No matter how many scruples he has in his mind, Wang Junjian will arrange the things decided by the committee.But before deploying, you need to make a phone call to Yin Baoqing for instructions.

Wang Junjian acted steadily, in other words, he was more cautious, a little cowardly, but he concealed it very well on weekdays.How and when to make this call, Wang Junjian hesitated for almost an hour.When he finally decided to call Yin Baoqing immediately, he picked up the receiver and looked at his watch. It was already two o'clock in the morning.Wang Junjian hesitated again and again, and put the phone down again.

Wang Junjian's wife is very virtuous. Seeing his restless appearance, she got up silently, put a piece of clothing on him, made him another cup of tea, put it in front of her, and then sat beside her silently. don't say anything.

After many years of husband and wife, Wang Junjian's lover is still very affectionate.Of course, this does not prevent Secretary Wang from having some private contacts with a young female cadre of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.Seeing his wife like this, Wang Junjian suddenly felt guilty, silently put out the cigarette butt, took a sip from the teacup, smiled and said to his wife: "Let's go, sleep!"

This night, Secretary Wang was so powerful that his wife was very surprised. [

The call to Yin Baoqing was made by Wang Junjian after he got off work, but he got through as soon as he dialed, and someone answered the call.

"Secretary Yin, it's me, Xiao Wang!"

Wang Junjian is familiar with Yin Baoqing's behavior and knows when he will show up in the office.

"Little Wang, Jin just returned to Baozhou yesterday?"

In front of his most trusted subordinates, Yin Baoqing never beat around the bush.

To say that road construction is in progress.Such a landslide accident happened.Not such a big deal.But it provoked the private attention of all members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.Naturally, it was still because of the words "Liu Jincai".

Put it in the past.It is considered that Liu Jincai will advance to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.Not a big problem.Judging from the situation, it is said that Jincai entered the ordinary place.The biggest possibility is to succeed Hu Weimin.It will not have much impact on other Standing Committee members.In particular, it will not affect Yin Baoqing, the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee.But the current situation is too sensitive.With Yan Yucheng directly taking over Bai Jianming's position.There is a precedent for becoming the third in command of the provincial party committee.Once Liu Jincai becomes permanent.It's really hard to say what position will be arranged.Even if it is to replace Hu Weimin as secretary of the Daning Municipal Party Committee.So how did Hu Weimin arrange it?After all, Hu Weimin's age is considered old, and it's too early to retire to the second line.And the faction where Hu Weimin is located.It is also a vested interest in this high-level game.The possibility of directly squeezing Hu Weimin to the Provincial People's Congress or the Provincial Political Consultative Conference is extremely slim.Is it possible to turn something bad into something good.Hu Weimin also took advantage of the trend to go further?If Hu Weimin is not transferred out.Just talk about "progress" in the province.First of all, the most inappropriate is Yin Baoqing, the Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Therefore, the key lies in whether Liu Jincai can make this step!

This landslide accident is an opportunity.Although it is not a great opportunity.It can always be fussy.

"It's Secretary Di Yin. Secretary Liu arrived at the landslide site at [-] o'clock last night. He convened the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee at [-] o'clock. Some arrangements were made!"

Wang Junjian replied cautiously.

Yin Baoqing felt a little tired because Wang Junjian's "Secretary Liu" contained no less respect than the previous "Secretary Yin".This was a private call made behind Liu Jincai's back.

It is conceivable that Liu Jincai, the secretary of the municipal party committee, Jun Jian, the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, has such prestige in his heart on weekdays!

"What arrangements have been made?"

Yin Baoqing suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart and asked lightly.

Wang Junjian reported to Yin Baoqing in detail.

"Comrade Liu Jincai's attitude is very good, that is, no matter who is involved or what resistance is encountered, he should not shrink back. The principles of the Disciplinary Committee must not be lost!"

Yin Baoqing began to speak in an official tone.

Wang Junjian hurriedly nodded in agreement. [

Xu felt that Wang Junjian lacked confidence, and Yin Baoqing said again: "Xiao Wang, you are more than cautious, but not courageous. It is a taboo to work in the discipline inspection committee. What is there to worry about when handling cases impartially? Not only the Baozhou Municipal Party Committee will support you, but also the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection will support you, so go ahead and investigate!"

"Yes, Secretary Yin, don't worry, I will stick to my principles and handle the case impartially!"

Wang Junjian finally made up his mind.

After all, his organization is Yin Baoqing, since the old leader has expressed his attitude so clearly, then he has nothing to hesitate.

Wang Junjian put down the phone, and before he was too late, he ordered the secretary, "A meeting of the Standing Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection will be held immediately, and all members of the Standing Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection must attend the meeting!"

The secretary hurriedly called to inform.

Wang Junjian picked up the teacup, came to the second meeting room of the Municipal Party Committee, sat down in the chairman's seat, took out a cigarette, lit it silently, and smoked it one mouthful at a time, with a calm face.

After a while, Zhou Zhigang, the full-time deputy secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and other members of the Standing Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection arrived one after another. Seeing Secretary Wang's expression was calm, everyone became cautious. They just nodded to Wang Junjian as a salute, and found seats to sit down. Those addicted to cigarettes silently took out their cigarettes At the end of the day, non-smokers held teacups and drank water without a sip, and no one looked at Wang Junjian.

"Is everyone here? Then start the meeting now!"

Wang Junjian scanned the venue.

"This meeting has only one topic, which is to set up an investigation team to intervene in the investigation of this landslide accident. Last night, Secretary Liu of the Municipal Party Committee rushed back to the city from the capital overnight, convened the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and made arrangements..."


No matter how late he fell asleep, Liu Jincai would definitely arrive at the office on time the next morning.Both the secretary and the driver knew Secretary Liu's habit very well. At [-]:[-], Liao Shunli and Xiao Wu appeared outside the Municipal Standing Committee on time.

But there was an exception today, Secretary Liu did not show up at the door on time.

Liao Shunli and Xiao Wu looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

In fact, it was easy to say, Secretary Liu was stopped by his son.

"Dad, sit down for a few minutes. I have something to tell you."

After breakfast, seeing Liu Jin pick up his artificial leather bag to go out, Liu Jun said suddenly.

Liu Jincai was taken aback for a moment, sat down as he said, and looked at his increasingly mature son inquiringly.

"What do you think of Baoqing?"

Liu Jun asked.

There has never been much concealment in the conversation between father and son. [

In fact, Liu Jun wanted to communicate with his father last night, but Liu Jin came back too late, so he left it until this morning.

Liu Jincai pondered for a while, then shook his head: "I haven't dealt with him before, so it's hard to comment!"

"Then what about Wang Junjian?"

"More than cautious, not enough courage!"

This time Liu Jin was quite happy.

Liu Jun thought for a while and said, "I think this person needs to hit the critical moment, so he shouldn't make any mistakes!"

Liu Jincai's gaze stayed on his son's face for a second or two. The father and son met each other and nodded slightly.


The committee's investigation team was quickly formed, with Wang Junjian personally serving as the team leader and secretary Zhou Zhigang as the deputy team leader, and five members of the team were senior standing members of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, which shows that the Commission for Discipline Inspection is still very determined.

After the investigation team was established, Wang Junjian personally called Liao Shunli to ask Secretary Liu about his itinerary, implying that he wanted to report to Secretary Liu about the composition of the investigation team.

"Ah, it's a coincidence that it's Secretary Wang. Secretary Liu is about to invite you over for a talk."

Liao Shunli said with a smile.

Wang Junjian's heart jumped for no reason and he calmed down. He should be discussing the issue of the investigation team.

"Okay, let's go."

Two or three minutes later, Wang Junjian appeared in Liu Jincai's office.

"Comrade Jun Jian, please sit down!"

Wang Junjian stretched out his hand to shake Liu Jincai as usual, but Liu Jincai didn't think so, pointed to the opposite chair and said.

Wang Jun was a little embarrassed, and sat down opposite Liu Jincai.

Liao Shun made tea, backed out, and closed the door behind him.

"Jun Jianzhi, talk about the composition of the investigation team and your opinion on the accident."

Liu Jincai belongs to the kind of hard-working leader. He has never had too many polite greetings, and he cuts to the point as soon as he comes up.Everyone is familiar with this, and no one feels neglected.If one day Secretary Liu suddenly becomes polite to you, then something bad will happen.

So Wang Junjian reported in detail the composition of the investigation team and his own investigation ideas, while trying to figure out Liu Jincai's demeanor while reporting.Nai Liujincai was as still as still water, and there was nothing unusual on his face, as usual, without any clues.

"So, what about the professional technicians, where do you plan to find comrades to join this investigation team?"

Liu Jincai's question was just a continuation of what was agreed at the Municipal Standing Committee meeting last night.

"This... There are no geology experts in our city. I plan to ask the provincial transportation department for help and ask them to appoint experts."

Liu Jincai frowned slightly.

Wang Junjian's heart jumped again.

It is a fact that there is no professional geological research unit in Baoshi.But whether to ask the Provincial Communications Department for help is another matter.The Provincial Communications Department is actually an administrative department, and there are no geological experts.The correct solution should be to request support from the Provincial Institute of Geological Exploration or the Institute of Geological Exploration of Ningqing University.

Wang Junjian wanted to make a fool of himself.

At this time, Liu Jincai couldn't help but think of the brief conversation with Zi before going to work.Unexpectedly, his son became more and more promising, and he could see the crux of the problem at a glance.

It seems that Wang Junjian must have received Yin Baoqing's instruction to use this matter to make a fuss, but he was afraid of taking risks, and wanted Xu Weiguo from the Provincial Department of Communications to come out as a vanguard.

Who knows, Xu Weiguo is full of anger for the road construction, and has big opinions on Baozhou City.Moreover, Xu Weiguo, like his "master" Ye Chunlin, has a violent temper, a fiery temper, and will take revenge.Of course, when it comes to cunning and wisdom, Xu Weiguo is not at the same level as Ye Chunlin.

Ask Xu Weiguo to do this job, he will most likely be happy.If this guy hadn't followed Ye Chunlin so closely, he would have been defeated by his opponent a long time ago.No, now even Wang Junjian and the Disciplinary Committee system, who have nothing to do with him, want to use him as a weapon.

Such a person can be regarded as a rock in the position of the director of the Provincial Communications Department, which is also considered an oddity in the officialdom.

"Isn't there a [-] Geological Exploration Brigade in Baozhou City? It is a professional geological exploration team under the Coal Bureau of the State Economic and Trade Commission, right? They should have a lot of experience in geological exploration, and there will be many professional and technical personnel!"

Liu Jincai said slowly.Although the tone is not serious, the intention to control this matter within the scope of Baozhou City has been very clearly expressed.

Wang Junjian knew that his tricks had been seen through by others, so he didn't dare to refute immediately, he patted his head, pretended to be enlightened, and said, "Yes, yes, yes, look at my memory, how could I forget the [-]rd Brigade? They are professional units directly under the central government... I will send someone to contact them..."

Liu Jincai sneered in his heart, but his face remained calm, he took out a box of Daqianmen, and handed one to Wang Junjian.Wang Junjian hurriedly stood up, took it with both hands, took out the lighter from his pocket, and lit it for Liu Jincai.

To say that he is the fourth-ranked deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and also the secretary of the discipline inspection committee, there is no need to be so flattering to the top leader.It's just that Liu Jin has high prestige, and Wang Junjian has ghosts in his heart, so he can't help but feel a little guilty, so he uses this action to cover up his inner anxiety.

"Comrade Junjian, have you been in Baozhou for almost two years?"

Liu Jin just took a puff of cigarette, a smile appeared on his face, and he put on a homely posture.

"Yeah, it's been almost two years. I was transferred here in June of the year before last."

In the blink of an eye, two years have passed.When Wang Junjian was transferred here, Liu Jincai was still the mayor, and now he is the secretary of the municipal party committee, and he is about to be promoted to a deputy minister. On the other hand, he is still standing still. It was not reliable anymore, Wang Junjian couldn't help feeling a little emotional in his heart.

"Is your spouse working in the Municipal Cultural Bureau?"

Liu Jincai continued to talk about family matters, as if asking casually.

"Yeah, I do odd jobs in the logistics department of the Cultural Bureau, and I don't have much serious work to do."

Wang Junjian replied with a smile, feeling somewhat relaxed for no reason.

Could it be that Liu Jin wanted to win him over?No matter what, it was a signal of goodwill.

"Family life should be harmonious and happy, right?"

"It's okay, it's okay, we were in free love back then..."

Wang Junjian laughed.

"Comrade Jun Jian, as your comrade, I am a few years older, so I can be regarded as a big brother... I want to remind you that when you usually contact comrades in this unit, you should pay attention to keeping a little distance. Comrade Ke Yayan, a cadre in the office, it's normal to have contacts at work, but you still have to pay attention to the influence, and don't let people have any gossip. After all, you are the leader of the municipal party committee, and if some things spread, the impact will not be very good..."

Liu Jincai said calmly.

"Secretary Liu..."

Wang Junjian was taken aback and almost jumped up.

Liu Jincai waved his hand and said lightly: "Comrade Junjian, don't be impatient, if there is something wrong, please encourage me. Some comrades have reported this to me, but I don't really believe it. I have also warned them not to spread it indiscriminately. Based on rumors. Just pay attention to yourself.”

Liu Jincai's tone was calm, but it was like a bomb exploded on Wang Junjian's head, which shocked him dumbfounded, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

ps: Good morning everyone.Pie came back from a business trip in the afternoon on the [-]th. I was in a hurry to catch up with the manuscript on the [-]th. I still didn't have time to reply to your comments. Don't take responsibility!Today is the third watch, please continue to cheer for the pie!Thank you!

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