[-] was a year destined to be recorded in history.This year, a series of major events that attracted worldwide attention took place in our country.Among them, the first major event, and the one that attracted the most attention, was the speech made by the Supreme Leader during his southern tour.

As soon as the wheel of history enters the new year, in mid-January, when the Spring Festival is approaching, the supreme head, regardless of his ninety-year-old age, left the capital and began to tour several important cities in the central and southern parts of the south, and published a series of important speech.

The supreme leader chose this time to deliver his speech on the southern tour, which has a profound historical background and is facing complex international and domestic situations.

At that time, the Soviet Union had just disintegrated, and the old superpower that had existed for 70 years split into [-] independent sovereign states. Some countries in Eastern Europe had undergone huge changes in their regimes and state structures earlier.Affected by these factors, completely different theories have appeared in the domestic ideological field. Some people even put forward the theory of "total westernization", while other cadres have a vague understanding of the reform and opening policy. The situation is extremely serious.

At this time, the supreme chief personally stepped out. [

The chief inspector toured the southern land, watching and talking while walking, and made a systematic exposition of the policies and theories related to reform and opening up.

When the supreme leader inspected the special economic zone, he hardly stopped talking.The most exciting time was crossing the Pearl River by boat, and I talked for a whole hour.

The Supreme Leader's speech on the southern tour mainly included six aspects.

First of all, we must adhere to the line, principles and policies since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party. The key is to adhere to "one center and two basic points."If we don't adhere to socialism, don't reform and open up, don't develop the economy, and don't improve people's lives, we can only lead to a dead end.The basic line shall be governed for 100 years and shall not be shaken.Only by adhering to this line will the people believe in you and support you. Whoever wants to change the line, principles and policies since the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will be overthrown if the people do not agree.

The second point is to point out that reform and opening up should be more courageous, dare to experiment, and not be like women with small feet.If you are sure, try boldly and break through boldly.Without the spirit of breaking new ground, without the spirit of "adventure", without a breath of vigor and vigor, one cannot blaze a good path, one cannot blaze a new path, and one cannot start a new career.

Reform and opening up can’t take a step forward, and they dare not make breakthroughs. In a word, they are afraid that there will be too many capitalist things, and they have taken the capitalist road.The key is whether the surname is "capital" or "she".The criteria for judgment should mainly be based on whether it is conducive to the development of productive forces in a socialist society, whether it is conducive to enhancing the overall national strength of a socialist country, and whether it is conducive to improving the living standards of the people.Regarding the establishment of a special zone, there have been different opinions from the very beginning, worrying whether it is capitalism.Shenzhen's construction achievements have clearly answered those who have such worries.The surname of the SAR is "she", not "capital".From the perspective of the special zone, public ownership is the main body, and foreign investment only accounts for a quarter, which is the foreign investment part. We can also benefit from taxation and labor services!Don't be afraid to set up more "foreign-funded" enterprises... In the final analysis, it is beneficial to socialism.

The third is to seize the opportunity and develop ourselves, the key is to develop the economy.my country's economic development must always strive to reach a higher level every few years.Of course, instead of encouraging unrealistically high speeds, it is still necessary to be down-to-earth, pay attention to benefits, and develop steadily and coordinately... For a big developing country like ours, the economy must develop faster, and it is impossible to always be so peaceful Quiet and steady.Attention should be paid to the stable and coordinated development of the economy, but stability and coordination are relative, not absolute.Development is the last word.This question needs to be clarified.If the analysis is not done properly, causing misunderstandings, you will become cautious, afraid to emancipate your mind, dare not let go of your hands and feet, and the result is to lose opportunities, just like sailing against the current, if you do not advance, you will retreat...In technology, the higher the better, the newer the better , the taller and newer we are, the happier we will be.Not only are we happy, the people are happy, and the country is happy.We must love our country and let our country develop.

The fourth is to insist on grasping reform and opening up with both hands and cracking down on various criminal activities.Both hands must be hard.Crack down on all kinds of criminal activities, clean up all kinds of ugly phenomena, and be relentless... Not only must the economy improve, but also the social order and social atmosphere must be improved, and the construction of both civilizations must surpass them. This is socialism with Chinese characteristics... …Using the power of the people's dictatorship to consolidate the people's regime is a just thing, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The fifth aspect is that the correct political line must be guaranteed by the correct organizational line.Whether the affairs of the country can be run well, whether socialism and reform and development can be persisted, whether the economy can develop faster, and whether the country can enjoy long-term stability, in a certain sense, the key lies in the people... We must educate our army well, and Our dictatorship institutions educate well, educate party members well, educate the people and youth well... We must pay attention to cultivating people, and we must select people with both ability and political integrity to enter the Communist Party according to the standards of "revolutionization, youthfulness, knowledgeization, and professionalization". team.

Now there is a problem, that is, there are many formalisms.When the TV is on, it's all meetings.There are many conferences, the articles are too long, the speeches are too long, and the content is repetitive, and there are not many new languages.Repeat what you say, but keep it short.Formalism is also bureaucratic.Make time to do more practical things, do more and talk less.

The sixth point is to strengthen the belief in socialism.

On February 28, the Party Central Committee distributed the top leader's speech on the Southern Tour as the No. [-] Central Document of the year to the entire party, requiring that it be conveyed to all party members and cadres as soon as possible.

The chief's speech on the southern tour caused unprecedented shocks at home and abroad. Let's put it this way, the chief's speech made the domestic society and people of insight "blood boil"!

The provincial party committee immediately held a plenary meeting of the provincial party committee, and all members of the provincial party committee attended the meeting.At the meeting, Liao Qingkai, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, made a lengthy speech, demanding immediate action from all party members and cadres in the province, and immediately conveying the chief’s speech on the southern tour as quickly as possible. Implement in the work.

Next, various cities, municipalities, and departments directly under the provincial government held meetings one after another to study the speeches of the Southern Tour.

Naturally, Daning City is no exception. It held a plenary meeting of the Municipal Party Committee to study the speeches of the Southern Tour.After the Municipal Party Committee Plenary Session ended, Liu Jincai retained all the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee members and convened a Standing Committee.

This Standing Committee was held at the request of Mayor Tao Yiou, and the main purpose was to discuss the issue of Daning City organizing merchants to participate in the Import and Export Commodity Fair held in Nanfang City.

The South Import and Export Commodities Fair, founded in the mid-50s, is held in Nanfang City every spring and autumn. It has a history of nearly 30 years. It is composed of dozens of trading groups, with thousands of foreign trade companies, state-owned enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises, Collective enterprises participated in the exhibition.It mainly focuses on export trade, and also does import business. It can also carry out various forms of economic and technological cooperation and exchanges, as well as business activities such as commodity inspection, insurance, transportation, advertising, and consulting.It can be called a comprehensive international trade event with the longest history, the highest level, the largest scale, the most complete variety of commodities, the largest number of visitors and the best transaction results in China.

Daning City has also participated in this trade fair in the past, but the specifications are not high. Generally, enterprises participate in the exhibition by themselves, and the results are very average. [

This time, Tao Yiou decided to make a big deal.

"Secretary Liu, comrades, this Southern Chamber of Commerce, our city should participate in a high-profile way. The municipal government has a plan to organize at least fifty companies to participate in this trade fair. Excellent enterprises from our Daning City and The excellent products will spread to the whole country and even the whole world as soon as possible, and quickly raise the popularity of key enterprises in Daning City..."

Next, Tao Yiou cheered up and talked about the specific operation plan of the municipal government.

"I think it's very good...Comrade Yiou and the municipal government are concrete manifestations of implementing the spirit of the chief's southern tour speech...As long as it is beneficial to the economic development of Daning City, the municipal party committee will give full support. "

Liu Jincai said with a smile, his expression was very excited.

It has been nearly a year since he took office, and most of his time and energy have been spent on the adjustment of internal relations and the governance of the urban environment. In terms of economic construction, Liu Jincai mainly focused on the development of a high-tech zone and the commercial avenue between Tianma Square and Eleven Square. development.It is not very obvious that it will improve the economy of Daning City as a whole.

Now Tao Yiou offered to participate in the Southern Chamber of Commerce with a high profile, which made Liu Jincai very excited.Regardless of the results of this business fair, at least Tao Yiou's attitude is very happy.

It is necessary to work together to get the job done.

As soon as the speeches of the chief minister's southern tour come out, there will definitely be a wave of economic construction throughout the country.Liu Jincai could take this opportunity to better integrate the two teams of the Daning Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government.

Both the municipal party committee and the government have clearly stated their position, and participating in the trade fair with a high profile is also a great thing for the development of the local economy. Naturally, the standing committee members at the meeting unanimously agreed and praised it.

After the Standing Committee ended, Tao Yiou was very proud.Since Liu Jincai took office, it has been a long time since he got such a "full house" in the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. This feeling is really good.

"Comrade Yiou, please stop!"

Suddenly, Liu Jincai smiled and called out to him.

Tao Yiou turned around in astonishment: "What instructions does Secretary Liu have?"

"Hehe, where are there so many instructions... If Comrade Yiou has time, can we talk a little more?"

Liu Jin said with a smile.

"The secretary ordered, you should obey."

Tao Yiou also laughed, walked back slowly, and took a seat on Liu Jincai's left.

The secretaries of Xie Yixiang and Tao Yiou scrambled to give them a cup of tea.

Liu Jincai glanced at the two secretaries, they nodded with a smile, quickly exited the meeting room, and closed the door outside.

Seeing this posture, Tao Yiou's heart beat a little.I don't know what kind of trouble is going to happen to this secretary who is not showing any expressions of emotion or anger.For Liu Jincai, Tao Yiou's heart was really full of guard.At the beginning, he wanted to fight against Liu Jincai, but the idea of ​​planning to rule the river gradually faded over time.With the full support of Liao Qingkai and Yan Yucheng, Tao Yiou also realized that this was not realistic.Now, Tao Yiou would be more satisfied as long as Liu Jin didn't intervene in the daily affairs of the city government at will and emptied his power.

Of course, this is also Tao Yiou's bottom line.If this is not satisfied at all, Tao Yiou will absolutely not tolerate it, and must fight hard. [

Liu Jincai took out a cigarette, handed one to Tao Yiou, and said with a smile: "Comrade Yiou, I think there is still room for discussion regarding the city government's organization of fifty large enterprises to participate in the trade fair."

Tao Yiou froze as soon as he lit his cigarette.

Why, are you really going to meddle in the daily affairs of the city government?

This is completely within the purview of our mayor, and going to the Standing Committee is just a matter of routine.

How could Liu Jin not know what Tao Yiou was worried about?Don't point it out at the moment, continue to say: "Comrade Yiou, organizing fifty large enterprises is of course a good plan, but can we expand it? For example, small and medium-sized enterprises with unique products can also be considered. ..."

It turned out to be the case, Tao Yiou secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and nodded again and again: "The secretary's proposal is very correct, and I will organize and implement it as soon as I go back."

"Comrade Yiou, in fact, I think we in Daning City are not only facing a problem of enterprise development, but the popularity of the whole city needs to be improved. Do you think it is possible to organize a special organization in the name of the city government?" The exhibition group, all exhibitors are included in this exhibition group, unified publicity, unified production of promotional slogans and logos, to promote our Daning City as a whole, to expand the popularity, and to attract more foreign investment. Of course, in terms of cost, there is also Exhibitors don’t want to bear all the burden, it can be shared according to a certain ratio. Even the city government can contribute a large amount and enterprises can contribute a small amount. After all, the government should serve enterprises more and serve the masses more...”

Liu Jincai was smoking a cigarette with a calm tone, and looked at Tao Yiou with gentle eyes, as if old friends were in heart-to-heart relationship.

Tao Yiou's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "Secretary Liu's instruction is very wise, and I think it's totally feasible."

In addition to being excited, Tao Yiou was also a little frustrated, why didn't he think of this first?It seems that emancipating the mind is very important!

Seeing that his opinion was approved by Tao Yiou, Liu Jincai smiled.

"Comrade Yiou, there is another point. I think the form of the Nanfang City's Chamber of Commerce is worth learning from. Look, after participating in the Chamber of Commerce, is it possible to hold a province-wide Chamber of Commerce in Daning City? The second phase of Tianma Plaza is about to be completed and put into use, and it can be used as a temporary exhibition venue.”

Tao Yiou patted the table lightly, and said happily: "Secretary Liu, I think it is completely feasible. There is no need to wait until after the Southern Chamber of Commerce. The two things can be carried out at the same time. Let's do the preparation and publicity work first. Once the Southern Fair is over , our Daning City Trade Fair will start soon, which will definitely play a huge role in promoting the economic development of our city..."

Liu Jincai nodded with a smile.

Tao Yiou suddenly felt a little embarrassed. The secretary gave advice to the economic construction, but he didn't want to claim "credit". He closed the door and discussed with himself.

This is the demeanor of a leader!

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