When Mengying woke up, Liu Jun was still sleeping.

Strictly speaking, Miss He could be said to have fallen asleep last night, and she was always in a daze, half asleep and half awake.She regretted it all the time, she shouldn't have asked Liu Jun to drink so much, and he was still Erguotou.This man is so strong that he doesn't know whether it's because he practiced martial arts since he was a child or because of Erguotou's power. Liu Jun has always been dishonest. After a while, He Mengying thought it had calmed down, and when he wanted to squint for a while, this man started to make a fuss. Also refurbished.

Women in He Mengying's age group are born in a famous family and have a successful career. They have their own set of principles for people and things, or they are extremely independent and will not be easily influenced by others.

But as soon as she meets a man she likes, especially a man like Liu Jun who is outstanding in every aspect, He Mengying immediately loses her footing, throwing away her so-called principles and opinions, being gentle and considerate, and even accommodating in terms of conditions.

One or two times in the middle, Miss He wanted to "resist" a little bit to Liu Jun's weird posture requirements, but was immediately "emotionally suppressed", and finally collapsed completely amidst her increasingly loud groans! [

That's all, who said: I like him?

What makes He Mengying the most unbearable is that the central adjustment system of a person seems to be different from ordinary people. A quarter of an hour ago, she was fierce and fierce, fighting fiercely on her body, sprinting repeatedly, and immediately fell asleep immediately after the work was done, so as to deal with the aftermath. All the work was left to her.

After tidying up the two messy bodies and the same messy mattress, Miss He saw Liu Jun who was sleeping, she was happy at the moment, and her teeth were itchy with hatred at the other moment, she wanted to pinch him hard, but in the end she became A gentle caress with all tenderness.

She really didn't dare to twist it hard.

This person may wake up from a deep sleep at any time, and then there will be a new round of tossing.

Repeatedly tossing until the sky: bright.He Mengying finally managed to find a relatively quiet time to be dazed for a while, because Jun was going to do morning exercises at this time.Get out of bed.Go to the balcony to enjoy the big Sunday.I also wheezed and did a few push-ups and sit-ups, as if I didn't do enough at night.Make up the fire again.

According to the morning exercise is over.Liu Jun rushed to find something in the refrigerator to fill his stomach randomly.Back on the big bed again.Seeing He Mengying's plump and fit body curled up into a ball.Obediently hiding in the bed, sleeping soundly and smiling slightly.No more fuss.He only lightly kissed her bright red and charming cheek.Then he lay down.Sleep soundly.

It's starry today.Don't worry about skipping classes.

He Mengying was woken up by the phone call.

"Who doesn't stop on Sundays..."

He Mengying muttered dissatisfiedly.He glanced at Liu Jun again for fear of waking him up too.Seeing him sleeping soundly, he smiled slightly.Carefully crawling over him to pick up the phone.

"Big girl, are you still sleeping late?"

On the phone, Wu Qiuhan's majestic voice came.

He Mengying was taken aback, and quickly pulled the towel to cover her plump body, her pretty face turned red to the base of her ears in an instant, as if Wu Qiuhan could see what was going on in her bedroom through the telephone wire.

This is going to let Wu Qiuhan know that she and Liu Jun have "mixed" together, is she still alive?

"Hmm... what about Sunday... Uncle Wu, what do you want?"

He Mengying replied in a panic.

"It's nothing, was Liu Jun okay last night?"

Wu Qiuhan suddenly asked Liu Junlai. [

He Mengying's heart that had just let go a little bit immediately became suspended again, and she faltered and said: "Well...it's okay...I sent him back last night, and he can still go upstairs by himself..."

Miss He is also a master at making up nonsense, and she speaks vividly.

"Hi! This kid must be drunk! I called him today, but he never answered."

"You called him? What did you ask him for?"

He Mengying turned her head to look at Liu Jun, thinking that it would be strange if he could receive your call!

"Hehe, I suddenly want to chat with him. This kid is quite interesting... In this way, big girl, you can go find him and bring him to my house for lunch. After dinner, we chat with you, and you talk to your aunt...you Haven't you been to my house for a while? Your aunt misses you."

When He Mengying heard this, her head grew bigger.

Wu Qiuhan's lover will always ask her personal questions, and maybe introduce someone to her.Those men were either big money in the business field or the handsome men of the state unit. In the eyes of ordinary people, they were all very outstanding figures, and many of them were unmarried men like the Kang Wenyuan in front of them.

He Mengying was about to ask another question, but Wu Qiuhan had already hung up the phone.

Wu Qiuhan and He Changzheng are more brothers than brothers, even their personalities are exactly the same, they are both decisive and decisive ruthless characters, inviting guests is like giving orders, there is no room for hesitation and negotiation.

Miss He looked at her watch, God, it's already ten o'clock.

I have to tidy up quickly and dress myself up beautifully, especially the two dark circles under my eyes, which must be well covered up.Otherwise, with a "panda look", Wu Qiuhan's eyes are old and poisonous, and I'm afraid he will see the clues.

Just as He Mengying was about to get up, a big hand had already embraced her soft and slender waist. With a little effort, He Mengying's body was embraced into Liu Jun's broad embrace, hugged tightly, and then a hard protrusion The thing has already reached up, going straight into the plump buttocks.

"No, no, no... I'm going to have dinner at Uncle Wu's house at noon..."

He Mengying was so frightened that she struggled desperately.

Liu Jun ignored it and just messed around.

He Mengying turned her body around vigorously, avoiding that dishonest protrusion, held Liu Jun's face with both hands, kissed a few times, and said pantingly: "Good Xiaojun...tonight...will you? Uncle Wu wants to meet you at noon When you speak, you have to stay alert...otherwise there will be big problems..."

Liu Jun smirked and asked, "Why is Uncle Wu talking to me?"

"How would I know?"

He Mengying narrowed her eyes.

"Hey, you must be discussing Miss He's lifelong affairs with me, and I will introduce you to a good husband..."

Liu Jun was talking nonsense, and his head had already begun to think over and over again. [

The relationship between him and Wu Qiuhan is not close, they have only dealt with each other a few times, mainly because of Ning Aiyun's case.The real intimate contact was drinking at Hai Xiangjun's house last night.

Wu Qiuhan is taciturn and calm, and he is not a person who likes to chat!

This is really a lot of thinking.

At this time, He Mengying had already returned to her shrewd and capable nature, she bit her lip and thought for a while, shaking her head sadly.

"I do not know either……"

"Forget it, it should be nothing if the elders talk to the younger generation."

Liu Jun said easily.

"It's just... hey, you can go to sleep for a while and clean up first, and I'll call you later..."

He Mengying patted Liu Jun's cheek, smiled and leaned over, kissed her and got off the bed.


appeared in Wu

He Mengying at the mouth is still in military uniform.

This is Liu Jun's suggestion.

He Mengying originally dressed casually, with a high-necked water-blue bat shirt and a tight-fitting lambskin skirt, and a pair of black lambskin high boots, which looked particularly sexy and charming.

He Mengying was very satisfied with this dress and happily asked Liu Jun to take a look.

The man went to the bathroom first, turning a blind eye to He Mengying's beauty, then with a toothbrush in his mouth, he glanced at it absent-mindedly, and muttered, "It's better to wear the military uniform, it won't last for a few days!"

He Mengying was so angry that she couldn't hold back.

After Liu Jun muttered this sentence, he retreated into the living room and brushed his teeth.

Thinking about it, I am quite tired of wearing military uniforms. I don’t want to put away the major’s officer’s uniform if I am not attending an important party in the army or at home.But soon after, I will take off this military uniform, and I basically have no chance to put it on again. Suddenly, I have become attached to the military uniform again.Immediately, he pursed his mouth, took off his casual clothes, and "put on his clothes" again.

After Liu Jun finished washing, he came out to have a look, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, this look is more formal, and Uncle Biwu won't introduce you casually anymore."

Ha, the purpose of being brave is to "prevent problems before they happen"!

He Mengying rolled her eyes at him, like a little girl, her heart was sweet.

But when He Mengying brought out a set of men's underwear and gave it to Liu Jun, Liu Yanei was surprised.

"Where did it come from?"

Liu Yanei stared at Miss He, with a very bad expression on her face.

He Mengying pursed her lips again, and said, "I bought it specially for you, and it's been here for a long time!"

After finishing, Miss He's face turned red.

It seems that there is something wrong with the language!

Dare Miss He has long expected such a day.

Liu Jun laughed, put his arms around He Mengying's slender waist, gave her a heavy kiss, and then whispered two words in her ear.


"You... what did you say?"

He Mengying's eyes widened, a little out of breath.

"You didn't look like a pervert last night, did you?"

Liu Jun had a hippie smile on his face.

It turns out that I was tortured to death last night, and I still have to wear a "pervert" hat at the end?Where is the law of heaven, where is justice?Shy and angry, He Mengying suddenly opened her mouth and bit Liu Jun's shoulder hard.


Nanfang City is an old sub-provincial city, the largest port in the south, and the standing committee members of the municipal party committee naturally live in small villas one by one, which is not inferior to the provincial party committee standing committee of province n.

The Wu family hired a babysitter, but it was Wu Qiuhan's lover who opened the door in person.

"Mengying, I haven't seen you for two months, she looks even more beautiful. Tsk tsk..."

Wu Qiuhan's lover looks like he is in his forties, his face is like a full moon, and he is very rich.

"Hello, Aunt Peng!"

He Mengying greeted with a smile.

"This young man is Liu Jun, right? Oh, he looks so handsome..."

Aunt Peng looked Liu Jun up and down again, smiled and praised him.

Liu Jun hurried forward and bowed: "Hello, Aunt Peng!"

Then he handed over the two boxes of American ginseng in his hand respectfully.

"Aunt Peng, a little meaning."

"This child, come to the house for a light meal, what else do you bring, really..."

Aunt Peng smiled politely.

Wu Qiuhan snorted and said, "Big girl, is it your bad idea again? It's so vulgar!"

He Mengying called out to Qu: "Uncle Wu, why do you blame me for everything? It's obviously Xiaojun's own intention. It's rude not to bring a small gift when you come to the door for the first time!"

"Liu Jun, are you serious?"

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Uncle Wu, I'm a student at school!"

Wu Qiuhan immediately nodded and gave He Mengying a hard look.

He Mengying was so angry that her teeth itch again!

This student at school, what a good thing he did last night!Why are these men so virtuous, they are so good-looking when they get cheap.

"Look at you, you have a stern face at work, and you still have this stern face at home. You are not afraid of scaring the children!"

Aunt Peng scolded.

"Mengying, Liu Jun, sit down quickly, eat some fruit, and ignore him!"

Wu Qiuhan hummed again, picked up the newspaper to read, and ignored them for now.

Liu Jun sat there, drinking tea and eating fruit in a proper manner, like a student at school.He also knew that Wu Qiuhan had been observing him all the time, with a sense of investigation in it.

But he didn't know why Wu Qiuhan wanted to see him.

"Aunt Peng, where's Yuanyuan?"

He Mengying asked.

"She, a crazy girl, ran away early in the morning. Sigh, seeing that she is about to graduate this year, she is still so playful and crazy, and I don't know how to find a partner in the future..."

Aunt Peng said with a smile, her eyes went straight to Liu Jun.

Liu Jun was terrified.

Didn't Wu Qiuhan want to recruit him as his son-in-law?

This is a big joke!

Thinking of this, even Liu Yanei, who was conceited to be "calm", couldn't help feeling a little restless.

"Liu Jun, I heard that you are studying for a master's degree at South China University?"

Sure enough, Aunt Peng asked about Liu Jun's situation.

"Yes, Aunt Peng!"

Liu Yanei's hairs stood on end, he bit the bullet and agreed.

"Hey, the young man is promising... My family, Yuanyuan, is also studying at South China University. Your Uncle Wu asked her to take the postgraduate entrance examination, but this girl just refuses..."

Liu Jun scratched his head, smiled embarrassingly, not daring to speak.

He Mengying obviously guessed what Liu Jun was thinking, so she looked at him narrowly, pursing her lips from time to time, giggling.It made Liu Jun's heart even more messy.

Fortunately, at this time, the little nanny had already brought the food to the table and greeted everyone to eat, which was a relief for Liu Jun.

Wu Qiuhan was not polite either, he first sat down on the main seat with Dama Jindao, and then he greeted: "Liu Jun, big girl, come over for dinner."

Liu Jun hurriedly got up, and sat tight.

I fought repeatedly last night, and this morning I casually filled the Wu Zang Temple, my stomach was already growling with hunger, smelling the aroma of food, I really couldn't bear it.

"Liu Jun, do you drink?"

Wu Qiuhan asked.

Liu Jun smiled wryly: "Uncle Wu, please forgive me, I dare not drink with you anymore!"

Wu Qiuhan laughed: "Okay, let's eat!"

The Chinese food is relatively rich, there are many dishes such as boiled chicken, steamed fish head, etc., but they are light, typical of the taste of Nanfang City.Liu Jun was very hungry at this time, so he didn't care about it, he picked up the bowl and ate four big bowls of rice in one go, only then was he full.

Wu Qiuhan smiled slightly, as if satisfied with Liu Jun's appetite and informality.

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