Zheng Jun only has two days left in the first two days after taking up his new post. "Let's run away and ask Jianyue to make the work very difficult... For example, the regular army summons the Organization Department, the Personnel Bureau's Complaints and Visits Office, the Youth League County Committee, the Party School, and other ministries and commissions that are in charge of him. Talk to the bureau chief.

Two days later, at the Secretary's office meeting, Bai Yang proposed that the Propaganda Department and the County Party Committee Office should also be assigned to Deputy Secretary Liu. Although the name of the Propaganda Department is justified, besides, the county committee secretary Bai Yang has always been responsible for these two expenses. Now she has taken the initiative to delegate power and handed it over to Liu Jun. It can be said that the rest of this arrangement is the result of discussions between Bai Yang and Liu Jun. The Propaganda Director of the County Party Committee, Shu Jinghan, is a cadre who was airborne from the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee. The two remaining members of the old department have a good personal relationship. After Rong Baichuan was transferred to the deputy secretary of the Daning Municipal Party Committee, he personally greeted Shu Jinghan. Liu Jun will be in charge of the work of the Propaganda Department, and Shu Jinghan can communicate with Liu Jun openly, which is beneficial and deepens communication and understanding. After all, the relationship between Liu Jun and Mr. Zhou is deeper than that between Bai Yang and Mr. Zhou. Army Liu Yameni summoned the heads of departments to talk, and at the same time, he would spare time to say hello to all the departments in charge and get to know the comrades. After doing some work, everyone's perception of Secretary Liu has quietly changed. They feel that this year's young deputy secretary of the county party committee is not as "dandy" as the legendary Feng. He is very kind to the grassroots comrades, and does not put on airs at all. The anti-cadres said that this is adhering to the family education of Secretary Liu of the Municipal Party Committee. Secretary Liu of the Municipal Party Committee has always been very approachable to grassroots cadres. He had put on airs in front of the cadres, and was quite different from the rumored "lusty" in that Secretary Zhongliu never got too intimate with lesbians in his subordinate units. Shake hands and say a few words

In the amiability without losing majesty, there is still a person who really has the bearing of a wall.

And the coal kiln sword in Matou Township seems to have faded out of the vision of Secretary Bai and Secretary Liu. Of course, it is only a superficial phenomenon that the army is no longer mentioned. In fact, Liu Jun went back to Daning City alone and found his master Liang Guoqiang. "Master Jian has something to trouble you. In Liang Guoqiang's majestic and solemn office, Liu Jun said straight to the point, "Say it!Said that Liang Guoqiang personally gave Liu Junbo tea. Seeing that the closed-door disciples made progress all the way and became the deputy secretary of the county party committee at a young age, Liang Guoqiang was really very happy. After drinking tea, break the wall and respect the wall for Master Cigarette Army said: "I want to check the files of the Fang Chaoyang case. According to the rules, the Jianningnan County "Corruption Nest Case" will affect the huge number of people involved, and even the Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection In order to ensure judicial justice and ensure that the trial work is not disturbed by external factors, the Buqing Pavilion is not suitable for trial in Daning City. Generally speaking, the provincial high court will appoint an intermediate court to handle the trial work. Hu Weimin, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Military Province This motion, but Liu Jin did not agree.

He insisted that the Daning City Intermediate People's Court could try the case fairly and justly, and there was no need to try it in another place. After wasting manpower and material resources, Liao Qingkai, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, agreed with Liu Jinyou's opinion, and the case of corruption nest in Ge Ningnan County was handed over to Daning. The Municipal Intermediate People's Court presided over the trial, so now the criminals are all detained in the Daning City Court and the file is also kept by the Daning City Intermediate Court. What are you doing? "[

Liang Guoqiang was a little puzzled, the investigation of this case has been completed and the public has entered the final judicial process, Ma Zhi is about to go to trial, "hehe, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection's handling policy for this case is "catch the big fish and let the small shrimp go, let me go." I want to see which small shrimps are left in Ningbei County. Don’t look at them in the eyes of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. They are small shrimps in a corner of Ningbei County, so maybe they are big fish.” Yue Liang Guoqiang suddenly realized that this disciple But now, he is the deputy secretary of the Ningnan County Party Committee and the head of the organization. He has a great say in the use of walls by cadres. The rest of the cadres are guilty of bribery and bribery. This will also be mentioned in their confessions.

"So I want to transfer the file to you! Ge Liang Guoqiang would be nice to him, and the Secretary of the Municipal Law Committee and the Daning City Procuratorate and the Intermediate Court will be coordinated by him." Hey, I don't want others to know about this master's sword I was looking through these files, and the army said that Liu Yanei showed the meaning of keeping it secret. Liang Guoqiang smiled and said, "You are so smart, just say I want to see people, right? It seems that the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and the director of the Public Security Bureau want to read it." These dossiers are very legitimate and he was originally responsible for supervising the fair trial of the case. Liu Jun came all day on Sunday and was "immersed in the thick dossiers." Cheng Xinjian, Xiao Jian, Xiao Wu, and Wang Bochao, his confidantes, came to help us to look it up. All the passages that Fang Chaoyang and other former county party leaders mentioned that the middle-level cadres and business owners in Ningbei County bribed them should be excerpted. Liu Jun mainly read Fang Chaoyang's interrogation transcripts. After all, this person is the key figure in the case, and the army bribed him the most.

Fang Chaoyang's confessors, Lv Wangxing and Chen Baogui, have bribed him with a total of 7 yuan over several years, of which Lu Wangxing paid 1 yuan in cash to Chen Baogui 1 yuan in cash plus [-] yuan worth of gold and silver jewelry. Their "returns" were also very generous. A secretary and a township head's black hats were firmly worn on their heads. In addition to this, there were two other situations in Fang Chaoyangxiong's confession that also attracted Liu Jun's attention. One is that when Ningbei County adjusted its cadres at the beginning of this year, Ping, Lu, Wangxing, and Chen Baogui each gave Fang Chaoyang another [-] yuan, but it was not to increase the surplus ratio, but to stay put and continue to serve as the secretary and township of Matou Township. Chief, there is a saying in official circles called "If you want to be rich, use the cadres' sword, and you have to use the cadre's sword, it refers to the situation like Fang Chaoyang. The military Chaoyang is serving as the secretary of the Ningnan County Party Committee. Almost every year, he has to adjust his cadres. The scale It's not small, and as for individual changes, they can be carried out at any time.Some cadres have to bribe Fang Chaoyang many times in order to promote or keep their current positions. This is quite consistent with what Liu Jun has learned these days. When I checked the cadre files, I was dizzy by the numerous job changes. Lu Wangxing and Chen Baogui were obviously the retainers. It can be said that after Fang Chaoyang promoted them to this position, the remaining two never moved. Wo, why is it so about them"

Gu 3 The reason why the Seven Thieves Mountain didn't let go of the sword is because Secretary Liu naturally knew it well-guarding the ten guns one by one?Gold mine said, who is willing to leave?

In addition, Fang Chaoyang confessed that the two left, Lu and Chen were very ashamed and said that they not only bribed him with money and goods, but also cameo appearances, and the pimp sword "given him tribute women!"

One of Fang Chaoyang's mistresses, Zhongge, is the father of Matou Township. I have basically figured out the situation, this is what Fang Chaoyang did. "The bribe-taker said that the truth of the confession was verified, and its authenticity cannot be doubted. If you have a different reading experience, please go to..." Jun Shao, Ning Nan The county is really a dark place! Ge, Cheng Xinjian is still dizzy and dizzy after a day of hard work, and his head is full of little stars. u rubbed his eyes and said with a wry smile, after all, he is also in his early forties, if not for Mr. Jun Destiny, even if Secretary Liang told him to look at the Tianjuan, I'm afraid he wouldn't do his best so hard. Xiao Jian, Xiao Wu and others laughed and echoed. Each of them extracted a lot of important information and put them together. A thick stack was handed over to Liu Jun with heavy hopes, "Thank you for your hard work, the sword you didn't say is now leaving the Qiushui Hotel to make a good one!" , Zuo Junshao cheerfully issued a proposal and everyone was overjoyed. This time, even Liang Guoqiang was invited to join him. A group of friends from Xiangyang County yelled at the Qiushui Hotel and drank the interview.

It was hearty, but Liu Jun still insisted on going back to Ningbei County. The next day was Monday and he would hold a meeting with the secretaries as usual. Liu Jun didn't want to go to work soon. It is still necessary to pay attention to setting an example in the committee. On Sunday, it was a private matter. Liu Jun didn't ask Wang Ya to drive the car, but drove his own car, and it was not the Audi allocated to him by the county. The rest is his own broken Santana, public and private must be distinguished, this is the rule Liu Jun set for himself, he has this condition, anyway, he is not short of money, at least in the so-called "economic problem sword", not to be blamed by opponents, knowing He wanted to rush back to Ningbei County to visit everyone, so he didn't try to persuade him much. The wine was only half a catty of Moutai. Ge Liujun could barely bear it. When he returned to Ningbei County, it was almost two o'clock. Song Jia was still waiting for him to come back, but fell asleep at the service desk. She was in the third suite. The full-time waiter would sometimes temporarily help other colleagues get off work. Anyway, Secretary Liu is a single man who spends most of his weekdays in the office and the hotel is just a place to rest. There are not many things that Song Jia needs to take care of every The other waiters in the military hotel often make fun of her and Meimei, saying that they are the full-time waiters of the hotel's "privileged class" who do less work and receive more wages, and are one level higher than ordinary waiters. As for the salary, especially Song Jia who has become "everyone" envied everyone, saying that everyone can deal with the young and handsome deputy secretary of the county party committee every day, not even the target army.

There are also close sisters who asked Song Jia in private if Secretary Pao Liu had treated her, "That's it!

I heard that Secretary Liu is very lecherous, and Song Jia is very scheming, and every time people ask about this cannon, she just smiles and keeps silent, deliberately not answering, so as to give others a space for "limited imagination".

And, gradually there were some rumors among the waiters in the hotel that Song Jia belonged to Secretary Liu. If it were someone else, this might be a kind of contempt!

But, putting it on Deputy Secretary Liu's head completely turned into a kind of crowd, longing for the sword, so why not be young and unmarried? It's okay to be a lover, and it's okay to call it a girlfriend?Maybe Secretary Liu made a wrong string and he really married Song Jia? And that didn't mean he was going to fly over the wall and become a phoenix in one step?

Ever since these rumors surfaced, Song Jia discovered that the colleagues in the hotel looked at her a little differently, especially those young boys who used to see her as a crowd, and she was so obsessed with gossip and gossip that she was annoying. I no longer dare to be lewd anymore, but I am a little more in awe. Secretary Liu's "Business ban fees come and who dares to make random ideas?"

Don't forget what happened to the grandson of Vice Governor Guan!

Liu Jun parked his car and went up to the second floor lightly. He caught a glimpse of Song Jiapao who was dozing on the wall of the reception desk, smiled slightly, and slowed down even more. He walked slowly towards the third suite inside.

"Ah, Secretary Pao Liu, and you are back... Gu, unexpectedly Song Jia was extremely vigilant, so he sat up straight and called out, "Shh, thief... Said Liu Jun raised his middle finger to her and made a gesture Silence gesture, Song Jia pursed her lips, smiled and stuck out her tongue. She looks very cute, this girl is in her early 20s, she has a very good figure, her plump and tall figure plus her sweet and lovely appearance is still extremely lethal to a man, not to mention Liu Ya Nei held back again, his eyes shattered for a moment, and his heartbeat quickened. Song Jia picked up the key and followed the wall closely. She sniffed twice with her delicate nose and said in surprise, "Secretary Liu, are you here to drink? Sword," Well, a few friends are going to have a drink at a party. "Come" then, I'll help you see, Jiekoujian, Song Jia reached out to help Liu Jun after talking, everyone, not to that extent, I just drove from Daning Come to the city, it’s all right.”

Liu Jun smiled and waved his hands Yue quickly moved forward and distanced himself from Song Jia, looking at the lonely men and widows in the dead of night, wanting to have a drink, in case someone bumps into the guys who are close to Song Jia and tell the truth They will wantonly spread rumors, saying that Secretary Liu is a "wolf who can't get rid of his sexuality, messes around after drinking, and molested the hotel waitresses. He opened the door in front of Liu Jun, "Secretary Liu asked you to take a shower?I will prepare clothes for you!Song Jia did help take care of all Liu Jun's clothes and supplies, "No need, I said to myself, "It's very late, you should go to rest early! Come on, Liu Jun stood by the door and had no intention of letting her in, Song Jia's expression changed slightly and he nodded at Liu Jun, "Well, you have rested earlier and said that it is really tiring to check the files left for a day." Pao Rao is Liu Jun, who is in good health, but also feels a little tired. He took out his clothes and took a shower to lie down on the bed comfortably. Yue quickly fell asleep, and at about two o'clock, a black shadow quietly opened No. [-] The door of the suite sneaked in."""Bi: It's freezing cold, the damn network is interrupted, pie is about to cry!He had no choice but to brave the raging cold wind and go to the Internet cafe outside, "Ah Guan is goddamned and there is only the Quanpin input method!!! Too much! I'm going to go crazy! I'm fighting with China Telecom

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