Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 52 Plagiarism

Jiang Youxin was surprised to hear that I reported that my family was Liu Jincai's son.

"You...are you really Director Liu's son?"

At this time, Jiang Youxin was just a young man who had just graduated from the teacher's college, and his ability to deal with emergencies was not strong.He couldn't imagine what Director Liu's son wanted him to do.I can't beat Director Liu at all.

I smiled and said, "It's not easy to impersonate. Teacher Jiang, don't worry, I have no malicious intentions."

It was only then that Jiang Youxin noticed that my conversation seemed a little out of proportion to my age, and I seemed too old. [

"Sorry, I forgot your name, your name is..."

"Liu Jun. The willow of the willow tree, the handsome Jun."

Calling myself "handsome" without blushing shows that my skin is getting thicker and thicker.

"That's right, Liu Jun...uh, Liu Jun, what do you want from me?"

If he doesn't understand my reason for coming, he will never feel at ease.

"I heard that Mr. Jiang is a high-achieving student of Baozhou Middle School? My dad also graduated from Baozhou Middle School. You are alumni."

"I don't dare to be a high-achieving student. Compared with Director Liu, I am far behind. I have read the "Three Discussions on Seeking Truth from Facts" published by Director Liu in the provincial newspaper. It is really every word, and it is full of everyone's demeanor."

I glanced at him in some surprise. The Jiang Youxin in my memory was not a flatterer.Perhaps when I was sensible, he was already in his thirties, and as a junior clerk, he had no idea of ​​making progress in his official career, so he didn't have to flatter anyone.But he took the initiative to bring up the topic, which saved me a lot of trouble.

"Mr. Jiang said that, it can be seen that he is still very concerned about current affairs. Why didn't he participate in the county's essay solicitation activity?"

Jiang Youxin showed a look of surprise on his face, and said: "I have participated, and I handed in the manuscript more than ten days ago."

Hearing this, I was even more surprised than he was, and hurriedly asked: "You handed in the manuscript more than ten days ago? Why didn't I see your name after searching all the manuscripts?"

Even if I am Liu Jincai's son, at such a young age, I shouldn't read the manuscripts for the solicitation, let alone "search through"?But Jiang Youxin was surprised, but he didn't care about the abnormal factors in my words.

"How could it be? I obviously submitted the manuscript, and the title is "From Practice to Practice"..."

"From practice to practice?"

I was even more surprised.

I have seen this article, and in the manuscript that passed the preliminary review, Li Chengyan gave it to Dad as the focus.I have also read it carefully, and it is indeed well written, with clear thinking, fluent writing, and sufficient arguments.According to my father, if there are no better articles in the future, I can be sure that "From Practice to Practice" will enter the top three in the genre of essays.But the author of the article is not Jiang Youxin, but a person named "Xu Haitao", who works at Daping Commune Central Primary School in Shima District.

I immediately thought that Jiang Youxin's article had been plagiarized.Because it is absolutely impossible for Jiang Youxin to know that "From Practice for Practice" has passed the preliminary review, so there is no possibility that he will impersonate the name.Besides, I firmly believe that his writing level is absolutely necessary to plagiarize other people's things.

Seeing me in a daze, Jiang Youxin thought that I was young and didn't understand the joints, so he hurriedly said, "I..."

I reached out my hand to stop him, and asked in a deep voice, "Who did you give this manuscript to?"

"Give it to Officer Wu in the district, who is in charge of propaganda work."

I do know this procedure. The solicitation manuscripts can be sent directly to the county propaganda department, or they can be handed over to the propaganda officers of the districts and communes, and then transferred to the county propaganda department.The Sixth Middle School is close to the district office, so it's normal for Jiang Youxin to hand it over.

"When you handed it over, did you pack the envelope?"

"It's ready."

"Is it sealed?"

"It's not. It's not a personal letter. There's no need to seal it."

I sit down on the stool.Things have changed like this, which is beyond my expectation, so I have to think about it carefully.

Jiang Youxin's complexion has become very ugly.The hard-earned things are secretly plagiarized by others, and no one is comfortable changing them.But he was able to hold his breath. Since Director Liu's son came to the door in person, things would always come to light.At the same time, he was also a little puzzled. He had never met Director Liu and his son, and Master Liu's visit was too sudden.

"Teacher Jiang, is the manuscript still there?"


Without waiting for me to say more, Jiang Youxin found the original manuscript and handed it to me.I read it from beginning to end, and I was sure that this article was indeed suspected by Jiang Youxin.It can also be seen from the dense traces of modification that Jiang Youxin has put in a lot of effort.

"Mr. Jiang, it seems that someone has indeed plagiarized your manuscript."

Jiang Youxin nodded, but his face returned to calm instead, and he didn't look particularly annoyed.

I can't help but be satisfied.It seems that he is the same as I remember, he is quite calm in situations, and if he enters the officialdom, he will be a good material to be a secretary.

"Mr. Jiang, in your opinion, how should we handle this matter?"

Jiang Youxin thought for a while and asked, "Liu Jun, why did you come to me? Who told you to come?"


It's really hard to answer this question right away.Fortunately, before I came, I had already thought of a set of rhetoric.Although it can't stand the knock, I hope it can be perfunctory.

I showed him the list that Jieying had given me.

"This is the list from the County Education Commission... Here, this is your name, Jiang Youxin, a graduate of Baozhou Middle School Normal College, a Chinese teacher in Shima Middle School. I have been reading the manuscripts for essays with my father these days, and found that There are many teachers who have written essays, but I didn't see your name, and I thought it was strange. So I came to find you."

Is it really that simple?

Jiang You is dubious.Once again my age helped, and he hesitated for a moment before deciding to take my word for it.A child who is less than ten years old will not lie indiscriminately, right? [

"You come here, does Director Liu know?"

I smiled and asked back, "Do you want him to know or not?"

Jiang Youxin also smiled, feeling that I really can't be treated as a pure child.

"It's hard to tell what the problem is right now. I think you can make another copy of this manuscript. I'll take it home and give it to my dad. He will decide. What do you think?"

Jiang Youxin thought for a while and said, "That's fine too, but I think it's better to send it directly to your father."

I smiled and said, "Yes, this is more in line with the procedure."

When I was about to leave, Jiang Youxin stopped me and asked, "Liu Jun, did Director Liu really call you here?"

"This is not the key to the problem. The key is that your manuscript must be selected, which is very important to you."

Jiang Youxin's manuscript was sent to Dad on the afternoon of the last day of the deadline, and immediately caused an uproar in the Propaganda Department and the County Revolutionary Committee.Because "From Practice to Practice" is quite valued by my father, why not be surprised that there is a "true and false Monkey King" all of a sudden?Dad called out Xu Haitao's manuscripts from Daping Commune Central Primary School in Shima District and compared them, and found that the two articles were basically the same, and immediately realized that the situation was serious.

I stayed in my father's office all day on July [-]rd, just to wait for Jiang Youxin's manuscript.He sent them by mail, although they were all in the county town, I was afraid that there would be a mistake in the mailing.In case the final deadline is passed, it will inevitably cause problems.

Dad picked up the manuscript and walked out of the office.

I knew he was looking for Yan Yucheng, and the two of them worked on the same floor, at different ends.

"Dad, wait a minute."

I cried.

Dad turned and looked at me.

"Don't be in a hurry to find Uncle Yan. Let's investigate internally. It's not too late to report after the matter is sorted out."

Reporting the details to the top leader, although it can remove the suspicion of "struggling for power", sometimes it is very annoying.Dad is now the number one deputy director, so he should make his own decisions.

It is not difficult to find out this matter, just call the two authors to confront each other.

At this time, Dad showed his strong side, and immediately called Li Chengyan, the deputy director of the Propaganda Department, Tong Xianghong, the chief of the cadre section, and Wang Jie, the chief of the culture and education section.

The three of them were all smiling when they entered the door, but seeing Director Liu's serious expression, they all became nervous.

"Look at it."

Dad handed the two manuscripts to Li Chengyan, and Tong Xianghong and Wang Jie came over.Just looking at the title, the expressions of the three of them changed, and after finishing it, their faces were almost dripping with water.

"Director Liu, this... this is a very serious political issue..."

I couldn't help laughing to myself, this Minister Li really knows how to get on the line, and this guy gave him such a big hat.

"Yeah, it's serious."

Tong Xianghong and Wang Jie also nodded in agreement.

Dad waved his hand: "Don't rush to draw conclusions, investigate the matter clearly before we talk about it."

Li Chengyan said: "Then we need to call both authors over first."

Dad nodded: "The sooner this matter is dealt with, the better, Minister Cheng Yan, you should immediately call for comrades Jiang Youxin and Xu Haitao."

Tong Xianghong hesitated and said: "It seems that the two authors are both teachers. The school is on holiday at this time, and I don't know if I can find it right away..." He raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon, and the Sixth Middle School was very close, but the Daping Commune was more than ten miles away.

Dad said decisively: "Send a car, no matter how late it is, we must find someone, I will wait here."

"Okay, I'll inform the driver right away. In addition, the two authors are both from Shima District. Do you want Officer Wu from Shima District to come with you?"

Perhaps he is used to Cui Xiuhe's domineering style, but Li Chengyan is very good at thinking along the lines of the leader.

"Well, ask him to come too."

"Oh, there is a car, I want to go too..."

I pretended to be a child who likes to ride in the car, dancing and dancing.

Seeing his father and objecting, Li Chengyan naturally would not object.It's just a little strange in my heart, why does Director Liu's child often play in the office?Children of this age would normally dislike staying with a strict father the least.

Li Chengyan personally led the team. According to the distance, the jeep first drove to the Shima District Office. On a hot day, Officer Wu did not go out. He stayed in the office with a fan to read the newspaper and a cup of strong tea. At a young age, he developed an official style , so pleasant!

Li Chengyan got off the jeep and told him to go to the County Revolutionary Committee with a dark face, saying that Director Liu was looking for him.Director Wu froze with a smile on his face, looked left and right, and said, "Mr. Li, what's the matter? How could Director Liu find a little carrot like me?"

Li Chengyan said coldly: "How do I know the leader's decision? Let's go, Director Liu is waiting."

"Here, here, Minister Li, how about I say hello to Director Xu before leaving?"

"Why, Director Xu disagrees with you going to the County Revolutionary Committee?"

"That's not true, you see, it's working hours now, I have to ask the leader for a leave?"

Officer Wu said, wiping his sweat.In less than a minute, he was already sweating profusely.

"No need, Director Liu is looking for you on business."

Officer Wu had no choice but to get into the car slowly, as if there were nails on the seat of the jeep, twisting his buttocks.

Looking at this situation, I basically have a bottom line in my heart.It is estimated that Li Chengyan and Wang Jie, who came with him in the same car, also made a rough guess. They were so sullen along the way that they didn't say a word to Officer Wu.

Jiang Youxin was naturally waiting for news in the dormitory, and it was easy to find the right one.

When I got in the car, I just said hello to Officer Wu who I knew well, and after Officer Wu introduced the identities of Li Chengyan and Wang Jie, I politely shook hands with the two leaders of the Propaganda Department. .

That's right, it's not necessarily a good thing to let people know that he knows me.

The car drove to Daping Commune Central Primary School, but Xu Haitao was not at school.When I asked other teachers who lived in the school, I learned that Xu Haitao's family is from the county seat. He only graduated from high school last year and failed to enter the university. Through some connections, he was arranged to be a substitute teacher in Daping Central Primary School.His father was an employee of a meat company, and his mother was a salesperson in a department store.

Without saying a word, Li Chengyan told the driver to turn around and rush back to the county seat, and went straight to the dormitory of the meat company.

Along the way, Li Chengyan's face was dark, no one spoke, and the atmosphere in the car was very dull.

Speaking of which, only I am the most relaxed at this time.The truth of the matter is obvious, as long as Xu Haitao is found, the truth can be revealed.

In a dormitory on the second floor of the meat company, I found Xu Haitao, a young man with green skin who had just grown a little fuzz on his mouth, who was reading novels on a bamboo bed, shirtless and wearing big pants.

As soon as Li Chengyan's identity was introduced, Xu Haitao, like Officer Wu, immediately broke out in sweat.

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