In the afternoon, Bai Yang notified the convening of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, mainly to study the arrangement of the person in charge of Xingsheng Coal Energy.As executive vice minister of the Organization Department, Tan Zhiguang also attended the meeting.At the Standing Committee meeting, he will report the results of the organizational investigation of Zhong Changsheng, Long Fapeng, Yi Han and other proposed candidates.

Zhong Changsheng and Long Fapeng's organizational investigation went smoothly, and no leaks were found. The evaluations given by the Charcoal Drying Bureau and the Materials Bureau were quite good.It can be seen that these two are fairly decent people in the work unit on weekdays, and no one deliberately messed with them.

Although it is obvious that such an organization inspection is going through the motions, it is better to be able to make things perfect, at least it means that the ability of the inspected to handle the relationship between colleagues is not bad.

Whether you can unite comrades well is also an important reference factor for selecting cadres, especially leading cadres.

After reporting the situation of Zhong Changsheng and Long Fapeng.It was Yi Han's turn.The organizational structure of Xingsheng Coal Energy Company is temporarily set as one director and two assistants. [

When reporting Yi Han's situation, Tan Zhiguang didn't hide it, and he also told the anonymous report letter that Liu Jun asked him to do so.

Tan Zhiguang is still a little puzzled, not understanding what Secretary Liu's intention is.Don't you want to support and pick up old-age classmates?Why did you want to expose this matter at the Standing Committee again?Even if you hold great power and can say everything in the Standing Committee, then there is no need to make yourself unhappy.Obviously, Secretary Li Jiang's expression was not very happy.

The problem of cadres' style of work is originally one of the contents of the investigation and handling by the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

"Comrades talk about their opinions, how about these candidates?"

After Zhun Zhiguang introduced the situation of the cadres' inspection, Bai Yang followed the usual practice and asked the members of the Standing Committee to say, "Zhong Changsheng and Long Fapeng are fine. These two comrades are young and middle-aged backbones who have performed well. I believe that Xingsheng Company will be able to operate well. "As for Comrade Yi Han, I think we should be cautious, after all, some things still need to be verified.Besides, he has no relevant experience in financial work, and he is too young.This involves hundreds of millions of funds. "

As soon as Bai Yang finished speaking, Li Jiang interjected, his gaze swept over Liu Jun's face intentionally or unintentionally.

Ban Jun took a sip of his teacup.His face was calm, and he didn't have the slightest intention to speak.The organization department of the county party committee brought these three people up at the standing committee, which is enough to explain his attitude.

"I don't think there is a problem. There is no limit to what kind of work you can do. Comrade Yi Han is a top student at South China University. Although he is not majoring in finance and economics, with this foundation, financial knowledge can be learned. Let's talk about finance. Comrade Yi Han is not the only one in the department," Chao x unexpectedly said that it was the county magistrate Peng Shaoxiong.

Li Jiang was a little surprised.

Opposing Yi Han as the main person in charge of Xingsheng Energy Company is not against Liu Jun.From the standpoint of Li Jiang, the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, before the problem is investigated clearly.Appointing a cadre in a hurry is unreasonable.

It's just that Li Jiang didn't expect that Zhang Shaoxiong would be the first to speak to "refute" his opinion.

"As for the anonymous report letter, I don't think it is necessary to ignore it. Some comrades at the grassroots level don't work hard, and they stare at other gays and lesbians all day long and say a few words. This is a very bad atmosphere and should be corrected. If we affect the appointment of a cadre because of such baseless anonymous reports, it will only encourage this kind of unhealthy trend. The use of cadres. The main thing is to look at the general direction and not stick to the details. He is a model and typical person who is willing to contribute and has excellent personal integrity. There is no need to doubt it. Just because coal energy companies involve huge capital transactions, it is especially necessary for comrades like Yi Han who can stick to principles to control them. I believe that Yi Han Comrade can do this job well.”

Peng Shaoxiong does not look at Li Jiang, and has a clear-cut stand.

Bai Yang exchanged a glance with Liu Jun.

This result had long been expected by them.Both Zhong Changsheng and Long Fapeng belonged to Peng Shaoxiong, and Bai Yang Liujun accepted it.So how could Zhang Shaoxiong object to Yi Han proposed by Liu Jun?

Not only can you not oppose it, but you must fully support it.Otherwise, it will be misunderstood that Peng Shaoxiong ordered the "report" against Yi Han.

Zhang Shaoxiong would not commit such a taboo in such a sensitive individual as the Charcoal Energy Company.

The first, second, and third leaders of the county party committee all held the same attitude, and other standing committee members, including Li Jiang, naturally would not rashly raise objections.As for the appointment of Zhong Changsheng and others, it was obtained that Ningbei County Xingsheng Coal Energy Company was established and started operation immediately.The new manager, Zhong Changsheng, plunged headlong into various towns and began to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the state-owned coal mines, collective coal mines and a few safety measures in place in the county, which have not yet been closed, and are waiting for the county to take over the private Xiaodie kiln.

Zhong Changsheng was a member of the leading group when the small media kilns were being rectified, and he had a relatively comprehensive understanding of the distribution of coal mines in the county. [

Zhong Changsheng knew that the secretary Zaodengdi in the county had a very average impression of him.This is what Peng Shaoxiong, the county magistrate, told him personally."

After Peng Shaoxiong discussed with Liu Jun, he knew that Liu Jun would definitely summon Zhong Changsheng to talk with Long Fapeng.On these procedural issues, Liu Jun has always been unambiguous, and he doesn't want to give others the blame because of his laziness.

Peng Shaoxiong summoned Zhong Changsheng before Liu Jun, and told Liu Jun's impression of him intact, reminding him to work hard in front of Secretary Liu.otherwise.The manager of the media charcoal company can only be appointed to others.

There are too many people hiding from this place.

Although both Bai Yang and Liu Jun acquiesced to Peng Shaoxiong being the manager of the coal company, they did not necessarily agree with someone from him.

Come to think of it, Magistrate Peng has more than one card on hand, right?

Therefore, if Liu Jun does not lose Zhong Changsheng.It has little impact on Peng Shaoxiong, at most one person will be replaced.But it is very important to Zhong Changsheng.From the deputy director of the coal bureau to the manager of the coal energy company, it is not just a simple step.but a qualitative change.It means that Zhong Changsheng will play a vital role in the county's economic structure. How can he be compared with a decent deputy director of the Coal Bureau?

Therefore, Zhong Changsheng made a lot of careful preparations before meeting Liu Jun. He was clean-shaven, his suit was straight, his leather shoes were shiny, and he tried his best to look energetic.But Director Zhong's small eyes were not up to snuff, no matter how hard he blinked, he still looked confused.

The entire conversation was not long, and it was basically Zhong Changsheng who spoke.Liu Jun is listening.After Zhong Changsheng finished speaking, Liu Jun just said "hard work" and sent him away.

Director Zhong walked out of Deputy Secretary Liu's office, only to find that his vest was completely drenched in cold sweat.

This fabled dandy in the yamen has such coercion that he can scare people enough without talking much.

When Zhong Changsheng thought about it, there was no doubt that this interview was a failure.Secretary Liu just summoned him as a matter of routine, and he was basically not interested in him.

People's leaders don't want to talk to you!

Zhong Changsheng thought it was over, so he went to the Standing Committee and passed.

Manager Zhong was confused for a while, not knowing how the trick came about.Immediately decided to make a good appearance to show the baby Secretary Liu.Our old clock is not confused about major events.

There is a division of labor within the Xingzei Charcoal Energy Company. Yi Han is not only in charge of finance, but Zhong Changsheng puts the office and logistics department under the jurisdiction of Yi Jin. pen.Without Manager Yi's signature, no one can claim the money!

Even if he, the top leader, signed it, it doesn't count.

Zhong Changsheng also went to Secretary Liu to express his attitude. Since you can't trust others, only your old classmates, and ask him to take care of this big money bag, well, old Zhong knows how to do it, and don't intervene!

In fact, Zhong Changsheng didn't know Liu Jun very well.

Deputy Secretary Liu doesn't care about these minutiae and specific questions. Liu Jun is an admirer of Yan Yucheng, and he advocates that "big things don't care about small things." Now that the team of the coal company has been set up, how to operate it is your business.Is it possible that you really want me to teach you by hand?This coal energy company is running well, and if it has done meritorious service, it should be promoted, and the award should be awarded, which is unambiguous.Not working well.Wherever your old man is cool, stay there.Don't even explain anything to me.Let's change what we can do!

It seems that after Secretary Liu came to Ningbei County, this is how he handled his official duties.

Lu Wangxing and Chen Baogui, the former secretary and mayor of Matou Township, could not cooperate with Secretary Liu's rectification plan.Straight into the prison.The newly appointed secretary and township head are in the implementation of the county party committee documents.Run faster than a rabbit.Don't dare to delay at all. [

A week after the coal energy company was formally listed and established, Hong Kong "Zhenzhong Trading Company"

Mr. Mike Chen, the general manager of the company, arrived in Ningbei County.Discuss cooperation with the county.

Well, "Zhenzhong Trading Company" was naturally re-registered by Xiaoqing in Hong Kong, in order to give Ningbei County a proper name for throwing money at it.However, Mr. Mike who chose this life 0 is still very good. He is in his thirties and has a shrewd and capable face.

But Liu Jun was not happy when he heard his name.

A decent native with black eyes and yellow skin.Purebred inside and out.Not a trace of mixed blood.What is the name of Mike!Liu Jun also knows that young people in Hong Kong have the habit of taking English names, but Secretary Liu is tired of crooked.So he only met with this Mike once, talked for half an hour, and then left him to Peng Shaoxiong and Zhong Changsheng.

Originally, the economic cooperation negotiations should be under the direct control of Zhang Shaoxiong, the county magistrate, and Liu Jun was only responsible for the introduction.Specific cooperation details.You go to finalize.

Interfering everywhere is not a good thing!

Secretary Liu slapped his ass and drove to Jiangdong District himself.

In that warm three-bedroom apartment, the delicate and plump Xiaoqing was waiting for him.

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