Manager Sun's understanding of Wang Xuewen was really unique. That guy's black face was just pretending, and after drinking three glasses of old wine, his true colors were immediately revealed.

"Oh, Boss Fang, you are a relative of Manager Sun, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Wang Xuewen put fish-flavored shredded pork with chopsticks into his mouth, patted Fang Wenti's thin shoulder, and yelled loudly.Fortunately, it's in the box of the People's Hotel, so I'm not afraid of being offended by others.

The People's Hotel is the largest state-run hotel in Xiangyang County. Because it is open to ordinary people, it is slightly inferior to the No. [-] Guest House of the County Revolutionary Committee in terms of quality.But there are often big names coming to dine, so a few boxes are separated.

Manager Sun is an authentic person, since he agreed to be a part of the peacemaker, he will simply be the peacemaker to the end.In order to avoid giving half of the favor, it is uncomfortable if it is neither salty nor light. [

"Come on, Director Wang, let me toast you."

With me on the side to embolden him, Fang Wenti was more relaxed.

"Okay, let's do it together."

Manager Sun, Wang Xuewen, and Fang Wenti were all equally thin, and they were unambiguous when they drank.Before the dishes were ready, most of the bottle of Xifeng wine was gone.Manager Sun and Wang Xuewen are both officials, so it is understandable that they are more involved.This crippled man, he didn't know he could make wine before!

"Wang Heimian, let me tell you, Brother Fang's 'Limin Maintenance Department' is the maintenance department under our Wujiaohua Company. Don't make a mistake, you boy. Check it every day. What's the point of checking it?"

Using Jiu Jin, Manager Sun directly called Wang Heimian away.But it can be seen that the relationship between the two of them is really good on weekdays.

"You said earlier that it was your grandson Monkey's subordinate unit, how could I investigate?"

"Hmph, anyway, you're not giving me face if you can't get along with brother Fang, you should be punished!"

"Okay, fine, you should be punished..."

Wang Xuewen picked up the wine glass, tilted his neck, and drank another glass.

Manager Sun was very precise, he only said that I was Fang Wenti's cousin, and kept silent about my name and background.Wang Xuewen only thought that I was a kid who came to eat and drink with Fang Wenti, and he didn't even look at me, so why would he ask me?

After a meal of wine, they broke up happily, and before leaving, Fang Wenti gave them two big front doors and two bottles of Xifeng wine.At that time, this was already a great gift.Manager Sun refused to take it because of my face, but I gave him a wink before hesitantly accepted it.Wang Xuewen was honest and blunt, and he didn't even bother to do it, so he picked it up and left.

I'm not very angry with Wang Xuewen's face.Xu had never done business in his previous life, and had little dealings with people from the industrial, commercial and taxation departments, so he didn't have any prejudices.Since I gave it willingly, it was only natural that he would take it away without hesitation.As time went by, the situation only became more and more explicit.In order to develop steadily, these doorways have to be clarified.After all, you can’t use your father’s name everywhere, and there are many ways to be a “yamen”.

Affiliated to Wujiaohua Company, a simple agreement was signed the next day.It is stated that "Limin Household Appliance Maintenance Service Department" can use the name of Xiangyang County Wujiaohua Company to purchase the required spare parts, and can also use this name to sell second-hand electrical appliances.However, the profits and losses are self-responsible, and the payment to the other party shall not be defaulted in the name of Wujiaohua Company.The "Limin Home Appliance Maintenance Service Department" pays a management fee of 20 yuan per month.

There are many loopholes in this agreement, and Wujiaohua Company has assumed many hidden risks.It's just that as shrewd as Manager Sun, he didn't think about it under the general environment at that time.Everyone had a simple thought: Is there anyone who dares to deceive the public?

As for the possible economic disputes, no one even thought about it.Doing business is doing business, what does it have to do with courts?

Naturally, the agreement was signed in Fang Wenti's name, even if I wanted to sign it, I'm not old enough to qualify.

I just reminded Fang Wenti that it doesn't matter whether the management fee is paid on a monthly basis, but Manager Sun's family must never forget it.If the priorities are wrong, it will be very inconvenient.

The signboard of Wujiaohua Company in Xiangyang County is really good. Fang Wenti contacted Shanghai and Tianjin again and got a very positive answer.Even as long as they saw the introduction letter stamped with the red stamp of Wujiaohua Company in Xiangyang County, they would ship the goods before the money arrived. .Fang Wenti and I took out all our belongings, took advantage of the time difference, and bought the main accessories of ten sets of black and white TV sets in one go.As for general components, we have purchased a lot of waste electrical appliances, and dismantling them is enough.There is also stock to assemble several used radio cassette players. [

By early August, the assembled second-hand TVs sold out.Due to the warranty commitment, they are all sold at a [-]% discount.The picture tube is the authentic original equipment, and the picture quality is no worse than the genuine brand Veuve and Beijing TVs sold by Wujiaohua Company. It is about two hundred yuan cheaper, but it is not a small sum of money. Some people did not plan to buy TVs so soon Some people were greedy for the cheap price, so they bought it after gritted their teeth.Adding in the sales revenue and maintenance fees of second-hand radio cassette players, and deducting costs and expenses, Fang Wenti and I made a net profit of more than [-] yuan each.It is equivalent to the entire income of Dad, the deputy director of the County Revolutionary Committee, for two years.

Fang Wenti was full of gratitude and admiration for me, and sighed more than once: "Young master, I really don't know how your head is so long, why is it different from other people's?"

But I ignored his sycophant, put a stern face on my face, and said, "You can't always be a parasite, starting from today, you will take one hour of theory class every day, and you will be out of the teacher in 20 days. Otherwise, we will just shoot and break up .”

Fang Wenti was so frightened that he wanted to die, he gasped and said, "Xiaojun, are you serious?"

"Who are you kidding?"

"Hey, know, I can't read books..."

"If you don't want to see it, you have to watch it. In another 20 days, the summer vacation is over. I have to go to school, and I don't have time to stay in the store every day."

"This, this, it's really too busy, so let's install a few fewer units, and the big deal is to make less money."

These two months have changed so much that Fang Wenti's thinking can't keep up.It's still the kind of mentality of getting rich and being safe.

"Fart! The most feared thing in business is out of stock. If there are many days out of stock, people won't trust us."

Although I have never done business seriously in my previous life, I still understand the most basic principles.

"This, this..."

"Also, do you remember that I told you again and again that you can't keep your mind on this small repair shop. The world will be brighter in the future. How much money can such a small shop make if you die? "

Fang Wenti gasped, but it turned out that the young master had such a wild mind!A net profit of [-] yuan in a month is just "a few dollars"?

"Then, what else do you want to mess with?"

Fang Wenti asked cautiously.

"Hey, keep it secret for now, you will know when the time comes."

Fang Wenti shook his head, but he didn't know what it meant, probably because he couldn't understand me more and more.

The second elder brother was stunned by the side. He didn't know much about the cooperation between me and Fang Wenti, and he didn't participate in the previous period.

There are high tides and low tides in life. As the saying goes, everything goes smoothly, and everything goes smoothly.There is some truth to this statement, at least it is very suitable for Yan Yucheng and his father.

Since the launch of the "Great Propaganda and Great Discussion" activity, it has been done vigorously in Xiangyang County.The so-called "big discussion" is overwhelmingly one-sided.The provincial newspaper opened up a column series, and the first and second leaders in the county personally grasped it. How dare the heads of the county units, districts, and communes neglect it?Naturally, they talk a lot about "seeking truth from facts" and semi-openly criticize the current theoretical guidelines.Who would make Tou Niao and Yan Liu confront each other at this time?

Naturally, it is not ruled out that some cadres with more stubborn tempers than Yan Yucheng and Liu Jincai will come out to fight horses.But after all, it is a minority, and it cannot become a climate in the general environment of "seeking truth from facts" in the whole county. [

At the end of July, the provincial newspaper further fueled the flames by sending reporters to Xiangyang County to cover the "big discussion", and sent back several interview drafts, which were posted on the same page as the provincial newspaper's column. "Baozhou Daily" also joined in the fun, followed by publishing several commentator articles.

Other counties and cities, seeing that Xiangyang County was out of the limelight, were anxious and moved after hearing the news, hastily followed up and carried out similar publicity and discussion activities.For a time, the entire Baozhou area became active.

In early August, Qian Jianjun, deputy head of the Theoretical Dynamics Group of the Central Propaganda Department, went to N Province again to host a seminar on "truth standards" in the theoretical circles of N Province, and specially invited Yan Yucheng and his father to participate.In this seminar, Yan Yucheng and Dad made special speeches respectively, further expounding on the application of "practice is the only criterion for testing truth" in grassroots work and the achievements made.

Pi Zhiping, the first secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Liu Dongshan, the second secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and director of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee, Liao Qingkai, the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and deputy director of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee, and other major leaders of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Revolutionary Committee attended the seminar and made important speak.

After the meeting, Secretary Pi Zhiping, Director Liu Dongshan, and Deputy Director Liao Qingkai personally met Yan Yucheng and his father, asked about the development of Xiangyang County's "big propaganda and big discussion", fully affirmed the achievements made, and encouraged them to guard against arrogance Stop being impetuous, make persistent efforts, and strive for greater achievements.

Not long after, even Xinhua News Agency's internal reference also published the situation of "big publicity and big discussion" in Xiangyang County.

Yan Yucheng and his father were in the provincial capital, but I brought Yan Fei back to Liujiashan.

It is not true that I kidnapped Yan Fei, but the fact is that the children have been on summer vacation for a long time, and my mother missed her grandparents, so she encouraged Jieying to go to Liujiashan with us to escape the summer heat for a few days.Anyway, Yan Yucheng and his father were not around, so the two chiefs temporarily took off the political task of "taking care of the leaders' daily life", so it was rare for them to have some leisure.

Xie Ying was chatting freely, but also had an extroverted personality. She couldn't stand her mother's constant coaxing and persuasion, so she readily agreed.

The County Revolutionary Committee had a total of two jeeps. Yan Yucheng and his father took one away for a meeting in the provincial capital. We had seven people and eight drivers, so we had to squeeze into one jeep.Fortunately, there are fewer adults and more children, so you can handle it with a squeeze.I took the opportunity to hold Yan Fei half in my arms, and passed the addiction that I didn't have a daughter in my previous life (the conscience of heaven and earth, I really didn't have any evil intentions for the little girl at this time).

Yan Fei grew up in the county town, and the green mountains and green waters in the countryside are a whole new world for her.

For children, there are really many fun things in the countryside.

Yan Yucheng has worked in Hongqi Commune for many years and has a high prestige.When I heard that Director Yan's lover and child had arrived in Liujiashan, almost the whole brigade flocked to my house to visit.

Naturally, I also have a little interest in watching the excitement.

After all, the lover and child of the top leader of the County Revolutionary Committee is also a great figure in the eyes of honest members.

When Uncle Wu arrived, the inner and outer third floors were almost full of people, most of them were women, and men would not dare to join in the fun.Some senior and older women were invited to sit in the main room, while young wives and girls crowded outside, chattering.They didn't dare to comment on Xie Ying, they just had no mouth to praise Yan Fei's beauty and cuteness.

Uncle Wu laughed and drove them away.

"Fifth brother, you're here... Sister Xie, this is Liu Jinwen, secretary of the Liujiashan Brigade, the fifth brother who ranks first in Jin."

"Fifth brother, hello."

Xie Ying also called Wu Ge with her mother, with a pleasant smile.

"Comrade Xieying, hello, hello, welcome to Liujiashan as a guest."

Xie Ying smiled and said, "Fifth brother, you should call me Xiaojie. It's too formal to call me that."

"This is not good..."

Uncle Wu rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

"What's wrong, Bixiu and I are sisters, and her relatives are my relatives."

Xie Ying works in the office of the Education Committee, and treats everyone first-class.

"Hehe, then I'll take care of you..."

I took Yan Fei's hand and walked over, and said, "Uncle Wu, how is the planting of honeysuckle?"

As soon as he mentioned honeysuckle, Uncle Wu's eyes lit up: "It's very good. I planted four or five hundred seedlings, and they all grew very lush, and they will soon be ready for transplanting."

"Well, that's good. The first crop of flowers can be harvested before the end of the year. It's just that the number of four or five hundred plants is too small. In autumn, you can plant another thousand or two thousand seedlings. If it's done well, you can harvest three crops next year. flower."

Xie Ying asked curiously, "Xiaojun, do you understand this too?"

I smiled and said, "I read them all in books. I have a good teacher."

Mentioning this, Uncle Wu was full of praise: "Ah, Mr. Xie, you don't know that our Xiaojun is better than his father, and he knows everything. Okay, Uncle Wu listens to you, and I will put in two more in autumn." Thousands of seedlings. It’s the rice field that raised fish, and we harvested more than 4000 catties of fish this year.”

After all, Uncle Wu was not exempt from customs, and it was not easy to call others "Little Xie", so he simply followed Yan Yucheng's official title and called him "Director Xie".

I was overjoyed when I heard that, but I was worried that there was no place to take Yan Fei to play.

"Uncle Wu, is there anything left? I'll take Feifei to catch some fish."

"Yes, there are still ten acres of paddy fields that have not been harvested. I plan to move them to the big pond in a few days and save them for the New Year. Well, the sun is too poisonous now. Wait for another two hours, when the sun is about to set. , Uncle Wu will take you to catch as many as you can. It’s up to you as much as you catch.”

I smiled and said, "Uncle Wu, this is not acceptable. This is a fish of the public family, and you will not be rewarded for your merit."

Uncle Wu's eyes widened: "Who said you won't be rewarded for your merits? This honeysuckle is done, and our Liujiashan brigade can't increase the income by thousands of dollars? It's rice field fish farming. I heard that you and Director Yan and Jin I just mentioned it, and you are the first to do it."

"Uncle Wu, stop boasting, if you do, I'll faint."

Xie Ying patted my head lovingly, smiled and said to her mother: "Bixiu, how did you give birth to this son?"

Yan Fei only cared about catching fish, and looked up at the sky from time to time, hoping that the sun would set to the west earlier.At this time, Uncle Qi and Miss Xiaoqing also came over.He brought dried fish.

Since I rescued Xiaoqing, Uncle Qi has been very grateful for this matter.As long as there is something good in the house, always give us some.

As soon as Xiaoqing entered the door, she was very reserved when she saw Jieying and her mother, and secretly took the third sister's hand and hid aside and whispered.The sudden illness the year before last did not seem to have affected her too much. She is quite tall, with a melon-shaped face, delicate features, especially a straight nose. Beauty charm.

After finally waiting for the sun to be westward and not so poisonous, Yan Fei pestered me to catch fish.

Although I am already 40 years old, I am still full of longing for things like fishing and catching fish, butchering pigs and herding cattle.At the moment, I readily agreed, and the elder sister led the team, carrying two bamboo pots (a kind of fishing equipment made of bamboo strips, with a big mouth and a small tail, which is called "can" in Liujiashan dialect, I don't know how to call it scientifically), and memorized a few With a bamboo basket, a group of children rushed to the field in mighty force.

Catching fish in the field is really a first-class pleasure.The water is not deep, just knee-high, even a little girl like Yan Fei who has never played in water can rest assured to go down to the field without worrying about any danger.I saw a half-sized carp and crucian carp scurrying around in panic in the water. They blocked it with bamboo pots, and several children chased them around. The fish panicked and plunged into it.

When catching fish, I stayed by Yan Fei's side from beginning to end, lest she accidentally step into the fish nest ([-] to [-] cm deep) and turn into a mud monkey.It wasn't until several fish baskets were filled that we washed our hands and went ashore with satisfaction, only to remember that Miss Xiaoqing had been by my side almost silently, helping me carry the fish baskets, wipe my sweat, and take care of me just like I took care of Yan Fei .

It is a heavy affection.

ps: Good afternoon, all the judges!Today's starting point is to classify the following humble works, which is a very happy event.It's Sunday again, so I add a new chapter for the sake of my lords.It will be updated as usual tonight.Here I would like to thank all the lords for their attention to me, especially Hailongzhixing, wyboy, leading the trend, youth in the blink of an eye, etc., for their support, I am deeply moved.As for the criticism of more than 20 words that only received more than 500 votes, I can't care about it.People who write novels are not only entertaining themselves, but also entertaining readers.A novel is always liked by some and disliked by others. Too many utilitarian thoughts are contained in it, which is not beautiful.Thank you again for your care!

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