Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 37 Quarantine Review

ps: All the judges and lords are on the top, and I don’t dare to ask for it randomly, and I don’t dare to ask for collections randomly.If you can see the past, please feel free to correct me.I will try my best to update it next time, so as not to disappoint the judges.Thank you!

On May [-], [-], "Guangming Daily" published the full text of the article "Practice Is the Only Criteria for Testing Truth" signed by a "special commentator of this newspaper". The long-awaited event finally followed the established historical track happened.

This famous article, which sparked a nationwide discussion, was first published on May [-] in Theoretical Trends, an internal journal of the Central Party School. After "Guangming Daily" reprinted it the next day, on May [-], "People's Daily", "Liberation Army Daily" and some provincial party newspapers reprinted the full text.By May [-], most provincial party newspapers across the country had reprinted this article.

This article clarifies that practice is not only the criterion for testing truth, but also the "sole criterion"; practice is not only the "sole criterion" for testing truth, but also the "sole criterion" for testing whether the party's line is correct.

Mr. Zhou, Yan Yucheng and Dad got together again, each with a copy of "N Province Daily", and carefully read the article on the front page.In fact, they have read it at least three times, but they are still paying attention, lest they miss a word, their hands holding the newspaper can't help trembling slightly. [

After more than half a year of waiting, more than half a year of torment, more than half a year of tossing and turning, more than half a year of sleepless nights, today I finally have a satisfactory answer, how can I not be excited.

"It's finally here."

After a long time, Mr. Zhou raised his head, took off his glasses, and muttered, two lines of tears flowed down his thin cheeks involuntarily.

"Yeah, it's finally here."

Yan Yucheng and his father sighed at the same time, although there were no tears, their eyes were red.

I also let out a long sigh of relief.

I already knew about this result and this article.But before I saw it in the party newspaper, I was always uneasy and always worried that the historical trajectory of the world that traveled back would change.

Now it seems that it is unfounded to worry about.

The basic idea of ​​"On Seeking Truth from Facts" and "Re-discussion on Seeking Truth from Facts" written by Mr. Zhou is almost the same as that of "Practice", but they were published more than half a year earlier.It can be predicted that "Practice" will definitely arouse strong repercussions across the country, and the two signed authors of "On Seeking Truth from Facts"-Yan Yucheng and Dad, will surely become the focus of Xiangyang County, Baozhou area and even N Province again.

It's just that compared to half a year ago, they are no longer isolated and aided, but have become pioneers in the discovery of "truth standards".

"Teacher, you are amazing. Come on, I will offer you a toast with tea instead of wine."

Yan Yucheng raised his teacup.

In the past, he also respected Mr. Zhou, but he rarely used the honorific "you".

Mr. Zhou chuckled and picked up the cup.

"I just did some writing work, but you two are pathfinders who have practiced true knowledge. You are doing the actual work, and you are also bearing the pressure. Teacher, I dare not steal the beauty of others."

"That's because you teach well."

Dad also flattered.

"Uncle Zhou, Uncle Yan, dad, I don't think you guys are too happy..."

Just as the three of them were flattering each other, I poured cold water on it. [

"Xiaojun, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Dad blew his beard and stared.

"Don't forget, the theoretical policy implemented before is the highest instruction."

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay, and their frenzied mood suddenly dropped a lot.

I have to.Because I know that the collision of the two theoretical systems has just begun, and it will take a period of intense debate before the situation becomes clear.

At this time, remind them that it is necessary to keep them calm and rational.

"Don't worry, the veteran comrade is here..."

Mr. Zhou said slowly.

As expected of a professor, he can see the most important things at once.Because that patriarch is the most staunch supporter of "truth tested by practice".

I can't help but smile slightly.

All six of their eyes fell on me, how could I hide such a weird smile?

"Xiaojun, you ghost, what are you laughing at?"

Now they dare not take my opinion lightly.

"It's nothing, Uncle's eyes are like a torch, he hits the nail on the head, it's really amazing!"

I shook my head and dropped my book bag.

"Little guy, speak clearly."

Mr. Zhou was angry and funny at the same time.

"Hey, it's obvious that the contest is inevitable. I hope that Uncle will continue to work hard and come up with an article on "Three Discussions on Seeking Truth from Facts"... This will make the storm come more violently."

"Why? Didn't you just say that the theoretical policy in front of you is the highest instruction?"

Dad doesn't understand.

"If the article "Practice Tests the Truth" is not published, you and Uncle Yan will continue to suspend your duties for self-reflection, which is not a big deal. But now that the situation has changed drastically, if you want to hide in a small building and become unified, you may not be able to do it. It will definitely be classified as a "practical school". Instead of waiting for the results, it is better to stand up, fight hard, and be a vanguard..."

Mr. Zhou shook his head and sighed. [

Yan Yucheng pointed at me, his eyes widened like light bulbs.

"This...how does this look like a child? It's even more cunning and cunning than Wang Benqing!"

I raised my head and let out a "hum", pretending to be amazing.Don't be wary of Mr. Zhou stretching out his hand, he gave me a violent shudder, and said with a smile: "If you don't hit me for three days, you will go to the house to expose the tiles!"

Alas, this military division deserves it!It's really not on the stage.

I couldn't help but grimaced, and protested: "Uncle, don't hit me on the head, you will become stupid!"

"It's better to be stupid, or you will soon become a genius."

Yan Yucheng gloated.

As expected, "Practice" was severely criticized immediately after it was published.Those who put forward and insist on the current theoretical policy insist that this article is wrong in theory and very bad in politics, and they want to cut down the red flag.The leaders of the central government in charge of ideological and theoretical work held consecutive meetings to name and criticize relevant personnel, repeatedly issued bans, and demanded that "the next one should not be an example."

In this general environment, I was worried that "Three Essays on Seeking Truth from Facts" would not be released.Unexpectedly, on May 23, the "N Province Daily" published the full text on the front page, and I couldn't help being greatly encouraged.

Such a purely theoretical article, written by two grassroots cadres who were suspended for self-reflection, was able to be published on the front page of the provincial newspaper, which is very self-explanatory.Even though Mr. Zhou's old colleague is the editor of the provincial newspaper, without the approval of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, even if this article is published, it will not occupy such an important page in any case.

Like the previous two times, "Three Essays on Seeking Truth from Facts" attracted more and more fierce counterattacks.

Wang Benqing, who originally had the intention of reconciliation, also changed his face, summoned Yan Yucheng and his father in person, and criticized them harshly.

In the spacious office of the director of the County Revolutionary Committee, Wang Benqing tore off his gentle mask, slapped the table and lost his temper.

"Yan Yucheng, Liu Jincai, what on earth are you trying to do? It is extremely wrong for you to make such wrong remarks in provincial newspapers again and again, and the influence is too bad!"

Wang Benqing's secretary was standing outside the door with a gloomy expression on his face.

I had to stand three or four meters away from the office and listen carefully.The secretary kept glaring at me, and seemed to come over several times to drive me away, but in the end he didn't move.

Perhaps in his mind, such a child of eight or nine years old is really not worth fighting.If I started to cry and disturbed Director Wang's important conversation, the effect would be counterproductive.

"Director Wang, don't party members even have the right to express their opinions?"

Yan Yucheng was not afraid of him, and his tone did not show any weakness.

"Hmph, can you still be regarded as party members? You are too organized. Let me ask you, have you written articles for the provincial newspaper, have you been approved by the county? Have you reported to any leader in the county?"

"Director Wang, the articles we publish in the provincial newspaper are purely theoretical, not news reports, and there is no need for anyone's consent. The party's policy has always allowed party members to express their opinions freely."

"Yo ho, our Xiangyang County really has talents, and there are party members that the organization can't control?"

Seeing Yan Yucheng being so rebellious, Cui Xiuhe immediately stepped forward to help the "master".Speaking of which, he hated Yan Yucheng and his father even more than Wang Benqing, and now that the top leaders are all furious, how could he not fight to help?

"Minister Cui, who is the party member that the organization can't control? Is it you or me?"

For Cui Xiuhe, Yan Yucheng didn't even give him a place in the corner of his eyes.

"Of course it's you, isn't it me? You two are a member of the Tongmu organization. Liberalism is very serious. You have always been against the county revolutionary committee. They cooperate three to seven and don't cooperate. I think you, Yan Yucheng, are very uncooperative. "

"My Yan Yucheng is very uncooperative? Minister Cui, I think you are talking nonsense with your eyes open. When have I not obeyed the organization's decision? But you, in the name of the organization, reject dissidents, make a big talk, and try to suppress it." Disagreement within the organization. Just raised a few acres of fish for the members of the Hongqi Commune, wrote a few articles for me and Comrade Liu Jincai, and gave us punishment, and then suspended for self-reflection. It's still polite to say something about the feudal patriarchal style..."

Yan Yucheng has made up his mind to do something big.

"Then you're welcome, what should I say?"

Wang Benqing's tone was cold, and I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Although I didn't see his face, I thought it was colder than his voice.

Yan Yucheng said coldly: "Fascist!"

"Okay, okay, Yan Yucheng, since you say I am a fascist, then I am a fascist. From today onwards, you and Liu Jincai will both reflect on me at the No. [-] Guest House in Xiangyang County and make a deep review... Without the consent of the county revolutionary committee, I am not allowed Step out of the guest house!"

"Director Wang is trying to restrict our personal freedom? May I ask what crime we have committed?"

Yan Yucheng's tone was still calm.

Dad snorted, but didn't speak. From the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word, expressing his complete trust in Yan Yucheng.

"Hey, Comrade Yan Yucheng, I still call you Comrade, I hope you will know your way back and don't go your own way... I know you have been to university and your education level is not low. I don't want to argue with you. I I just want to tell you that the Revolutionary Committee of Xiangyang County has the right to punish party members and comrades who have made mistakes. Now, on behalf of the Revolutionary Committee of Xiangyang County, I officially announce that Yan Yucheng and Liu Jincai, two party members and cadres who made serious mistakes in the line, will be quarantined Review!"

So Yan Yucheng and his father lived in the No. 24 Guest House of the County Revolutionary Committee, accompanied by cadres from the Organization Department [-] hours a day.It is said to be accompanying, but it is actually supervised.

On the day of the isolation inspection, Wang Benqing saw me outside the office and learned that I was Liu Jincai's son. Although he was quite puzzled by Liu Jincai's constant taking me in and out of important places like the County Revolutionary Committee, he also showed that he was a county leader. Because of my basic qualities, I was sent back to Liujiashan.

The next day, my mother took me to the No. 36 guest house, but failed to see my father, but met Yan Yucheng's lover at the registration office of the guest house.Yan Yucheng's lover, surnamed Xie, is called Xieying. He is about [-] or seven years old, with a plump figure and quite charming.She also heard the news and came to understand the situation.He was also blocked at the registration desk by the director of the guest house.

The director was also surnamed Wang, in his 30s, with a cold face, and was very rude to Xie Ying and his mother.When Xie Ying asked why he couldn't meet Yan Yucheng, Director Wang sneered, extremely disdainful.

"You want to see Yan Yucheng, it's difficult. The mistake he made this time is too serious. If he doesn't explain the problem clearly, no one will be able to see him!"

This is too much to say, Xie Ying was furious: "Wang Youfu, what do you mean? What crime did my old Yan commit? Murder and arson? Today you have to speak clearly."

Wang Youfu is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He can be the head of the first hostel of the County Revolutionary Committee, and he has seen many important people.

"You don't want to make trouble here either. Yan Yucheng is quarantined for inspection, but the county revolutionary committee made the decision."

"What about the county revolutionary committee? The county revolutionary committee also needs to be reasonable. Reasonable travels all over the world, but it is difficult to walk an inch. Whether my old Yan made a mistake or not, the organization has its own opinion. I am his lover. I will send him something. What kind of law did you break again?"

"Okay, you can give him things." Wang Youfu said lightly, and changed his tone again: "But people can't see each other, this is the decision of the County Revolutionary Committee. You can keep things, and we will pass them on to him."

"Why don't you let me see? Did Lao Yan kill and set fire? Tell you, Wang Youfu, if I don't see Lao Yan today, I won't leave!"

"Hmph, look clearly, this is the No. [-] Guest House of the County Revolutionary Committee, not a place for you to mess around! If you want to make trouble here, it's still a bit far away! Are you going to leave? If you don't, I'll notify the security department."

Xie Ying was out of breath, she seemed to want to rush up and bite Wang Youfu.

The mother saw that it was not the head, and was also worried that such a noise would make Yan Yucheng and his father's situation more difficult, so she hurriedly stepped forward to hold Jieying.

"Sister Xie, fighting against this kind of person is not worth it..."

My mother and father are the same age, but I don't know who is older than Xie Ying. Seeing that Yan Yucheng is older than his father, he calls her Jie Jie according to the etiquette.Xie Ying is actually not someone who can't weigh the weight. Seeing her mother's persuasion, she planned to go down the donkey.Unexpectedly, Wang Youfu misunderstood these words again.He narrowed his eyes and turned to face his mother.

"A person like me? What's wrong with a person like me? Who do you think you are? How dare a woman from the countryside come to the county town to make trouble?"

My mother's temper was even more irritable than Xie Ying's. After hearing this, her face flushed immediately. After thinking about it, she finally suppressed her anger, put a change of clothes and some daily necessities at the registration office, and pulled Xie Ying to go out.

Wang Youfu couldn't get enough of it, he snorted coldly: "Fighting with my uncle, you can't control yourself!"

Dare to feel that this guy is some kind of nephew of Wang Benqing, I don't know if he is a relative.

I couldn't help turning my head back, smiled slightly, and said, "Director Wang, you are very majestic in front of women and children!"

"Son, what are you talking about?"

"I said, you have to be careful with such an imposing director. You have to be more imposing. After a while, I'm afraid you won't be able to regain your prestige!"


"Director Wang, if you don't believe me, I'll make a bet with you. If you can be the director until the end of this year, I'll write the willow characters backwards!"

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