Corpse lunch is eaten at old man Mei's house.all in

Old man Mei said that county magistrate Liu exempted them from the poll tax, and the old couple would save a thousand yuan in various expenses a year. Anyway, he would invite Liu Jun and the leaders of the town to have a light meal at home.

Liu Jun smiled and agreed.

The old man is full of heart, and he is not good at saying goodbye.What's more, Liu Jun invited Li Xu Lizhen for an "outing" today, which also means asking her to go to the farmer's family for a field trip.Let her know why county magistrate Liu was so angry when Nanhua company broke the contract!

Gein's loss was not Liu Jun himself, but hundreds of farmers. [

Li Xulizhen, please see if these peasant families can afford such a loss.

That is, Liu Jun is the county magistrate in Ningbei County.Zhenzhong Company can quickly take over this mess.With a different county magistrate, once the beverage project is closed, these angry farmers will be able to surround the county government!

The third son Xu was upset and wanted to wrestle his wrists.Can.Come to me Liu Jun personally!On victory or defeat.can be accepted.Pulling so many honest farmers to accompany him, no way!

Old man Mei's home is in a village not far from under the hill.

It's not far away, and it varies from person to person. There are some that are more than ten miles away.For a rural old man like Mei, who has spent his whole life in the mountains and fields, and the strong county magistrate Liu, who has practiced martial arts since childhood, it is ten miles away.It's not far, we'll be there in a blink of an eye.For a wealthy lady like Li Xu Lizhen, who is pampered and pampered and travels in and out by car, her legs are weak from walking.

"It's hard work, Mrs. Li?"

Liu Jun slowed down.asked with a smile.

Li Xulizhen smiled wryly, and said three times, "The distance I have traveled in a month is not as much as today."

These words are indeed exaggerated, but Li Xulizhen has never worked so hard, and it is true.

"I'm sorry to make Mrs. Li suffer."

Liu Jun was still smiling.

"Hehe, County Magistrate Liu, I know why Gui County has chosen such a young county magistrate."

Although Li Xu Lizhen worked very hard, after dealing with Liu Jun for a long time, the strangeness of the young county magistrate was eliminated a lot, and she joked with him.

Liu Jun smiled heartily.

Choose a young magistrate who is full of energy.I can often go to the mountains and the countryside to go to the grassroots level to understand the situation.Seems like a good reason too.

Old man Mei's house is an old-fashioned rural building with a large main room and four houses on each side.In the countryside, this is considered a large residence, which shows the family background of the elder Mei's eldest son.It's good to be able to build such a big tile house.

Old man Mei's eldest son was not at home, only his daughter-in-law, a 47-year-old middle-aged woman, was there.Strong body, quick hands and feet.I saw my father-in-law led a large group of people home.They were all surprised, and while they were busy greeting the guests, they quietly asked them about their origins.

Old man Mei said that it was county and town cadres who came to see the orchard.

On the way, Mei Wenhua greeted old man Mei in private, not to reveal Liu Jun's identity as the county magistrate.Otherwise, a large group of villagers would gather around, and they wouldn't even be able to eat a meal, and that would be too much of a pity to the county magistrate Liu.What's more, there is such a beautiful "Mrs. Li" around, looking up and down, looking like a monster, how decent is it? [

During this period of time, quite a few cadres from the counties and towns came to visit the orchard.

The old man Mei's daughter-in-law didn't doubt it either, but she became more cautious because she saw that Liu Jun and the others were different from ordinary cadres.

Old man Mei's daughter-in-law and his wife hurried home after hearing the news, and hurriedly prepared meals.Old man Mei sat in the main room as a companion, chatting with Liu Jun and the others.After a while, the village party secretary and the director of the village committee rushed to hear the news, but they recognized Mei Wenhua. He thought he was just an ordinary county and town cadre, but it turned out to be the town party secretary. Shake hands and say hello.

At that time, television had not yet spread to the countryside. Unlike the later county magistrates, Liu Jun often appeared on camera, but the party secretary and village chief did not know him.After Mei Wenhua introduced that it turned out to be the county magistrate Liu, the branch secretary and village chief fainted at that time, and his whole body was shaking a little.

Don't startle everyone though.The branch secretary and the village head still can't hide it, or they will finally figure it out in the future, and they will say that the county magistrate Liu is putting on airs.

Liu Jun got up and smiled and shook hands with them, calling everyone to sit together and gossip.

"Old Mei, is the burden on the villagers heavy now?"

Liu Jun asked.

Before the old man Mei answered, Mei Wenhua and the head of the branch secretary showed embarrassment and were slightly surprised.Is it possible that your county magistrate really doesn't know whether the burden on farmers is heavy?What is the co-ordination of reservation and retention.The tasks are all sent by the county government.

I don't know what the county magistrate Liu's intention is to ask so eagerly!

"so far so good!"

Although Old Man Mei is older, he is not confused.That's why he didn't complain in front of the town cadres and village cadres, so he said vaguely.

Liu Jun didn't care about the presence of the town and village cadres at all, and asked gently: "The various withdrawals and arrangements for the past year, combined, how much does each household have on average?"

"Six, 700 yuan!"

The old man Mei blurted out, regretted it after finishing speaking, and quickly added an explanation.

"It's year-round."

Liu Jun frowned slightly, and asked, "Then what was the average annual income of each household last year?"

Old man Mei was dumbfounded and couldn't answer.

He is not a village?Cadres, but they don’t know the chapter catalog. Chapter [-] is originally the same root and reborn in the yamen.” Pei Tingyan’s “average annual income per household”

Mei Wenhua sighed, and said, "The average cash income is more than 900."

Li Xu Lizhen narrowed her eyes.Showing a surprised look.

"There are not so many reservations and overall plans, right? The agricultural tax is fixed!" [

Liu Jun frowned and asked to see County Magistrate Liu frowned, Mei Wenhua became cautious, thought for a while, and said: "The agricultural tax is fixed, but last year, the county collected the autumn tax and the summer tax together. The proportion of summer grain requisition has been increased. In this way, it is not enough to pay all the public grain and various taxes and fees for the grain harvested in the summer season. There are still many villages that are not easy to collect due to overall planning and retention, so all of them are added to the summer grain under collection"

Mei Wenhua stopped talking and stopped talking.

Last year, Bai Yang was the secretary, and Peng Shaoxiong was the county magistrate. Mei Wenhua's statement was a little bit like "exposing" the faults of the two leaders.These two didn't go far, and one stayed in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.The other is the "first brother" Mei Wenhua from Ningbei County, and he dare not say more.

The so-called overall planning and retention have many names.For example, electricity bills, water charges for irrigation, land development funds, consumption tax, water conservancy compensation funds, health funds, education surcharges, family planning fees, movie fees, civil affairs preferential treatment fees, militia training fees, school building fundraising funds, towering fees, etc. Road collection funds, electricity rectification fees, land occupation fees, private teachers' salaries, rural cadres' salaries, and so on.Liu Jun, the county magistrate, sometimes couldn't remember everything.It all adds up.It becomes 700 yuan per household.The annual cash income is less than 2000 yuan per household.

Liu Jun nodded silently. During this process, many expenses are not necessarily borne by the farmers, and should be allocated by the finance.And many costs should not exist at all.

Liu Jun also knows that after entering the 21st century.The central government will gradually cancel these messy taxes and fees to reduce the burden on farmers.But that is at least seven or eight years later.Liu Jun thinks.

The people of Ningbei County can't wait that long!

If he had to wait until then to lower the burden, he, Liu Jun, is an unqualified county magistrate!

"Wenhua, we need to develop, we need to speed up our development, we need to streamline our staff, and find a way to get rid of these messy fees! Let the people of Ningbei County become truly prosperous!"

Liu Jun said to Mei Wenhua with emotion.

Mei Wenhua also nodded silently.

In Liu Jun's words, he felt a kind of sincerity, a kind of urgent sincerity!

"Mrs. Li, do you understand the current situation in the ordinary rural areas of Ningbei County?"

After dinner, Liu Jun and Li Xulizhen returned to the county in the same car.

For lunch, old man Mei's family "gives all they have" and puts all kinds of meat, such as chicken, duck and fish.Rural dishes, such as chicken, duck and other meat dishes, are all cut into large pieces, and there is no particularity.In the eyes of Liu Jun and other locals.It is very stimulating and appetizing, but Li Xulizhen is "faint with beauty" and dare not use chopsticks.basically.She ate a few mouthfuls of vegetables throughout lunch, and grabbed them into her own bowl before everyone moved their chopsticks.

When the car entered the county town, Liu Jun found a clean western restaurant and invited her to have a southern-style light meal. After eating, he sat and chatted in the western restaurant for a while.

Li Xulizhen nodded and sighed with emotion.

"Magistrate Liu, I" I want to do something for them,"

Liu Jun looked at her, waiting for her further explanation.

"Well, originally, I wanted to discuss with you whether Xinle Beverage Company is still cooperating with Nanhua Company and your county. Now it seems impossible. Then, I plan to donate a set of equipment to Xinle Company. A compensation for our breach of contract."

Li Xu Lizhen said, looking at Liu Jun more eagerly.

Obviously, Liu Jun's answer will determine the success or failure of her trip.

Guo Youwei's analysis is correct, Liu Jun is a good official, and he cares about the people under his rule.rather than selfishness.

"Mrs. Li, to be honest, I don't agree with Sheng Ye Fund's suppression of Nanhua Company. We are all of the same species, so there is no need for internal friction. Fortunately, Nanhua has only lost virtual market value these days, and has not suffered too serious substantial losses. I invite you to go to the countryside to practice today. There is no other meaning. It is the same sentence, the same species and the same root. Don’t fight internally. Especially these simple farmers, don’t try to harm them.”

Liu Jun said slowly.

Li Xulizhen nodded again and again.

"Mrs. Li is willing to donate a set of equipment to Xinle Company. On behalf of Xinle, I express my gratitude! Ningbei County welcomes Mrs. Li and Nanhua Company to invest again!"

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