Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 390 The result of confrontation

The car dealer that Chun Guang mentioned was called "Hengli Car Dealer in Daning City".This is a big problem.Wu Qiuhan, the new head of the Public Security Department, went out in person, and the Provincial Public Security Department directly investigated.

No one expected that Wu Qiuhan would strike so quickly and so ruthlessly!

This person is really not sitting on the bench, even some department-level officials of the Public Security Bureau have not yet recognized it, so they resolutely shot.

Hengli Automobile Co., Ltd. wantonly resold smuggled cars with fake license plates, involving many units and personnel within the public security organs. The big boss behind the scenes was Hao Chunguang, the son of Hao Weixian, the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.This kid wears the sign of a consultant, but in fact he owns [-]% of the Hengli car dealership.

According to regulations, Wei Xian had to recuse himself from this case. [

But he couldn't avoid it.Because he knows very well what kind of ending it will be if he digs deeper.

The so-called "behind-the-scenes boss" Chunguang is actually in front of the stage, and the real behind-the-scenes big boss is Hao Weixian.Without Wei Xian's support, Hao Chunguang is nothing.

The Provincial Department made such a thunderous investigation, Hao Weixian evaded in name, but in fact secretly dispatched troops and generals to carry out tit-for-tat deployments.Weixian has not been operating in the Daning City Public Security Bureau for a day or two. It can be said that his cronies are all over the place, and the resistance is still very strong.

Hao Weixian has become the biggest stumbling block in order to thoroughly investigate the problem of Hengli Car Dealership.

But Wei Xian's level is the deputy department level, which belongs to the provincial management cadres.If you want to move him, the authority is in the province.

It's the end of July.Hao Weixian was double-regulated by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Shuanggui Hao Weixian asked.Reported to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.After Yin Baoqing listened to reports from relevant parties.A decision was made.

After Wei Xian was shuanggui.The "resistance" of the Daning City Public Security Bureau immediately fell apart and made a breakthrough.


Daning Municipal Party Committee Small Conference Room.The meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee is being held.

Every member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee looked very dignified.

This time, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee actually had only one main topic: who will be the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

In front of each member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, there was a thick stack of materials about Hao Weixian's violations of discipline and law.

Liu Jincai, secretary of the municipal party committee, sat upright in the chairman's seat, took a sip from his teacup with a calm face, and quietly listened to the speeches of the standing committee members who were "outraged" against Hao Weixian.

I remember that just a few days ago at the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, there were quite a few members of the Standing Committee counting Hao Weixian's "contributions and achievements". In particular, Huang Zhifei, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, even supported Hao Weixian, saying that this comrade is still very firm in his political stance. The regularity is also very strong.There may be some small mistakes in the issue of children's education, but the flaws are not concealed.If the son has a problem, it means that the father will also have a problem.

But now, I also have a problem, and the problem is not small.

Weixian's double regulation was a big blow to Tao Yiou.

Wei Xian is a cadre he single-handedly promoted, and he is also very popular with Hu Weimin.This time, Tao Yiou was actually determined to protect Hao Weixian, and he even paid a special visit to Hu Weimin.

Hu Weimin is the secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, and Hao Weixian can be regarded as his subordinate. [

Hu Weimin's attitude is also very clear, and Tao Yiou tried to protect Hao Weixian's approach.And put it into practice, in front of Tao Yiou, several members of the Standing Committee of the Daning City Party Committee made a phone call, expressing their attitude implicitly.

As a result, almost all the members of the standing committee of the Municipal Party Committee "sang praises" for Hao Weixian a few days ago.

After the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Tao Yiou left the meeting room with a smile.Liu Jincai's face was very calm, and there was nothing unusual about it.But expected to be very suffocated in my heart.

Liu Jin has only been in office for a few months, and he has successfully established a good image in the hearts of the people in Daning City.Despite being nicknamed a "fine" secretary, most citizens still agree with it.

In any case, Secretary Liu mainly punished the unsanitary units, not the individuals.

Walking on the clean and tidy streets of the provincial capital, whether it is a native of Daning, or a staff member or businessman on a business trip, everyone's mood is suddenly brightened.

A fine of 3 to [-] yuan is really a bargain in exchange for a new city.

For a provincial capital city with a population of nearly one million, a fine of 3 to [-] yuan is really not much.

It seems that the so-called "hard to return" and "the law does not blame the public" are just excuses to avoid responsibility.As long as those in power make up their minds, there is nothing that cannot be changed.

Liu Jincai has a good image in the minds of the citizens, which means that the evaluation of the former Secretary Hu and the current Mayor Tao has dropped a bit.

Don't be afraid of looking at goods, but be afraid of comparing goods.

Compared with the new secretary, these two are really a little bit worse.No wonder the Provincial Party Committee wanted to transfer Liu Jincai, it really made sense.

But Tao Yiou didn't care about the public's evaluation of him.

This veteran in the officialdom gained "fame" very early. Because of his close relationship with Liu Dongshan, the former second-in-command of the provincial party committee, Tao Yiou's official career was smooth, and every step in the Qingfeng area was extremely smooth. Stable and solid, thrilling all the way, to be the secretary of Qingfeng area.If Liu Dongshan hadn't been transferred from N province, the post of secretary of the Daning Municipal Party Committee might not have been given to Hu Weimin.

Therefore, Tao Yiou didn't care about this "fake name" at all.

The most critical thing is the opinion of his superiors.

That time when the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee had a "one-sided" situation, Tao Yiou expressed his intentions to Liu Jincai very clearly - it doesn't matter what the people say, and Tao Yiou has the final say on the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.

But just after the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Liu Dongshan called Tao Yiou at night.

Liu Dongshan unceremoniously criticized him on the phone, two of which made Tao Yiou's heart skip a beat.


Liu Dongshan didn't save any face, and said these two words to him coldly.

"Do you think you are singing against Liu Jincai? Can you [-]% guarantee that Hao Weixian is fine? In a standing committee of the municipal party committee, more than [-]% of the standing committee members sing praises for a corrupt person who may have problems. Is this normal? Do you think In this way, it is shown to the Provincial Party Committee of N Province and the Central Committee that the entire Daning City Party Committee team is unqualified!" [

Liu Dongshan scolded Tao Yiou from his complacent mentality of "overall advantage" immediately.

"Yiou, you are getting more and more confused. Have you been going too smoothly these years? Who is going to move Weixian this time, think about it for yourself!"

Liu Dongshan hung up the phone angrily.

Tao Yiou slowly put down the phone, only to realize that the back of his shirt was wet with cold sweat.

Liu Dongshan was right, he really didn't "clear the situation"!

Who wants to touch Hao Weixian?

It seems that it is not Liu Jincai but Wu Qiuhan.Liu Jincai was just doing a high-profile job with the provincial department.Since the immediate superior department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau is right

If the mayor raises a complaint, then the city committee will of course hold a meeting to discuss

After Tao Yiou calmed down, he remembered that Liu Jincai, who was on the Standing Committee, hadn't expressed any attitude at all. He just said lightly, "Comrades, please talk about it," with a completely neutral attitude.

As a result, most of the Standing Committee members talked about their "favor" towards Hao Weixian!

Is it normal for a member of the Standing Committee of the municipal party committee to sing praises for a corrupt person who may have problems?

Thinking of Liu Dongshan's words, Yiou's cold sweat broke out again.

Really too impulsive.

I fell into Jincai's "trick"!On the Standing Committee, he inappropriately exposed his "ambition" of trying to manipulate the Standing Committee to "confront" the top leaders with an inappropriate question.

If only three or a few members of the Standing Committee express their opinions, then that's fine. 90.00% of the Standing Committee members are "one-sided", Liu Jincai doesn't need to say a word, and the provincial party committee will naturally express "outrage" at an appropriate time!

This is completely against the principle of organization.

If Liu Jincai was a little more hypocritical, at this time a little "sickness" committee's strong adjustment measures may be introduced immediately.

Why, Ning City is not under the leadership of the party?

The provincial party committee ordered a new secretary to "hold together against" without principle?

It seems that the new secretary still has the title of member of the Standing Committee.

Tao Yiou was not singing a rivalry with Liu Jincai, he was singing a rivalry with the entire Provincial Committee of N Province, and it also involved the huge invisible force behind Wu Qiuhan.

The fact that Liu Dongshan called so quickly is proof of that.

It was Wu Qiuhan's first shot after taking office, and he could only win but not lose.If he loses this time, Wu Qiuhan won't have to think about gaining a firm foothold in N Province in the future.

If you think about it carefully, this is the difference between the behavior style of the second generation of reds and senior cadres like Liu Jincai who came from the grassroots.

The strategy Liu Jincai adopts is to fight steadily and step by step. If he is not more than [-]% or even not fully sure, he will never make a move easily.Wu Qiuhan was different. He seized the opportunity and made a move decisively, even if there was only a [-]% or [-]% chance of winning.At the critical moment, someone came forward for him.

Wu Qiuhan didn't have to have any scruples about dealing with a deputy department-level cadre like Hao Weixian, who obviously had major problems.Winning the battle is the inevitable result.

Within the public security system of a province, the chief of the provincial capital's public security bureau is considered a very important role.Director Wu took him down as soon as he took office, which is enough to establish his prestige.

Not only can he be sure to win, but also can play a deterrent role, the opponent Wu Qiuhan chose is just right.

Tao Yiou chose to support Hao Weixian at this time, not only forcing Yan Liu to make moves, but also indirectly forcing Zhang Guangming and Wu Qiuhan to be ruthless.

Thinking about the cause and effect, Tao Yiou slumped down on the sofa, stretched out his hands and wiped his face vigorously, and let out a long sigh of relief.


"Comrades, regarding the issue of Hao Weixian, the Provincial Commission for Disciplinary Inspection and the judiciary will investigate clearly and give him a fair treatment. I won't discuss it here. The key is the next step of the Municipal Public Security Bureau's work, how it should be carried out."

After listening to the "condemnation" for a while, Liu Jin slowly made a conclusion.

Everyone lowered their heads slightly and said nothing more.

Liu Jincai glanced at Director Liu of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee.

Minister Liu cleared his throat and said, "Next, let's discuss the candidate for the city's public security bureau. In view of the serious problems in Daning City's public security organs, we must make great efforts to rectify them. Secretary Liu suggested that Baozhou Comrade Liang Guoqiang, secretary of the Municipal Legal Committee and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, is the director of the Daning Municipal Public Security Bureau and concurrently serves as the deputy secretary of the Municipal Legal Committee."

The muscles at the corners of Tao Yiou's mouth twitched slightly.

Liu Jincai didn't bring up this proposal at the Secretary's Office Meeting, but went directly to the Standing Committee.

And unlike the usual cadre appointment and dismissal issue, more than two proposed candidates are proposed for everyone to discuss.

Just mentioning Liang Guoqiang, it can be seen that Liu Jincai is bound to win.

Tao Yiou's heart is not going well again.

Why do you, Liu Jin, think that this motion will definitely be passed?If Hao Weixian has a problem, doesn't it mean that he can be your direct relative of Liu Jincai? Does the Daning City Bureau have no other suitable candidates?

But with the "lesson" a few days ago, Tao Yiou didn't dare to get mad easily.

In the Standing Committee last time, everyone supported Hao Weixian, but Weixian did have a big problem.Now that Liu Jin proposed a candidate for the chief of the public security bureau, Tao Yiou disagreed, which really forced Liao Qing to "furious"!

However, Tao Yiou's understanding of the situation does not mean that everyone has a clear understanding of the situation.

Especially Huang Zhifei, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.

What kind of character Liang Guoqiang is, Huang Zhifei also knows a thing or two.If this person came to serve as the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Huang Zhifei would basically have nothing to do with the public security.

This situation is exactly the same as Huang Zhifei's benefactor Hu Weimin encountered in the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, or even worse.After all, there is still a level gap between Hu Weimin and Wu Qiuhan. He and Liang Guoqiang are the same in terms of level, they are both deputy directors.

"Secretary Liu, comrades, I think this issue should be cautious. Comrade Liang Guoqiang's ability is very strong, which is obvious to all comrades in the political and legal system. But I think that since the current situation of the Daning City Bureau is more complicated, Then you should choose a comrade who is more familiar with the work of the Municipal Bureau to preside over the work, so that you can better grasp the situation... Besides, Comrade Liang Guoqiang is now the secretary of the Baozhou Municipal Legal Committee, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee, and transferred to Daning City to serve as the deputy of the Political and Legal Committee. The secretary is also very good, it is not very fair to Comrade Liang Guoqiang... Therefore, I propose that it is more appropriate for Comrade Ren Kailai, the current deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, to be the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, what do you think?"

Huang Zhifei looked at Liu Jincai with a smile while talking, with an extremely sincere expression.

A smile appeared on the corner of Tao Yiou's mouth.

Liu Jincai remained calm and said lightly: "Comrades, let's talk about it!"

The phone in the conference room rang suddenly, and Xie Yixiang hurried over to answer the phone.

Calling the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee at this time, it must be that something important has happened, and the faces of the Standing Committee members all became more solemn.

Xie Yixiang said "hmm" to the phone a few times, glanced at Huang Zhifei, and leaned into Liu Jincai's ear and said a few words.

"Comrades from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection? Then invite them in."

Liu Jincai nodded slowly.

Afterwards, Fang Zhongping, Director of the Third Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, walked in with two people, nodded to Liu Jincai and Tao Yiou first, and then said to Huang Zhifei with an expression on his face: "Comrade Huang Zhifei, regarding the Hengli car dealer's reselling of smuggled cars Case, some issues need to be verified by you, please come with us!"

In an instant, the meeting room became extremely quiet, so quiet that even the sound of Huang Zhifei's sweat dripping on the meeting table could be heard clearly!

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