Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 56 Provincial Newspaper Column Series

In mid-July, the essay solicitation activity that received wide attention came to an end.A total of 48 manuscripts were selected, and "From Practice to Practice" won the first place in the essay.The County Revolutionary Committee and the Propaganda Department fulfilled their promises, and all the authors of the selected articles were awarded certificates and prizes, and all of them were seconded to the Propaganda Office.My uncle's two articles had already been published in newspapers and were not listed as selected articles, but Yan Yucheng specially approved and seconded my uncle to Hongqi Commune as a propaganda officer.This did not cause any criticism.In any case, the articles of the provincial newspaper and "Baozhou Daily" are there, even if others have opinions, it is not easy to put them on the table.

Dad then took Jiang Youxin, and together with Mr. Zhou, took all the selected articles and went to the provincial capital in person.I found Mr. Zhou's old colleague Zhao Liangzhong who was an editor of the provincial newspaper.

Zhao Liangzhong was very excited when he saw the thick stack of manuscripts, and immediately introduced his father to the deputy editor-in-chief Chang Huaiyi.Naturally, Mr. Zhou didn't go with him, he was still wearing a hat after all.Originally, Chang Huaiyi was just socializing because of Zhao Liangzhong's face.A deputy director from a poor country like Xiangyang County is not in the eyes of the deputy editor-in-chief of the provincial newspaper.But after a little flipping through the manuscripts that my father brought over, I was a little moved. I calmed down and listened carefully to my father's plan, and my eyes lit up. I agreed to publish a series in the provincial newspaper, one in each issue, with weight "Editor's note" for theoretical articles.

The trip to the provincial capital was fruitful.

Dad returned to Xiangyang County and reported to Yan Yucheng.Yan Yucheng was also very excited. On the day when the provincial newspaper published "From Practice to Practice", a plenary meeting of the County Revolutionary Committee was held, and all 47 members of the County Revolutionary Committee attended. [

The provincial newspaper is going to publish a series of columns for Xiangyang County.

This incident greatly shocked and surprised the participating committee members.

Glorious!Xiangyang County has been established for 25 years, and there has never been such a time of showing its face in history.Not to mention the fifteen prefectures and cities in N province, the Baozhou area is not conspicuous, even in the seven counties under the jurisdiction of the Baozhou area, Xiangyang County is not outstanding.The land is barren and the people are poor, and the products are not abundant. The total output value of industry and agriculture has always been listed at the bottom of the last three.Other jobs also follow suit, without making any achievements. Don't look at Wang Benqing's majesty in Xiangyang County, but when he goes to the district to hold meetings, his duties are tight.Not only is he respectful in front of regional leaders, but he is also humble in front of leading cadres at the same level as Weining County, Qing'an County, Baozhou City.

There is no way, if you can't show decent political achievements, you can't strengthen your waist.

Yan Yucheng made such a big commotion as soon as he came up, which made people have to admire.No wonder he dared to fight against Wang Benqing, he was really capable.The deputy directors and members of the County Revolutionary Committee looked at Yan Yucheng and his father with a lot of awe and admiration.

Naturally, Yan Yucheng convened this plenary session not to show off, but to take advantage of the strong support of the provincial newspaper to unify thinking, unify deployment, and carry out a unified action of "big publicity and big discussion" in the whole county.

Dad is the first deputy director of the County Revolutionary Committee and the director of propaganda, and presides over the meeting.Announced the unified action deployment plan to be adopted by the County Revolutionary Committee.

"Comrade Jincai has already announced the deployment plan of the County Revolutionary Committee, comrades please express your opinions."

Holding the teacup in both hands, Yan Yucheng spoke slowly.

"Let me say a few words."

Yan Yucheng glanced over, it was Tang Haitian.Unexpectedly, he was the first to take the initiative to speak.He nodded slightly, revealing a slight smile.

"Comrades, this is a great event, a great event!"

Tang Haitian looked a little excited.

Dad secretly let out a sigh of relief.

The first deputy director of the county revolutionary committee has always been appointed by the district.Only this time, the district did not do this action.Yan Yucheng abruptly ranked his father as the number one, surpassing other senior deputy directors, it was actually suspected of arrogance.Fortunately, after it was reported to the Land Revolutionary Committee, it was not rejected, which was regarded as acquiescing.But acquiescence does not mean a formal appointment. The Land Revolutionary Committee can turn its face and deny its responsibility at any time. Dad's "ranking number one" is not justified after all.Especially surpassing Tang Haitian, made Dad feel uneasy.It must be known that even Wang Benqing was so domineering, he never asked Cui Xiuhe to cross Tang Haitian's head.

"...Comrades, it is said that food and grass go first before soldiers and horses are moved. Political propaganda work is very important. The provincial newspaper has supported us so much this time. We should firmly seize this opportunity. Under the correct leadership of Director Yan and Director Liu Let's fight this tough battle of 'big publicity and big discussion'..."

When Tang Haitian was speaking, he kept his eyes straight and never glanced at Yan Yucheng and his father.But the words are clear.As the oldest and second-ranked deputy director of the County Revolutionary Committee, Tang Haitian's statement undoubtedly set the tone for the entire meeting, and he also made it clear that he accepted Yan Yucheng and Liu Jincai's latest power combination. In future work, will position itself.

Dad couldn't help but cast a grateful glance at Tang Haitian.

The other deputy directors, He and others were clever, seeing Tang Haitian's official change of banner, they naturally expressed their full support by speaking one after another.In less than two hours, the plenary meeting of the County Revolutionary Committee was successfully concluded.When everyone walked out of the venue, all of them were rosy, full of confidence, and they were going to do a big job with all their strength.This was Director Yan's first big move after taking office, and no one wanted to be left behind. [

As soon as Yan Yucheng returned to the office, the red confidential phone rang.Usually, those who call into this confidential phone are the superiors.Yan Yucheng grabbed the phone before he could drink his saliva.

"Comrade Yucheng, I am Long Tiejun..."

"Hello, Director Long. Any instructions?"

"Hehe, I can't talk about instructions. You guys did a good job this time. Team leader Qian Jianjun talked to me on the phone just now. He is also very supportive of this matter and will report to the leaders of the Central Propaganda Department... "

"Thank you, Director Long. This is all under the correct leadership of you and the Regional Revolutionary Committee..."

In fact, before his father went to the provincial capital, Yan Yucheng specifically reported this matter to Long Tiejun.As for Qian Jianjun, it was Dad who called.Such a big move can't be done without telling the superiors.

After speaking a few words of encouragement, Long Tiejun suddenly changed his tone and said, "Comrade Yucheng, have you reported this matter to Comrade Peiming beforehand?"

Yan Yucheng was startled, but this was negligence.

"I'm sorry, Director Long. I was negligent about this matter. I didn't report it to Director Pei Ming in time. I will review it with you..."

Zhou Peiming was the first deputy director of the Land Revolutionary Committee and Wang Benqing's big backer.Indeed, such an oversight should not have occurred.

"There's no need for a review, it's not that serious. For important work in the future, you should talk to Comrade Pei Ming first. Comrade Pei Ming has rich experience and is a very good leader. Can you point out the shortcomings in your work? .”

"Yes, Director Long, you are right in your criticism. We will definitely pay attention in the future and ask Director Pei Ming for instructions."

"Hehe, that's all right. Comrade Yucheng, tell Comrade Liu Jincai to work hard..."

Yan Yucheng put down the phone, thought for a while, picked up the phone and dialed Zhou Peiming.

"Which one?"

Zhou Peiming's gloomy voice came from the phone.

"Hello, Director Zhou, I'm Yan Yucheng."

"Oh, Comrade Yucheng, hello."

Zhou Peiming's voice was still gloomy.

"Director Zhou, I have something to report to you. Our county has launched an essay solicitation activity on political propaganda work... Ah, you know about this... Yes, we have received great support from the provincial newspaper this time. Support, the provincial newspaper is going to open a series of columns for us..."

"Hehe, Comrade Yucheng, this is a good thing. It means that your political propaganda work in Xiangyang County has been recognized by the provincial newspaper. It's very good..."

Zhou Peiming spoke in an official tone, still lukewarm. [

"Director Zhou, we originally wanted to report to you in advance, but we were afraid that the provincial newspaper would not agree, so we didn't dare to report first..."

"It doesn't matter, Comrade Yucheng, I'm not in charge of the propaganda work. Just report to Director Long and Director Zhong."

Director Zhong refers to Zhong Xuewei, deputy director of the Land Revolutionary Committee in charge of propaganda work.

"Yes, yes, you are the main leader of the Regional Revolutionary Committee, of course we should always ask you for instructions and report on our work."

He was negligent first, and those who were as rebellious as Yan Yucheng had to lower their stance.

"Hehe, Comrade Yucheng is too polite. They are all doing revolutionary work, why should they be separated from each other...Since this provincial newspaper attaches so much importance to it, you and Comrade Jincai must take this propaganda work seriously, strive for good results, and publish Great result!"

Zhou Peiming's voice changed a bit.

"Yes, yes, we will definitely follow Director Zhou's instructions, do a good job in this work, and live up to the expectations of Director Zhou and the Regional Revolutionary Committee... Mmm, okay, Director Zhou, goodbye!"

Putting down the phone, Yan Yucheng let out a long, stuffy breath in his chest, showing a little tiredness.

It seems that such things as hypocrisy and obedience are tiring for those who don't do them often.

The county has launched a big move, basically I can't get involved.I can't follow my father to wander around in various communes.Even if he meant that, I'm not that interested.The conditions in the countryside are too bad, and I don't want to accompany my dad to bask in the sun during the day and feed mosquitoes at night.On the contrary, Jiang Youxin, the "No. [-] champion" in this essay competition, became his father's full-time secretary.According to regulations, cadres at the county level are not qualified to be assigned full-time secretaries.However, the rules are the rules, in fact, what should be done.Just not in that name.Generally speaking, except for the secretary of the director of the county revolutionary committee, who is selected by the office, the other deputy directors usually choose young officers from their departments to be their secretaries.Dad is the first deputy director and director of publicity, and it is normal to choose the secretary of the office to accompany him.

Jiang Youxin has great admiration for his father, a senior senior, and he has the kindness of knowing him, and he works very hard.People are young and hardworking.It's very different from the big brother-in-law who didn't work hard and couldn't distinguish grains in the impression of his previous life.It's just that now that the family status of the two parties is very different, it is unknown whether he can become the eldest sister's lover again.

Well, as long as he becomes Dad's full-time secretary and often visits the house, I can always find opportunities to match them.

The business of "Limin Service Department" is booming.I assembled three second-hand TV sets and sold them all within ten days. I made a net profit of 200 yuan each. After deducting the cost of assembling the one for my home, I got more than [-] yuan.Fang Wenti originally insisted on sharing the share with me, and treated the TV as a tribute to "Director Liu".I don't want to do this kind of thing.

In doing business in partnership, the most important thing is to have clear accounts.Everyone is so indiscriminately mingled with each other, and they are getting close, but when they turn their faces when facing each other, they just can't explain the troublesome things that they don't understand.

Fang Wenti is honest and honest, and he is never sloppy in his accounts.Probably decided to mix with me.It's not that it's different after the second elder brother Liu Zhaomin came.

I have been thinking about this matter carefully ever since I decided to bring Fang Wenti to the county seat.Although the time traveler has the advantage of foresight, but I have no business experience in my previous life, and I have never partnered with others to do business. I am basically a business idiot, and all the knowledge about business is indirect.This life seems to be inevitably involved in this field.So I attach great importance to this small maintenance department.Small but complete.Fiddled with the business experience of the maintenance department, it might not be a kind of experience accumulation.If something goes wrong, such a small situation can be repaired.

What I have to do is to use the advantages of foresight to make up for the shortcomings of inexperience.

"Brother Fang, I think we need to buy a few more sets of TV casings and other accessories."

I said to Fang Wenti.

The number of TV sets in Xiangyang County is too small, and waste recycling alone is not enough.I thought about it and simply bought the main spare parts and assembled the TV myself.The structure of the black and white TV set is relatively simple, and many components can be used in common with the components of the tape recorder and radio.As long as you buy the main components such as the casing, picture tube, and high-voltage package, you will be fine.At that time, the high price of TV sets was not mainly due to the high cost of raw materials, but the high cost of labor and distribution.Just imagine a factory, where there are even more retirees than in-service workers, and among the in-service workers there are more support staff than front-line workers. How can the manufacturing cost be kept down?As for the logistics system in [-], it was almost blank.Without an effective overall arrangement, it is only natural that the cost of circulation is high.

I remember reading in an article in my previous life that in the early 90s, a southern coastal city formed a loose consortium of family workshops to assemble motorcycles, and the production cost was more than 40% lower than that of a large-scale state-owned factory.

"Okay, I'll go to the post office to complete the formalities."

Fang Wenti has become more and more used to supporting me with any decision conditions.Seeing Fang Wenti walking towards the post office with a broken leg under the scorching sun, I asked myself if I was too capitalist?But Fang Wenti himself must not think so, this kid is much more energetic than a person with healthy limbs now.

But things happened unhappily.

Fang Wenti came back from the post office not long after, with a bad look on his face.

"Xiaojun, the Shanghai side said that we need to send a letter of introduction from the supervisory unit to deliver the goods, and the Tianjin side is the same. Tm, you can't buy anything with money!"

Fang Wenti spat bitterly.

It turned out to be the case, blame me for being too radical.A little-known so-called "maintenance service department" in a small county consumed two sets of TV accessories (two sets each in Shanghai and Tianjin) within half a month, and it was about to purchase again. No wonder people became suspicious.

You have to find a formal unit to anchor in the past.

Yes, hang on!

In fact, this concept should not appear now. Under normal circumstances, it will take a few years.

I comforted Fang Wenti: "It's okay, I'll figure out a way."

Fang Wenti nodded.He believed that I would find a way.

Before I could figure out what to do, another trouble came one after another.

People from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau came to the door.

ps: Asking for rewards hoarsely!Originally, it wouldn't be so shameful to make noise every day, all the judges.It's just because a big boss in the book review section today is very powerful, saying that only 21 votes for 400 words, this book is only suitable for my own reading.I was hit so hard that I was hoarse from crying.I have no choice but to yell again with the cheek, and the master who likes it will reward me with a vote!Thanks!

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