Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 617 Becoming a Human Again

According to female trumpets, the nature of the case has not changed, and Li Huaiqing can only act in the legal state of Ligao punishment and minimum punishment, and try to reduce it as much as possible.

Assuming voluntary admission, it will be completely different. The criminal case has become a civil dispute, and Li Guoqing and others can only be punished by public security, or more serious.The maximum is two or three years of forced labor.

The Qin family doesn't want money, and must demand that the murderer be severely punished.

Li Huaiqing saw that softness was not enough, so she came to be hard again.Find some people from the society to threaten Lao Qin's family.This completely annoyed the honest man, and Lao Qin then went to the county government twice to seek Liu Jun's grievance. Liu Jun was not in the office, and another time. He couldn't even enter the gate of the county government. Lao Qin and him My lover has long been on the "blacklist" of the security department of the county party committee to strengthen prevention.

Otherwise, for a criminal case, the family members of the parties would complain endlessly to the county magistrate.Do you still want to do the job of the county magistrate? [

Lao Qin had no other choice, so he put up a sign and knelt in front of the county party committee and county government to cry for grievances.

As a result, the commotion was aroused. The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government successively intervened in the matter, and the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee personally intervened in the case, which determined the nature of the case.Several people involved in the case, including Li Guoqing, were immediately detained and formally arrested a few days later.

At this point, Li Huaiqing can only find a way in the "****".

To say that Li Huaiqing is really a smart person, even though the case has been qualitative, he still did not give up.In this **** gang, there is always a distinction between primary and secondary.The principal offender should be severely punished, and the accessory offender can be given a lighter punishment as appropriate.

The focus of Li Huaiqing's activities is on this.

To achieve this today, without the "cooperation" of the public security organs, it will naturally not work.

In this way, the problem arises again.The nature of this case is bad, the city bureau has already intervened, and the county bureau is only cooperating with the investigation and handling the case.In the end, the case will be judged in the Daning City Intermediate People's Court.Li Huaiqing has a relatively wide network of contacts in the county, but in the city, a boss with his wealth is not enough to look down upon.He searched everywhere for connections, begged his grandfather to tell him, and finally got on Shaoying's line.

Shaoying was sophisticated, so she could tell right away that if the case really wanted to be reversed, she had to find Liu Jun.Regardless of the Daning municipal legal system or the Ningbei county political and legal system, Liu Jun must be given face.

It's not three-point thin noodles, it's very face-saving!

Whether Li Guoqing will live or die, or whether he will be released from prison or be freed sooner, seems to be in Liu Jun's mind.

As for looking for Liang Guoqiang, Bu Ying would definitely not go.

No need to touch a wall!

Liang Guoqiang is famous for his tough temper, not to mention Daning City.In today's Daning City, apart from Tang Haitian, the only one who can really move Liang Guoqiang is Liu Jun.

Liu Jun gave Shaoying the impression that he was quite reasonable.

"Major Liu, this case really has a very bad impact and must be severely punished, those bastards. They should learn some lessons and see if they can be a new person in the future.

Shao Ying said.

These words are also very skillful, and they sound righteous.In fact, when I first came up, I wanted to "set the tone.

Is life not death!

You have to save one life before you can start a new life! [

First determine the general direction.

When Li Huaiqing begged in front of Shaoying, she seemed to be very pitiful, no matter what, she wanted to save her son's life!

This is the bottom line.

Liu Jun is not easy to decide.

Shaoying's face cannot be easily refuted.Not only because Shaoying is the deputy mayor.It was also because Shaoying and Tang Haitian were following closely.I don't know if it was because Liu Jun's "threatening" words had an effect during the massage at the Furong Hotel, or other reasons.In short, Shao Ying's attitude in standing in the team is very firm, and he is obviously an important figure in the Tang family at the moment.

Liu Jun was pondering, the waiter brought up the food.

The working meal standard of four dishes and one soup is slightly changed.The so-called four dishes and one soup are four vegetable bowls and one soup bowl.However, each vegetable bowl is divided into three compartments, and each compartment contains different dishes.Of course, the portion is not very sufficient.After all, there are only two people, and serving too many dishes is also a waste.A little more variety would be nice.

"Magistrate Liu, would you like some wine?"

Shao Ying invited him attentively.

On one side of the dining table is the wine cabinet, in which there are famous liquors such as Moutai and Wuliangye, as well as domestic red wine, which can be regarded as a dazzling array.

"No, I have to drive back later!"

Liu Jun declined.

"Driving by yourself? Without a driver?"

Shao Ying was slightly surprised.

"Hehe, it's a meeting, and it's so close. I drove here by myself."

Liu Jun said.

"Okay, then let's eat!"

Shao Ying signaled the waiter to serve the rice.

Liu Jun's appetite was still very good, and he ate very quickly. Shao Ying was very envious and praised a few words.

Liu Jun smiled.

After eating, Shao Ying took the initiative to hand Liu Jun a cigarette, and picked up the teacup to drink tea slowly.

"Mayor Shao, regarding that case, I agree with you. We must teach them a good lesson. It will also help them to start a new life in the future!" [

Liu Jun took a few puffs of cigarettes and said slowly.

Shao Ying smiled and nodded.Bai Yang asked very gently.

This is Bai Yang's dormitory. After Bai Yang got off work, he saw Liu Jun at home, smoking a cigarette on the sofa sullenly.

Since Gu Rongtian Hongjun and Mr. Wang concocted the so-called "weathering report", Liu Jun and Bai Yang have less communication.But it is not completely forbidden to come and go.

Liu Jun didn't care much about those rumors.

In the officialdom, I want not to be slandered behind the scenes.Totally impossible.A Li Guoqing rape case was originally not directly related to Liu Jun.Just because he went to the hospital to find out the situation at the first time, he was rumored to have an affair with the girl in the hair salon, which is very baffling.Liu Jun is now in Ningbei County.The prestige is extremely high, but there are also many rumors.Like-minded officials who really like him.He supported him quite a lot and received benefits from the common people.I love him too.But another part of the officials.Because of Liu Jun's incorruptibility and integrity, he can't get close or use their "skills", so he hates him very much, and always makes a lot of rumors behind his back, trying to slander him.

These officials who spread the rumors also knew very well that it was completely impossible to collapse or squeeze Liu Jun out with such tricks.However, they still enjoy it, and regard this matter as a way to vent, and get some kind of fun from it.

Liu Jun can only let them go.

When Bai Yang saw Liu Jun, he was surprised at first, and then overjoyed. Seeing Liu Jun's gloomy expression, the tender feeling deep in his heart immediately overflowed, and his heart ached terribly.Walk quickly to the past.Sitting down next to Liu Jun, he took his hand and asked.

"Sister" I leaned against Liu Jun and slowly leaned into Bai Yang's arms, and said in a low voice.

With just such a light sentence, Bai Yang's tears were drawn out, he hugged Liu Jun, stroked his sharp face tenderly, and said softly: "You have a good rest.

For a long time, Liu Jun has always appeared in front of everyone in a state of dominance. When it comes to work, life, and struggle, he is aggressive and proactive. He has never called "tired." But now, her little Urchin" is really tired. Not physically tired, but spiritually tired.

In fact, Liu Jun didn't know why, he just felt tired.

It should be said that during this period of time, the work was relatively smooth. Whether it was the withdrawal of districts and townships or economic construction, everything was proceeding step by step.Half a year after the implementation of the tax-sharing system, various agricultural counties and even municipal districts in the province have experienced financial constraints to varying degrees.Because of Liu Jun's advances in Ningbei County, the local tax revenue and county fiscal revenue have increased by more than [-] percentage points compared with the same period last year, although it is slightly lower than the economic growth rate.But compared with other counties in the whole province, it can be called a miracle.Tang Haitian took Ningbei County as an example more than once at the conference and asked other districts and counties to learn from Ningbei County.As a result, there was an endless stream of "learning delegations", usually led by the secretary or the head of the district or county.They went to Ningbei County to learn Buddhist scriptures. Zhang Shaoxiong and Liu Jun naturally couldn't neglect the leaders of the brother counties. They treated them well and sincerely introduced their experiences.

Liu Jun doesn't like these social interactions very much.However, it was not given to Peng Shaoxiong.It is still necessary to carefully grasp the personal connections of these colleagues in the city, and not to offend people casually.

The whole situation is very good, but Liu Jun always feels very tired.

Could it be that he is tired of this job?

Liu Jun couldn't understand it himself.

Whenever this time, Liu Jun would think of the warm embrace of his confidante, especially Bai Yang.Every time he was with Bai Yang, he felt very warm, safe and joyful.

"Xiaojun, is work not going well? .

Zi Yang asked in a low voice.

"No" works well"

Liu Jun's head was leaning against the plump and soft towering poplars, with a faint fragrance floating from the tip of his nose, he felt very comfortable, and the depression in his heart subsided a lot unconsciously.

"Then, is it because of that case. The one in the hair salon?"

Although Bai Yang left Ningbei County, he was still concerned about the situation in Ningbei County as always, not only because of Liu Jun, but also because of it.Ningbei County is the first stop for her to take charge of the region. The time is not very long, but it took a lot of hard work. Like her own child, she really hopes to see him thrive. Ask about the situation and report to Bai Yang.Recently, the Li Guoqing case has caused a lot of noise.Bai Yang has also heard about it.

"Well, a little bit!"

Hearing Bai Yang mention it, Liu Jun also felt that there was a reason for this.

"What's the inside story of that case, tell me."

Bai Yang didn't really care that much about a criminal case, but at this time, if he wanted to talk to Liu Jun more to distract Airang, maybe he wouldn't be so depressed.

Liu Jun simply lay down and rested his head on Bai Yang's lap.

This is also Liu Yanei's consistent style!

Bai Yang smiled sweetly, adjusted his posture, and leaned on the armrest of the sofa so that Liu Jun could lie down more comfortably, his hands were still stroking Liu Jun's earlobes and cheeks.

Liu Jun talked about the situation of this case.He also said his promise to Shaoying.

"Li Guoqing is a bastard, I really want to kill him!"

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