715vp chapter table of contents Chapter 630 put yourself in

When it was said that he had made an appointment with someone, Jiang Yunxia stood up with an "ah". (full text is small, in the text) blushing Tian Yin, I don’t know

Dao is embarrassed or is he blaming Liu Jun, since he has an appointment, why did he let me come over?

"Magistrate, then, I'll go first

Jiang Yunxia said in a panic. [

"Not busy, you sit down and chat together."

Liu Jun said with a smile.

"I,, shall I chat with you?"

Jiang Yunxia's eyes widened.


Liu Jun nodded, and then nodded to Pan Zhiren.

After a while, a vigorous man in his thirties came in and saw Liu Jun

Stretching out his hands to the old man, he came over to shake hands tightly. For Jiang Yunxia, ​​who was so beautiful that he was a bit of an eyesore, he was in a daze.

If not seen.

It's not that he couldn't see Jiang Yunxia, ​​but that he met him in the county magistrate's office. It's best not to see him!

From this we can see that the person who came here has also become refined.

"Manager Long, please sit down"

Liu Jun smiled and shook hands with the visitor.

"Comrade Yunxia, ​​let me introduce you. This is Long Fa, the deputy manager of Xingsheng Motan Energy Company.

Comrade Peng: "Fa Peng, this is Comrade Jiang Yunxia from the Legal Affairs Office."

Only then did Long Fapeng stand up and shook hands with Jiang Yunxia lightly, saying hello very politely.Eye

God never stayed on Jiang Yunxia's face for half a second longer, it seemed that what was in front of him was not a beautiful woman, but

old lady.

"Fa Peng, I invite you here today to talk about the processing and sales of agricultural and sideline products in our county.

matter.Comrade Jiang Yunxia also has some thoughts on this topic, let's discuss it together! "

Liu Jun said to Long Fapeng.

Jiang Yunxia ate and begged her to talk to Liu Jun about the so-called "sales problem of agricultural and sideline products".

Some excuses.Unexpectedly, Liu Jun really took her as a dish.Even with someone like Long Fapeng

Discuss with professionals.

Xingsheng Butterfly Charcoal Energy Company is now well-known in Ningbei County, and Longfa, who is in charge of exporting

Peng has also become a man of the hour, that is the real elite.How could she be comparable to Jiang Yunxia?

But Jiang Yunxia's astonishment was not as much as Long Fapeng's.Liu Jun just started talking, Long

Fa Peng expected that he might have to move.However, Long Fapeng's cultivation base is profound, so he doesn't move at the moment.

Sensual, just smiled and nodded.

"Comrade Yunxia, ​​you just said the beginning, now let's talk about it in detail. What did you say to us?

What do you think about the processing and sales of agricultural and sideline products in the county? "

On Jiang Yunxia's smooth forehead, there was a fine amount of fragrant sweat, and he regretted it all the time, he shouldn't have

I want to talk to Liu Jun about the sales of agricultural and sideline products.Who knew that Liu Jun was also thinking about this matter

ah?They also made an appointment with Long Fapeng.

"Tell me. Today is just a discussion. It doesn't matter if you say something wrong."

Liu Jun looked at Jiang Yunxia and said gently, with encouragement in his eyes.

"Then, then I'll say it"

Knowing that he couldn't escape, Jiang Yunxia stammered.

Liu Jun smiled slightly.

"Actually, I was just thinking about it." I felt that our county is currently vigorously developing

To develop the secondary industry.Especially in the vast rural areas, the planting and breeding industries have developed rapidly, and greenhouse vegetables[

It is also spreading throughout the county. It can be expected that the output of various agricultural and sideline products will definitely increase greatly.

Increase.However, there is no unified organization in our county to manage this matter, and the sales channels are not unified.

, relatively chaotic, basically farmers are fighting on their own, and many of them rely on the bazaars in various places

Running a sporadic sale.But obviously, self-produced and self-marketed is not enough, our city in Ningbei County

The farm capacity is limited and cannot digest so many agricultural and sideline products.If you can't sell it at that time, there will be problems


Jiang Yunxia started to cringe a little, but he became fluent as he spoke

It is pleasing to the eye.

Liu Jun couldn't help nodding, and said approvingly: "You can think of this, which means that you are really moving

A lot of brains. "

Jiang Yunxia blushed, lowered his head in embarrassment, and said in his heart: Is it because of you?


Of course, you can also talk to Liu Jun by the way.

"How about it, Fa Peng, what do you think about this problem?"

"Well, what Comrade Yunxia said is very reasonable. I basically agree with her opinion. I

In our county, a unified agricultural product management organization should indeed be established, just like Xiangyang County

In Xiangyang County, an agricultural and sideline product sales company was established very early, and according to the needs of the market,

want.Instruct farmers to develop the secondary industry in a targeted and purposeful way, and the sales channels are relatively

If it is smooth, it can ensure that the farmers' income will increase steadily, and they will not fall into the situation of losing money after a bumper harvest.

Dilemma! "

Although Long Fapeng did not prepare in advance, but it is indeed a good thing in business.

All the rules are right, and the model of Xiangyang County is mentioned.This model is Liu Jun's childhood

created manually.

Naturally, Long Fapeng didn't know the mystery behind it.But the ancestral home of the magistrate of Liu County went to Yang County

You can't go wrong if you say good things about Xiangyang County.

Liu Jun nodded slightly, and asked, "This is the sales process, so what about processing?"

Long Fapeng thought for a while, and said: "The primary processing and deep processing of agricultural products can both increase a certain amount.

The added value of processed agricultural and sideline products.In the process of storage and transportation, it is not easy

I have a long heart, and I haven't done a detailed investigation and argumentation on many issues.It's Jane, it's Jane

just talk

"I said today is a discussion, you can talk about anything you think of."

Liu Jun smiled, appreciating Long Fapeng's attitude.

People who do specific work really don't have the slightest bit of "fake big empty" stereotypes.

"The processing of agricultural and sideline products should also be done according to the needs of the market. In Ningbei County, we have

The tradition of flavor snacks, such as capers, hot and sour fish nuggets, and sour Xue radish, are all popular

The taste is unique and the characteristics are obvious.I think it is possible to set up a special factory for assembly line production.

It is sold to the whole province and even all over the country." County magistrate, this matter is settled, it is a good way to make money

ah.It can generate income for many farmers," he said.

As Long Fapeng said, he couldn't restrain his excitement.

Liu Jun smiled and nodded, approvingly said: "Fa Peng, very good, this ding, the thinking is very correct.

Moreover, I appreciate your thought of caring for the common people wholeheartedly.

This is a qualified party member cadre! "

For capable and caring cadres.No matter who he is online, Liu Jun never hesitates

The words of praise are not hesitating to promote and reuse.Influenced by management science in the 21st century, Liu Jun firmly believes that

The effect of praise and encouragement is definitely stronger than criticism and reprimand!

Long Fapeng didn't expect Liu Jun's affirmation and praise with a few casual words

I was a little excited, and then said: "County magistrate, in fact, our coal can also be further processed and turned into coke."

Charcoal, the price will be more reasonable. "

This is not the first time Long Fapeng raised this issue. When Peng Shaoxiong was still the county magistrate,

waiting.He mentioned it, but it was rejected.but.It was not Mr. Peng who rejected this proposal.

male.It was Liu Jun, then deputy secretary of the county party committee.

"Fa Peng, let's talk about coking later. The price of coke is indeed higher than that of raw coal.

high.However, coking also pollutes the environment enormously. We cannot patronize making money now and let

It is not worthwhile for future generations to suffer! "

Liu Jun waved his hand, rejecting Long Fapeng's proposal again.

Long Fapeng was a little unconvinced, but he didn't dare to say more.

In fact, it can't be blamed on Long Fapeng's short-sightedness. There were a few in the world at the time of the Ninety-Four.

Are people aware of environmental protection?

"Fa Peng, you go back and think about it carefully. Look at this agricultural and sideline products management company.

I will give you seven days to plan and operate.You have to come up with a complete plan.Give

You have a suggestion, you can go to Xiangyang County and Baozhou City to learn Buddhist scriptures, then I will call you, then

Side will welcome you well. "

Liu Jun smiled and said to Long Fapeng that even though Xiangyang County Party Secretary Jiang Youxin had been transferred at the beginning of the year

As the secretary of the Hongzhou County Party Committee under the provincial capital Hongzhou City, Liu Jun said that it was the same in Xiangyang County.


"Okay, okay" County magistrate, is my job going to change? "

Seeing Liu Jun's calm expression, Long Fapeng dared to ask.

Liu Jun didn't hide anything from him, and said, "Yes! This agricultural and sideline product management company must be established.

Get up, when the time comes, I plan to let you take charge.Level, I mean it's a regular course

class.It is directly under the jurisdiction of the county government.Of course, this has to be reported to Secretary Zhang, and he can only do it with his consent.


Long Fapeng fainted for a moment. It is of course a good thing to be promoted to a higher level, but he is still a little worried.

Get off the Coal Energy Company and ask, "What about Xingsheng Company, what should we do?"

Liu Jun smiled, and said: "Xingsheng Company has basically gone on the right track, and the introduction of

Hong Kong's management model and management personnel, the system is also very sound, Zhong confused ability

Not bad, it should be fine.Both you and Yi Han will be drawn out.You are all talented

Well.Always nesting in one place is not conducive to playing!To be honest, I know how to manage and

There are not many talents in the market operation, and all of them are in Xingsheng Company.My heart hurts! "

Both Long Fapeng and Jiang Yunxia laughed.

"Since the county magistrate trusts me, I will resolutely obey the organization's arrangements."

Long Fapeng expressed his determination in time.

"Manager Long, congratulations!"

Jiang Yunxia smiled and said to Long Fapeng.She's new here, so she doesn't know who Long Fapeng is online

people.Seeing that Liu Jun valued Long Fapeng's ability very much, he congratulated Long Fapeng according to the world.

Thanks! "

Long Fapeng said with a smile.

"Yunxia, ​​you, don't even think about being idle, you have to come up with a plan like this!"

Liu Jun suddenly turned to Jiang Yunxia and said.


Jiang Yunxia widened his eyes, pointed to his nose and said.

"Yes, since you are very concerned about this matter. Then come up with a plan and let me

A reference is also good! "

Jiang Yunxia suddenly fainted!

Isn't that how it's played?

I just wanted to talk to you a few more words.In this way, put yourself in


But looking at Liu Jun's expectant eyes, Jiang Yunxia nodded unexpectedly.

Defense: The fourth update is here, Pie has a correct attitude.Everyone, please support the monthly ticket! (To be continued

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