Han was very haggard, with disheveled hair, several bruises on his face, and he limped around the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this appearance, Yi Han's mother and Zhang Xiaoman began to cry again, and his mother even hugged Yi Han with tears and snot in her nose.Fortunately, Yi Han's father was still calm and stopped his wife and daughter-in-law.

"Why are you crying? Let me tell you what happened first..."

While talking, he looked at Liu Jun and Cheng Xinjian.

Although Zhang Xiaoman did not introduce Liu Jun's identity and background, Cheng Xinjian was the director of the bureau, and he came from the city bureau.Director Cheng respects Liu Jun, a young man, so we can see that Liu Jun's background must be very important. [

I just don't know where my daughter-in-law met such a famous friend.

Liu Jun shook hands with Yi Han first, then smiled and said, "The injury isn't serious, is it?"


Yi Han was a little embarrassed to see Liu.

"I'm sorry, Liu Jun, for always causing trouble."

"Don't be so polite if you are an old school... This is Director Cheng of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Tell him about your situation."

Yi Han is the party involved.But he was calmer than Zhang Xiaoman.The situation is now described in detail.It is basically consistent with what Zhang Xiaoman said.However, what he was concerned about was not the dispute between himself and the head of the Education Committee Yu.

"Director Cheng. Liu Jun. What is this education committee about? Obviously, the money was donated by Tengfei Company to our school. Why is it now the education committee's money? Why do they withhold the money and not allocate it to us? Donate money from the parents and teachers of the students? How can there be such a reason! This matter, please help to deal with it for a while, but you are eagerly waiting to enter the new school!"

Cheng Xinjian glanced at Liu Jun.

He is the head of the Public Security Bureau who is only responsible for smoothing out fights for Yi Han.The issue of appropriation.But it's not easy to intervene.

Liu Jun smiled and patted Yi Han's arm.Said: "Don't worry. This school will definitely be completed on schedule. I promise!"

Yi Han was immediately relieved, and said with a smile: "That's good. To be honest, Liu Jun, I'm not pretending to be arrogant. You have never dealt with country children. They really respect their teachers from the bottom of their hearts. I I just wanted to do something for them...hehe, actually I can't do anything, you did all these things, I just ran errands and messed things up..."

Liu Jun nodded with emotion: "Yi Han, don't say that, you've done a good job, I should learn from you!"

Yi Han was very embarrassed, looked at his parents and Zhang Xiaoman, and said, "Dad, Mom, Xiaoman, don't worry about me. At the section chief, there is not much boiling water in the water bottle that shouldn't be seriously injured... I I didn't mean to throw him on purpose..."

Liu Jun looked at Cheng Xinjian inquiringly.

"Xiaojun, why don't you go to the hospital to see Section Chief Yu first?"

"it is good."

Liu Jun also has this meaning.

Before leaving, Xinjian gave careful instructions to the director of the detention center who hurried over, telling them to treat Yi Han kindly so that he would be full, and asked Yi Han whether he smoked or not. [

In fact, Deputy Director Cheng of the Municipal Bureau came to visit Yi Han in person. No matter how courageous the detention center was, they would not dare to "torture" him.Among the cadres of the public security system in Daning City, who doesn't know that the current city bureau is headed by the "Baozhou Gang"?

Cheng Xinjian is trying to save face for Jun Shao, so that Jun Shao's friends will know that Jun Shao is a very loyal person.

This is indeed the case, Liu Jun will not comment on other aspects for the time being, it seems that friendship is very important.

Section Chief Yu of the Education Committee lived in a special ward of the People's Hospital.But it is a special ward, that is, a single room.Unlike later generations, the hospital is managed like a hotel, and the wards are equipped with TV sets and bathrooms.

When Liu Jun and the others arrived, a deputy director of the Education Committee and some cadres from the finance department were there. The ward was full, and various fruit and nutritional products were piled up like a mountain.It is estimated that it will be carried back with a basket.

I don't know when it started, the interpersonal relationship in the officialdom became more and more complicated. Even a stock-level cadre from the county education committee was hospitalized, and people came to visit in an endless stream.This kind of thing is purely treated as a "happy event". Even colleagues who are not very familiar with it, as long as they are staff members of the Education Committee, they have to contribute their share.

Some school principals also came to visit after hearing the news.

Such is the atmosphere, but one cannot blame only one person.

When Zhang Xiaoman declared that he was Yi Han's lover, the ward suddenly fell silent, and everyone stared at Zhang Xiaoman and his group of five "hardly", as if they were "enemies".

Seeing this posture, Yi Han's parents and Zhang Xiaoman were a little flustered.

Liu Jun stepped forward and introduced himself, saying that he was Yi Han's classmate who worked in the Youth League Committee and asked Section Chief Yu about his injury with a smile.

Section Chief Yu put on a cold face and said that he was seriously injured and had to be hospitalized. Whether he needed surgery would depend on the decision of the hospital, and he asked them to pay 3000 yuan in advance for medical expenses.

Section Chief Yu's colleagues also criticized him one after another, saying that Yi Han was so barbaric that he dared to beat someone in the Education Committee's office. How could he look like a college student or a people's teacher?

Some people even say that such "barbarians" should resolutely clear out the teaching staff, and don't "spoil a pot of soup with one grain of mouse droppings".

It seems that the Education Committee is the superior authority of Qilingchong Middle School, and it is very easy to clear Yi Han out of the teaching staff.

Because of the presence of Liu Jun and Cheng Xinjian, Zhang Xiaoman was patient at first, but after hearing what they said became more and more unreasonable, Zhang Xiaoman also became angry and argued: "Yi Han said that you were the ones who beat people first. Several people beat him up, he was acting in self-defense!"

"Is he self-defense? Is my injury fake?"

Section Chief Yu was very excited, and tore off his clothes, revealing a red and swollen area between the chest and abdomen, which was quite large, and some greasy medicine was applied on it.

Seeing this appearance, Liu Jun felt relieved.

This degree of injury is not enough to be "injury" in the legal sense, not even a minor injury.It's just an ordinary civil dispute, at least Yi Han's detention can be released immediately.

"We don't need to argue about whether section chief Yu is self-defense. Comrades from the public security will investigate clearly."

Liu Jun said lightly. [

"Instead, I would like to ask you. The money for the construction of the new teaching building in Qilingchong Middle School was allocated by the Youth Foundation of our Youth League Committee and a donation from Tengfei Company. Normally, this money should be earmarked for special use. Why did your education committee ask for a card?" Do you want to stop dialing?"

Section Chief Yu glared at him, and said disdainfully: "This is an internal matter of our Education Committee, and you don't need to take care of it!"

Liu Jun smiled coldly: "That's not necessarily true. I don't care about other matters of the Ningbei County Education Committee. But this donation was discussed with Mr. Liu of Tengfei Company with Yi Han. And it was our League Provincial Committee The special fund allocated by the Youth Development Foundation to Qilingchong Middle School. The Provincial Committee of the Youth League has the right to supervise the use of this special fund.

When Section Chief Yu saw that he was young, he kept talking about the Youth League Provincial Committee, as if he could represent the Provincial Committee. We are Ningbei County!"

Liu Jun just laughed and felt that there was no need to talk to him any further.

This person is only a small unit leader, why bother talking?

"That's right, all right, then let's go first."

Liu Jun turned around to greet Cheng Xinjian and the others, and then walked out.

"Hey, you can't just leave, go and pay the medical bills first!"

Section Chief Yu was so angry that his eyes were burning and he was about to jump off the hospital bed and grab them.

"Wait, please... wait..."

The deputy director of the committee who hadn't spoken all this time suddenly seemed to have remembered something and hurriedly followed a few steps, shouting.

After hearing the word "please", Jun stopped and turned his head.

"Uh... Please give me your last name, which department do you work in at the Youth League Provincial Committee?"

The deputy director asked with a little caution.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "I introduced myself just now. My name is Liu Jun, and I work in the school department of the Youth League Committee."

"Mr. Liu?"

The deputy director's face changed suddenly, and he called out tentatively.

Liu Jun nodded and replied, "It's me!"

"Oh, look at my memory...Mr. Liu, I'm really sorry, don't be offended..."

The deputy director suddenly smiled, stepped forward quickly, stretched out his hand, and flinched a little, as if he was not sure whether Liu Jun would shake hands with him.

Liu Jun smiled and stretched out his hand, the deputy director was overjoyed, he tightly held Liu Jun's hand with both hands, and shook it vigorously.Naturally, this shaking is also very measured. It looks very enthusiastic, but in fact, it dare not take serious force with its hands.Otherwise, it would hurt Minister Liu, but what happened?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Minister Liu, it's all our fault, please don't mind... this, this... the money from Qiling Chong, we will transfer it immediately, immediately... tomorrow, the full amount Appropriation... In addition, today's matter is a misunderstanding. Comrade Yi Han and Lao Yu are a little impulsive. Of course, the main reason is that Lao Yu has a bad attitude... We will criticize and educate him... What kind of injury, the education committee can examine and treat him..."

Because of his excitement, the deputy director spoke in a hurry and panted a little, looking at Liu Jun eagerly, as if he was afraid that he would be displeased.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Yi Han is still in the detention center."

"Oh, look at me, I'm so stupid...how about I go to the Public Security Bureau now, explain the situation to them, and ask them to release Comrade Yi Han immediately? Oh, it's just a misunderstanding..."

Seeing the deputy director's sudden expression, everyone in the ward was stunned. Section Chief Yu's face turned pale when he heard the director kept saying that he wanted to "criticize and educate" himself.It's just that this change was so amazing that he was a little confused for a while.

"Of course it is necessary to explain the situation. Seek truth from facts. It is up to the comrades in the Public Security Bureau to decide whether to release him or not. This is Director Cheng Xinjian of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. If the comrades in the county bureau have any questions, they can ask him for instructions. "

Liu Jun smiled and walked out of Cheng Xinjian.

The deputy director was stunned for a moment, more convinced that his judgment was accurate.

Only this Liu Yanei has such a big "spectrum". When visiting friends in the county, he needs to be accompanied by the deputy director of the city bureau.

"Hello, hello, Director Cheng, I really don't know Taishan..."

The deputy director shook Cheng Xinjian's hand for a while.

Cheng Xinjian was not as self-restraining as Liu Jun, he kept his face sullen and kept silent.

This person is rough, not stupid at all, and knows how to define the "role".In their temporary "combination", Liu Jun was suspected to be the "leader", so he naturally sang "Red Face" with a smile on his face—isn't that what a leader is like?As for himself, he is a "bodyguard" and plays the role of "black face".Only in this way can these guys be restrained!

"Then... Minister Liu, Director Cheng, let's go to the Public Security Bureau and explain the situation? Oh, look, it's getting late now, let's have dinner together later, I invite our Education Committee Director Qian will come over immediately..."

The deputy director bent slightly and looked up at Minister Liu.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Director, let's just eat. I still have something to do, so I must go back to Daning City immediately. The actual situation, please explain to your comrades from the education committee and the county bureau, and handle it properly, okay? Goodbye !"

After finishing, Liu Jun took the initiative to shake hands with the deputy director, and greeted Cheng Xinjian to leave.

Yi Han's parents were still hesitating, but Zhang Xiaoman was already smiling, pulling up her father-in-law and mother-in-law, and followed closely.

The posture of seeing the deputy director is not only respectful, but awe-inspiring. There is nothing to worry about. If Yi Han is not released tonight, everything will be fine by tomorrow at the latest.

Up to now, she has finally seen the majesty of "Ya Nei".You have to be angry, not even a "powerful word", once people figure out the identity of the "yamen", they will be scared to death immediately!

The deputy director swayed to the stairs, until Liu Jun glanced at him, then he stood there blankly, not daring to follow, watching Liu Jun and the others disappear at the corner of the stairs Only then did he take out a paper towel and wipe off a few handfuls of cold sweat, then dragged his lead-filled legs back to the ward.


Chief Yu hurriedly called out.

"It's a catastrophe!"

The deputy director gave him a hard look, and ran outside in a hurry, ignoring the reprimand.

"I have to inform Director Qian immediately about this matter, and take remedial measures immediately..."

Everyone in the ward looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why.

Just because Yi Han and Section Chief Yu "fighted", they wouldn't be so nervous, and even if they were friends of Liu Yanei, it would be easy to discuss with them, and ask someone who is decent enough to mediate and act as a peacemaker, "Liang Zi" would also It's over.

The problem is that it is a serious violation of the rules for the Education Committee to withhold the money donated by Tengfei Company for other purposes.The money was cut off at the Finance Bureau, and it was not allocated in full to the county education committee, and the county education committee was just "following the example".Originally, everyone was doing this, and the units below could only hold their noses and bear it.But this kind of thing can be big or small. If Secretary Liu is really going to be stabbed in front of Secretary Liu, once Secretary Liu is furious, if it is investigated, someone will take responsibility with a "black hat".

He is a close relative of father and son, and Liu Yanei may have a talk with his father at any time.

This matter must be properly resolved tonight.

ps: These chapters of pie are pre-released. When everyone reads this chapter, if the monthly pass is up, pie is very grateful. If it is still pending, everyone will support it!Thanks!

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