Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 375 Thieves Rampant

After ten minutes, a No. [-] car finally pulled into the station slowly.Duan Shaowen seemed to be on a spring, and he didn't care about the dignity of the deputy mayor and deputy director. He rushed straight onto the highway, trying to occupy the car door and open a "passage" for Secretary Liu.

Xie Yixiang followed closely beside Liu Jincai, and two strong men from the security office guarded Liu Jincai, one on the left and the other on the right.Even so, it took a very hard struggle before they squeezed into the car, and everyone was sweating profusely.

When I got on the bus, the bus was already full of people, not to mention the vacant seats, even if I was standing, it was crowded and it was difficult to move my body.

Xie Yixiang looked around, and said to a young man who looked gentle and wearing glasses beside him: "Young man, can you please make room for this old comrade?"

The young man pursed his lips, turned his head and looked out, and ignored him. [

Hehe, it is somewhat similar to the situation described in "The Ordinary Realm".

Liu Jincai grabbed the handrail above his head, tried his best to stand still, and said, "It's okay, just stand there, it's not far away anyway."

The two guards stood on the right and used their bodies against the crowd to avoid bumping into the secretary of the municipal party committee.

Finally, when the car started, Liu Jin sighed: "We are all big men with empty hands. It would be too difficult for those lesbians, or those who carry a lot of things, to get in the car."

"Yeah yeah……"

Duan Shaowen and Fan Zhenggang hurriedly echoed.

"Liu...we...we will definitely find a way to deal with this situation..."

Duan Shaowen said in a low voice.Talking and digging out: wiping sweat with a handkerchief.

Liu Jin nodded.He said lightly: "No matter what method you think of, you must improve it!"

"Yes...it's about funding..."

Duan Shaowen was about to complain to Liu Jincai.It suddenly occurred to me that this was a "private visit via microservice".Shut up again.Somewhat embarrassingly.

Xie Yixiang stared closely at the conductor who was trying to squeeze over here, and took out a few dollars from his pocket to buy a ticket.The situation written in the book can no longer happen, let the conductor salute the secretary of the municipal party committee.

Fortunately, the conductor did not contradict Liu Jincai, because Liu Jincai never asked the conductor.People will not suffer from psychosis and deliberately find fault.Although Liu Jincai was dressed in ordinary clothes, he naturally exuded the power of a superior, mixed with the elegance of a scholar.

Seeing that although the car was very crowded, it was still relatively orderly, both Duan Shaowen and Fan Zhenggang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When the car came to the next stop, the door opened, and a large group of people rushed up again, rushing straight towards Liu Jincai and the others.Although the two security officers were physically strong, they couldn't resist.Fan Zhenggang and Xie Yixiang moved their bodies to stand in front of Liu Jincai and Duan Shaowen.

Even though it was the season of warm spring and flowers blooming, Jincai felt the unbearable heat in the compartment, so he stretched out his hand to unzip his jacket.Xie Yixiang struggled to open the bag under his arm, and took out a tissue for Liu Jincai.

Liu Jincai took it, wiped the sweat from his forehead, said "thank you" to Xie Yixiang with a smile, and sighed: "I'm old..."

Duan Shaowen said with a smile: "It's the prime of life."

Judging by Liu Jincai's age, a deputy provincial and ministerial cadre with real power in his early teens is indeed worthy of the evaluation of "the prime of life". [

Liu Jincai smiled and looked out through the dirty car glass.The avenue leading from the municipal party committee compound to Eleventh Square can be regarded as one of the widest roads in the provincial capital.But the car kept going and stopping, like an old cow pulling a broken car, and the speed was extremely slow.All kinds of cars filled the streets.Over the years of reform and opening up, although the economic growth of the city is not as fast as that of Baozhou City, the total amount is still considerable. The growth of public and private cars is very fast. I remember that my son mentioned the son of Hao Weixian, the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, to himself last night. I started a Toyota coupe within two years of working.However, the speed of urban infrastructure construction is far behind the speed of economic development. As a result, traffic jams often occur on the widest avenue in the provincial capital.

In such a crowded bus, it is already "difficult" enough, and the speed of the bus is so slow that it is really frustrating.

Outside the car, newly-built buildings and dilapidated houses are unevenly crowded together. The facades and signboards of shops are also a mixture of old and new, messy and dilapidated.Occasionally, a corner of red walls and green tiles is exposed in the reinforced concrete, but it is some antique pavilions, which shows that this is an ancient city with a long history.Because there was a spring rain last night, mud was piled up on both sides of the road, as well as the garbage on the mud, which made people feel very frustrated and just wanted to get angry.

Is this the capital city of a dignified province?

Liu Jincai suddenly felt proud.

Although Baozhou City, which is in charge of its own administration, is far smaller than Daning City in scale, it is indeed far above Daning City in terms of urban planning and urban construction.

But this pride was quickly replaced by heaviness.

Because, now that I am the head of the city, how to change its appearance as soon as possible is the issue I should consider in the future--you can't just sit on the credit book and dawdle!

As Duan Shaowen said: It is the prime of life, you must make a name for yourself!

Shaking all the way, when the car was approaching Eleventh Square, several people rushed up again, making the car even more crowded.

Suddenly, a woman screamed not far away.

"My wallet, my wallet is missing...there is a pickpocket in the car..."

Liu Jincai's face suddenly darkened.

The two security officers still stood firmly on both sides of Liu Jincai, just looking around vigilantly.Their task is to protect the safety of the municipal Party committee secretary, but they don't care about these security cases.

Duan Shaowen is the deputy mayor in charge of traffic, social security is not in his charge, but since this kind of thing was encountered by the secretary of the municipal party committee, he had to come forward, let alone the case happened on the bus, more or less Since he could have something to do with him, he gave Fan Zhenggang a wink.

Fan Zhenggang understood and shouted to the driver: "Comrade driver, there is a pickpocket in the car, take the car to the nearest police station!"

The driver ignored it and drove straight ahead.

Fan Zhenggang got angry and shouted: "I told you to drive the car to the police station, did you hear that?"

"Who are you? Toad yawns—very loudly!"

The driver still didn't say a word, but the conductor spoke instead.

"You... what do you mean?"

Fan Zhenggang blushed immediately. [

Speaking of which, he is the big boss that these drivers and conductors should be in charge of, but they don't know Director Fan's "respect".

"What do you mean? Don't you understand? There are too many pickpockets on the bus. Which bus has no pickpockets? If you do it like this, then we don't need to drive the bus, and we go to the police station every day squatting!"

Ticket sales

In a scornful manner, he despised Director Fan's "knowledge"!

"That's right, you are in a hurry, what police station are you going to?"

Passengers echoed.

"That's right, there are so many pickpockets in this car, even if all the police officers are dispatched to nail them to the car every day, they won't be able to catch them all... Let's move forward quickly."

Another said.

Fan Zhenggang looked at Shao Wen for help.

Duan Shaowen is so angry!

After all, your kid is an executive deputy chief, right?Can't handle such a small matter?

Duan Shaowen stared at him hard.

Fan Zhenggang rushed to the conductor in a hurry, took out his work ID, and prepared to reveal his identity to this ignorant young man.

"It's you, you were the one who squeezed around just now...give me back my wallet..."

The woman yelled again, and there was a handsome-looking young man.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense? Who stole your wallet?"

The man also yelled loudly, but he was a little grim.

"Driver, take the car to the police station, I caught the pickpocket!"

the woman yelled.

The young man was in a hurry, and suddenly took out a folding fruit knife and took out the blade, threatening viciously: "Stop shouting and I'll kill your mother!"

The woman was frightened immediately, and quickly let go of her hand, not daring to make a sound.

The people in the car immediately fell silent.


cried the pickpocket triumphantly.

Liu Jincai's eyes were about to burst into flames, he stared hard at the security officer beside him and ordered: "Catch it!"


The security officer promised in a low voice, and quickly moved away from the crowd to approach the pickpocket.

With a sound of "嗤", the bus suddenly slammed on the brakes, and everyone fell forward involuntarily.It was too late to say it, but the security officer pounced, first knocked down the pickpocket's knife, and then pressed him tightly against the car door.

Fan Zhenggang couldn't care less about revealing his identity, so he hurried forward to help, and the two of them held the pickpocket firmly.

The security officer freed one hand, took out his ID card, waved it in front of the conductor, and ordered in a low voice: "It's from the security department of the municipal party committee! Drive the car to the police station immediately!"

The conductor's face turned pale immediately, and he was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses, and said in a trembling voice, "Ahead... not far ahead is the Eleventh Square Police Station..."

"Quick, drive over!"

"Hey...Master Lin, drive the car to the Square Police Station!"

Suddenly, there was applause in the car.

The car quickly drove to the square police station, the door opened, the security officer and Fan Zhenggang escorted the pickpocket out of the car, and the woman whose wallet was stolen also got out of the car.

Duan Shaowen looked at Liu Jincai and said in a low voice: "Secretary Liu, do you think this is the end of today, I am responsible for your safety... We will definitely come up with a solution as soon as possible... "

Liu Jin thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Then get out of the car, and invite comrades from the Municipal Public Security Bureau to come over and study it together."

"Okay okay..."

Duan Shaowen felt relieved, and immediately opened the way first, leading Liu Jincai to get off the car.

People stepped aside consciously, looking at them and their party curiously.Although Duan Shaowen's voice was very low, after all, many people still heard him address Liu Jincai.

Could it be that this inconspicuous man is really some kind of secretary in the city?

The secretary came to squeeze the bus in person?

Ha, what a big news!

In the distance, four small cars followed slowly.

Seeing Liu Jincai approaching, the security officer saluted him and said, "Please give instructions, Chief!"

Of course he knew that what he was defending was the new secretary of the municipal party committee, but the situation on the street was complicated, so he just called "chief" vaguely.

"Go to the police station and talk."

Liu Jin gave the order calmly.


After entering the police station, it was very quiet inside. Most of the police comrades in the office were drinking hot tea and reading newspapers leisurely.There was another one, who was eating noodles with his head buried in the noodles, chugging along, eating very happily.

Liu Jin just looked at his watch. It was past nine o'clock. I don't know if this one is eating breakfast or Chinese food?

Liu Jincai and his entourage went straight to the director's office. Director Lu was reading a newspaper when he saw someone coming in. He raised his head in surprise and asked in an official tone, "What's the matter?"

"We just caught a pickpocket on the No. [-] bus!"

said the security officer.

"Pickpocket? Then go to the security room next door!"

Director Lu waved his hand, then lowered his head and continued to read the newspaper.

"Are you the director? Quickly, call the leaders of your city bureau to come over immediately!"

Duan Shaowen stepped forward and said sharply.

Just now, Secretary Liu clearly instructed that he called the leading comrades of the Municipal Bureau to come over to discuss it together, which meant holding an on-site office meeting.

"you are?"

Director Lu was also alert, seeing that this man had an extraordinary demeanor and even more extraordinary words, so he didn't dare to underestimate him, and hurriedly stood up.

"I'm Duan Shaowen from the municipal government!"

"Oh... Mayor Duan... what wind brought you here..."

Director Lu almost rushed out from behind the desk, wanting to shake hands with Duan Shaowen.

Although Duan Shaowen is not in charge of the public security system, he is the dignified deputy mayor after all, but he is not something that a small police station director like him can neglect.

"This is Party Secretary Liu!"

With Liu Jincai here, Duan Shaowen didn't dare to call himself a leader, so he quickly introduced Liu Jincai.

"The municipal party committee... Secretary Liu?"

Director Lu was completely stunned, and stared at Liu Jin stupidly for a while.

Liu Jincai let out a "hum".

He was originally opposed to putting on leadership airs in front of grassroots cadres, but Director Lu's lazy attitude just now made Liu Jincai very uncomfortable, and today's bus was so crowded that he became even more angry, so naturally he lost his good face .

Seeing that Secretary Liu looked unfriendly, Director Lu didn't dare to come forward to shake hands. He hurriedly moved his stool over in a panic, stretched out his sleeve and wiped it again: "Secretary Liu, please sit down..."

Liu Jin waved his hand, sat down on the reception sofa, and said to Duan Shaowen: "Comrade Shao Wen, please sit down!"


Duan Shaowen sat next to the front of the sofa, glared at Director Lu, and said, "Hurry up, call!"

"Yes Yes……"

Director Lu returned to his desk and started making phone calls in a hurry.

Duan Shaowen glanced at Fan Zhenggang again, and said, "Old Fan, go to another office and call Sheng Kaihuai to see if he is at work? Tell him to come here quickly!"

"Okay okay..."

Fan Zhenggang also ran out in a hurry.

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