Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 565 Special Authority 1

Liu Jun is the new county magistrate and has a lot to do.

Although the overall economic development plan formulated by the county government at the beginning of the year was basically based on his thinking, and the general direction remained unchanged, there were still many differences between his and Peng Shaoxiong's governance styles, and the implementation of the plan was slightly different.

Fortunately, as the deputy secretary of the party and the masses, he has a relatively thorough understanding of the situation of the responsible cadres in various districts and townships and the top leaders of county-level units.Taking over the work of the county government now is not in a hurry.

Liu Jun used Peng Shaoxiong's previous office, and the decoration didn't change much. There was only a photo of Yan Fei and him in the corner of the desk, which was taken when the two were traveling in Hanhu City.

The first thing that county magistrate Liu did when he took office was to summon Shi Zhong, the executive deputy magistrate. [

It was a summons, but it was not exact, it should be said that Shi Zhong took the initiative to visit him.

Shi Zhong was originally a general of the Bailiu family, and he was ranked sixth in the standing committee of the county party committee, second only to Li Jiang.Now that Bai Yang has left office, Liu Jun has become the county magistrate, and has a closer relationship with Shi Zhong at work. It is reasonable for Shi Zhong to take the initiative to visit him.

"Magistrate Shi is here, please sit down."

Liu Jun was very polite to Shi Zhong, he didn't sit behind the desk and talk to Shi Zhong, but got up and welcomed him into the reception sofa, Pan Zhiren served green tea.

In terms of receiving subordinates, Liu Jun has some rules, but they are not very strict, such as who comes to stand up and shake hands, who comes and smiles and nods, who comes and just says "um", Liu Jun is not so particular about the rules. .

Besides, as Shi Zhong was the second in command of the county government, Liu Jun gave him this courtesy, which was not out of the ordinary.

"Congratulations, magistrate!"

Shi Chong laughed and congratulated again.

Cadres at Shi Zhong's level can hardly understand the delicate situation in the province. In his opinion, Bai Yang and Liu Jun were both promoted shortly after they arrived in Ningbei County. It is correct.As Bai Liu rises step by step, he must also rise with the tide.

Therefore, Shi Zhong's compliment came from the heart.

"Hehe, as a family, if you don't talk about the two families, you won't be polite."

Liu Jun waved his hand and said with a smile.

Shi Zhong just smiled, and sure enough he stopped flattering.

"County magistrate, is the military order you issued in front of Mayor Tang true?"

As a confidant, but also a secret room discussion, Shi Zhong's speech is relatively straightforward.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Why, do I look like a liar?"

Shi Zhong smiled embarrassedly: "Where is it? I said something wrong... However, the county magistrate, within three years, the economy of Ningbei County will rank above the middle of the five districts and three counties of Daning City. The difficulty is too great, I don't know what the county magistrate has to do..."

Liu Jun smiled lightly and said: "Major Shi, you are older than me, have more experience than me, and you have been in Ningbei County much longer than me, and you are the executive deputy county magistrate. I'm right to ask you."

Shi Zhong was slightly taken aback, it seemed that Liu Jun's words were very reasonable. [

"Hey, county magistrate, don't you know what level I am? Compared with others, it's not bad to be honest, but compared with you, it's not at the same level at all..."

As expected, Shi Chong also had "profound skills", and without making a fuss, he slapped Liu Jun again with his backhand.

Liu Jun waved his hand again, put away the smile on his face, looked at Shi Zhong with piercing eyes, and said, "Old Shi, I've already said it, there's no need to be polite between you and me. It's okay to speak up if you have something to say."

Shi Chong's expression froze for a moment, he smiled awkwardly, and said, "Since the county magistrate insists on making me ugly, then I'll try to talk about it. I think the first thing to achieve this goal is to focus on power. The general idea of ​​economic construction can only have one voice, not two voices..."

When Shi Zhong said this, he paused slightly, observing Liu Jun's expression.

Liu Jun's face was calm.

Shi Zhong's words couldn't be said to be unreasonable, but when he said it at this time, he was obviously trying to find out what Liu Jun meant—in the future, who will Ningbei County listen to!

When Bai Yang was the secretary, the Bai Liu family firmly controlled the situation in Ningbei County. With the close relationship between Liu Jun and Bai Yang and the signature of the yamen, Liu Jun was better than a secretary than a secretary. .Now Bai Yang has been transferred, Peng Shaoxiong is the secretary of the county party committee, and Lu Xiangmei is the deputy secretary. The structure of the secretary's office meeting and the standing committee has changed.Obviously, Liu Jun is not as strong as before.Shi Zhong wanted Liu Jun to determine a direction so that their group of generals of the Liu family would have rules to follow.

Seeing that Liu Jun remained calm and Shi Zhong was not good at "urging", he had no choice but to continue talking.

"After the general idea is determined, the issue of cadres is the key. Especially the division of labor in the county government may need some adjustments... Well, the heads of some important county-level departments also need to give them a knock..."

The Ningbei County Government currently has one county magistrate and six mates.In addition to Shi Zhong, there are five deputy county magistrates.In the past, Bai Yang and Liu Jun adopted a "soft policy" towards Peng Shaoxiong. Except for Shi Zhong, the first deputy county magistrate who joined the Standing Committee, and another deputy county magistrate, the county government reported to the municipal party committee according to Peng Shaoxiong's instructions.That is to say, the county government currently has four deputy county magistrates who are on Peng Shaoxiong's line.

Shi Chong's meaning was very clear. To remove one or two of the four deputy county magistrates, it would definitely not be possible for the time being.They didn't make any mistakes, how could they replace the deputy county magistrate in a hurry just because they changed a county magistrate?However, some adjustments must be made to the internal division of labor, so as to concentrate the real power in the hands of the Liu family members as much as possible.

Next, the leaders of some important government functional departments, such as the Finance Bureau, Tax Bureau, Audit Bureau, Land Bureau, Construction Commission, Economic Reform Commission, China Merchants and Xingsheng Coal Energy Company, etc., must also be trusted by Liu Jun. Only by showing your palm can you ensure that the county government's government orders are unimpeded and unrestricted.

Otherwise, the county magistrate Liu's decree will not come out of the county government, what policy will be discussed, and the development will be rapid?

Especially the Finance Bureau has always been directly in charge of Peng Shaoxiong, and Zhang Anran, the director of the Finance Bureau, is Peng Shaoxiong's confidant trained by himself.Now that Peng Shaoxiong has been promoted to the secretary, with the official hat in his hand and the money bag, Liu Jun, the county magistrate, is really not easy to do.

While Shi Zhong was speaking, Liu Jun's two fingers kept tapping lightly on the armrest of the sofa.This is his habit, which means that Shi Zhong's words triggered his thinking.

Shi Zhong knew a little bit about Liu Yanei's habit, so he stopped.

"Huh? Old Shi, go on, go on..."

Seeing that Shi Chong remained silent, Liu Jun urged him.

Shi Zhong was depressed, he had said so much, but this guy didn't respond at all, and he wasn't very confident about what to say next.Who knows if what I said suits the taste of County Mayor Liu.

"The third point, of course, is the issue of money. I don't know how much is left of the [-] million loaned by the bank!"

When Shi Zhong said this, he was somewhat resentful.Because the [-] million yuan was completely controlled by Peng Shaoxiong, it was placed in the county magistrate's special fund, and every expenditure had to be personally approved by Peng Shaoxiong.How much was used and how much was left, only Peng Shaoxiong and the specific handling staff knew. As the executive deputy county magistrate, Shi Chong didn't even know the details. [

"More than 2000 million!"

Liu Jun replied.

Handing over to Peng Shaoxiong, the money will naturally be handed over to him.

Shi Zhongzhong was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "There's only a little left. Two hundred million was spent in a few months. Secretary Peng is really generous!"

Liu Jun waved his hand and said, "Every expenditure has been well documented. Secretary Peng's personal integrity in this area is still very good."

This is actually the main reason why Liu Jungao looked at Peng Shaoxiong.

Shi Zhong hurriedly said: "County magistrate, you misunderstood me...I'm not doubting Secretary Peng's personal integrity, I just said that the money is spent too quickly. Now you have less funds available at hand! "

"It's okay, the money should be spent. For example, the construction of the trade city, roads, and parks were all planned in the overall plan. Secretary Peng just allocated the funds step by step. Even if I was in charge of the project at the beginning A sum of money, I guess it has to be spent like this. As long as it is used in a proper place."

Liu Jun didn't care.

"That's good, that's good..."

Shi Zhong was a little embarrassed.

"Old Shi, what you said today is very important, I think it makes sense."

Seeing that Shi Zhong didn't intend to continue expressing his "high opinion", Liu Jun took a sip of tea, said slowly, and first gave Shi Zhong affirmation.In any case, Shi Zhong is his confidant, and speaking directly represents an attitude.As for whether it is right or wrong, don't worry too much.

A happy look appeared on Shi Zhong's face.

"What you said about the single-mindedness of power, I think it is very correct. No matter what, the first thing is to unite. In Ningbei County, there is only one county party committee team and only one squad leader. This concept cannot be changed. Only by working together can we do a good job. Work. If there is disunity within, it will be difficult to do a good job..."

Liu Jun looked at Shi Zhong with his eyes, and his words were a bit earnest.

Shi Zhong was startled, seeing Liu Jun's sincere eyes, he nodded.It seems that this yamen has no intention of "struggling" with Peng Shaoxiong for the time being.In the past, Bai Yang and Liu Jun had always supported Peng Shaoxiong's governance in the county government. It is expected that Peng Shaoxiong's new secretary will reciprocate his favor!

However, things in the officialdom are difficult to say clearly, and many times they are not static.Even if the top leaders of the party and government have a clear intention to cooperate, some sudden incidents will often destroy this cooperation and turn it into a "struggle."

"So, the important thing is to stabilize the team first, especially the leadership team. Let's take a break for the time being about the division of labor within the county magistrate, and don't rush to bring it up. As long as everyone does a good job in the job at hand, I believe everything will be fine. Achievements. If someone is really incompetent, there is still time to make adjustments.”

Shi Zhong nodded again.

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