Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 585 Hidden Thunder Over Nine Heavens

"Sister, are you okay?"

Liu Jun called Bai Yang.

After the report letter appeared, Bai Yang was naturally under great pressure.Although the photo in Gein's report letter is forged, her relationship with Liu Jun really exists.

Bai Yang is an honest person in his heart, he is worried about this matter, and always feels that he owes Yan Fei a little.

Therefore, Bai Yang's reaction was far less intense than people expected. [

After Ye Chunlin talked to Liu Jun, he also talked to Bai Yang.But the tone is much gentler.At that time, Liu Jun had already clearly told Ye Chunlin that the photos were forged.So Ye Chunlin talked to Bai Yang more in a comforting manner, telling her that the leaders of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection had absolute trust in her, and told her not to carry any ideological burden.

The body is not afraid of the shadow slanting!

Don't pay attention to these non-existent reports, just do your job well!

I thought that Bai Yang would be emotional, even very angry, but unexpectedly, Bai Yang was extremely calm. He quietly listened to Ye Chunlin, and did not express his position from the beginning to the end. No comment on the report as a whole.Ye Chunlin was severely surprised.

This son of a high-ranking cadre is a son of a high-ranking cadre.Sure enough, it is different, and both self-cultivation and bearing are excellent choices.If it was someone else, I'm afraid he would have cried and made noises long ago. If it was a little more serious, he must organize and give an explanation immediately.

After this happened, Liu Jun was very conscious.He didn't go to Bai Yang's dormitory anymore, but just kept in touch on the phone.

In these extraordinary times, it is better to be careful.


Bai Yang replied on the phone with a somewhat lonely tone.

Liu Jun felt a dull pain in his heart.It's just that at this moment, he has no good way to comfort Bai Yang.It seems that the only way to wait for the dust to settle and slowly fade away is for Xu Tu to plan.

"Is there any progress on the case?"

"Come on, Gu Rong's evidence is basically collected, and in just a few days, we will confront him head-on."

When it comes to the case, Bai Yang is refreshed.

Perhaps at this moment, work is her pillar.

Liu Jun was overjoyed, as long as he wins Gu Rong, it will at least mark that this "battle" has won a phased victory.

The development of the case was as expected by Bai Yang.In the face of a large amount of evidence in the possession of the special case team, although Gu Rong was cunning and wise, he failed to hold the line of defense in the end, and was torn apart bit by bit.

Gu Rong confessed that during the process of "selection of advanced individuals for teaching support activities and unit assignment", he used his power to threaten and lure three female college students to have improper sexual relations with him, and then arranged them to work in provincial departments .One of the female college students did not even participate in teaching support activities at all.Gu Rong instigated his subordinates to resort to deceit, let this female college student impersonate her, directly recruited him into the Provincial Department of Finance, and then maintained an improper relationship with her for a long time, that is, raised her as a lover.

After the provincial party committee issued a temporary "frozen" document, Gu Rong committed the crime and ignored the provincial party committee's document, continuing to let the female college student work in the Department of Finance.It wasn't until the investigation by the task force began that Gu Rong was forced to suspend the work of the female college students, but the quotas continued to be reserved and the wages were not missed.

Gu was immediately declared double-regulation by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection task force. [

With this pair of rules, more problems were revealed.Some colleagues in the Department of Finance who were usually at odds with Gu Rong reported his problems one after another.During his tenure as the Minister of Finance, Gu Rong used his power to provide a lot of convenience for the so-called entrepreneurs in the society, embezzling state-owned assets wantonly, which is a typical collusion between officials*business**.

Faced with a swarm of reports and a large amount of evidence, Gu Rong, who had already been shuanggui, simply broke the jar and confessed many illegal and criminal facts one after another.Especially what shocked the task force.Many of the issues that Gu Rong explained actually involved the current Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and the Director of the Provincial People's Congress. The task force immediately reported these situations to Ye Chunlin.

Ye Chunlin didn't dare to neglect, and immediately reported to Yan Wu and Cheng.

Yan Yucheng instructed: "The comrades in the special case team have done a good job, you have worked hard. Chunlin, you should use your remaining courage to chase down the poor, and you should not be famous for being a bully! We must take advantage of the victory to pursue! However, we must pay attention to controlling the scope and direction!"

Ye Chunlin was concerned about the leadership meeting and went back to make arrangements.

The special case team continued to dig deeper into the problem, and even brought out the clues to the "fraud case". Then they got in touch with the special case team of the Provincial Public Security Bureau, followed the clues, and found Mr. Wang and Tian Hongjun.

But it turned out that this false accusation letter was made by Mr. Wang and Tian Hongjun under the instruction of Gu Rong.

The two naturally fell into the French Open immediately.

According to Tian Hongjun's account, when Gu Rong instructed him to make this false accusation letter, he was very scared.dare not promise.Later, Mr. Wang threatened him that if he refused to cooperate, he would reveal all the benefits he had received in the past.

Tian Hongjun immediately promised to give him benefits in Ruangonggu and time, claiming that as long as Bai Yang and Liu Jun were overthrown, he would be transferred to the Provincial Department of Finance as the deputy director.Under the threats and lures of Gu Rong and Mr. Wang, Tian Hongjun had to agree to cooperate.

It should be said that Gu Rong's abacus is still very precise. It is of course the best result to overwhelm Bai Yang and Liu Jun and completely muddy the water. If he misses, he can give it all to Tian Hongjun.Renwang was discussed by Liu Jun.With the motive of "revenge with a grudge", it's easy for him to get away with it.

The only thing that Gu Rong didn't expect was that Tian Hongjun fell before he "exposed" himself!

This is called "the organ is too clever to calculate. It will miss Qingqing's life"!

After successfully taking down Gu Rong, several cadres involved in the case of the Department of Finance were all implicated and fell into the legal net.

Following the instructions of the Provincial Party Committee Secretary Yan Yucheng, the special case team took advantage of the victory to expand the results of the battle. Many cadres from the Provincial Education Commission, the Provincial Personnel Department, and individual cadres from the Youth League and Provincial Party Committee were arrested on suspicion of using power for personal gain.

By the end of the year, this sensational "big case" basically entered the closing stage.

"Yucheng, you haven't seen me, old man, for a while!"

In a quaint courtyard in the capital, Mr. Zhou and Yan Yucheng sat opposite each other, and the master and apprentice actually brewed Kung Fu tea.Mr. Zhou made every move.They are all well-organized.

"Teacher, when did you get into this?"

Yan Yucheng asked very curiously, and gently put aside Mr. Zhou's "responsibility" with considerable skill.

Every time Yan Yucheng goes to Beijing for a meeting, no matter how busy he is.Have to squeeze out a little time to visit the teacher.

this is a good habit. [

"Hehe, I learned it all from Jianming. Now he's obsessed with making Kung Fu tea, and he says he's quite good at self-cultivation!"

Mr. Zhou replied with a smile.

Yan Yucheng nodded with a smile, picked up a cup of tea, and took a sip slowly.

"Yucheng, I heard that you have already secured your victory in this confrontation?"

Mr. Zhou still asked casually, but his eyes became sharp.

"Well, the overall situation should be settled."

In front of the teacher, Yan Yucheng did not hide his edge, and was quite reserved.

"This shot, the timing is well grasped."

Mr. Zhou nodded in approval.

"However, you have to think carefully about how to deal with the aftermath!"

Yan Yucheng bowed slightly, and said respectfully, "Teacher, please advise!"

"This time, there was quite a commotion in the confrontation. Many chiefs were talking about Mr. Zhou slowly.

Yan Yu's achievement is a cold one.

Unexpectedly, the confrontation in a corner of Bushan Province has attracted the attention of many leaders.The chief in Mr. Zhou's mouth is a real big shot.

"Do you know what they are paying attention to? They are not concerned about the victory or defeat of this matter, they are concerned about you!"

Mr. Zhou looked at Yan Yucheng and said word by word.

Yan Yucheng was suddenly shocked.

"If you lose, of course you don't need to mention anything. But if you win now, it doesn't mean everything will be fine. You give people the impression that you have surpassed Yu Fengrui. To achieve success, the superior must know how to fight, how to control Overall, how to hide the thunder above the nine heavens, hold back and not let it out"

You can't just win, you understand? "

Yan Yucheng stood up, bowed and said, "Thank you teacher for your guidance!"

The "fraud case of supporting education activities" that has been raging for half a year has finally come to an end.

A batch of cadres involved in the case were investigated and dealt with according to law, including senior cadres at the bureau level such as the director of the Provincial Department of Finance.At present, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has transferred the case to the judiciary for handling.

Affected by this case, there have also been some changes in the leadership of high-level officials, some provincial departments, and related prefectures and cities.

The most noticeable change is that Yin Baoqing, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Mai and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, retired early due to health reasons and no longer served in the party and the leadership of the National People's Congress.Yan Yucheng, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, was elected as the director of the Provincial People's Congress at the People's Congress held at the beginning of the year!

Vice Governor Guo Qiliang was co-elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to assist Governor Zhang Guangming in his work, ranking next to Executive Vice Governor Guan Mingjie in the provincial government.

In this way, Yan Yucheng's family firmly occupied five seats in the standing committee of the provincial party committee, plus the commander of the provincial military region.Yan Yucheng held six votes, nearly half of them.And with Yin Baoqing's retirement.

There were only one principal, three deputy and four secretaries left in the provincial party committee. Yan Yucheng and Ye Chunlin also had a certain advantage in the secretary's office meeting.

The Provincial Department of Finance has undergone a big change. The former mayor of Hanhu City, Mei Aohan, was transferred to be the director of the Provincial Department of Finance.

Rong Baichuan, deputy secretary of the Daning Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, served as the executive deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee.

Liu Heqian, deputy secretary of the Baozhou Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor, succeeded Rong Bai" as deputy secretary of the Daning Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the administrative level was adjusted to the department level.

Hong Lesong, Director of the Provincial Education Commission, and Qi, Director of the Personnel Department, made certain mistakes in the "fraud case".He was also subject to corresponding party and government discipline sanctions.Finally, the existing position was kept.

Bai Yang, a cadre of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and other comrades who performed outstandingly during the investigation of this case were awarded by the Provincial Party Committee, and the First Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection won the second-class collective merit!

The Provincial Party Committee decided that Vice Governor Guo Qiliang would personally preside over the selection and distribution of advanced individuals in education support activities.Guo Qiliang was the former Secretary of the Youth League Provincial Committee, so he was very suitable for this job.

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