Yang Youhua's appointment as the vice minister of the school department was both expected and unexpected by many people.

It was expected, and that's because, in terms of seniority alone, among the official-level cadres of the regiment and provincial committees, there were no better people.Just being promoted within the school department, it really doesn't make sense not to mention Yang Youhua.

The so-called unexpected is that there are as many as six deputy department-level cadres competing for the position of deputy minister.Among them are even direct descendants who are deeply trusted by Wei Anbang and Lin Mingyi.

The deputy director-level cadres on Wei Anbang's line wanted to compete for the deputy minister, of course not to take a ride with Bai Yang and Liu Jun, but to mix sand.It can't be that your school department can't get the needle in and the water can't get in, right?Now that the "supporting education activities" are in full swing, it's good to go to the school department to grab a piece of credit at this time!

It never occurred to me that everyone's calculations were in vain. [

Facing the visitors who came to the door one after another, Han Jiang quickly cut through the mess, and followed Bai Yang and Liu Jun's wishes, but two days later, he forcibly approved the appointment of Yang Youhua at the secretary's office meeting.

Regarding Han Jiang's "overbearing" this time, Wei Anbang and others couldn't get angry even if they were angry.After all, on the stage, promoting Yang Youhua is the most reasonable and reasonable approach.

As for the transfer of officers from other departments to the school department, Han Jiang only needs to say "no need" lightly, and everyone can refute it.

Bai Yang and Liu Jun, the instigators of this "turmoil", have no time to take care of these trivial matters. Seeing that it is already late March, they have to hurry up and implement various specific matters of "supporting education activities".Two days after Yang Youhua was nominated as deputy minister, he volunteered to lead a team to investigate.

Naturally, Minister Bai and Minister Liu would not obstruct his request, and immediately sent three teams, led by Yang Youhua and two deputy section chiefs, to the backward mountainous areas in various prefectures and cities of the province to conduct research and investigation work.

Bai Yang and Liu Jun went to colleges and universities in person to start the selection of teaching staff.

In fact, this screening activity was mainly done by Minister Bai himself, and Vice Minister Liu often disappeared halfway.

Sister Bai Yang is used to the little urchin's trick of "seeing the head but not the end".However, Liu Jun didn't "skip work" this time, he explained the reason to Minister Bai.

The work of large-scale investment promotion in Daning City has been fully rolled out, and the municipal government has organized a huge publicity campaign.

The large-scale Southern Chamber of Commerce delegation organized by the municipal government has also been formed. The 170 enterprises that Tao Yiou initially proposed at the Standing Committee eventually became [-] six enterprises, covering almost all industries in Daning City. industry.

The first Provincial Commodity Fair has also kicked off and officially entered the preparatory stage.

The proposal of the Provincial Trade Fair was fully supported by Zhang Guangming.

When the Daning Municipal Government submitted the report on holding the first Provincial Commodity Fair to the provincial government, Zhang Guangming approved three words on the report—good!good! !good

For this reason, on the day Zhang Guangming received the report, he summoned Tao Yiou and asked him about the specific plan of the Provincial Fair.Tao Yiou made sufficient preparations for this matter. When he reported, he was full of energy and followed the rules. Zhang Guangming nodded frequently when he heard it. When it was time, he gave Tao Yiou a very high courtesy and personally sent him to the door of the office.

The moment he walked out of Zhang Guangming's office, Tao Yiou was touched.

It's not Zhang Guangming's courtesy and politeness to him.In any case, he is also a veteran deputy provincial and ministerial cadre, and he knows these routines in the officialdom well.What he sighed was Liu Jincai's keen vision and the magnanimity of the leader.

People were stunned to be able to see a lot of doorways from a Southern Chamber of Commerce, and Tao Yiou admitted that he was not as good as this.It's not that Tao Yiou is not as smart as Liu Jincai, and there is no mediocre person who can sit in his position.It should be said that the way of thinking and the starting point of the two sides are different.

Are you too obsessed with the rules of officialdom?

Tao Yiou thought. [

It can even be said that I am too concerned about personal gains and losses, the so-called standing in the officialdom, the so-called struggle?Unconsciously, I imprisoned my own thinking.

"Mayor Yiou, if every mayor and commissioner in the province can look at the issue of economic construction from a very high perspective like you, I, the governor, will be at ease."

This is what Zhang Guangming expressed when he talked with him just now.

Naturally, it is extremely high praise.

At that time, Tao Yiou was more or less proud, but he hid it well.

Now that I think about it carefully, what Zhang Guangming praised was not Tao Yiou, but the person who gave him the idea.

It seems that Baozhou can catch up so quickly, not because of it!

In terms of thinking, I lost a bit, and in terms of temperament, I lost even more.

It is undeniable that Liu Jin is a powerful character, and his struggle is unambiguous.But people struggle for a reason.With Huang Zhifei and Hao Weixian taken down, the public security situation in Daning City immediately improved.As for Li Yong, Secretary of the Working Committee of the Development Zone, Tao Yiou knew that he was definitely more suitable than Ping Sining.The other members of the Standing Committee, no matter if they belonged to Hu Weimin or Tao Yiou, Liu Jincai hadn't moved yet.

Tao Yiou suddenly felt that he was really a bit small-minded.

After Mayor Tao expressed his emotions in his heart alone, he decided to put on a good show.

Don't steam the steamed buns and still fight for your breath!


The work of attracting investment in Daning City is in full swing, and Mr. Liu Jun is really busy.The delegation of the municipal government to participate in the Southern Chamber of Commerce and Industry has not yet set off, but a large Hong Kong delegation arrived in Daning City first.

The leader of this Hong Kong delegation is Mr. Jin Fuchang, consultant of Hong Kong Shengye Fund and chairman of Hong Kong Yichang Real Estate Company.The delegation gathered the bosses of more than [-] Hong Kong companies, most of whom were investors in Sheng Ye Fund. Relying on Ms. Liu Qing, a legendary figure in Hong Kong's financial circle, the bosses have made a lot of windfalls in recent years.Since President Liu is so optimistic about the development prospects of Daning City, these bosses naturally want to take a look.

President Liu's vision is always right, right?

And Jin Fuchang's reason is simpler: Secretary Liu is in Daning City, and I would be a fool if I didn't invest!

It seems that none of his investments in Baozhou failed, and the rate of return was even higher than his investment in Jiangkou.

This is the reason on the table, and the reason under the table is: Young Master Jun is in Daning City, I would be a super fool if I didn't invest in it!

This young man simply has the ability to "turn a stone into gold"!

For the arrival of Jin Fuchang and the Hong Kong businessmen delegation, the Daning Municipal Government received them enthusiastically.In the history of Daning City, it has never received such a large-scale Hong Kong business delegation.

Tao Yiou personally met with all the members of the delegation, and hosted a banquet in the newly completed Qiushui Hotel. [

Next, the Deputy Director of the Municipal Government Office and the Director of the Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau personally accompanied the delegation to investigate the investment environment of Daning City.After wandering around for three days in a row, Hong Kong businessmen praised the investment environment of Daning City, and the Deputy Director of the Government Office and the Director of the Investment Promotion Bureau who accompanied the inspection smiled brightly.Unexpectedly, when discussing specific investment projects, these guys were all silent, unwilling to take out something affordable.The deputy director and the bureau chief were puzzled, as if fifteen buckets were installed in their hearts, and they were up and down.I don't know which job was not done properly.

Liu Jun had been tenderly and lingeringly with Xiaoqing for three whole days in that three-bedroom apartment in Jiangdong District.

If Minister Bai finds out that this comrade is "skipping shifts" for this purpose, I'm afraid that he will immediately show his power and tidy up the little urchin so hard that he can't find him!

"Xiaojun, your appetite is almost adjusted, right?"

The legendary "female crocodile" in the Southeast Asian financial world curled up in Liu Jun's strong embrace, as gentle as a kitten.If we say that the biggest difference between Liu Qing and the little cat is not that she has the proud breasts and smooth buttocks that the little cat doesn't have, but her tired expression.There is absolutely no cat in the world who is as exhausted as she is now!


Liu Yanei exhaled a smoke ring from his mouth and said with a smile.

"Let's go, let's go to Qiushui Hotel to meet Jin Fuchang, he is also waiting impatiently!"

"I'm not going!"

Qing resisted Liu Jun's "order" for the first time!


"Do you think I can move now?"

Qingbai gave him a look, with a somewhat "hateful" look on his face, and suddenly opened his mouth to bite him.

"You...how are you doing this...it's simply premeditated murder..."

Liu Jun couldn't help scratching his head, feeling ashamed!

During this period of time, I was holding back a bit, and I didn't grasp the "speed" well!

"Okay then, you rest for a while, I'll go alone."

Liu Jun hugged Xiaoqing tightly, and kissed her cheek tenderly.

"Well... Go early and come back early, I will go back tomorrow..."



"Why hasn't Young Master Jun come?"

In the luxurious suite of Qiushui Hotel, Jin Fuchang felt a little anxious.

Ajia laughed and said, "Do you think Young Master Jun has been idle for the past three days? At this moment, he might still be asleep..."

Jin Fuchang couldn't help laughing too.

"They are young lovers, they have been separated for so long, and they should be lingering for a while..."

Ajia rolled his eyes at him, and said flatly, "Yes, his body is really strong!"

"Why, even you have thought about it?"

Jin Fuchang laughed.

"What's the use of thinking about it, people don't like it..."

Ajia actually didn't deny it.

Jin Fuchang made a serious face on purpose: "Believe it or not, I won't scare you tonight!"


Ajia gave him another look.

"Why, Chairman Jin and Ms. Ajia are discussing the privacy of the bed? This is really presumptuous!"

Liu Jun laughed and appeared at the door of the suite.

Jin Fuchang and Ajia greeted him immediately.

"Jun Shao, I haven't seen you for a few months, and you're getting more and more handsome..."

Jin Fuchang smiled and shook hands with Liu Jun.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Chairman Jin is also more handsome than before, and Miss Ajia is getting younger and more beautiful."

Ajia's face is pink, Feixia, but it turned out that she remembered the conversation with Jin Fuchang just now, but this person overheard it all.But after thinking about it, I was relieved. We are friends for many years, and no one would really care about such words.

Besides, with Liu Jun's conditions, it would be abnormal for Ajia to drool secretly.

"Chairman Jin, what's the situation of the inspection these days?"

After exchanging pleasantries, the host and guest were seated, and Liu Jun asked with a smile.

Ajia took a seat horizontally and was busy making Kung Fu tea.

"not bad."

Jin Fuchang said hurriedly.

"I didn't expect Daning City to change so much!"

Liu Jun just laughed and said, "We are old friends now, Chairman Jin has something to say, don't be polite."

Jin Fuchang said sternly: "Young Master Jun, this is by no means flattering words. Your father's ability to govern the place is obvious to all. Baozhou City is a ready-made example. The changes in Daning City are indeed very great. The order in the city is also in good order. To be honest, even if your father is not the secretary of Daning City, I will still invest if someone else manages the city like this. We are very relieved to have such parents and officials around."

Liu Jun nodded, knowing that Jin Fuchang was telling the truth.

"And what about the wishes of the others?"

"Everyone has made a decision, and President Liu's decision can't be wrong. Besides, after three days of inspection, everyone is very confident. We're just waiting for Secretary Liu to meet him in person."

Jin Fuchang said.

Liu Jun smiled slightly.

This was naturally arranged by Xiaoqing, "If you don't see a rabbit, you won't scatter eagles." Before the meeting with Secretary Liu, everything was still hidden.Since it was aimed at Liu's father and son, this scene must be supported.

It would also be good for the officials of Daning City to see the charm of Secretary Liu.


Liu Jincai received all members of the Hong Kong business delegation the next day.The time was not long, just a few hours, and there were not many words. I briefly introduced the situation of Daning City, and there was nothing special about it.However, after the interview, the attitudes of the Hong Kong businessmen became clear, and in the following formal negotiations, they came up with specific investment plans.It seems that Secretary Liu has the magical power of Bi, with a touch of a finger, the stubborn stone turns into gold.

After the official negotiation ended, China Merchants hurriedly counted the results, and even signed the intended investment with a total amount of more than 5 million U.S. dollars. The funds in place on the day the negotiation ended exceeded 3000 million U.S. dollars.

This result made the director of the China Merchants Bureau ecstatic, and hurriedly reported to Tao Yiou.

After hearing the report, Tao Yiou had a complicated expression on his face.

Not long after sending Xiaoqing away, Huaxing Real Estate opened a branch in Daning City, began to "occupy" a large amount of land between Tianma Square and Eleven Square, signed a package of development agreements with the city government, and prepared to build a " Gold Commercial Street"!

In June, the preparations for the "Supporting Education Activities" were basically completed. A total of 510 "Supporting Education Sites" were implemented, and [-] six fresh graduates from colleges and technical secondary schools were going to be dispatched to these areas.

Just as the school department was in full swing to provide intensive training for the support students, He Yanan, secretary of the League Central Secretariat, came to N Province to inspect the work of the Youth League in person.

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