Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 435 Democratic Appraisal

It was no secret that Han Jiang was going to be transferred.

Shortly after the Central Organization Department sent staff to talk with Han Jiang, a deputy director of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee of N Province led a team to the Youth League Provincial Committee for a cadre appraisal. The objects of the appraisal were the four current deputy secretaries and the deputy department-level Lin Mingyi, member and secretary of the party committee of the agency.

This is clearly to find a successor for Han Jiang.

It is procedurally necessary for the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee to do so.Nor can it be assumed that the new secretary must be selected within the Youth League Provincial Committee based on this. Assuming that the Communist Youth League is deliberated, the reputation of several deputy secretaries is not very good. Then airborne from the center of the regiment.

Although the evaluation cannot ultimately determine the ownership of the secretary of the Youth League and Provincial Party Committee, it can serve as a reference to some extent.At the very least, if the conclusion of the ** review is not good, it may be used as a reason for criticism by the opponent. [

The so-called relationship network cannot be brought to the table.

Wei Anbang made careful preparations for this public opinion review.

Wei Anbang is not only the executive deputy secretary of the Communist Youth League, but also very senior.Han Jiang was transferred, and he felt that he was the most promising successor.For such a big matter, of course he had to go to Hu Weimin.Hu Weimin also revealed to him who will lead the team and when it will be held this time.

Since it is a ** review, according to the regulations, people from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee will talk to the main persons in charge of all the departments directly under the Youth League Provincial Party Committee to understand the situation, and finally make a comprehensive report and submit it to the Provincial Party Committee of n Province and Central Committee.

Before the review, Wei Anbang talked to most of the middle-level cadres, including Bai Yang, and Bai Yang was even the first person he talked to.Wei Anbang didn't expect Bai Yang to sing praises to himself during the ** review. He did this just to show his attitude. I, Old Wei, have no complaints against you Xiaobai. It is normal to have bumps and bumps in work before. I hope you can understand.

Bai Yang knew it well, so he just laughed and dealt with it.

This situation shows that Wei Anbang's "intelligence work" is not at home.He miscalculated the relationship between Bai Yang and Liu Jun, thinking that Bai Yang's maintenance of Liu Jun in the past was mainly out of work needs.

You Bai Yang is a mature middle-level cadre, you should know the situation clearly at this critical moment, and stop playing childish temper.Help that kid Liu Jun fight against me, isn't that necessary?

The reason Wei Anbang made this judgment was because he had a vague understanding of the high-level situation. It seemed that although Bai Jianming and Yan Liu had a good personal relationship, they were not on the same line.

There were two middle-level cadres, and Wei Anbang never talked to them.

Of these two, it goes without saying that one is Wang Yiran of the Youth Foundation, and the other is of course Vice Minister Liu of the School Department.Wang Yiran attended the inauguration ceremony of Qilingchong Middle School together with Liu Jun, and Wei Anbang no longer wanted to see this "traitor". Occasionally, Wei Anbang met him during committee meetings, and Wei Anbang held his head high and turned a blind eye to Wang Yiran.

Chairman Wang's life is not ordinary.

In addition to Wei Anbang, the Youth League Provincial Committee is expected to succeed Han Jiang, of course, the second-ranked deputy secretary Chi Xiaobo.However, compared with Wei Anbang, Chi Xiaobo has obvious disadvantages.

First, her qualifications are not as good as Wei Anbang's, and her prestige in Venezuela is not comparable to that of Wei Anbang.

Second, Chi Xiaobo does not have a strong background in the province.

With these two points, everyone felt that it was basically impossible for Chi Xiaobo to win against Wei Anbang.

Of course, Wei Anbang does not have an overall advantage, he has a huge hidden danger.That is he offended Liu Jun.

Daning City has no control over the Youth League Provincial Committee. After all, Liu Jincai is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee, and at least has one vote on the Standing Committee.That's all, Yan Yucheng, Liu Jun's future father-in-law, is the boss who is directly in charge of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, not to mention whether he will openly support the "son-in-law". It's a breeze.

Fortunately, Hu Weimin eliminated this hidden danger for Wei Anbang. [

Vice Minister Qi, who was led by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee to do the ** review, was a member of Hu Weimin's line.

This is also easy to understand. Although Yang Yi'an, the head of the Provincial Party Committee's Organization Department, has a close relationship with Yan Yucheng and is also Liao Qingkai's direct descendant, after all, he cannot make the Provincial Party Committee's Organization Department into a monopoly.As for Yan Yucheng, it is even more impossible for the intelligence of the Communist Party to be so low. In order to engage in the so-called "one-speaking" in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, it will leave a "notoriety" for the high-level people who like to exercise power and cannot tolerate others.

Therefore, this ** review went very smoothly. Most of the middle-level cadres who were interviewed gave Wei Anbang a good evaluation, saying that he adheres to principles, is strict with himself, treats others leniently, and sets an example. In short, he can use the skills of leaders. Positive attributives basically appeared.Of course, not one person said that, the organization department synthesized everyone's opinions.

Vice Minister Qi hadn't planned to talk to Liu Jun.

As a rule, the middle-level cadres, that is to say, the top leaders of various departments, must talk to all of them.However, deputy positions are not necessarily necessary, comrades in the organization department can decide as appropriate.

However, Wei Anbang took the initiative to ask Vice Minister Qi to talk to Liu Jun.

"It can't be that all comments are good, right? There should be some different opinions."

This is what Wei Anbang said when he and Vice Minister Qi had a private conversation.

Vice Minister Qi was right when he thought about it, so he said with a smile: "That's good too! We've heard about the name for a long time, so let's meet this Mr. Liu and see if he has three heads and six arms!"

At first sight, Mr. Liu naturally disappointed Vice Minister Qi.

He is just a very ordinary young man, except for being tall and handsome, there is nothing special about him. Compared with the "prestige" he bears, there is a big gap.

"Comrade Liu Jun, hello!"

Vice Minister Qi put on a smirk, acting like he was doing business.

"Minister Qi, hello."

Liu Jun smiled and shook hands with Vice Minister Qi. Although the smile on his face was not very sincere, at least it was much brighter than that of Vice Minister Qi.

"Comrade Liu Jun, please sit down!"

Vice Minister Qi pointed to the chair opposite the desk.He sat down in front of the desk, next to him was Director Li from the third department of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and on the other side was a young female recorder.

Liu Jun frowned unnoticed.

This is an office specially prepared for the ** Review Team of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. It has a formal desk and a sofa around it.In other words, Vice Minister Qi could have chosen to talk on the sofa, which seemed more intimate and casual.Liu Jun also knew that many middle-level cadres who were close to Wei Anbang had conversations on the reception sofa.

It's Vice Minister Liu's turn, why does it have a little "interrogation" flavor?

To be honest, at this moment, Liu Jun looked down on Hu Weimin a bit.

Yes, he didn't look down on Vice Minister Qi, but Hu Weimin. [

Let's see what kind of stuff you, Secretary Hu, use?

No matter how you say it, Lao Qi is also a deputy director of the organization department at the departmental level, and he is considered a high-ranking authority in a province.Make a ** review, and play such a "children's play house" game.

Why, if you don't let me, Liu Jun, sit on the sofa, who can you scare?

Can't you figure out the level difference between the deputy minister at the department level and the deputy minister at the deputy department level?Do you want to rely on such small tricks to build your prestige?

It's too insignificant!

It is reasonable for Hu Weimin's subordinates to use such short-sighted and narrow-minded people to be suppressed by Yan Liu many times.

As for Vice Minister Qi, Liu Yanei didn't treat him as a dish at all, and sat down across the desk very calmly, looking directly into Minister Qi's eyes, with the smile on his face undiminished.

Vice Minister Qi was somewhat disappointed, Liu Jun's performance was too calm, not at all like a young man in his early 20s.Vice Minister Qi originally thought that Liu Jun would express his displeasure clearly, or be intimidated by him.

Who knew that was not the case at all.

People don't care about your little tricks at all, and that kind of calm demeanor makes people feel a little suspicious of his age.

Director Li, who was accompanying him, had an appreciative smile on his lips.

"Comrade Liu Jun, I have invited you here today. I want to ask you about the situation of the main leaders of the Youth League Committee at work. Don't be burdened by any thoughts and speak freely. The content of today's conversation is absolutely confidential. of……"

After Vice Minister Qi was a little lost, he began to get down to business.

"Okay, I must know if I can say it, I can't say enough..."

Liu Jun still smiled and replied.


"He said that I adhere to principles, have strong working ability, and am a very courageous leader?"

Looking at Vice Minister Qi's round face, Wei Anbang asked in disbelief.

It was already night, Wei Anbang was sitting opposite Vice Minister Qi in the VIP box of "Dream of Paris".The food and drink on the table were ruined, and the two of them each had a cigarette in their mouths, and there were two cups of green tea in front of them.

"Yes, that's exactly what he said."

Vice Minister Qi's round face was burned red by Wuliangye.

"He also said that he had disagreements with you on work before, but that was all business. It should not be mixed with personal feelings."

Wei Anbang groaned, and said slowly: "This kid, which song can you sing?"

"Hehe, why are you thinking so much about this? Seeing that the wind is not right, I will give in to you. This kid is quite able to adapt to the wind... so what if I have a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee? As long as you take this step, in the regiment The Provincial Party Committee, if you want to pinch him, you can pinch him!"

Vice Minister Qi let out a breath of foul air from his mouth.

Wei Anbang nodded and sneered: "Submit to me now? It's too late!"


Wang Yiran was drunk!

Vice Minister Qi's so-called secrecy is complete nonsense.

As soon as I finished talking with Liu Jun in the afternoon, the content of the conversation spread like the wind to the entire Youth League Committee.

Hehe, the kid from the Liu family finally lowered his proud head and raised the "white flag" to Deputy Secretary Wei!It seems that Wei Anbang's position as secretary is basically a certainty.Otherwise, how could Liu Jun admit defeat?

As far as this ** review is concerned, Vice Minister Qi can be said to have lived up to Secretary Hu's entrustment, and even exceeded the task.He deliberately disclosed the content of the conversation with Liu Jun, just to create a strong pressure.To make everyone aware of the situation.

Even the kid from the Liu family has "surrendered", everyone else should be more honest and don't make any more troubles!Otherwise, Qiuhou will not be able to kill you!

Wang Yiran found that he was still too young.

Why are you so stupid?Letting go of Wei Anbang's thick legs and refusing to hug him, he is obsessed with getting closer to Liu Jun!By what?It's hard to protect myself now.

When he first heard the content of the conversation, Wang Yiran still couldn't believe it, thinking that Wei Anbang deliberately instructed his confidants to say so.He hurriedly asked Liu Jun for confirmation.

So Liu Jun invited him to Qiushui Hotel for dinner and drinks.

"Liu Jun, did you really say that?"

Wang Yiran was holding the wine glass, Moutai exudes an attractive aroma, but it can't attract the chairman's attention at all.

Liu Jun nodded, still with that damn smile on his face.

"Let me tell the truth, Deputy Secretary Wei is indeed a very courageous leading cadre!"

At that moment, Wang Yiran had an urge to splash wine on Liu Jun's face.

Of course, he was just thinking about it, and the glass of wine ended up in his stomach.Not only did this glass of wine go down, but almost the entire bottle of Moutai went down.

Liu Jun just watched him drink, watched him get drunk, neither persuading him nor stopping him.

He didn't feel sorry for Wang Yiran at all.

Wang Yiran's feud with Wei Anbang was definitely not his reason, but originated from He Yan'an's conversation with Wang Yiran.Wang Yiran took the initiative to move closer to him.

Standing in line in the officialdom is always a little risky, isn't it?

Why do you, Wang Yiran, have smooth sailing every time, and prosperity in every accident!

After Wang Yiran got drunk, Liu Jun didn't send him home, so he left him in the hotel, paid the bill and left.

Liu Jun's boat does not carry such an irresponsible guy!


"Boy, well done!"

In front of Yan Yucheng, there was the report of the ** review, and he smiled and said to Liu Jun.

It could be seen that Yan Yucheng was really happy.

It was rare for Liu Yanei to receive such serious compliments from Yan Yucheng, so he couldn't help being flattered, and hurriedly presented cigarettes to his father-in-law and Laozi, and quickly lit him up.

"That's right...to be a man, you need to be generous, not to be petty!"

Yan Yucheng stretched out his fingers and tapped the ** review report.

He has been worried that Liu Jun's pattern is not enough.

In the officialdom, lack of structure is a big taboo, and within a small area and low level, this kind of harm is not obvious yet.It can be resolved by external forces and personal cleverness.But after reaching a certain level, it is difficult for a person with a small stomach to make great achievements.

Now that he has seen this ** review report, Yan Yucheng can finally feel relieved.

At the critical moment, this kid is not confused!

"Yes. This is all taught by you! Didn't you teach me from a young age that you should be open-minded and broad-minded? I will keep it in mind! Wei Anbang is about to fall, of course I can't add trouble, what should I do? Tell him a few good words to make a good impression on the future leaders."

Liu Yanei said with a smile.

"What did you say?"

Yan Yucheng's eyes suddenly widened.

"It's nothing. Wei Anbang has a very serious financial problem, and the evidence is solid. It is estimated that the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection should have received the report letter by this time!"

Liu Jun also lit a cigarette and said very casually.

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