Uncle, how are you? "

Liu Jun greeted Mr. Zhou on the phone.

"It's not bad, it's good to eat and sleep well."

Mr. Zhou's tone was very calm.

"That's good, I'm really worried about getting you into trouble."

Mr. Zhou chuckled: "I'm a bad old man, my son and daughter, I can say whatever I want, if there is any trouble, don't bother? To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that your article makes sense, I wouldn't casually refer to it."


Liu Jun's throat was a little stuffy.

Mr. Zhou, as the deputy director of the Political Research Office, sent such an article directly to the internal reference, how much political risk would he take?For him, what else can he hope for from being an official to ministerial level all his life?I also hope that an article will bring him many bright futures.He did this entirely for the sake of Liu Jun's future.

Liu Jun is still very young. Not long after he joined the job, he was able to publish such an "important" article on the Internal Reference, which can be heard directly, which is crucial to his future career.Once you get the approval of some top bosses, even if you can't get much real "benefits" for a while, it will be a future in the future.

The supreme minister has been emphasizing.Thousands of young cadres must be trained.If Liu Jun can enter their Dharma Eye.Given time.It is very likely to become a member of the "alternate" echelon.

Something went wrong.The fault was mainly on Zhou Yifei's head.

Liu Jun is a young man who just graduated.know what?Mr. Zhou can easily take all the responsibility on himself.This is why Mr. Zhou did not allow him to publish the article in other newspapers.Directly refer to the reasons for internal reference.

In a sense.Mr. Zhou is betting on his disciple's political future with his own political future.

Liu Jun can basically be said to have a thrill.

at this point.How could Liu Jun not understand?

"Hehe, well, don't be hypocritical like a child. I'm fine, don't worry! It's not the same now..."

Mr. Zhou said very easily.


Liu Jun nodded heavily.

"During these days, if it's a formal organizational conversation (you must stick to your own views and don't try to be opportunistic!"

Mr. Zhou gave emphatic instructions.

"Hey... I see... Uncle and teacher's wife take care of your health."

Liu Jun put down the phone slowly. [

Liu Jincai smoked silently, looked at his son, and said nothing.

Liu Jun sat across from him, thought for a while and asked, "Dad, what do you think of this article?"

"There is no opinion yet."

Liu Jin said slowly.

"But it's probably coming soon."

Liu Jun nodded.

The phone rang suddenly.

"Hi, hello, I'm Liu Jincai... Oh, Secretary Liao... um, um, ok, I'll bring him here right now."

Liu Jun was taken aback and asked, "Secretary Liao?"

"Yes. He wants me to take you there...to his house."

It is suspected to be because of Liu Jun's article.


It wasn't the first time Liu Jun visited Liao Qing's house.But this time the meaning is naturally different.In the past, Liu Jun used to be Liu Jincai's son, a little doll, to pay New Year's greetings to Liao Qingkai.In the eyes of others, there is no essential difference from a child of a few years old.According to the traditional etiquette in China, taking your son to visit the elders means showing great respect for the elders.

At that time, Liu Jun was a "symbol".

But tonight, he wants to explain to this secretary who has power over the entire province face to face, the pros and cons of his reforms in the earliest socialist country.

This may mean that it was Liu Jungang's "high-profile appearance" when he entered his official career.

The door of the Liao Mansion was open, Madam Liao personally welcomed the guests by the door and gave the Liu family father and son a very high courtesy.

"Jin Cai and Xiao Jun are here, please come in!"

Mrs. Liao entered with a smile.She was about the same age as Liao Qingkai, but she had black hair.Naturally dyed with hair dye.As the wife of a great official in Xinjiang, her image is also very important.

In the living room, he was sitting on the sofa, and on the coffee table in front of him was the internal reference.In an ashtray, there were two extinguished cigarette butts, and between Liao Qingkai's two fingers was a lit cigarette.

Liu Jun was taken aback.

I remember one time when I was a guest at Liao's mansion, Mrs. Liao strictly controlled the number of cigarettes Liao Qing prescribed.Now he is "letting himself go". It seems that Liao Qingkai is really saddened by this matter. [

"Come on, sit down."

Liao Qingkai pointed to the sofa opposite.

Liu Jincai and his son walked over and sat down respectfully opposite.

The nanny served tea, and then consciously went into her house and never showed up again.Madam Liao sat down beside Liao Qingkai.

This rule is not the same as that of the Yan family and the Liu family.Whenever discussing business matters, Xie Ying and Ruan Bixiu were not at odds.

However, there have never been rumors of Mrs. Liao "interfering in politics".

It is estimated that Mrs. Liao is the same as Yan Fei, just staying by the side. Don't say that she never talks about the "big things" they discuss, and I am afraid she will not listen too much.

"Liu Jun, you wrote this article?"

Liao Qingkai pointed to the internal reference on the tea table.

"Yes, Secretary Liao, I wrote it."

Liu Jun used to address Uncle Liao, but now he consciously addresses Liao Qingkai by his official title.After all, he has now officially entered the system, and what he is talking about is "national affairs". Even though he is in Liao Qing's house, it can be regarded as a very formal conversation.

"Tell me your reasons."

Liao Qingkai said calmly.

Liu Jun was not bored at all. He pondered for a while and said slowly: "Secretary Liao, the reason is this. I think the basic idea of ​​the Soviet Union's reform at this stage is wrong, and there are problems with the starting point. The cart before the horse. It is much more complicated than our country. Historically, they were not a truly multi-ethnic fusion country, and ethnic conflicts, party-mass conflicts, and internal conflicts were all sharp. Faced with such a situation, we should have proceeded step by step, starting from the economic field Slowly reform and move forward steadily...such a top-down, all-round reform like now is very inappropriate and will shake the foundation."

Liu Jun looked at Liao Qingkai's expression while talking.However, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee's eyes were slightly closed, his brows were drooping, and his face remained motionless.

"Situations like Yeltsin's withdrawal from the Soviet Communist Party actually happened, and he was successfully elected as the president of Russia. It is too abnormal for a country to have multiple presidents, large and small. If even the most basic government orders cannot be guaranteed , what reforms are you talking about?”

Liu Jun gritted his teeth, and said the words that were not written in the article.

"There are both internal and external troubles, and the building will collapse!"

Liao Qingkai's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened and he asked solemnly: "The building will fall?"

"Yes. If decisive measures are not taken now, I think the Soviet Union will have big problems sooner or later!"

Liu Junyu

It is relatively peaceful, but the words spoken are unambiguous.

"Oh? What could go wrong?"


Liu Jun almost blurted out, but luckily held back.

"I dare not speak nonsense about the specific major issues. In short, I think this situation is very dangerous and we must be vigilant and take it seriously."

Liao Qing nodded, and took a look at Liu Jin.

Liu Jincai smiled calmly.

But with such a simple movement, a communication between the two has been completed.

Liao Qingkai's thought was to ask, did you intervene in this matter?

Liu Jincai replied: No.It's all this kid's own idea.

Qing Kai showed a slight smile, and said lightly: "Is Liu Jun working in the Youth League Committee now?"

"Yes, Secretary Liao. It's been less than a month since I started work."

"Which department of the Youth League Committee and School Headquarters?"

"University department, deputy chief."

Liao Qingkai smiled slightly: "It's very good, Comrade Liu Jun. I won't comment on how well your articles are written, but I still appreciate your willingness to explore. Comrades who work on ideological education for students must be diligent. Yu explores and thinks diligently, has a firm stand and can say something, and does his job well."

"Thank you Secretary Liao for your compliment. I also say whatever comes to my mind. As a party member, I should be loyal to the cause of our party!"

Liu Yanei said a "rhetoric statement".

Liao Qingkai smiled and nodded: "Okay. As long as you think it's right, you should stick to it!"


A small meeting is being held in the small meeting room of the Youth League Committee.

It is small, which means that the number of participants is not many, only nine people.But the specifications are definitely not low, including all six full-time department-level cadres of the Youth League Provincial Committee, plus Bai Yang, the head of the school department, Liu Jun, the deputy head of the university department, and the secretary of Secretary Han Jiang who is in charge of meeting minutes.

"Comrade Liu Jun, I think this article you wrote is taken for granted, without any basis, just your own imagination. What you say about the reform of the Soviet Union is dangerous, and what you say that we must always be vigilant against peaceful evolution... I think it is alarmist !"

The person who spoke was Wei Anbang, the top-ranked executive deputy secretary of the Youth League Provincial Committee.

Wei Anbang, 43, is four years old and has a fat body.When he said this, his fat face was tightly set, and his voice was stern.

Holding a pen in his hand, Liu Jun was rustling down notes in his notebook without raising his head, as if he was concentrating on recording Wei Anbang's speech.

"Comrade Liu Jun, why don't you speak?"

Seeing Liu Jun as if he had never heard of it, Wei Anbang was even more dissatisfied.

Only then did Liu Jun raise his head, and replied with a smile, "I'm recording Secretary Wei's instructions. Moreover, Secretary Wei didn't ask me to answer any questions."

Wei Anbang choked heavily.

It seemed that the kid's answer was impeccable, but the indifference on his face was very hurtful.Hmph, is this the tone of a deputy section chief talking to the deputy secretary?If it were someone else, would he dare to counterattack Deputy Secretary Wei like this "Pili Yangqiu"?

However, this person's tone was calm, neither arrogant nor humble, so that anyone who wanted to criticize would not speak up.

Everyone knows why Wei Anbang is so "radical".Not because Wei Anbang is on Hu Weimin's line.Others are afraid that Liu Jun's father is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, but I, Old Wei, don't take it to heart.

"Then, please answer me, why did you write such an unfounded article? To pour cold water on the great situation of reform and opening up in our country?"

Wei Anbang started to go online, with a pair of bean~ eyes fixed on Liu Jun on his round and fat face.

Han Jiang frowned slightly calmly.

Liu Jun replied calmly: "Secretary Wei, first, I don't think this article I wrote has any basis. I wrote it based on the actual situation in the Soviet Union. Although there are some reasons, it is also logical. Second, I mainly aimed at the problems existing in the reform of the Soviet Union. I raised the need to be vigilant and prevent peaceful evolution. I did not mean to pour cold water on the excellent situation of reform and opening up in our country. Anti-peaceful evolution is an important political task reiterated by the central government. As party members, each of us has the obligation to work hard to complete the tasks assigned by the organization."

"Then, why did you publish such an article without the approval of the organization?"

Wei Anbang saw that Liu Jun was eloquent and showed no signs of timidity, so he couldn't help being even more annoyed.

How dare a fledgling brat stand up to me, Old Wei?

"Secretary Wei, this is a purely theoretical article. It does not involve organizational secrets or personal privacy. There is no requirement that it must be reviewed by the organization, right? Every party member has freedom of speech!"

Still calm, Liu Jun gently pushed him back.

A smile appeared on the corner of Bai Yang's mouth.

Seeing that Wei Anbang was aggressive as soon as he came up, Bai Yang was a little worried that Liu Jun would not be able to resist.After all, he is still too young.However, Liu Jun's response was well-founded, and Wei Anbang's "severe offensive" was easily resolved with a few plain words, but it was Minister Bu Laobai who "speak up for justice".

"Comrade Liu Jun, you need to be correct..."

Seeing that Wei Anbang was deflated and couldn't continue to ask questions, Lin Mingyi, the discipline inspector and secretary of the party committee of the agency, appeared in time to rescue Wei Anbang.

This Lin Mingyi was transferred from the position of Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Daning City to the Disciplinary Inspector of the Provincial Youth League Committee.He was about the same age as Wei Anbang, but his figure was thin. He often went in and out with Wei Anbang.

Liu Jun smiled and remained silent.

As far as the attitude is concerned, it is completely the "patent" of the leader.There is no hard and fast target for this thing. If people say you have a correct attitude, you are correct, and if you say you are not correct, you can pretend to be a third grandson, and you are still not correct.

"Comrade Liu Jun, you drive a special car to and from get off work every day. I really want to know who bought this car for you."

As expected of a discipline inspector, Lin Mingyi started his "offensive" in a different way.

"Secretary Lin, I bought this car myself, a second-hand car from a friend!"

"Oh? A used car? How much is it worth?"

Lin Mingyi stared at him closely.

"It's about thirty thousand yuan."

Liu Jun said easily.

"3? May I ask Comrade Liu Jun, where did the [-] yuan come from?"

Everyone looked at Liu Jun with great concern.

"Hehe, it's my own money. In 1980, I bought some monkey tickets. It was just for fun. I didn't expect the price to increase now... I have the receipt of the mail market transaction, the name, address and contact of the buyer. Phone, Secretary Lin can send someone to investigate and verify!"

Liu Jun replied with a smile, his eyes swept across Lin Mingyi's face.

Lin Mingyi only felt a cold and stern pressure rushing towards his face, and he couldn't help but shudder in his heart. He still had a few words to say, but he glanced back abruptly from these two eyes, swallowed a mouthful of foam, and closed his mouth .

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