Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 5 First Meeting with Mr. Zhou

"Dad, I want to read a book."

I glanced sideways at my father and said tentatively.

The so-called books are comic strips, and in some places they are also called comic books.For a period of time, it is the most important extracurricular reading for children.But in [-], this request was a little too much.The publications at that time were also pitifully few, the big volume was "Anthology", the small book was "Quotations" (commonly known as the Red Book), and others, including Marx's "Das Kapital" and Mr. Lu Xun's works were not often available. See.

Dad didn't expect that I would make such a request at all, so he froze for a moment.

I didn't allow him to think, and immediately continued: "I heard that Mr. Zhou has books at home, I want to read them!"

Dad smiled and said gently: "Mr. Zhou has books at home, but they are not books. You can't read them."

In fact, I didn't expect to find my favorite books from Mr. Zhou at all. This was just an excuse so that my father would come to visit this Epilepsy Zhou who was about to have a fortune.

"No, I just want to read books, I want to read..."

As a last resort, I began to use the privilege of a seven-year-old brat—acting like a baby!It's just that she was acting like a baby while getting goosebumps all over her body.In order not to miss the opportunity, I can't say no, so I have to be nasty for a while.

In order to increase the strength of acting like a baby, I even took Dad's hand and shook it from side to side.


It seems that I really have a talent for acting!

Dad had no choice but to surrender: "Okay, okay, go and see..."

Because he decided to see Mr. Zhou, Dad spent more than one yuan to ask my uncle to go to the cooperative to buy two packs of candy—four orange cakes and a catty of biscuits.I also asked my grandma to take out the stock at the bottom of the press box - marinated rice noodles and meat. I also wrapped a pack, plus a catty of noodles, which was considered a four-color entry gift.

This was already a very expensive gift in the countryside at that time.It made the second sister roll her eyes at me.We must know that these good things are rare even for us to eat a few times. Because of my inexplicable sentence "reading books", they will all become other people's things.

Fortunately, my father is a well-known filial son, and he is filial to his grandparents.Grandpa is very supportive.

"Mr. Zhou is a man of great learning, and Jin Cai is also a scholar, so he should walk around."

Jin is the father's name.Dad graduated from the middle school, and he was definitely an intellectual at that time.Grandpa hasn't read many books, but he pays attention to """".

Because I was going to the movies, my grandma made an exception and made dinner in advance.After dinner, Dad took my uncle and the three of us, Shi Shiran, to Matang Bay.Grandpa and grandma are old and can't understand Mandarin in the movie, but they don't want to join in the fun.

Matang Bay is only a few miles away from Liujiashan, and the family is talking and laughing, and they arrived soon.Open-air movies in rural areas are usually played in the playground of the brigade primary school or the larger Shaguping.At this time, it was still early and the sun had not yet set, so my father told my uncle to find the brigade branch secretary and send someone to hang up the screen.It is not easy for a brigade to show a movie. The branch secretary and the brigade leader unreservedly support them, and they can send whoever they want.My uncle is also a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, so he is very happy to have such a chance to show off.

He didn't want to see Epilepsy Zhou.

The second and third sisters didn't want to see Mr. Zhou either, so they followed my uncle to the branch secretary's house.

Strictly speaking, Mr. Zhou is an outsider.Before liberation, his mother took him to flee famine and came to Matangwan, where he married a local farmer surnamed Zhou, and he changed his surname to Zhou, and settled down in Matangwan.He was smart and hard-working when he was young, and he loved reading. He was admitted to Renmin University in the early 50s, successfully escaped from the farm and became a city resident.I heard from the elders that Mr. Zhou at that time was extremely beautiful.It’s just that in the past 30 years in Hedong and in the 30th year in Hexi, Feng Shui has changed. Unexpectedly, the Cultural Revolution brought Mr. Zhou back to his original form.

At that time, there were hardly any decent houses in the countryside.Mr. Zhou's house was particularly dilapidated, with three mud brick houses leaking rain and wind everywhere.After Mr. Zhou was assigned a job in the provincial capital, he brought his widowed mother to live in the city, so he did not repair the old house in his hometown. [

"Is Mr. Zhou at home?"

Although the wooden door of Zhou's house was only ajar, Dad knocked on the door very politely.

"Which one?"

A tired female voice came from the room, which must be Mr. Zhou's wife.

"I'm Liu Jincai from Liujiashan, I'm here to visit Mr. Zhou."

Dad spoke very politely, even using the word "visit".At that time, rural people rarely spoke so politely.But since I came to visit a big intellectual, I can't look like I'm too unqualified.

With a sound of "squeak", the wooden door opened, and a grey-haired woman appeared inside the door with a happy face.

"So it's Mr. Liu, he's a rare guest, please come in..."

Dad didn't feel a little proud.The best thing in my father's life is to save face.Although Mr. Zhou has lost his power now, Mrs. Zhou has seen the world after all following her husband. This attitude is very useful to my father.

"Please take a seat... Oh... Mr. Liu, you are too polite, a fellow from the village, what else do you bring? Old man, old man, come out quickly, Mr. Liu is here..."

"What's all the fuss about?"

Following this dull voice, Mr. Zhou came out slowly from the room, wearing black-rimmed glasses, gray hair, unshaven beard, but full of arrogance.Of course, it's not arrogance, but the arrogance of a scholar.

"Mr. Zhou..."

Dad got up quickly and greeted him respectfully.

From the bottom of his heart, Dad also has the arrogance of a scholar, but he respects people who are more educated than himself.

"It's Jincai, please sit down."

Mr. Zhou is still lukewarm, but it can be seen that he doesn't hate our father and mother as uninvited guests.He is still a reactionary academic authority who has not taken off his hat. Who can come to visit him on weekdays?

"Mr. Zhou, this is my child, come, call him Uncle Zhou."

I was generous, called "Uncle Zhou" crisply, and bowed.

"Hey, this kid is really good. What's his name? How old is he this year?"

Before Mr. Zhou could speak, Aunt Zhou praised him one after another.

For unknown reasons, Mr. Zhou and his wife have never had children.Aunt Zhou is very fond of children. [

I bowed again, and replied politely: "Auntie, my name is Liu Jun, and I am seven years old this year."

As a result, not only did my father smile from ear to ear, Aunt Zhou was very surprised, even Mr. Zhou showed a rare smile.

"Oh, Liu Jun. Okay, come on, tell Uncle, have you gone to school yet?"

"Yes. In the first grade of Liujiashan Primary School."

"Oh, I'm in the first grade. How many words can you recognize? Can you count?"

I smiled slightly, and replied calmly: "I have learned new characters, and I have also learned arithmetic."

"Oh, how about Uncle to test you?"


Why did all the scholars at that time have this virtue?Think about it in the 21st century, when a friend’s child comes to the door for the first time, why don’t you rush to give a red envelope?How can there be Mr. Zhou, who has no candies or red envelopes, and only knows how to take exams?depressed!

"What is one plus three?"

I rely on!I'm so sick, it's really wrong to use a village official as a cadre, and use a bean bag as a dry food.Even if you are a first-grade elementary school student, please don't treat me as that kind of elm lump who doesn't understand.

Although I slandered endlessly in my stomach, I didn't lose the slightest respect on my face, and I answered honestly: "It's equal to four."

Next, Mr. Zhou asked a few more questions, and I naturally answered them fluently.

But Dad was a little dissatisfied, and reminded with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, Xiaojun can add and subtract integers less than [-]. He can also recite Tang poems."


Mr. Zhou became more interested, and asked with a smile: "Xiao Jun, what Tang poems can you recite? Recite one for uncle."

How is this all done.My original intention was to get my father and Mr. Zhou closer, who knew that Mr. Zhou would grab me and ask endlessly as soon as he came up.It seems that he is also the kind of nerd who is not good at interacting with people.

Luo Xia and Lone Frog fly together, the autumn water is always the same.

I almost recited Wang Bo's "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng" to them.Think about it or hold back.If you want to show off like this, then you are not a prodigy but a monster.Beware of being caught in the research institute and disemboweled!

"When the day ends by the mountains, the Yellow River flows into the sea, and I want to reach a new level."

That's all for Mr. Zhou, but Dad was shocked: "Xiaojun, you... when did you learn this poem?"

Hehe, I had expected this question a long time ago, so I replied calmly: "Dad, you taught me. You recited this poem for me before."

"Have I recited it...you will remember it once I recite it?"

Dad's face was full of surprise.

I smiled and said, "You've recited it several times. It's not hard to remember."

"Hehe, you have a photographic memory, Jincai, your son is really a genius!"

Mr. Zhou was amazed.

Dad froze for a moment, then laughed too.After all, he would not think of "time travel" because of a Tang poem.Besides, the old man doesn't know what "time travel" is.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Zhou, Xiaojun wants to come to you to read books today..."


Dad, you are really an honest person, how can you be so straight to the point?Oh, because my son wants to read books, so I came to visit.Assuming your son doesn't want to read books, naturally you don't need to pay attention to you, Epilepsy Zhou.Doesn't this mean to make you uncomfortable?

Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhou is also a living treasure, so he didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Well, I'm afraid I will disappoint Xiaojun. I don't have comic books here."

I rushed to say: "There are no comic books, other books are also fine."

This is the truth.It is really difficult for me to face the "new word book" for the next few years.It's better to find some books to read from Mr. Zhou.

Mr. Zhou gave me a strange look and stood up.

"Okay, Xiaojun, you come with me."

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