Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 333 Accident

Rebirth of the Yamen Chapter 330 Three accidents

After Zhang Guangming became the acting governor of province n. , ★The first big governance move.It is the national highway from Daning City to Baozhou City.Widen and strengthen the road surface.Constructed according to the standards of first-class highways.

National Highway from Daning City to Baozhou City.The whole journey is 230 seven kilometers.It connects four district-level administrative regions including Jiu'an District, Hongyang City, Daning City and Baozhou City.It includes the three cities with the highest total industrial and agricultural output value in the province.And Jiu'an District.In the past few years, it was one of the main competitors of Baozhou District's application for city reform.Although ultimately failed to win.Great progress has also been made in economic construction.The economic aggregate ranks seventh in the province.It can be regarded as standing in the upper middle position.

Zhang Guangming thought very clearly.It is hoped to pass through this newly built first-class highway.Let the connection between the three cities and one city be closer.The circulation of capital is more|smooth.produce "efficiencies of scale".Bundling together three of the province's strongest economic drivers.Create an "urban agglomeration".Build a super "engine".To drive the province's rapid economic growth.

this matter.Liao Qingkai, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, fully supported him.After the governor's office meeting passed.Passed by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.Liao Qingkai even put forward the slogan "Use the strength of the whole province to repair this road to wealth". [

But the wish is good.But encountered a lot of problems in funding.

Widen and transform more than 200 kilometers of roads.The total budget reached more than two billion.Exclusively allocated by the provincial finance.Obviously unrealistic.It's not that "all the province's efforts" can't get together the two billion yuan.It is such an inland agricultural province.There are too many parties that need money.How can it be for a road.Really make the provincial finance "dry up the river and the sea fall"?

The Provincial Department of Finance can squeeze out five or six billion yuan of funds at most.This is still borrowing money.The funds that were originally intended to be invested elsewhere were moved over.The opinions of the first and second leaders of other cities have gone up.He didn't dare to complain to Zhang Guangming and Liao Qingkai, but he went to the Finance Office every now and then.There was a "protracted war" with the hall.The director of the Provincial Department of Finance made one head as big as two.For a time I was too scared to go to work in the hall.

Now that Liu Jincai made an announcement in front of Governor Zhang.Naturally, you can't back down when things come to an end.The funds required for the road sections in Baozhou City were borne.this highway.It is about [-] kilometers away in Bao'city.The initial budget requires an investment of [-] million yuan.This is somewhat different from Liu Jincai's original budget.After all, it was in the governor's office that time.It is impossible to have too much time to carefully calculate the investment after just turning around in the bag.Liu Jincai estimated at the beginning.About [-] million or so need to be invested in the real budget results.One more than I expected | It is also a headache.

It is true that Baozhou's economy has developed rapidly in recent years.But there are many ways to spend money.Liu Jincai has extremely strict control over all non-essential advance expenses.Adhere to a pen for financial approval.For example, Xiangyang County needs to build an additional office building.As a result, the county magistrate Chen Liyou was criticized.It happened more than once or twice to go to the city to conduct self-criticism.Anything that "will not be in charge".Mayor Liu criticized the extravagant county and district chiefs.

Last January.The Baozhou Municipal Government changed its head, Shi Rongxuan, as the mayor.Liu Jincai handed over the limit of "one pen for financial approval" to Shi Rongxuan.But for the amount of budget expenditure.Still ask frequently.Shi Rongxuan also knew Liu|Ji's habit of "diligent housekeeping".Don't dare to be good at major issues.As usual, you should ask Secretary Liu for instructions.use of funds.Still well controlled.

Rao is so.The investment of [-] million yuan is also very big.

According to the transformation plan four cities started construction at the same time.This first-class highway will be completely rebuilt within one and a half years.Because the road cannot be closed.Half of the road must be left open to traffic.Time is very tight.To finish on time.Basically, there can be any arrears in funds.Must be on time

"No matter how difficult the situation is, the [-] million must be squeezed out. This matter must be regarded as the top priority of economic construction next year!"

The Standing Committee of the Liujin Municipal Party Committee clearly stated its position.The tone was set.Everyone will know.There's no room for bargaining on this matter.Liu Jincai's character is such that everything is settled.Absolutely no excuses for procrastination are allowed.When I was mayor|that was the case.I am now a secretary.Even less dared to break the "rules".

The situation in Baozhou is difficult.Other cities are more difficult.

Zhang Guangming went to the capital himself.Find the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Communications to "go to court" to grind your teeth.Imposing length.In order to wait for a small director of the ministry.Stand and wait in the corridor of the ministries and commissions ten minutes in advance.It can be seen how important this matter is in his heart.

This is in the eyes of those who do not understand the inside story.It's just unbelievable.think about it.What is Zhang Guangming's status?Governor!When I arrived in the capital, I pretended to be a grandson!

Governor Zhang is so correct.The owner of the institute is only a special fund allocation of [-] million yuan.

"Governor Zhang. I'm sorry*. There are too many monks and too little food. There are too many parties asking for money!"

This is what a director of the Ministry of Finance said to Zhang Guangming.

With these [-] million.Plus the [-] million raised by the Provincial Department of Finance plus the [-] million promised by Baozhou City.There is still a funding gap of about [-] million yuan.The districts of Hongyang City and Jiu'an City in Daning City need to raise their own funds.This highway runs through Hongyang City and Jiu'an District.The mileage is the longest within the jurisdiction of these two districts.Assigned accordingly.Hongyang City also needs to raise [-] million yuan.Jiu'an's district is [-] million.For a while, the two chief executives were overwhelmed.He complained endlessly.

Relatively speaking.Baozhou City has relatively abundant funds.Once you get the construction drawings.Then organize the team to start construction.

About the construction unit.It's also a good fight between dragons and tigers.The Provincial Department of Communications does not pay a penny.But he wanted to take the construction rights into his own hands.It is plausible to say.Justifiably so.After all, road construction is under the management of the Provincial Communications Department. [

But it's all right.Money comes out of people's pockets.But the meat belongs to your traffic department to eat.Why is it reasonable?Let's talk about Xu Weiguo, director of the Department of Transportation.Also a bull.He is the direct confidant of Ye Chunlin, the executive vice-governor.Following Lao Ye step by step, he came up from Hongyang City.Ye Chunlin counted as Liao Qingkai's old subordinate.He is also the go-getter of Ben's faction.He has been operating in the officialdom of province n for many years.The foundation is deep.Zhang Guangming has just arrived.To this senior deputy.Maintain a three-point courtesy.

Without this background.Xu Guo didn't dare to randomly reach out into other people's pots to scoop up big pieces of meat.

For the state of the Department of Transportation,.Shi Rongxuan couldn't make up his mind.in his heart.That's 12' reluctance for the Department of Transportation to step in.the other three cities.That's still mixed

The central government and the provincial government make up the bulk of the appropriations from the province and the central government.They are small.Compete with.A little lack of confidence.Listen to the arrangement of the province.Only Baozhou City.It is [-]% self-funded.It has nothing to do with the Department of Transportation.It can even be said that there is no such expansion plan in your province.We can do this project ourselves.Why do we need to listen to your traffic department?

Shi Rongxuan's uncertainty was only because of Ye Chunlin's face.

Zhou Pei|Second line.Talk about it.Shi Rongxuan's backer in the province is Yan Yucheng.But he is not Yan Liu's direct descendant.So encounter such a big event.Liu Jin is needed for support.

According to - experience.All decisions made by Liu Jincai.Yan Yucheng is conditional support.

It must still be one now.

Liu Jincai didn't take the traffic department's approach seriously.Said to Shi Rongxuan: "Don't worry about him, since the first phase of the fund is already in place. Immediately organize a construction team. Start construction immediately. Our [-]-kilometer section must be completed and open to traffic within a year!"

With this sentence.Shi Xuan was determined.Then he asked for instructions: "Secretary. Which unit will do the construction?"

Liu Jin just glanced at him.He said lightly: "You are the chief. This is up to you to decide. But it must be a qualified state-run unit!"

This is the overall view in the palm of one hand.Since there is a dispute in this matter, we must be careful not to be negligent.Give someone a handle.

Shi Rong immediately understood.

There is only one state-run company in Baozhou that has the qualifications for road and bridge construction.That is Baozhou Second Construction Engineering Company.Also known as Bao'shi Luqiao Construction Engineering Company.Such a large project involving hundreds of millions of dollars in investment.Shi Rongxuan was still very cautious.we can even say.History in Baozhou.There has never been a project with such a huge amount of investment.

Therefore.Shi Rong didn't directly hand over the project to the Second Division.Instead, an open tender was adopted.Shi Rongxuan didn't dare to specialize in this bidding plan.I took the plan and ran to the secretary's office to ask for instructions.

Secretary Liu didn't accept the plan at all.His brows furrowed slightly.Said: "Comrade Rongxuan. You are the mayor now. You can do these things yourself. Just tell me."

Shi Rongxuan was taken aback.I wondered in my heart what Secretary Liu meant by this.Looks like it used to be.Secretary Liu's work style is hands-on.Why is it such a big deal now.He actually "let go".Could it be this.Also influenced by Yan Yu.Became a hands-off shopkeeper?

Shi Rongxuan thought so in his heart.But it doesn't show at all on the face.He smiled and said: "Book. I just took over. I'm not very familiar with the work of the government. I need your advice!"

Shi Rongxuan said this very well.It was still the same tone as when he was a subordinate.Gently give away a top hat.But indirectly it matters a lot.You still have to take care of yourself.

Liu Jincai was indeed influenced by Yucheng and his son Jun.Gradually entered the state of the secretary of the municipal party committee.Start delegating.Moreover.Shi Rongxuan officially took office as mayor.It is also necessary to cultivate his prestige well.If I, the secretary, has the final say on everything, it will inevitably lead to complaints from comrades.

Shi Rongxuan said so.Liu Jincai smiled slightly: "Everything should be done according to the procedure."

Shi Rongxuan was startled.Immediately understood.I will not mention this anymore.Just a few gossips.I said goodbye.the next day.The bidding plan was sent by the secretary to Secretary Liu's desk with Rong Xuan's personal comments.This time Liu Jincai carefully read the plan.Basically mediocre.In line with procedure.Then he raised a pen and wrote: Agree.Please follow the advice of Comrade Shi Rongxuan. [

More or less.Still left a little trace of Yan Yucheng.

But in this way.A tone of sincerity and solidarity between the municipal party committee and the top leaders of the municipal government was created.

Shi Rongxuan read this batch.I am relieved.Immediately proceed to implement the tender program.After three rounds of bidding.In the end, Baozhou No. [-] Construction Company took the right to expand and reinforce the [-]-kilometer road section.Construction officially started in early December.

In this way.It is equivalent to setting an example for Hongyang City and Jiu'an District of Daning City.Everyone has issued a bidding plan.Openly invite tenders to the whole country.The Provincial Communications Department was completely put aside.

Although it is true that most of the funds have to come from inside.After all, part of the funds are self-raised.The leaders of these cities are also very shrewd.Let's start the construction first.When the follow-up funds run out.Could it be that your province will see the road construction stop?This was Governor Zhang's first big move after taking office.There is absolutely no room for giving up halfway.by that time.The province has another opinion.You can only pinch your nose and invest money in.

Zhang Guangming has just arrived.Basically, there are no direct descendants of their own.Whether this project will be built in a unified way by the province or set up separately by each province.For him.There is no conflict of interest.As long as the deadline is met.It is his great achievement.should say.in his heart.It is still more inclined to build by yourself.

the reason is simple.Executive Vice Governor Ye Chunlin is a sitting tiger.It is deeply entrenched in the official circles of province n.And always followed Liao Qingkai closely.Zhang Guangmingya didn't want him to intervene too deeply in this matter.Now the four are doing their own thing.Anyway.It was a blow to Ye Chunlin's prestige.This is exactly what Zhang Guangming is happy to see.

There is a powerful provincial party secretary pressing down on him.There is an equally powerful deputy on his head.the governor.Not so good.Therefore, Zhang Guangming made a final decision at the governor's office meeting.Approved the overall plan of the respective construction.It is just that the Department of Communications and the Provincial Bureau of Quality Supervision are required to follow up and supervise the progress and quality of the project.

Xu Weiguo's nose was crooked.Such a big project.As the Provincial Communications Department in charge.I didn't even get a sip to drink.I'm really holding my breath.The source of the disaster.Since Liu Jincai and Shi Rongxuan made a "bad start".This is how others learn from others.Only Liu Jincai's reputation is rising now.And become one with Yan Yu.Don't say that Xu Weiguo is the head of the transportation department.Even Ye Chunlin was afraid of it.Xu Wei|I had no choice but to hold back my anger.Dormant standby.

Unexpectedly, it was not long after Liu Jincai left Baozhou City to study at the Central Party School.There was a problem with the construction of Baozhou No. [-] Construction Company.A landslide accident occurred while excavating a road.One person died.A major accident in which multiple people were injured.

ps: Officially changed to three-person pronoun.Please give me some encouragement! !

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