li immediately smiled, turned around and walked towards the crown car.

Dad smiled slightly at Fan Shuhong and said: "Comrade Shuhong and Weisong are going to Baili Township together, and the other comrades can go to work normally." Then he followed Mr. Li to the motorcade.

Comrade Weisong refers to Wang Weisong, the magistrate of Qing'an County.

Fan Shuhong then secretly turned his head and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.Wang Weisong next to him quickly handed him a handkerchief.In fact, even though Wang Weisong didn't talk to Mr. Li, he was already in a cold sweat.

Unexpectedly, when Mr. Li got into the car, he poked his head out and ordered: "Everyone go together, it's lively!"

Elder Li had an order, and he should obey it, so the leaders of the four teams, together with all the members of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, took several vehicles and headed for Xintang Village, Baili Township.

In order to welcome Mr. Li and the leaders of the provinces, cities, and counties, Xintang Village put up a big battle. The secretary of the Baili Township Party Committee and the head of the township rushed to Xintang Village early in the morning and took command in person.

At the entrance of Xintang Village, a large group of villagers dressed in new clothes looked brightly on the road with joy.There are no less than 200 people densely packed, and the two sets of dragon lanterns, two lions, and two sets of gongs, drums, and cymbals are all in charge of strong and strong men, all dressed in "guards of honor" and waiting in full force.


Seeing the dust head rising up at the end of the road, and a long line of small cars appearing one after another, the crowd became agitated and rushed up the road.

This is a newly built cement road, which is not wide, but for a small and remote mountain village like Xintang Village, being able to access a cement road is a great thing that was never even dreamed of before.

This is all due to the policy of the Baozhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to vigorously build roads.

Since Yan Liu took charge of Baozhou City, he has taken the road to every village as the most important top priority in the field of economic construction. The slogan "Build roads first if you want to get rich" can be seen everywhere.

These newly built roads have dredged the channels of material circulation, and indeed greatly promoted the development of urban and rural economies, and all regions have benefited a lot.

As soon as the police car that led the way approached, the commander gave an order, gongs, drums and cymbals sounded, dragon lanterns and lions danced on the side of the road, and the villagers lit firecrackers, jubilant.

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome!"

A large group of children danced flowers on both sides of the road and shouted in an orderly manner.

Old Li frowned slightly, and said in displeasure, "What tricks are you doing?"

"Old Li, you haven't been back to Xintang Village for some years, right? This is the most sincere expression of the people in your hometown!"

Long Tiejun said.

After thinking for a while, Mr. Li nodded slightly, his slightly frowning brows relaxed, and said, "Stop!"

The driver stopped the car immediately.

"Old dragon, get out of the car and walk. The folks line up the road to welcome us. It's not appropriate for us to sit in the car again!"

Long Tiejun nodded repeatedly.

Mr. Li got out of the car first, and a large group of cadres naturally did not dare to sit in the car, and all followed on foot.

"Hello, Mr. Li, hello, Mr. Li..."

"Welcome Mr. Li to return to his hometown to inspect the work..."

The villagers shouted spontaneously and applauded extremely warmly.

"Hello everyone, folks..."

Li Laodi's eyes suddenly became moist, and he raised his hand to signal to the villagers.

At this time, an old man with white beard and hair walked tremblingly to the middle of the road under the support of the crowd.Old Li took a few steps, held the old man's hand, and shook it again and again: "Brother Youde, congratulations!"

Li Youde's hot tears flowed down after two lines, and he tightly held Li Lao's hand and refused to let go.

At present, hundreds of people surrounded Li Lao and Long Tiejun and came to Li Youde's house.Li Youde's family lived in a two-story new tile-roofed house, occupying a large area, with a table set up in the main room.The bride and groom stood at the door of the hall and bowed to Mr. Li.

The old man Li Youde wanted to ask a new couple to kowtow to his uncle, but was stopped by Li Laogang.

"Brother Youde, it's a new society now, so we don't want to engage in the old ways."

Because Qing'an County and Baili Township had already made preparations, the banquets were well prepared, and the cadres from the cities and counties were easily arranged.Fan Shuhong is very experienced in handling affairs, and there are no expensive dishes on the table, just some hometown flavors, full of rural banquets, Mr. Li has not been home for many years, so he is full of praise for such authentic hometown wine and dishes.

During the banquet, no one came over to toast in disorder, only the old man Li Youde brought a couple of newcomers to toast Li Lao with a glass of water and wine.Old Li happily drank it.

"Brother Youde, have you been doing well at home these years?"

After finally drinking the wedding wine, Mr. Li and the virtuous old man started a family routine.

"Okay... These years, the government has supported us to engage in special breeding. My family has raised more than a dozen cows and earns thousands of dollars a year... Thanks to the government..."

The old man Li Youde praised without a word.

"Oh? A dozen cows? Take me to see. Cows are good things..."

Mr. Li became more interested. Accompanied by the village cadres, he inspected the cattle pens of several households. The yellow cattle were fat and strong, with shiny coats. Mr. Li smiled and nodded.

"Comrade Liu Jincai, well done. As a leading cadre, you must always keep the lives of the people in mind!"

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