Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 377 Ruling Declaration

Guan Liu Jincai has been rumored to be transferred to Daning City for a long time. In fact, Tao never gave up his efforts to "take advantage of the trend".He is a veteran deputy ministerial cadre, and his qualifications are much older than Liu Jincai. When Liu Jincai was the executive deputy commissioner of Baozhou, Tao Yiou was already the mayor of Daning City.Why did Liu Jin want to come from behind?

Therefore, Tao Yiou was probably the one who was most dissatisfied with Liu Jincai's transfer to Daning City Party Committee Secretary.

Moreover, Tao Yiou has been operating in Daning City for many years and has "one heart and one mind" with Hu Weimin. Basically, the current team in Daning City can be said to be Hu Weimin's team, and it can also be said to be Tao Yiou's team.The one run by many bureau committees is very popular in front of Hu Tao.

Emotionally speaking, most of the people present at the meeting today are naturally inclined towards Tao Yiou.

But Liu Jincai is by no means a good stubble.Regardless of the illustrious achievements in Baozhou City, and the support of the Provincial Party Committee Secretary Liao, Yan Secretary and others, it is conceivable that he has grown from a grassroots technical cadre to a deputy provincial and ministerial level official with real power in just 12 years. His ability! [

When he was in charge of Baozhou City, Liu Jincai was the famous "smiling tiger"!Anyone who opposes him will end badly. It is very lucky to be idle, and some even go to jail!

Can such a powerful character be easily provoked?

"The ancient city has certain characteristics, and the renovation of the old city will encounter various difficulties. However, the things left by our ancestors should become our capital, not our burden."

Liu Jin said slightly.A certain amount of respect should be maintained for Tao Yiou, a veteran mayor.

"There are also many famous cities all over the country. The history is longer than our Daning city, and the scale of the old city is larger than ours. However, they have not affected the development and progress of the city. This needs to be viewed dialectically."

Liu Jincai said this.But Tao Yiou could argue.

"Hehe. Secretary Liu is right. Of course, cities need to develop and progress. Our Daning City, as the provincial capital, should be at the forefront of the province. When Secretary Liu was in charge of Baozhou City, Baozhou City The development of the city is obvious to all... Secretary Liu. I'm not here to complain. In fact, the big city also has difficulties on the ground. Money is used everywhere. This family is difficult..."

Tao Yiou also said with a smile.

"Everyone knows that Secretary Liu is a good hand at grasping the economy. Although the level and area of ​​the Baozhou High-tech Development Zone are the lowest and smallest among similar development zones in other cities and cities in the province, the total amount of foreign investment and the actual creation of land profits and taxes. But every year It ranks first in the province. Secretary Liu came to our Daning City to preside over the work. The economic take-off of Ning City is just around the corner..."

to here.Tao Yiou took the lead in applauding.So the meeting room burst into applause.

Tao Yiou looked at Liu Jin before applauding.The eyes and expressions are very sincere.The palms were also clapped loudly.People have to cherish his sincerity at all.

Liu Jincai also laughed, and clapped along.

It is said that Tao Yiou is amazing, and today I finally saw that Mayor Tao is a character.Once this passage is said and applauded, Tao Yiou must achieve at least three goals.In other words, at least three goals are to be achieved.

First of all, Liu Jincai's private visit today is to use the real situation as a "teaching material" to wake up the cadres of Daning City, how to do a good job, and be regarded as a good person who cares about the people and serves the people sincerely cadre.For this reason, Duan Shaowen, Wei Xian, and Sheng Kaihuai, a group of cadres, have already been greatly shocked, and they are also thinking about ways to improve the work they are in charge of. They are doing something practical for the people of Daning City .At the same time, Liu Jincai's prestige as secretary of the municipal party committee was established virtually.

This is the method that Yucheng and Liu's father and son discussed when they sat down not long ago - focus on small things and big things!

Difficult to take a bus, rampant pickpocketing, for such a large provincial capital city and a high-ranking secretary of the municipal party committee, it is really only a trivial matter, Jincai actually can't catch such things every day.However, fundamentally improving the traffic conditions in the city and improving social security conditions is a major event that is related to thousands of households and the prestige of the ruling party and the government.

Seeing that Liu Jincai's goal was about to be achieved, Tao Yiou came in with such a "cross-cutting stick", and he was even a bit "gaggling" about him. The originally tense meeting atmosphere immediately relaxed, and an on-site office meeting aimed at solving problems , It became a "fight of wits and strength" among the leaders to sing praises.

Duan Shaowen and the others obviously relaxed a lot, and they were even more grateful to Tao Yiou.

At critical moments, Mayor Tao will still protect them! [

It was Liu Jin's first move, which seemed to be easily dispelled.Tao Yiou inadvertently hurt Liu Jincai's face and further enhanced his prestige.

Next, what Tao Yiou said just now seemed to be a compliment to Liu Jincai, but in fact it was a stick.

Why did you, Liu Jin, come to Daning City?Grasp the economy!

Liu Jincai was originally known for his "good grasp of the economy".It's not because Daning City's economic growth rate is not as good as Baozhou City's. Why should Liao Qingkai ask you to take over Hu Weimin's position?

Don't you want to improve the traffic situation?

Well, what about the money?Where does the money come from?

It's hard for a clever daughter-in-law to cook without rice!

You think I, Tao Yiou, don't want to build Daning City into a first-class garden city?

Really standing and talking without back pain.

Now that you, an "economic strongman", have come, it will be your Liu Jincai's business if the economic construction of Daning City cannot be carried out in the future.Hu Weimin and my old Tao were almost angry, why is your old Liu also a god?

Isn't everyone equal?

Of course, even if Liu Jin really improves the economy, it will be a matter of the future.Compared with his current position, the secretary of the municipal party committee is in charge of party affairs, and the mayor is the leader in the economy.

Tao Yiou was reminding Liu Jincai, don't stretch your hands too far.It doesn't matter whether you are the chief secretary of the municipal party committee, the one-acre three-point land of the municipal government or my Tao Yiou's back garden!

Let's "paddle the river and rule", and the well water does not violate the river water.

In other words, this was also Tao Yiou's test of Liu Jincai, expressing his attitude.Since the Provincial Party Committee values ​​you, let you Liu Jincai, a "junior" in the political arena, pass me Tao Yiou, we will bear it.As long as you don't take advantage of the power in my hands, then I, Lao Tao, will be easy to talk to, and I will "cooperate" with you in your work in the future.

Liu Jin finally understands the cooperation method of the "Hu Tao family".

It stands to reason that Tao Yiou, a veteran mayor, has such an attitude towards the new secretary, which is not bad.Another person might happily take over the "Hydrangea" thrown by Tao Yiou

Let's talk about peace, it's important to stand firm first.

But Tao Yiou misjudged Liu Jincai's character.

Liu Jincai is a man who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside!

The most important point is that he is a practical person, and he does not reject the so-called "rules" in the officialdom, but if this set of rules hinders him from doing things for the people, then he will never compromise!

This character fully affected Liu Jun. [

This is why Liu Jun is sometimes very smooth and sometimes very stubborn.

There is a bottom line in my heart for what can and cannot be allowed.

Tao Yi proposed "rights sharing" on his own initiative, and what he wanted in exchange was the vital interests of millions of people in Daning City, which Liu Jincai absolutely could not agree to.

Then Tao Yi's third goal, compared with the first two goals, is somewhat inferior.It just shows that Tao Yiou's "belly capacity" is very wide.

Just now Liu Jin refuted his opinion in front of everyone.Not only was Mayor Tao not angry, but he praised Secretary Liu, which showed that Tao Yiou was a man of integrity and placed himself in a very upright position, without the slightest hint of "unconvinced".

Let everyone know that Tao Zhang, a veteran party member and cadre, has a strong organizational discipline and is determined to improve the unity of the team and not care about personal gains or losses.

If Liu Jincai couldn't accept such "goodwill" from Mayor Tao, then it can only be said that the secretary's stomach is not big enough, and it is too big for a municipal party secretary!

Hehe, just a short paragraph and an action of applauding, the topic that comes out is very big.

"Comrade Yiou is right. As the capital city of the province, Daning City should indeed be at the forefront of the province!"

After clapping for a while, Liu Jin raised his hands and pressed them down, and said with a smile.

"However, how to be at the forefront of the province is worth discussing. If it is only economic growth or economic aggregate that remains the first in the province, then it is not perfect."

Liu Jincai continued to speak, but the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and his eyes gradually became serious again.

"In all kinds of books and periodicals we publish, as long as we mention Daning City, we will add a few attributives in front, that is, the province's political, economic, cultural and technological center! Please think about it, our Daning City Does the city really deserve the evaluation of the 'four centers'?"

Secretary Liu's stern eyes swept over everyone's faces one by one. Everyone couldn't help but lower their heads, as if lost in thought. Their eyes finally stayed on the face of Tao Yiou beside him. Tao Yiou still had a smile on his face, but he seemed a little stiff.

"Let's talk about the political center first. You may ask, is this worth mentioning? The provincial party committee and government are stationed in Daning City. We are not the political center. Who is the political center? However, this honor belongs to our Daning city itself. Did you earn it? No! The provincial party committee and the provincial government earned it for us. If the provincial party committee and provincial government were stationed in other cities today, then the title of the political center would have to be given up. Comrades, according to my understanding, The political center not only represents the seat of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, but also represents that our Daning City is also at the forefront of the province in understanding and implementing the spirit of the documents of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government! Govern for the people, This is the consistent purpose of our party, and this purpose should not be forgotten at any time! Imagine a city where going out to squeeze a bus is like fighting a war, and a pickpocket openly threatens the victim with a knife in front of several people. Can we live up to this evaluation? Daning City, just set an example for the whole province?"

Liu Jincai's voice was not very harsh, but just eloquent, but it was like a heavy hammer, hitting the heads of everyone present!

"Next, let's talk about the cultural center. What culture is, seems very general. Some people will understand it as how many colleges, libraries, Xinhua bookstores, cultural and art units there are in the city, or even as there are How many movie theaters, how many entertainment venues. Are these understandings wrong? No! These things are hard indicators of a city, of course, the more the better! But, are these enough? Absolutely not enough! Culture, First of all, it is a kind of spirit, a kind of civilization, which is the essence and soul of a city. On the bus just now, the pickpocket threatened the victim with a knife. The bus was full of people, but no one stood up and said To be fair. Bus drivers and conductors also turned a blind eye. May I ask everyone, is this the urban culture of our Daning city? In the past, during the war years, at the critical moment of national survival, people from N province, Daning Where did the fearless spirit of the city people rushing forward against the invaders' swords and guns go?"

Since he came to power, Liu Jincai has rarely delivered such a long speech.At the meeting, he always speaks concisely^, assigns work clearly, and never talks too much.

But now, he had to say a few more words.

"Maybe everyone thinks that I am making a high-profile statement and talking big and empty. Well, let me tell you about small things. For example, economic development. Yes, for economic development, it is necessary to introduce more funds and create more job opportunities. But how? How can we introduce more foreign capital? How can we make foreign businessmen have confidence in us? Some comrades may say that more preferential policies should be given. However, I want to tell everyone that policies alone are not enough. We should start from small things and start from We should start by ourselves, optimize our investment environment step by step, and improve our investment environment step by step. At the very least, what we present to foreign businessmen and compatriots across the country should be a clean city, a city full of vigor and vitality. Instead of Now it is such a dirty city! The avenue from the Municipal Party Committee Compound to the Eleventh Square is the most spacious and dazzling Eleventh Avenue in Daning City. You can go out and have a look after a while. This street What does it look like! Assuming that the comrades here are going on a business trip, would you choose to stay in a clean and tidy hotel, or would you prefer to stay in a dirty and chaotic small hotel? The answer is self-evident! To put it bluntly, even the hygiene What are the advantages of attracting investment in a bad city? How can we prove our sincerity in hospitality?"

Everyone present was dripping with sweat, and even Tao Yiou, who was always calm, was a little restless.

"What is a big thing and what is a small thing, I think we have to think carefully. Is sitting in the office all day reviewing documents and being busy with meetings all day, is it a big thing? From now on, everyone should take action and go all out to build a Clean, tidy and civilized Daning City! For the work of each unit, Comrade Tao Yiou and I, as well as other leading comrades of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, will conduct irregular inspections and supervision!

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