715vp chapter directory Chapter 630 [-]rd mediation success

Ding Shaoxiong personally summoned Director Yuan of the Legal Affairs Office.Mobile phone easy to read: w finishing

Director Yuan was worried and didn't know why he was promoted.The Office of Legal Affairs suddenly became popular

County magistrate Liu had just called out VIPs for service, and immediately after Secretary Zhang summoned Director Yuan in person.

When Director Yuan went to the secretary's office, he knew in his heart that it was probably for Qin Feng's case.

son.I just don't know why Secretary Zhang wanted to intervene.It seems that in Ningbei County in the past, whenever the county magistrate Liu personally visited

Peng Shaoxiong is very "conscious" when it comes to arrests. The big one is taboo and he doesn't ask much. Does it happen now?

Thinking of this, Director Yuan felt more and more uneasy.

If the top leader of the party and government happens to be dirty, he, the little director of the Legal Affairs Office, will be caught in the middle.

But it is really difficult to be a human being.

So Director Er Yuan was very nervous standing in front of Peng Shaoxiong.

"Secretary, what instructions do you have?" .big

"Hehe, the second old Yuan is here, please sit down." Xiu

Peng Shaoxiong smiled and looked pleasant.

the chest

Director Yuan sat down in front of Peng Shaoxiong nervously.

"Old Yuan, two, how is the work of the Legal Affairs Office going?"Deputy good

As he spoke, Peng Shaoxiong handed Director Yuan a cigarette.

Director Yuan took it with both hands in a hurry, but he didn't dare to light it seriously, but held it carefully in his hand

Wingly replied: "Secretary [-], we are in the Legal Affairs Office, and we have been working hard to do our job well."

The 'is it?Old Yuan, I see that your way of thinking is a little off. Go to the legal office.

What is your job?It's not just about collecting some legal provisions for the leaders, but also doing something that doesn't hurt or itch

propaganda.You need to develop ideas and do more practical things! ,Door

Peng Shaoxiong's tone was still calm, but what he said shocked Director Yuan into a cold sweat. [

The criticism of the leadership can be called severe.

This is to criticize them for not doing serious business!

Yes, Er Zhang, Secretary II, we must bear in mind the teachings of the secretary.” A good

Director Yuan didn't dare to argue, so he had to follow Zhang Shaoxiong's words and answer.

It should be said that Director Yuan’s attitude is correct. The dilemma is that when the leader criticizes you, it’s up to you

The leader's presenting the facts makes a lot of sense, and the second will the leader be dumb when he argues?

Anyone who dares to do this is either a particularly strong backer or a very messy person, don't care

Director Yuan's backing is nothing big, even though he is already in his forties, he is not expected to be promoted.

I want to be sent to places like the Party History Office and the Political Consultative Conference to take care of the elderly in a down-to-earth manner.

Peng Shaoxiong waved his hand at the door to stop Director Yuan's words, his expression became serious, and he said:

Qi' Let's talk about Qin Feng's case, it's very inappropriate for you to handle it like this. How big is County Mayor Liu?

You need to catch things, but you let him get caught up in such tedious little things, how much time and money are wasted!

energy?How do you solve problems for the leaders?greatly

Director Yuan's forehead sweated.He nodded again and again and said, "Yes, yes, the door book

Remember that the criticism is completely correct, "Our work is indeed not done well, and Secretary Peng and County Mayor Liu are worried.

Material only "only. Big

However, Director Yuan hurriedly admitted his mistakes and made a self-criticism, but he was really dissatisfied in his heart.

Qin Feng's case is not something that our Legal Affairs Office should be in charge of. It can even be said that it is at all consistent with the law.

The production and management do not match the boundaries.It was someone who first approached the magistrate of Liu County, Men Liu County, to directly intervene, but now what?

Everything is blamed on the Legal Affairs Office, as if all the mistakes were made by our Legal Affairs Office!

It's really bullying.

Naturally, this was just a slander in Director Yuan's stomach. [

Seeing that Director Yuan apologized but his eyes were blank, Peng Shaoxiong knew that he hadn't actually listened.

Enter poison.

The xち intermediate court ruled on the case of 'Lao Yuan ah door Qin Feng' according to law.This is a fact.but

The little girl has a mental problem now, she can't even take care of herself and needs to be taken care of by her family

This is also true.Since it is so big, your Legal Affairs Office should take the initiative to seek mediation from both parties.

Reaching an agreement, this is the performance of doing a good job actively!So it's a trivial matter, both of them say that it must be the county

The chief personally came forward to solve the problem. What are you cadres in functional departments doing?excellent

Peng Shaoxiong was a little outspoken.

Director Yuan suddenly realized that the sweat on his forehead was not indiscriminate, and the Erling Terrace was also clear and bright.

He nodded and replied: "Yes, Secretary Erpeng. Your instructions are too wise, we will follow you immediately

Instructions to deal with, please both parties to negotiate together, and strive to reach an agreement!excellent

Peng Shaoxiong smiled slightly and said: "That's right, let's do it quickly.

of' hey hey two good good good

Two days later, Dajiang Yunxia came to Liu Jun's office again, but this time it was not Liu Jun who asked her to come.

of.Instead, she took the initiative to ask to see Liu Jun.

"Comrade Knight II, do you have any good news to tell me?

Liu Jun asked with a smile when he saw Jiang Yunxia's pretty face flushed and he was very excited.

This "comrade knight. Xiu, but Jiang Yunxia was slightly stunned when he heard it, probably he hadn't expected it.

Liu Jun will take the initiative to joke with her.I heard a lot of rumors about Liu Jun before.

I had a face-to-face meeting with Liu Jun in a few days, and both of them seemed to be verifying the statement that Liu Jun was working.

It's serious!

The second county magistrate, you made fun of me again

Jiang Yunxia's cheeks turned even redder, and he was a little embarrassed.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Hey, it's not that you explain that Si is a knight-errant when you meet everyone, and the second is not Cai."

Xia's Xia!greatly

Jiang Yunxia then smiled sweetly, Pan Zhiren, who was really beautiful, looked a little dazed


This girl is indeed too youthful and beautiful.

Let's talk about it, Comrade Xia Ke [-], did Qin Feng's matter come to fruition?excellent

Liu Jun is not humble this time

It is a sofa for hospitality.The study documents are separated from the desk, and the door system belongs to the office.

In terms of the government order, Jiang Yunxia can be regarded as his direct subordinate. It cannot be because Jiang Yunxia is a first-class beauty.

The women's university always makes an exception for her.

"County chief two, how do you know that you are so powerful?" Big

Jiang Yunxia widened his eyes and exclaimed.

Liu Jun smiled slightly and said, "Comrade knight."Flattery and flattery are not a good habit."

There is an intersection between him and Jiang Yunxia, ​​and Jiang Yunxia took the initiative to ask

See.Naturally, it was because of Qin Feng's case that Liu Jun was so provocative, and it was completely reasonable.

It's not great but you can't touch it.Jiang Yunxia was shocked and admired by a weapon.The door looks bigger and more or less scratched

trace.It can be seen that young people are still not sophisticated enough to master the skills of flattering.

The 'comrade magistrate, I'm not flattering.It's a feeling!Deputy good

Jiang Yunxia was not at all depressed because he was "criticized."

Made a joke.After all, although the head of the county is calm and even old-fashioned, it is true

The age may not be a few years older than yourself, and the basic characteristics of young people who are lively and cheerful should not be completely


Liu Jun smiled and said, "Then why are you expressing your feelings!"Associate

"It's not surprising that you guessed that I came to tell you about Qin Feng's case two, but you can guess right away

As a result, the door is very powerful.According to the normal legal procedures, I may not have handed in the pleadings yet.

only "only. big

"Jiang Yunxia" said with a strong eloquence.

Liu Jun smiled again.

How could he not know that Peng Shaoxiong personally summoned Director Yuan of the Legal Affairs Office?

Director Yuan left Peng Shaoxiong's office not long ago.Pan Zhiren reported the matter as soon as possible

Gave Liu Jun know.As the secretary, Pan Zhiren knew very well that those things were the most important.

Nature within the county is the most important move of the top county party secretary!

Peng Shaoxiong's words and deeds, Pan Zhiren worked hard to understand and understand that the backdoor doesn't matter

Whatever happened, Pan Zhiren would immediately report to Liu Jun.

After Pan Zhiren reported Peng Shaoxiong's summoning to Director Yuan, the two couldn't help but talk about their own

Point of view.

Zhi'zhang secretary is going to be a peacemaker.build

Liu Jun just smiled at that time, noncommittal.

The head of the county, our Legal Affairs Office, summoned several parties involved in Qin Feng's case and conducted an investigation.

untie.Director Yuan personally came forward and did a lot of ideological work.Now Li Huaiqing is waiting for several criminals

The relatives of the family promised to give another sum of money to treat Qin Feng's illness." Okay.

In Jiang Yunxiahui's report, there is a word between the lines, and the door does not forget to tell the immediate boss, Director Yuan, the age of the door

It is not bad to go through the rules of the system gently.

"Oh? That's a good thing, how much did they promise to pay? Deputy

Liu Jun asked with a smile.

"Sixty thousand" big

"Sixty thousand? Big

Liu Jun frowned slightly.He remembered that Lao Qin said that one hundred thousand is not necessarily enough.

"Well," the Civil Affairs Bureau also promised to give some subsidies for some difficulties, about [-] yuan.big

Jiang Yunxia replied.

Liu Jun did not give this instruction to the Civil Affairs Bureau, saying that under normal circumstances, there will be no such subsidy for major difficulties.

The economy of so many Menning North County is not very rich for the time being. The rescue fund of the Menning Civil Affairs Bureau is very large.

limited.It is estimated that Peng Shaoxiong personally intervened. The Civil Affairs Bureau did not dare to disobey the secretary's instructions, so he decided to leave.

Device' cruel. "Said the allocation of [-] yuan.

This is not bad, the rescue fund is used in the right place.It's just that when it comes to this matter, the door

Instead, the rescue fund was used to offset the money that should have been paid by Li Huaiqing and other family members of the parties concerned.

Peng Shaoxiong was trying to save face for Zhou Guozhong.It is a typical gift of favors with public money.

Peng Shaoxiong suddenly intervened in this matter, and Liu Jun was very clear about his motives.One buys Zhou Guozhong alone

Affection.The second is to establish the authority of the secretary.In fact, he didn't intervene. Li Huaiqing and others thought it over.

back.Say it will compromise.Peng Shaoxiong made a move at this time, and his timing was quite accurate.

Liu Jun comes forward, Li Huaiqing won't pee on you.Don't pay.Peng Shaoxiong has two attitudes once he comes out

Immediately come a 180-degree turn door is very cooperative.This is deliberately to cut Liu Jun


Liu Jun felt a little tired.

This is probably the layout problem that Yan Yucheng often talks about.

Peng Shaoxiong, as the leader, always puts his mind on these trivial matters.

I'm afraid it's difficult to become a master.

Liu Jun thought for a while and decided not to get entangled with the 2 yuan, after all, it was used on Qin Feng's money.

On this poor little girl!If this lawsuit is really big, it will take several people at the same time.

In the end, I was afraid that Qin Feng's illness could not be delayed.

"That's good" Big

Liu Jun said.

"Comrade Xia Ke II has worked hard"

Jiang Yunxia's cheeks turned red again and he said in a low voice: "The weapon is not hard."big

"Comrade Xia Ke has something to ask you. Big

Liu Jun said to Jiang Yunxia seriously.

"Don't scare me, the second county magistrate, sir

See Liu Jun said so solemnly that he has something to entrust.Jiang Yunxia was a little flustered.

"Don't be nervous, I want you to follow up and talk about Qin Feng's illness, so please feel free to talk to me.

?I hope she can recover as soon as possible and start a new life.greatly

Liu Jun looked at Jiang Yunxia Er and said sincerely.

A strange feeling suddenly surged up in Jiang Yunxia's heart, and he nodded very solemnly.

Fang: The second update arrives!Ask for votes! (To be continued

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