Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 575 Violent Resistance

The law enforcement action of Guangbei Tool Safety Supervision Bureau in Wuliqiao Town Yaofeng small kiln.He was confronted by all kinds of hearts.The mine owner incited some people who did not know the truth.Overturned the law enforcement vehicle of the Safety Supervision Bureau and detained three cadres of the law enforcement brigade.

To this end, Zhang Shaoxiong urgently convened the county party committee.

At the meeting, Shi Zhong, the executive deputy magistrate, reported the situation.

The reason why Shi Zhong came to report the situation was because the safety supervision was under the responsibility of Shi Zhong.In fact, Tian Hongjun was frightened by Liu Jun's words, and as soon as he left the county magistrate's office, he rushed to ask Shi Zhong for advice as if he was mourning her.

County magistrate Liu's words were too harsh.There is no love left in front of me. [

Tian Hongjun believed that if he really failed to handle this matter well, county magistrate Liu would remove him without hesitation.

Moreover, even if he handles this matter well, maybe county magistrate Liu will still find an excuse to dismiss him.

Once a leader is dissatisfied with a subordinate, the bad impression is hard to get back.

After hearing Tian Hongjun's cry, Shi Zhong felt depressed and helpless.

Naturally, Shi Zhong's depression and Nai were not aimed at Liu Jun.

He dare not!

He has long noticed that what Liu Jun said in the general meeting, "I want to improve and achieve results" is not a work for the occasion, but from the heart.Let’s just talk about a few of them who are recognized as members of the standing committee of the Liu Clan.No one has any personal relationship with Liu Jun, it's all friendship.Tan Zhiguang didn't back down when things happened, and he followed Liu Jun's instructions, and Liu Jun won him a deputy county-level black hat without hesitation.

Therefore, Shi Zhong also reprimanded Tian Hongjun sternly, telling him to immediately carry out County Magistrate Liu's instructions without any ambiguity.Otherwise, the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu would not be able to keep him!

In Ningbei County, if Liu Jun wanted to remove the hat of a middle-level cadre, no one could stop him!

It's not that Tian Hongjun didn't follow the instructions of the county magistrate, but he also had difficulties.

He has received many benefits from Sun Yuanhan.

However, Shi Zhong's attitude made him give up the last sliver of fantasy, and finally made up his mind.Lian Ye returned all the benefits he had received from Sun Yuanhan before.

Sun Yuanhan is not stupid, why would he accept it?

Tian Hongjun had no choice but to give him a showdown.It is said that he can't take back the money. County magistrate Liu personally intervened in this matter, and the small coal mine must be shut down, so there is no room for bargaining.This means that it is useless for you to tie me up, and what I say doesn't count.If Tian Hongjun doesn't shut down the butterfly kiln within seven days, county magistrate Liu will replace it with someone else.At that time, everyone will be in trouble.

Even though Tian Hongjun spoke out, Sun Yuanhan just shook his head.

Sun Yuanhan's idea is also very simple: I "feed" you so much, but it doesn't work.Then who do I rely on?To live together, to die together!No one can run away!

In the end, Tian Hongjun became anxious, dropped the money and things, and left!

The next day, cadres from the Law Enforcement Brigade of the Safety Supervision Bureau were sent to seal up Sun Yuanhan's small coal mine.As a result, vicious incidents of violent resistance to the law occurred.

Shi Zhong has been paying attention to this matter.So the situation is well understood. [

"Comrades, the situation is very serious. At present, a cadre from the Safety Supervision Bureau is still being detained in Wuliqiao Town. Let's all talk about it!"

Peng Shaoxiong looked around the venue, his eyes finally fell on Liu Jun.

Liu Jun picked up the cup.He drank his tea one sip at a time, without any intention of speaking.

Peng Shaoxiong frowned slightly, and immediately turned his gaze to Li Jiang's face.

Lu Xiangmei became the full-time deputy secretary of the party and the masses, and Li Jiang got his wish, and the ranking moved up one place, followed by Liu Jun, ranking third, and Lu Xiangmei ranked behind him.Since magistrate liu wanted to speak.It was Li Jiang's turn.

Wulijiao Town is also the "contracting point" contacted by Li Jiang. It is out of reason that such a thing happened.He couldn't even keep silent.

"There is nothing to say, the police must be dispatched immediately to rescue the trapped law enforcement cadres. Inciting the masses to riot and confronting the organization, such things, you can't get used to it! You will get used to it."

Li Jiang's attitude is very clear.

"I agree with Secretary Li Jiang's opinion."

Lu Xiangmei stroked her hair and said softly, which matched her beautiful appearance very well.

Lu Xiangmei came to this deputy office with real power at a young age, and she was not known for being "punky".Colleagues who have worked with her say that she has a gentle appearance and a deep heart.

"However, it needs to be carefully considered whether to send the police to rescue. If the conflict is further intensified, it will be difficult to handle."

It should be said that Lu Xiangmei's statement also has some truth.

"Judging from the situation introduced by Shi County Mayor Wangcai, the owner of Xiaodie Kiln, Sun Yuanhan, is a local ruffian toubob. He has a certain social force and has a certain ability to confuse the local people. If you push him into a hurry, it's easy to take risks!"

Lu Xiangmei continued to clarify her point of view, and her big smart eyes flicked back and forth on the faces of Zhang Shaoxiong and Liu Jun, the two top leaders of the party and government.

"The question is, if the police are not deployed, how will the detained cadres be rescued?"

Shi Chong said worriedly.

The other Standing Committee members were silent.

On such issues, it is better to remain still than to move, and it is better to speak as little as possible.After all, it has little to do with oneself.

"Comrade Yuanchao, what's your opinion?" Yin Guangxiong looked at Qiu Yuanchao, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.

The Politics and Law Committee is the authority to deal with such emergencies. At this time, anyone can remain silent, except you, Qiu Yuanchao.

Qiu Yuanchao coughed, and before speaking, he habitually glanced at Liu Jun.Liu Jun had already put down his teacup at this time, with his expression still on his face. [

"Well, for the time being, we don't know how many people who don't know the truth have participated in the incident. The rash intervention of the police force may indeed cause conflicts." I suggested that the party committee and government leaders of Wuliqiao Town should come forward to deal with this matter first.After all, they are from their hometown and know the situation better. "

Qiu Yuanchao expressed his opinion carefully.

"It is better for Wuliqiao Town to come forward to coordinate the opinion of my secretary, Ran Yiyuanchao."

Lu Xiangmei said.

"Any suggestions from other comrades?"

Peng Shaoxiong scanned the venue again.

People say nothing.

"Magistrate, what do you think?"

Peng Shaoxiong finally called the roll call directly.

In any case, this incident happened because Liu Jun directly ordered the Safety Supervision Bureau to seal down the small coal mine. Now that something happened, how can your magistrate put on a look of "it's none of your business"

leisurely look?

The most critical issue is that in Peng Shaoxiong's mind, he is always uneasy without Liu Jun's clear statement on such an important issue.

Thinking of this, sister Peng Shaoxiong was startled.

Unexpectedly, in his heart, he also regarded Liu Jun as the "boss".

How this happened, Peng Shaoxiong himself didn't know.

Liu Jun took another sip of tea and said, "In principle, I agree that the comrades from Wuliqiao Town should come forward to coordinate this matter first. However, there are a few issues that need to be discussed in advance."

"Mayor, please speak."

Peng Shaoxiong was extremely polite.

It seems that when he was the county magistrate, he was never so polite to Bai Yang.

"First, Tian Hongjun, director of the Safety Supervision Bureau. I suggest that the county party committee temporarily suspend his post. This person did not act beforehand, allowing Sun Yuanhan to mine small coal mines privately. line. Appointing subordinate cadres to carry out the tasks bears an inescapable responsibility for the occurrence of this matter. I think this comrade has lost the basic position of a party member cadre and is not suitable to continue to hold a leadership position!"

The members of the Standing Committee looked at each other in blank dismay, unexpectedly Liu Jun would propose to dismiss Tian Hongjun at this time.

"I agree with the county magistrate's proposal to revoke Tian Hongjun's position as the chief of the safety supervision bureau!"

Tan Zhiguang was the first to express his support.

Since he became the head of the organization, Tan Zhiguang was the first to second whenever Liu Jun raised any proposals in the Standing Committee. Liu's vanguard role was very good.

"Should this issue be postponed for discussion?"

Peng Shaoxiong said tentatively.

He felt that there was no need for extravagance right now.

"Since the matter has already happened, the problems that should be dealt with have been dealt with together.

Also set an example for others. "

Liu Jun said lightly.

What I dare to say is to kill a chicken and become a monkey.

Peng Shaoxiong nodded: "Very well, I agree with the county magistrate, get rid of Tian Hongjun!"

The first and second leaders of the county party committee have made their position clear.Others naturally have no objection.

"Then, the second point is to arrest Sun Yuanhan! If he won't release him, the county will arrest him, and if he releases him, he will also be arrested!"

As soon as Liu Jun's words came out, all the members of the Standing Committee of the meeting were stunned.

"The reason is very simple. Sun Yuanhan has seriously violated the law by mining small coal mines without permission and gathering people to violently resist the law. Whether he releases people or not, he must be arrested and brought to justice! However, if he cooperates with the coordinated action of Wuliqiao Town and releases the detained Law enforcement cadres can take discretion into consideration when dealing with them, and appropriately reduce punishment. If they are stubborn, they will be severely punished! Anyone who dares to gather crowds to resist the government will not be let go! I think the county party committee should be notified of this decision. The cadres in charge of Wuliqiao Town, please tell Sun Yuanhan not to make the same mistakes again and again! Sun Yuanhan is not qualified to fight against the powerful state institutions!"

Liu Jun still said calmly, but Peng Shaoxiong's pupils constricted a bit as a form of coercion was clearly revealed.

The "dandy temper" of Liu Ya's internal enemies has flared up again, and Sun Yuanhan is probably on the run this time.

"Thirdly, Comrade Mei Wenhua of Wuliqiao Township is also responsible for this matter. The county party committee issued a document prohibiting the mining of small coal mines last year. Didn't Mei Wenhua know that?

Sun Yuanhan's small coal mine opened right under his nose, but he didn't care about it.Now that there is such a farce, what does he do every day?Is it okay to just eat?If I don't work hard at ordinary times, if there is a problem, let the county leaders come forward.It's too leisurely for a cadre to do this!If the matter is handled well, the credit will be taken away, and if it is not handled well, he will be dismissed on the spot! "

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