Zhengjun arrived in the capital one day earlier

Going with Wu Qiuhan, along with Wu Zhengxuan and Liu Yan

The He and Wu families are family friends, and the two old men have a lifelong friendship. Speaking of the deep friendship of comrades in arms, one

It is generally said that so and so saved so and so's life, and the two old men did not know each other's rescue during the war years

How many times, and in the subsequent political campaigns, the two were in the same boat through thick and thin, honor and disgrace and […]

common.I don't know how many turbulent waves we have gone through together

The birthdays of the two old men, no matter how busy their children are, they must come to celebrate their birthdays

As for Wu Zhengxuan and Liu Yan, Wu Qiuhan took them to show Mr. Wu

Among several grandchildren, the old man likes Wu Zhengxuan the most.

Father and son are poured out of the same mold.Seeing Wu Zhengxuan, the old man can't help himself

Looking back on the war-torn years of the past, full of pride

The formal invitation was not sent by Wu Qiuhan, but through Mr. He's secretary

I personally called Liu Jun's office and sent him an invitation

It also represents an attitude of respect

It seems that in the mind of Mr. He, this young friend who forgets the age already has a lot of weight

The courtyard house where Mr. Wu lives is not far from the He family. Since Liu Jun is the same as Wu Qiuhan and his son

When he went to Beijing, of course he first visited Mr. Wu, and when he walked into the courtyard of Wu's family, Liu Jun still found that

a little different

The general layout of the courtyard houses in the capital is similar, but there are some differences in the small parts. Liu Juncha

The difference in perception is naturally not in the layout of these buildings, but the difference in momentum

In the courtyard of the Wu family, there are not as many flowers and plants as the He family, not only the number of plants is small

The species are also different, basically they are all green plants such as Yishu and Evergreen, and rarely bloom

Yes, it made the atmosphere a bit chilly, unlike Mr. He's yard, which was colorful and full of vitality.

It was Liu Yan's first visit to a courtyard house in the capital.Especially for a military family like the Wu family, entering [

After the door, he was very reserved, and Wu Zhengxuan was not talkative, so he didn't know how to comfort his girlfriend

friend.In front of his father, he did not dare to express his affection through such intimate gestures as holding hands or patting his face.

To show concern for Liu Yan, I can only use "eyes to encourage", but the effect is minimal

Hearing that his son brought Bie Zi and his future Bie-in-law back, Mr. Wu is very solemn

Sitting on the grand teacher's chair in the living room, he assumed a very formal greeting posture

Mr. Wu is more majestic than Wu Qiuhan, and there is hardly a trace of a smile on his black face.

But Liu Jun is not afraid of him now, Mr. Ge Yinwu once laughed in front of him

This time, it can be seen that the seriousness of the old man is only out of the habit of years of military career, and deep down in his heart, there is also

Flesh and blood like ordinary people

Moreover, as long as Liu Jun thinks of Mr. He's evaluation of him, he can't help laughing.

Mr. He is called Mr. Wu "Old Black Face"!

',father! "

Wu Qiuhan bowed to the old man as soon as he entered the door, and shouted politely


Mr. Wu nodded

Wu Qiuhan stepped aside

Wu Zhengxuan and Liu Yan stepped forward side by side, Wu Zhengxuan was wearing a military uniform, with a new rank of major

First, I gave the old man a standard military salute, and shouted: "Hello, grandpa!" "


Mr. Wu still nodded with a dark face.

It was Liu Yan's turn, and she bowed to Mr. Wu tremblingly, with her mouth like a mosquito

Yin called out, "Grandpa," I don't know if Mr. Wu is old and his ears are good.

In short, it was very hard for Liu Jun to hear such a little "'hum,'"


Mr. Wu didn't say "um" this time, and his dark face showed a rare expression.

'"Sit down!"

Liu Jun took a few steps forward and shouted: "Hello, Grandpa Wu!"

Mr. Wu nodded slightly again: "Liu Jun, you are here too."

'"Yes, Grandpa Wu,"

'"You sit down, too,"


Everyone sat down as promised, and the young servant served tea, and Mr. Wu asked about Wu Zhengya

In the case of the army, Wu Zhengxuan answered one by one

''Zhengxuan, the conditions of the troops stationed in Daning City are much better than those of the frontier defense troops

But the style of hard work and simplicity must not be lost, and military technology must also be excellent. Don't be fooled by the superiority of the big city

Living conditions corroded! "

Mr. Wu ordered


Wu Zhengxuan replied respectfully

Liu Yan was in a daze. She had also been to Wu Zhengxuan's barracks, although it was in Daning City

The garrison here is also in the outskirts of the city. In Liu Yan's eyes, it is desolate and remote enough.

The gate is either a mountain or a tree, and the cocks are singing and the dogs are barking. It is quite idyllic, but it is different from the urban lights.

But wine green is completely incomparable. In the eyes of Mr. Wu, such a condition of daring to be able to

'"Corrosion" people's superior life?Wu Zhengxuan also solemnly agreed, I really don't know f

What kind of life did we live when we were in the frontier garrison?

Next, Mr. Wu also asked a few words about Liu Yan's situation, and nodded frequently, as if it was very true;

'"Qiuhan, stay here tonight, and your elder brother will come back later, let's chat first, tomorrow

Then go to celebrate Uncle He's birthday, "

Mr. Wu said

''yes! "

Wu Qiuhan is still the style of the army, and he answered cleanly

When dinner was approaching, both Wu Huanghe and his wife came back. Seeing Liu Jun, they were very excited.

After dinner, Mr. Wu went back to his study, surrounded by the Wu brothers and a few juniors.

Sitting at the table and chatting about homework

The next day, I went to He's house to celebrate his birthday, although it was not possible.But there are also many guests, most of whom are shoulder-to-shoulder

The shining soldiers, except Liang Jingwei, Wu Zhengxuan, sisters He Mengying and other juniors, four

Those over ten years old are basically generals.Golden epaulettes, golden general stars, dazzle people's eyes


Mr. He sat upright in the grand master's chair, beside Mr. Wu and two others who looked very imposing.

The old man is expected to be the founding father of Mr. He's old comrade-in-arms and old colleague

First, the brothers and sisters He Changzheng, He Dongjin, and He Yanan, as well as sisters Liang Jingwei and He Mengying, who are worthy

The three generations of the He family came forward to congratulate the old man on his birthday. After saying the birthday speech, He Changzheng and He Dongjin died.

The two stand by

The generals stepped forward to salute Mr. He one by one, wishing him "Shoubi Nanshan", Mr. He

Then he smiled and nodded, the generals wished Mr. He his birthday, and then waited for Mr. Wu.


Commander He and Minister He answered the salute on behalf of the old father, as in the old fashion.

Next, Wu Qiuhan and other second-generation children who did not serve in the military came forward to congratulate the old man.

After making a lot of noise for about an hour, the second-generation children basically finished celebrating their birthdays, and it was their turn to

Liu Jun, these three generations of juniors, except for the direct descendants of the He family and the Wu family

There are very few Chuan Ba, and to put it bluntly, there are only four people, Liu Yan Liu Jun and his wife Zhang Jiawei Xi

Zhang Guangming did not come, and Zhang Jiawei and his wife were sent as representatives

Zhang Jiawei is older than Liu Jun, so the two of them stepped forward to say something auspicious to the old man

Words, the old man nodded, Liu Jun was the last w

One stepped forward and bowed to the old man

, what's "Fu Ru Dong Hai Shou Bi Nan Zhi", said a few words, but it is quite satisfactory

Mr. He smiled and nodded, making an exception and said a few more words.

"Liu Jun, you haven't come to see me, old man, for a while!"

'"Grandpa, if you don't call, how dare I come to the door casually?"

Liu Jun laughed

',What is this nonsense?Could it be that if you come to my door, I will eat you? "

Mr. Zhou narrowed his eyes.

'"Okay, as long as grandpa doesn't bother me, I'll come and make noise if I have something to do."

Mr. He smiled and nodded frequently

Seeing Liu Jun talking and laughing happily with Mr. He, some people who are not very familiar with Liu Jun hummed a little.

Looking at him strangely, I don't know how divine this little guy is to get this honor!

As for Zhang Jiawei, he looked a bit horrified.

The Zhang family has a close relationship with the He family, and he has met Mr. He many times.

I have never had a serious conversation with him, but I don't know why this Liu Jun is so favored by the old man.


When it was almost Zhongqian, two more groups of guests came

The first group came from the Military Commission, a deputy director of the general office and a secretary, to the old man's stupid

A cake and a "birthday letter" came over, and the deputy director of the General Office of the Military Commission also hung

Is the rank of major general, in his forties, personally holding the "birthday letter", his secretary has both hands;

big cake

Liu Jun glanced at it, and found that the cake was just ordinary, feeling a little disappointed in his heart, and then died

My own "Lower Riba People" idea is funny

In the minds of ordinary people, the cake sent in the name of the highest military organization should be a piece of cake.

Unspeakably exquisite, just in line with identity

Actually, the cake is not the same thing?No matter how exquisite the cake is, it must be made of flour and eggs:

come, can't be anything else

Looking at the birthday letter again, it is also very ordinary, it is written on a piece of red paper, and the General Office of the Military Commission

The deputy director opened it and read: "Comrade Homer, I wish you a happy birthday!" "

I heard that it was a birthday letter from the Military Commission, and everyone stood up to listen, except for a few old men who could not sit still.

But after the deputy director of the General Office of the Military Commission finished reading this sentence, there was no more words

Liu Jun couldn't help being stunned for a moment, it's over, just a word?

At this time, the deputy director had entrusted Dahong's birthday celebration to Mr. He with both hands. Mr. He

He took it over and said with a smile: "Thank you, the head of the Military Commission for your concern, I still remember that I am an old man and a little boy."


The deputy director bent slightly and said with a smile: "Brother He Laode is highly respected and has made outstanding contributions."

The older generation of bourgeois revolutionaries and military strategists who are highly respected by the party and our army, I wish you a birthday, as it should be

Dang, the chief originally wanted to come to celebrate Mr. He's birthday in person, but because of foreign affairs arrangements, he had to write this

A letter, please forgive me, Mr. He."

'"The head of the Military Commission is too polite,"

Mr. He smiled, and handed the letter of thanks to He Changzheng who was on the side

Only then did Liu Jun see clearly that the sentence just now was written on the whole big red paper?Character

The body is very big, the pen and ink are full, Liu Jun was dizzy for a while, because he had recognized it, this letter to me

Shouxin, indeed, came from the handwriting of Chief No. [-].As a time traveler, he is

Many media in later generations have seen the Hanmo of the No. [-] chief, and they will not admit it wrong

Chief No. [-] personally wrote the "Birthday Letter", which shows how old He is in his mind.

Naturally, this is also related to Mr. He's complete retreat now. If he is still in front of the stage, the No. [-] chief;

What should be avoided is that since we have retired, it is the traditional beauty of our nation to respect the elderly and respect the virtuous.

De, the move of Chief No. [-] will certainly win a lot of praise

The deputy director talked with Mr. He cordially for a while, and then placed the birthday letter on the table, and Yue

The cake was pressed to the top, and the big red paper hung down from the table. His secretary immediately took out the photo

I took a photo of Mr. He

The deputy director then greeted Mr. Wu and the other two old men, and then talked with He Changzheng and He Changzheng.

Dong Jin, Wu Huanghe and other well-dressed generals shook hands and greeted one by one, and the atmosphere of celebration was very strong

Mr. He is not used to wearing a watch, so he looked up at the sun. It was already midday, so he turned to

He Changzheng nodded, He Changzheng understood, and together with He Dongjin, invited the guests to the table.

There were about six tables of guests.Liu Jun and his juniors sat at a table, so naturally they respectfully accompany the last seat

Just as the banquet was about to start, a car horn sounded outside the door, and then a middle-aged man of medium build

The man strode in and said to Mr. He with a smile: "Mr. He, I wish you a happy birthday.

Happy birthday to you! "

Mr. He and the other elders sat still, while the others, from He Changzheng and below, all stood up.

Come and greet me with a smile

"Director Jing, I didn't expect you, a busy person, to come here too! Thank you so much!"

After the people who came here had met with Mr. He and other older generations, He Changzheng grabbed Director Jing and cut him off.

hands, smiling

'" He Lao's birthday, how could he be absent, it's just that he was entangled in all kinds of things, and he almost missed the banquet.

Commander He forgive me. "

Director Jing also smiled and shook hands with He Changzheng warmly.

After that, He Dongjin, He Yan'an, Wu Huanghe, Wu Qiuhan and other second-generation figures met with Director Jing one by one.

Hand greetings, so lively

Sitting beside Liu Jun, He Mengying leaned over quietly, and whispered in Liu Jun's ear, "Respect!"

The director is the deputy director of the General Office of the Central Committee, transferred from the deputy secretary of the Oriental Pearl Tower ""

I thought it was because Liu Jun didn't know the identity of the visitor.

Liu Jun nodded, sighing in his heart

How could he not know the background of this big shot? In the 21st century, he was often in the q

Director Jing's camera was seen on the TV.One of the Nine Giants, a direct descendant of the current No. [-] chief confidant

He came here to celebrate Mr. He's birthday at this time, and he came here on behalf of the No.

In the midst of this year's changes in the military, the He family and the Wu family have given the No. [-] chief strong support.

Hold on, Chief No. [-] is reciprocating

This kind of birthday banquet is mostly for the purpose of eating, and the time will not be too long, Liu Jun knows very well

For this point, as soon as the table starts, you will eat a lot, and you will basically be full when the table is over.

Wouldn't it be a joke to come all the way to celebrate Mr. He's birthday, but he didn't have enough to eat?

After the banquet, the guests gradually left and dispersed, and the quietness of the past was restored in the courtyard.

After talking with everyone for a few words, I turned around and walked towards the study, leaving a word

''Others do what they like, Liu Jun comes here! "

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