Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 65 Thermal Power Plants

News reports on August [-] said that the large-scale thermal power plant "Daping Thermal Power Plant" had broken ground.Mobile login: The wp address is located in Daping Commune, Shima District, Xiangyang County.

I remember that there was a thermal power plant in Daping Township in my previous life, but I had never visited it, and I didn’t know it was under construction in [-].Baozhou is rich in coal resources and is known as the energy supply base of n province.Two thermal power plants have been built in other counties before, and Daping is the third.Converting coal resources into electricity can make up for the shortage of hydropower generation.

It's not that I have any thoughts on this thermal power plant. It is a large-scale project invested by the state, but it is located in Daping Township. Not to mention Xiangyang County, even Baozhou area can't control it.I'm a kid, what can I get my hands on?

I was thinking of something else.

Xiangyang County is not rich in products. Apart from coal, the only thing worth mentioning is clay.Clay is a good material for making bricks.Some commune members engage in a sideline job during the slack season, which is making bricks and tiles.Of course, it is purely manual, very tiring, and not much gain.Limited to the system, no one has set up a large brick factory.In fact, even if the system allows it, given the economic situation in Xiangyang County, there are very few people who can afford red bricks (fired bricks), and there is no basis for the survival of large-scale brick factories. [

Now that the thermal power plant is under construction, it is suspected that a large amount of red bricks will be needed.

This is a good opportunity.

I am too young to go out. In recent years, if I want to earn some pocket money, I have to find a way based on Xiangyang County.Don't miss this great opportunity.I don't plan to organize a group of strong rural laborers to make bricks by hand. One policy does not allow it for the time being. I remember that in my previous life, the state stipulated that the number of self-employed workers should not exceed six.Second, such a primitive way is a bit wronged by my mechanical talents.

I plan to play with the whole brick machine.

The large-scale vacuum hydraulic brick making machine is too technically difficult and the process requirements are too high. The industrial foundation of Xiangyang County is completely insufficient.It should not be too difficult to pay 5000 yuan adobe a day for a small one.The material can be recycled, and a lathe and planer can be used.

I'm not very good at using these devices.But that doesn't matter, we will be responsible for the design drawings and materials, and it is not difficult to find skilled workers for processing in such a large Xiangyang County.

In fact, brick making machines are also available, but considering the cost, it seems that it is more cost-effective to do it yourself.

This yamen is not well-off now, nor does it have a wide network of contacts. There is no way to solve the funding problem, and we must find a way based on reality.

"Brother Fang, how much money do you have now?"

After lunch in the maintenance department, I pulled Fang Wenti aside to talk.

Liang Qiao's cooking skills are quite good, and everyone is very satisfied with the meal.As for the helpers, they are still apprentices.However, even though the little girl only graduated from elementary school, she is ingenious and diligent in her studies, and she is already able to help a little.

Liang Qiao saw Fang Wenti and I talking on the sidelines, so she avoided it sensibly, and cleaned up the recycled old machines and dismantled the parts together with my second brother.

"More than 1000, what's the matter?"

"How much is 1000?"

"Hey, don't you know? Count your own money and it will be clear?"

This makes sense.We split the account half and half, theoretically he gets as much money as I have.

I laughed and said, "Who knows if you have played cards!"

"No, no, really not. I haven't played cards since I got to the street... Hehe, I'm as busy as a ghost every day, so what else do I have time for?"

Fang Wenti hurriedly dismissed it. [

He is really a little afraid of me.

"Then you still have 400 yuan on hand, right?"

"Almost. What's the matter, do you want to borrow money?"

Fang Wenti became vigilant, staring at me without blinking, very nervous.

I scolded: "Fuck, don't be so worthless. Even if you want to borrow money, you don't have to look at me like a thief, right? Are you afraid that I won't repay the debt?"

Fang Wenti scratched his head: "That's not true. If you really want to borrow it, how dare I not give it?"

"Do you dare to say it, how ugly is it? It seems that I am a villain and always bully you."

Fang Wenti didn't speak, and gave me a default.

Angry and funny, I punched him.It's just that he's much taller than me, but this punch was stabbed in the waist.Then he said seriously: "I want to discuss something with you, I want the whole brick making machine."

Fang Wenti immediately filled the sky with little stars.

"I said, young master, why do you always have so many weird ideas? This maintenance department is doing well, so what kind of brick making machine is it? Why do you fix that thing? You want to build a house?"

"I said why are you getting more and more stupid? Are you out of your mind?"

"What do you mean by brain flooding?"


A buzzword more than ten years later, it's really a little ahead of time to say it now.

"Idiot. To build a house by yourself, you need a whole brick-making machine. Does that mean you need to build a cement factory?"

"That's right, I don't understand."

I sighed: "Sell bricks! Now a brick sells for 5000% to [-] cents. I calculated it. After deducting labor expenses, charcoal burning money and transportation costs, each brick can earn two cents. Assuming that [-] yuan of bricks are produced a day, do the math, how much money can you make in a month?"

Fang Wenti snapped his fingers.

"One brick earns two cents, ten yuan and two cents... 5000 yuan a day is [-] yuan, and a month... three thousand!"



Fang Wenti opened his mouth wide open.

"This is just the beginning of the algorithm. When the business is done smoothly, the scale of production can be expanded. How about this, you have to be afraid, I will do it alone, you can lend me money, and the monthly interest will be one cent. It will be due in one year. Qing. If you’re not afraid, then we’ll still be working together, but we’ll have to change the split, four to six, you four and me six, how about it?”

"Partnership, partnership, of course!"

Fang Wenti didn't even think about it, and immediately yelled.

When it comes to doing business, he also knows that he is not smart enough to compare with me.The smartest thing to do is to nod!

"By the way, young master, who is going to do this? There must be someone in the maintenance department."

I laughed: "There are several steps in making a machine, and I will get the design drawings. After finishing the drawings, I have to find a master for processing... You are asked to do these things, but you can't do it, can you?"

I can imagine how upset Fang Wenti felt when I was so straightforward, but the fact is so, so I can only nod.

"After the machine is made, it's up to you to find a place to organize the production. My child's family can't order so many people."

"What about selling? Who will sell the bricks to?"

"Don't worry about this, I'll find a buyer."

Fang Wenti nodded, and it was obvious that he was not very interested.It's no wonder, now guarding a cash cow, the repair fee plus the sale of the assembled machine can earn at least [-] a month.It's still easy for people to come to the door to ask for goods.But I am uneasy and want to fix some brick making machine.

Burning bricks is not a good job.

Fang Wenti has disabled legs and feet and has never made bricks.But I have never eaten pork and I have seen pigs walking. Seeing people soaked in mud all day long, so tired that they stick out their tongues like a dog and pant, their scalps feel numb just thinking about it.He is used to listening to my arrangements, so he accepted it in desperation, naturally not very interested.

It is not easy to make design drawings.The simplest mechanical brick making machine, three-dimensional drawing, plan drawing, section drawing, rotating structure drawing, there are ten or twenty drawings, large and small, and the size must be marked meticulously, the workload is not small.There are two rooms inside and outside the maintenance department, and there are piles of waste electrical appliances everywhere. The workbench is like a battlefield after a melee, and there is no place to make drawings.

"Sister Qiaoer, let me borrow your room for a while, and I will draw some drawings."

I point to the schoolbag on my back, and all the tools and paper for drawing are bought here.

Liang Qiao has been here for the past few days, and under observation, she has already understood that the maintenance department is Fang Wenti's boss in name, but I am actually in charge of it.Immediately pursing his lips into a smile, he followed me upstairs lightly.

When working, she still wears patched clothes, which can be used as work clothes.That beautiful dress, only worn once or twice, is cherished very much.Even so, it is still hard to hide the natural beauty.Fang Wenti and his second brother saw that I was so self-serving, their eyes almost bleed.

The sun is not harsh in the morning, and the old-fashioned wooden houses near the river are quite shaded.The room was tidy and clean, with a faint fragrance, which was quite pleasant.Liang Qiao swiftly moved the small square table to the mouth and set up the stool.

I gave her a sweet smile, sat down, took out a pen and paper and started drawing.

"Xiaojun, what is this?"

Liang Qiao poured me a cup of tea. She used her own water cup. Seeing that I drew a cube, she was a little curious.

"Brick machine."

"Brick making machine? What do you do? Make red bricks?"

"Well, it's made of adobe. After it's done, it's directly fired into a kiln to make red bricks."

Liang Qiao said softly, "Are you still using machines to make bricks?"

"Yes, using machines to make bricks is fast, high-yield, and of good quality. Compared with hand-made bricks, the cost is much lower and it's easy."

"You came up with this all by yourself?"

I raised my head and looked at her dark pupils and rosy melon-seeded face, my heart skipped a beat again, and I nodded slightly.

Liang Qiao showed a look of great admiration: "Xiao Jun, you are really amazing."

I'm thin-skinned and can't listen to flattery.But these words came out of Liang Qiao's mouth, very natural, without any affectation, I was delighted to hear it, and for the first time, I didn't feel any discomfort.

"It's nothing, it's just a trick."

Liang Qiao fluttered with beautiful big eyes, apparently not understanding the meaning of "small tricks".The poor boy dropped out of school just after primary school.

"Qiaoer, do you want to read?"

Liang Qiao was a little surprised to hear that I didn't call her "Sister Qiaoer", so she nodded, "I want to read."

"Then, after the summer vacation is over, you should go to school instead of helping here."

"You...you don't want me?"

Liang Qiao was taken aback, tears welled up in her eyes.

Seeing her like this, I was more frightened than her, and my heart ached.Some women are born to be lovable.

"No, why would I not want you? You are so cute, even a man would like you. "

This word is ambiguous.Liang Qiao blushed, but looked at me intently with her big watery eyes, bit her lips, and said softly, "Really?"

I nodded firmly.

"I know what you're thinking. Don't worry, I'll pay you the money for studying, and I'll pay for your living expenses too... When you're admitted to university and work, you can pay it back to me."

"Ah, going to college? How can I get into college? I'm so stupid!"

Liang Qiao said so, but there was a yearning expression on his face.For a little girl in the countryside, just thinking about how to get into college, work, and be a decent urbanite makes her so happy that she can't sleep.

I smiled: "That's it."

Liang Qiao thought for a while, then shook his head.

"No, neither my father nor my mother will agree."

"I'll tell them...I'll ask Section Chief Liang to talk to them."


The little girl's eyelids drooped, and the two blushes on her cheeks became even more intense.

"But I like to stay here, I want to learn technology from you..."

I laughed, maybe this little girl fell in love with me.Thinking about it, I think it's too ridiculous. She is 14 years old and I am nine years old. It is a bit outrageous to say whether you like it or not.

"Actually, this technique is not suitable for you. Girls shouldn't do this kind of work. Especially you, you are so beautiful. There is probably no beautiful maintenance technician like you in the whole world."

"Hee hee, it's just your sweet mouth that makes people happy."

"I didn't coax you. I think you should sit in an air-conditioned office, make a cup of coffee, make a few phone calls, and direct a large group of people to do things for you..."

I have assigned the position of an executive of a large company to others.

"I'm not so lucky. I've never heard of what you said. How can I do it?"

I smile.In fact, this kind of executive is not what I want her to do in the future.For a "disaster" beauty like her, it is best to keep it at home, raise flowers and plants, tease cats and dogs, practice yoga, do maintenance, go shopping in the supermarket, play mahjong, and occasionally go out for a vacation to watch landscape.Of course, if you discuss it well with your husband, you might as well have a son.

Naturally, this cannot be told to her now.

"It doesn't matter. No one is born to know it, but learns it. You will gradually master it in the future. If you don't, I can teach you."


Liang Qiao was overjoyed.

"You are not allowed to coax me."

I smiled and said, "When did I coax you?"

Liang Qiao tilted her head and thought for a while, then said with a smile: "Really, you have never coaxed me."

"Liang Qiao, Liang Qiao, what are you doing? Get down to work soon..."

This dead cripple is really ignorant, he is screaming like a ghost!

"Boss Fang is angry." Liang Qiao stuck out her tongue, turned to go out, and turned back to ask at the door, "What do you want for lunch, I'll make it for you."

"Braised pork, nourish the brain."

After I finished speaking, I was also a little funny, gluttonous meat is gluttonous meat, and I made such a high-sounding excuse, as if I was like a certain great man.

"Well, I see."

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