Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 661 The outbreak of war

Go for the Chinese New Year!Soon after, at the invitation of Zhenzhong Company. k Ningbeiju organized a xbu investment promotion delegation to Hong Kong to attract investment.The delegation was small in size, led by Liu Jun, secretary of the county party committee and head of the county, and Shi Zhong, the executive deputy head of the county.Chen Lei, director of the County Party Committee Office, Zhong Changsheng, manager of Xingsheng Butterfly Charcoal Energy Company, and more than ten people including the director of the Investment Promotion Bureau.

Because in the past two years, Xingsheng Coal Energy Company has achieved very good economic benefits, and Zhenzhong Company has obtained rich returns. President Mike Chen announced on behalf of the board of directors of Zhenzhong Company that all the expenses of the investment delegation will be borne by Zhenzhong Company.The reception arrangements and business invitation talks are all handled by Mike Chen, who is very thoughtful and meticulous.

It is basically impossible for a county-level investment promotion delegation to attract the attention of the Hong Kong government and high-level business circles.In fact, many investment promotion delegations at the city and county level in the Mainland are actually a form of public-funded tourism in disguise. They are often arranged for a week or ten days, and real investment promotion negotiations are pitifully rare.Of course, the Hong Kong government welcomes these mainland tycoons very much.

Liu Jun deliberately kept a low profile, and the scope of alarm was even smaller.

However, some businessmen who have cooperative projects with Ningbei County, such as Jin Fuchang and Shi Zhantang, still attach great importance to Secretary Liu's visit to Hong Kong this time.Shi Zhantang even held a high-level welcome reception for Liu Jun and his party in the name of the Provincial Association. [

Although Liu Jun is not from the province, he is the governor of the province. Hong Kong businessmen from the province all attended the meeting one after another, giving Secretary Liu a lot of face.I can take the opportunity to build a good relationship with Governor Liu's son.No one in the mall would refuse.

Since it is to attract investment, there must be relevant arrangements.

Jin Fuchang is in charge of this.

Long before Liu Jun arrived in Hong Kong, Jin Fuchang had already made arrangements. The specific matters were handled by his assistant Ajia, while in Ningbei County, Shi Zhong presided over the negotiations.

Shi Zhong himself was very happy.

In his opinion, this is Secretary Liu deliberately taking care of him, allowing him to have a greater say in attracting investment.or.Is Liu Jun preparing for him to take over as the county magistrate?

As for Secretary Liu, after arriving in Hong Kong, apart from making an appearance at the welcome reception of the Provincial Association, most of the time he spent resting in the hotel.Chat with Jin Fuchang and other big bosses.

Shi Zhong and other members of the delegation understood this very well.

After all, Liu Jun is a young man, and he has come to Hong Kong, a society full of luxury and money, to have a good time.It should have been.After all, in the county, he is the number one leader, with a high position and authority, and many eyes are staring at him.It is necessary to put on the shelf of a leader.Therefore, members of the investment delegation this time.Basically, they are the central vertical of the Liu family cadres, and everyone understands the principle of "taboo for the venerable".

But no matter how close the people were, they didn't know what Secretary Liu was doing in the hotel.Even if Secretary Liu was in the hotel, no one knew.

Secretary Liu stayed with Xiaoqing most of the time.

Qing's super mansion in Repulse Bay has been temporarily converted into a catty because of Liu Jun's arrival. "Wartime Command".

Repulse Bay is located in the southern part of Hong Kong Island and is the most representative and beautiful harbor in Hong Kong.Repulse Bay has flat waves and fine sand, wide beach bed, gentle slope and warm sea water.Because of the beautiful and charming scenery, Repulse Bay has become one of the famous high-end residential areas on Hong Kong Island.There are luxury houses all over the area, and if you pick any head of household, they are all mansions owned by big shots in Hong Kong. They cover an area of ​​more than [-] square meters and are built next to mountains and rivers. The terrain is excellent.

Although it is not yet summer season, the climate on Hong Kong Island is already relatively warm and sunny.Liu Yanei was lying by the swimming pool in the garden, with his eyes closed and his body covered with a towel." Qingzheng was smiling at the side, holding a plate and feeding him fruit salad.

Qing was dressed more modestly. The dark professional skirt wrapped her plump figure in a protruding manner, which was very attractive.

Qing has no choice but to do so.

It's working hours.

Huang Miaojuan led a capable brokerage team and temporarily set up a battle in the big boss's private house.Therefore, on one side of Xiaoqing lies the lazy Liu Yanei, and on the other side is a computer, and the screen shows the real-time trends of the US dollar and Japanese yen in the foreign exchange markets around the world.

Because the global foreign exchange market is open 24 hours a day, members of Huang Miaojuan's headquarters are also divided into three shifts, running 24 hours a day.From time to time, secretaries wearing professional skirts like Xiaoqing came over to report the results of the battle to President Liu.Ask for instructions. [

If President Liu dresses too casually, it will affect morale.

In February, Clinton formally convened the G[-] summit to put enormous pressure on Japan and demanded the appreciation of the yen.At the same time, a large group of international financial speculators rushed into the foreign exchange and futures markets with huge funds, sold dollars wildly, and cooperated with Clinton's political means in the financial market to jointly increase the value of the yen.

The Japanese government naturally knows that another wild appreciation of the yen will cause a devastating blow to the Japanese economy that has not yet fully emerged from the shadow of economic recession. Therefore, all Japanese conglomerates, including the central banks of island countries, have consciously stepped forward to protect the Japanese economy. Yuan, for a while, the foreign exchange market was full of gunpowder, and the long and short sides were inseparable.

"Xiaojun, Bizi seems to have made up his mind many times. It's going to be a bloody battle to the end!"

Qing glanced at the computer screen next to him, and saw that the price was still in a state of twisting, so he said with a little worry.

This time, Sheng Ye Fund came out in full force.Including Liang Qiao and Liu Zhaoyu's side, almost all of their fortunes were betted. If they win, they will win big. If they lose, they will win.The loss is also immeasurable.Maybe Liu Jun's hard work for more than ten years will be in vain.

Liu Jun laughed, and pointed to his open mouth.

Qing smiled and stuffed a spoonful of salad into it.

This person is getting more and more old-fashioned, and he doesn't even bother to eat by himself!

Fortunately, at night, he is still alive and well, and he is not lazy at all.

"Good thing! The more the little devil struggles, the uglier his death will be." Liu Jun said while chewing on the salad, "Let me tell you, the little Qingbu devil is doomed to lose this time. This is the nature of the citizens of this island country. Little devils often flaunt themselves as a catty. People who love to eat fish have the same national character as fish. That is to ignore the past and ignore the future. I have accumulated a lot of wealth through hard work, and it was easily taken by Lao Mei and Clinton as soon as they stretched out their hands. It is a pity that they always heal their scars and forget the pain. Leave him alone, wait Count the money!"

Liu Yanei looked determined.

Regarding the "stubbornness" of the Japanese, Liu Jun understands it very clearly.This kind of stubbornness without consequences.Achievements of this nation, but also restrict this nation.

Maybe one day, it will finally destroy this nation.

In fact, the rapid development of Japan after the war, the real achievement is not Japan, but the United States.Japan is like a hard-working laborer, who worked hard and accumulated wealth to a certain extent, but was confiscated by the Yankee, a strong "ally" with an excuse, and dared not speak out.

Qing giggled.

"Actually, this time, how much money the little devils make is secondary. The most important thing is to take advantage of the fire. The little devils who bought them have invested a lot overseas, such as Vale, BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, the three largest mining companies in the world. The group has a lot of Japanese-owned shares. After the little devil's vitality is seriously injured this time, there must be an opportunity to take advantage of it. You have to hurry up."

Liu Jun reminded her.


Qing agreed in a low voice, leaned on him, and poured all the fruit salad on the plate into Secretary Liu's mouth.

"Eat more, you will have strength when you are full!"

Qing giggled and said. [

Liu Jun felt the softness between his chest and abdomen, grabbed her tightly, put it next to her ear and said, "Why do you need so much strength? Can you bear it?"

Qing blushed and threw the plate aside.Grabbing Liu Jun's ears with both hands, he fixed his "position." Her delicate red lips pressed against her.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Huang Miaoqi was walking over.Seeing this, he smiled and stood up, turning his head slightly.Huang Miaoqi is now one of Xiaoqing's most trusted subordinates.He knows and understands the relationship between President Liu and Jun Shao very well.

At the beginning, Huang Miaoqi felt a little bit wronged for President Liu, thinking that a beautiful woman like President Liu who is outstanding in all aspects, how could she be willing to be someone else's lover.Later, Jun Shao came every time.President Liu was in high spirits, as if he was a different person, and Huang Miaoqi gradually understood this feeling.

Things between men and women are ever-changing, and it is impossible to generalize them.

It seems that a handsome and promising "genius" like Jun Shao is the dream lover of all women.

Since joining Sheng Ye Investment Company, with the rapid expansion of Sheng Ye, Huang Miaoqi's weight has been greatly reduced.The person's status and wealth have undergone earth-shaking changes. From a small broker with a name, in a few years, he has become a special assistant to the president of Sheng Ye Fund, a behemoth such as Sheng Ye Fund. Hong Kong businessmen.My heart is full of gratitude to Liu Qing.Huang Miaoqi only hoped that Young Master Jun and President Liu would always be as loving and happy as they are now.

"Aki, how's the situation?"

Qing didn't shy away from Huang Miaoqi at all, she just lay in Liu Jun's generous embrace, raised her head, and asked with a smile.

"Hee hee, a little higher

Huang Miaoqi replied with a smile.

What she said went up a bit, and when it comes to Sheng Ye Fund, it may be an income of hundreds of millions of dollars.

"That's good!"

"President, then I won't bother you."

Huang Miaoqi bowed slightly to this side, turned and left with a smile.

"Hey, who told you to call everyone home? Let them all go back to the company tomorrow."

Liu Jun said next to Xiaoqing's ear.

"What's the matter, are you hindering Jun Shao?

Qing looked at Liu Jun with winking eyes like silk.

"What do you say?"

Liu Jun squinted at her too.

"If it's just the two of us, I'll punish you on the spot!"

"Hee hee, you are a big villain, and you can't get enough to eat."

Qing just nodded his forehead and said angrily.

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