Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 420 Get a Vaccination

Although Wu Yuanyuan repeatedly "instructed", Liu Yan was still "scared".

Aunt Peng was very "snobbish", and fell in love with Liu Yan as soon as she saw her, took Liu Yan's hand, and looked up and down with a smile, but "thrown" aside the suave Liu Yanei and the beautiful and beautiful Miss Yan.

Wu Yuanyuan stuck out her tongue at Liu Jun and Yan Fei to make faces, giggling and laughing non-stop.

Yan Fei is as charming as she is, these days Wu Zhengxuan picks up Liu Yan to and from get off work on time every day, and she also sees some tricks, so she returns Wu Yuanyuan a smile.

Wu Yuanyuan's "madness" belongs to "madness", but she has no intentions. She and Yan Fei can get along quite well, and she naturally regards Yan Fei as her "best friend".Besides, she swept away four sets of clothes in the "Feitian Fashion Design Studio" in one go, and it is really unreasonable not to treat Yan Fei as a "best friend". [

Seeing Aunt Peng, Liu Yan's forehead was sweating, she lowered her head in shame, feeling very coy.

"Brother, brother, why are you still hiding in the room? Sister Liu Yan is here!"

Wu Yuanyuan raised her voice and cried out.

Not a moment later, Wu Zhengxuan came out of the room with a dark face and slightly reddened face, and greeted Liu Jun.

"Mom, don't look at it, greet the guests first!"

Wu Yuanyuan yelled at her mother again.

Only then did Aunt Peng come back to her senses.He glared at his daughter.He blamed: "You don't know how to greet guests? The boss is not small. You don't know how to do this? Do you want me to feed you!"

Wu Yuanyuan stuck out her tongue.He smiled and said, "Mom. Why are you so fierce? Don't scare the guests..."

Wu Zhengxuan sat down opposite Liu Jun.Handed over the cigarettes.

Liu Jun took it and ordered it.

Wu Yuanyuan made a fuss again.Yelling: "Liu Jun, how old are you. Do you want to smoke like others?"

Liu Jun glanced at her, and said with a smile: "It seems that Xiao Lizi also smokes?"

Wu Yuanyuan rolled her eyes suddenly: "Why mention him, I have nothing to do with him."

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Actually, Xiao Lizi is quite a nice person, and he cares about you very much!"

"Hey, there are so many people who care about me, do I want to marry everyone?"

Wu Yuanyuan said in an obstructive manner.

Aunt Peng was very annoyed: "Yuanyuan! Miss, what nonsense are you talking about? Tell your dad to hear and see how he deals with you!"

Wu Yuanyuan's mouth was flat, and she was really honest.

It seems that Wu Qiuhan is still extremely "lethal". [

Aunt Peng greeted the guests with sugar and tea, and asked Liu Yan with a smile: "Liu Yan, which unit do you work in?"

"Auntie, I work in the Finance Bureau of Daning City."

Liu Yan replied softly.

"Financial Bureau? Good unit!"

Aunt Peng is very satisfied.

"Which school did you graduate from?"

"Ningqing University."

"Ningqing University? A good school! A key university..."

Wu Yuanyuan frowned for a long time, and finally couldn't help but said: "Mom, are you working in the Public Security Bureau or my dad working in the Public Security Bureau? Why is it like checking household registration?"

Aunt Peng really had a headache with this "crazy" daughter, so she had to pretend she didn't hear it.

"Hey, Liu Jun, I heard you are rich?"

Wu Yuanyuan looked Liu Jun up and down, and hummed.

Liu Jun asked with a smile: "Who did you listen to?"

"Your wife!"

Wu Yuanyuan glanced at Yan Fei.

Yan Fei blushed immediately, and since there were elders present, it was difficult to get angry, but she gave Wu Yuanyuan a hard look.It's just that she is as gentle and simple as Yan Fei, let alone staring at someone, even if she stares at him a hundred times, she will only see her "pretty" but not her "power", and she will not be able to play the role of "threat" at all.

Liu Jun couldn't help scratching his head, and also glanced at Yan Fei.

This girl, why does everyone say that she is rich?

Now I am a serious deputy director-level cadre, and I am a leader who is not too big or too young. Being too rich is not a good thing.

"Well, some pocket money! That is, I sold some stamps and stocks."

Now that Yan Fei has "exposed" her secret, she has to deal with Wu Yuanyuan.

Wu Yuanyuan pursed her lips in disdain.Although she herself has no money, she has lived in a wealthy and prosperous city like Nanfang City for a long time, and she has seen a lot of rich bosses. She heard that Liu Jun is such a "rich" person, so she naturally looked down on her.Fortunately, Yan Fei also described this person as a billionaire.At that time, Wu Yuanyuan was a little strange, how can a party member and cadre be so rich? [

Seeing Miss Wu's expression, Liu Jun was also secretly funny.

"Yuanyuan, do you really want to make money?"

Liu Jun smiled and teased her.

"Nonsense, who doesn't want to make money!" Wu Yuanyuan rolled her eyes violently.Turning around for a while, thinking that Liu Jun's smile was a bit weird, suddenly he felt blessed, and asked with a smile on his face, "Liu Jun, do you have a way to make money?"

Before Liu Jun answered, Wu Zhengxuan had already shouted in displeasure: "Yuanyuan, little girl, what are you doing thinking about making money all day long?"

Wu Yuanyuan was not only afraid of Wu Qiuhan, but also a little afraid of this elder brother who was exactly like her father, so she immediately pouted and stopped talking.But after a while, I couldn't help it anymore, and said to Liu Jun: "Hey, Liu Jun, do you really have connections?"

Liu Jun smiled and ignored him.

Wu Yuanyuan's teeth itch with hatred.What annoys her the most are men who are pretending.Why is this Liu Jun so hateful?I really don't understand that Yan Fei still regards him as a treasure!

Wu Zhengxuan glared at her again.

This time Wu Yuanyuan was unhappy, and shouted: "Brother, don't stare at me all the time. A good man has ambitions everywhere. I can understand that you want to inherit the mantle of the old Wu family and make great achievements. Don't ask me like this." Ah, I'm just a little girl, I just want to earn more money and enjoy life, what's wrong?"

Wu Zhengxuan was immediately refuted by her and said no.

Aunt Peng was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly explained to Liu Yan: "Liu Yan, the siblings have been like this since they were young. They like to quarrel and bicker, but they are actually very friendly..."

But I was afraid that Liu Yan would cause some unnecessary misunderstanding.

Liu Yan smiled and said, "Auntie, Yuanyuan is very cute!"

Aunt Peng felt relieved and said with a smile, "She is making trouble!"

"Look, mom, you're slandering my reputation again... Sister Liu Yan, let me tell you, my brother is very orthodox. Apart from being serious and rigid, he has nothing wrong with him and is quite reliable. ..."

Wu Yuanyuan smiled and added another sentence.

"Be as virtuous as my dad!"

"Yuanyuan, how do you talk?"

Aunt Peng scolded with a smile.

"Liu Yan, don't tell me, the two of them are really carved out of the same mold."

"Auntie, where's Uncle Wu?"

Liu Yan smiled and asked.In fact, she was still very curious about this prestigious chief of public security.

"Hey, don't mention it, I'm still working overtime in the hall. This person has no sense of time when he starts working. He knows that you are coming, and he doesn't go home early..."

Aunt Peng complained.

Liu Yan smiled and said, "It's the same as my father. My father also works overtime all the time.

"Isn't it? Secretary Liu is also so busy?"

Aunt Peng was a little surprised.

She thought that only the public security department was so relentless.

At this time, a car horn sounded outside the door, and Wu Yuanyuan reacted super quickly, jumped up and shouted: "Dad is back."

In no time, Wu Qiuhan's burly and strong body appeared at the door.

Wu Zhengxuan got up reflexively, and stood there in a standard upright posture.Then the juniors also stood up, smiling and nodding in salute.

Wu Qiuhan saw Liu Jun at a glance, and said with a smile: "Boy, you are here!"

Yan Fei pursed her lips and snickered.

Perhaps the title "boy" made her feel very cordial.

Liu Yanei was depressed for a while, but he still had to nod his head in agreement.

Wu Qiuhan sat down on the chair with a golden sword on his horse, but Wu Yuanyuan ran really fast this time, quickly poured a cup of tea for Lao Tzu, and handed it to Wu Qiuhan with a smile.

"Dad, let me introduce you. This is Yan Fei, the daughter of Secretary Yan of the Provincial Party Committee. It is said that she is Liu Jun's girlfriend!"

Liu Yanei immediately widened his eyes in anger.

Look at the words!

What is "It is said to be Liu Jun's girlfriend"?

Wu Qiuhan nodded politely at Yan Fei, and asked with a smile, "How is Secretary Yan?"

Yan Fei hurriedly agreed: "Very good, thank you Uncle Wu."

"This one is Liu Jun's third sister, Liu Yan, your son's girlfriend..."

Wu Yuanyuan introduced it bluntly, which is similar to what Liu Yanei said a few days ago when she played the guest role of "matchmaker".

This time, a bunch of people stared at the same time.

After a while, Wu Qiuhan laughed: "I haven't grasped this situation yet!"

"Hello, Uncle Wu..."

Liu Yan lowered her head, her face was blushing, and she made a mosquito-like sound from her throat.

"Hey, good..."

Wu Qiuhan nodded repeatedly.

"Everyone sit down, at home, don't be so stiff!"

After everyone was seated, Wu Qiuhan glanced at Liu Yan, nodded slightly, and said, "Liu Yan, I am a soldier, and I don't know how to beat around the bush. Your brother knows that. You and my Zhengxuan are friends. I have no objection."


Liu Yan's ears were so red that she almost hid her head in the sofa.

Looking at Wu Zhengxuan's appearance, it's not much better, the standard soldier's sitting posture is gone, and he keeps rubbing his two thick palms.

"Zhengxuan is currently serving as a soldier in the north. The conditions are relatively difficult. As a man, he just needs to hone his skills. The so-called jade does not make a weapon. This kid is not very talkative, but he has a good heart. I can assure you of this! You two stay together for a while, if it feels right, I will come to the door and propose to Secretary Liu!"

Hearing these words, everyone was dumbfounded.

This man, the soldier's style is too tough, it's not like a heart-to-heart conversation, it's almost like giving orders in a war.

Liu Yan didn't speak, neither nodded nor shook her head, but secretly glanced at Wu Zhengxuan, who knew that Wu Zhengxuan was also glancing at her, his eyes met, and he hurriedly avoided like an electric shock.

Seeing this situation, Wu Qiuhan couldn't help laughing.


The next night at the gathering in Box 20166 of the Qiushui Hotel, Liu Yanei brought a guest who was beyond everyone's expectations, and it turned out to be Miss Wu Yuanyuan.

Seeing Wu Yuanyuan, Sun Youdao first narrowed his eyes, showing a shocked expression.

No way?

Jun Shao changed his taste?

But this taste has changed too completely!

After everyone figured out Wu Yuanyuan's identity, they were taken aback again. They looked at Jun Shao with admiration.This master is always so unexpected!

No, a few competent officials of the public security system in Daning City had a gathering, and they dragged the daughter of the director of the public security department to join him.

The first time we met, I didn't know much about Wu Yuanyuan's temperament, so the atmosphere was a bit dull.

"Everyone, don't be cautious, Yuanyuan is very interesting, making friends is not vague, drinking is not vague, right, Yuanyuan?"

Liu Jun said with a smile.

Wu Yuanyuan squinted at him, and said disdainfully: "If it's one-on-one, someone like you is guaranteed to be knocked down!"

Liu Yanei couldn't help laughing wryly.

Young Master Jun really didn't dare to pick up on the matter of drinking.

But these words aroused the "blood energy" of Xiao Wu, Wang Bochao and others, don't look at you

Director of Public Security, underestimate Jun Shao, that's not okay!

At present, a few rough men, regardless of Wu Yuanyuan's status as a woman, opened the Moutai and filled it up for everyone.

Liu Jun knew that these people would greet Miss Wu well, so he left her behind and greeted Chen Liyou.Chen Liyou was also in his early fifties, with a pot belly and quite official authority, he smiled and attracted a young man in his twenties to Liu Jun.

"Xiaojun, this is my dog, Chen Huaiyi."

Liu Jun smiled and nodded.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw this unfamiliar face. Chen Huaiyi didn't look much like his father, with a pointed face, which made him look younger.It is probably because Chen Liyou has put on weight over the years.

"Come on, Huaiyi, call Uncle Liu!"

Chen Huaiyi was taken aback for a moment, the person in front of him was about the same age as himself, why did he call him "Uncle"?

Seeing that Chen Huaiyi was late, Chen Liyou was a little displeased, and said angrily: "This child, hurry up and call someone!"

"Liu...Uncle Liu..."

Chen Huaiyi finally called out to Ai Ai, his neck was completely red.

Liu Jun laughed: "Huaiyi, don't listen to your father, we are about the same age, you can call me by my name."

Chen Liyou hurriedly said: "Then how can it be done? The age returns to the age, and the seniority cannot be messed up."

Liu Jun was a little funny, thinking that my old Liu's family and your old Chen's family have no seniority.It's just that this is what the officialdom pays attention to. If he doesn't accept this "uncle", Chen Liyou might have a lump in his heart.Considering Liu Jun's mental age, it's not too much to be called "uncle" by him.

"Where does Huaiyi work?"

"Xiangyang County Office in Daning. Please take care of me in the future!"

Chen Liyou hurriedly said with a smile.

"Everyone is their own person, easy to say."

Liu Jun responded lightly.

Chen Liyou smiled reassuringly.Knowing that as long as Liu Jun complies with this sentence, his son will have the most powerful backer in the future.Chen Liyou is already 50 years old, and the room for further advancement in his career is quite limited. At most, he can get a deputy department-level pension, which is considered very good.Being able to entrust his son to Jun Shao, whom he trusts the most, what is there to worry about?

After a while at the table, everyone yelled and drank and ate, but Wu Yuanyuan got the approval of this rough man all of a sudden. It is very suitable for everyone's taste.

"Come on, Liu Jun, let's go together!"

Miss Wu raised her wine glass and yelled at Liu Jun.

Liu Jun didn't raise his glass, instead, he smiled at her and said, "Yuanyuan, drink three glasses first, and I'll tell you a way to get rich!"


Wu Yuanyuan's eyes sparkled immediately, and without waiting for Liu Jun to say anything, she drank three cups of Moutai in one go, and then stared at Liu Jun again. It seemed that if Liu Yanei dared to lie and deceive, Miss Wu would eat him up!

"Hey, you can discuss it with some of you here. Let's pool some money and set up a pager store in Tianma Square. You only need to be responsible for the rent of the front store, and I will contact you for the source of goods. You can deliver the goods first and pay later!"

Liu Jun said with a smile.

When everyone heard this, their eyes widened.

Pagers are commonly known as "bp" machines. Before mobile phones were popularized on a large scale, this industry was very trendy and very profitable.It's just that at that time, the price of a pager was thousands of dollars, and the cost of opening a store was too high, and everyone never thought about it.

People who earn dead wages can't afford such a "big" business.

Now Jun Shao actually said that he can deliver the goods first and pay later, then it is almost a business. How can there be such a good thing?

"Liu Jun, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

Wu Yuanyuan was stunned for a long time before shouting.

Liu Jun smiled with a very determined expression.

Cheng Xinjian and the others were already very happy, knowing that this young master never lied in front of them, and always followed through on what he said.

"Let me tell you first. In this store, everyone counts as a share. No one has too much, and no one has a lot. But you can't come forward, just find a reliable person to take care of it. Dividends are distributed according to the ratio of one share per person. I am only responsible for contacting the source of goods for you, and do not interfere with internal management matters. If anyone makes noise, then I am sorry, and the shares will be withdrawn automatically!"

Liu Jun said calmly.

Cheng Xinjian and the others kept nodding their heads.

Young Master Jun is giving them money, so what's there to argue about?

The way Wu Yuanyuan looked at Liu Jun changed a little.At first, she thought that Liu Jun was fooling around relying on Lao Tzu's prestige, but she didn't want these people to obey him and treat him like a god.It seems that my opinion of him is biased.

"Let's put it this way, I don't want you to make a lot of money by setting up such a shop for everyone. But in this world, everyone is making money, and it's hard to live a good life on wages alone. It's okay to run this pager shop. Just give everyone some money for smoking and drinking. If you have difficulties in life, you can ask me at any time. If I can help, I will definitely help. However, you can’t just reach out to others, like a catchphrase, what’s You can't do it when the citizens are blocked and eat the plaintiff and the defendant, and you can't embarrass my dad!"

Liu Jun became serious and said slowly.

Everyone nodded hurriedly.

Liu Jun turned to Wu Yuanyuan again, and said, "Yuanyuan, you are the same. If you want to make money, you should make money rightly. Don't go looking for a way out. Things in society are very complicated, and Uncle Wu will be involved if you are not careful. I understand. ?"

Wu Yuanyuan stopped arguing with Liu Jun this time, and nodded obediently.It seems that this guy sometimes speaks a few words that make sense.

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