Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 67 Letter from Liang Jingwei

Jiang Youxin sent the money to Zhang Li.A nine-year-old kid, even the son of Director Liu of the County Revolutionary Committee, running around with a thousand or hundreds of dollars in his pocket is still too shocking.There should be a limit to swagger, right?

I wanted Fang Wenti to go, but after thinking about it, I decided to forget it.Fang Wenti's structure is not high, and he may not be able to be used to great effect. There are many things that don't require him to get involved too deeply.

You can rest assured that the brick making machine is handed over to tension processing.The power part is my own responsibility.

I got a scrap motor from a scrap company. The casing, base, and bearing bushes are still usable, but the coils are all burnt out and need to be rewound.With a ten kilowatt motor, the work of winding the coil is not easy.These days, most of my time is spent on this motor.The maintenance department is handed over to Fang Wenti.

Coil winding is delicate work, so I justifiably hid in Liang Qiao's small house, pretending that I didn't want to be disturbed.Fang Wenti naturally wanted to say a few words, but he wasn't really jealous.Liang Qiao is still young, so he doesn't really want to make any plans for others. [

His long-windedness is just because he is often "oppressed" by me, and he is looking for an excuse to fight back a little.

At lunch and dinner this day, I didn't fiddle with the coil right away, but sat at the table drinking tea and taking a short rest.

After Liang Qiao cleaned up the dishes, her dark eyes kept glancing at my face.

I smiled and said, "Say something, don't hold back."

Liang Qiao showed an excited expression, and said, "My brother wrote a letter, saying thank you very much."

"Why is he thanking me? My child's family has nothing to do, so how can he deserve his gratitude? If you want to thank me, you should thank my master."

"I know, it's all because of your help..."

Liang Qiao bit her lip lightly, her expression was very seductive.This kind of inadvertent little action of a beautiful girl is the most exciting.

"Uncle Guoqiang told my dad that you asked Director Liu to say hello to the Public Security Bureau and Qiyi Coal Mine."

I smiled and waved my hand to stop her: "Qiaoer, stop talking. It's all over. Hey, what else did your brother say in the letter?"

"He said he was about to be promoted, and all the materials have been reported. Xiaojun, being promoted means becoming a cadre, and eating the national food, right?"

It seems that this little girl really regards me as a capable person who knows everything, and doesn't care that I am five years younger than her.

"Yes. Brother Jingwei is the runner-up in the martial arts competition of the whole division. As long as the materials are submitted, he will be promoted. He will be an upright officer in a short time. Congratulations, Qiaoer."

Liang Qiao's face was flushed with excitement, and she said shyly, "That's good. How about you help me answer the letter for him?"

"You won't reply yourself?"

"You know, I only went to elementary school..."

I smiled and said, "At least you have already graduated from elementary school, and I'm only in the second grade."

Liang Qiao was stunned, as if she had just thought of this question.

Seeing a shy and coquettish little beauty rubbing her clothes embarrassingly, I felt that I shouldn't be so wicked.People really want you as a person. [

Besides, my performance in front of Liang Qiao these days, how can I look like a brat?

"Well, you can show me the letter, okay?"


Liang Qiao nodded vigorously, very happy.

The letter was neatly folded, which shows the weight in Liang Qiao's mind.This letter was written to Liang Guocheng, and Liang Qiao probably brought it back when he went to the hospital to visit his father.

Liang Jingwei's handwriting is not beautiful, but it is very powerful. To use a cliché to describe it, it is like a silver hook drawn by iron, which penetrates the back of the paper, quite like a soldier.A warrior who won the runner-up in the National Martial Arts Tournament, or writes a beautiful thin gold lower script, is really awkward.

Liang Jingwei said in the letter what he was about to do, but he didn't reveal any pride.This made me like him so much—he was a real person.It is more to express concern for Liang Guocheng and worry about the family situation.There is a whole paragraph dedicated to thanking, in addition to saying that I want to thank the leaders of the county and "Uncle Guoqiang", I also specifically mentioned "Director Liu's child".After Liang Guocheng's illegal mining incident came to an end, Section Chief Liang once called him and had a better understanding of the whole process.

The letter said that he would work hard in the army, telling Liang Guocheng not to worry, all the debts he owed would be repaid by him.I have already wronged my elder sister, so I must not wrong my younger sister again.

It can be seen that he cares about these two younger sisters very much.

"Qiaoer, Brother Jingwei told you to go back to study. He will pay for the tuition."

"I do not."

Liang Qiao shook her head slightly, her tone was light but extremely firm.

I looked at her enquiringly.

"The family has such a heavy burden, and I can't point to my brother alone. I will marry my sister-in-law in the future."

I nodded yes.This issue has already been discussed with her once, and there is no need to discuss it again.

"Have you got a pen and paper? I'll write you a reply."

"Yes, I bought it."

Liang Qiao happily took out the newly bought letter paper and pen, cleaned the table carefully, spread out the letter paper in front of me, unscrewed the cap of the pen, and put it in my hand.Naturally revealed the meticulousness of her work.

The reply was written in my name, mainly to tell him about Liang Qiao's situation in the Limin Maintenance Department.In order to conform to my identity as a second-grade elementary school student, the letter was written very straightforwardly, without too many polite greetings.Just to reassure him, Liang Qiao is fine here.He also told him that if he wanted to, he could send the reply letter directly to the County Revolutionary Committee, and I would forward it on his behalf. It would be more convenient and faster.

The postal network at that time was far less convenient than later generations. It took about seven days for a letter to travel from the army to the county. If it was to be sent to Liang Guocheng of the Maple Tree Brigade, it would take more than half a month.

The short one-and-a-half-page letter, with hundreds of characters, Liang Qiao read and read again and again, as if she was a treasure, she put it in the envelope reluctantly after a long time.

After I finished writing the cover, I said with a smile, "Hurry up and send the letter, I have to rush to work."


Liang Qiao obediently agreed.

"Xiaojun, after your brick making machine is finished, where do you plan to burn bricks?"

"Liujiashan. That's my hometown."


Liang Qiao hesitated to speak.

"We're good friends, let's talk if we have anything to say."

The attributive "good friend" made Liang Qiao a little overjoyed. In her mind, I have always been a high-ranking "yamen", and I am not at the same level as her.

"Well, my father is a good skill at burning bricks. It's a pity that he hurt his leg."

"That's how it is. That's okay. After two months, when his legs are healed, I'll make another brick-making machine and give it to your father to use."


"Silly girl, don't ask such questions in the future. Will I still coax you?"

Before I knew it, I used the 40-year-old tone of my previous life, full of affection.

Liang Qiao was shy and happy at the same time, her pretty face was blushing, she was really cute.

Zhang Li works very hard, and the processing is completed in a week, which is a little bit over budget.But after all the assembly, including the motor, it only cost about two thousand yuan.Compared with picking up the goods directly from the manufacturer, plus shipping costs, it will save almost half of the money.

In the workshop of the agricultural machinery factory, after switching on the power supply, seeing the machine roaring and running, I felt a rare sense of accomplishment in my heart.Perhaps in later generations, such a rough brick-making machine is nothing at all, and may even become a laughing stock.However, at that time, in a remote and closed mountainous and poor county like Xiangyang County, this was a remarkable thing, and it could be called a "heavy industry product".

The brick making machine idling for a few minutes, I cut off the power, went forward to check the running-in condition of each part.

The technical level of the tension is very good, basically there is nothing wrong with it.

"It looks okay now, but I don't know if there will be any problems after it is actually put into use?"

Zhang Li is very humble and authentic, but somewhat proud of his words.

"The principle is correct, the design is correct, and your cousin's technology is perfect, so there shouldn't be any problems."

** Pick up the oil pot and fill the joint with oil, and said with a smile.

Zhang Li saw that I had chosen the right point and performed skillful movements, so he was very surprised and said: "Xiaojun, how do you know these things?"

"Hey, the relative who designed this blueprint is my master. I'm fine on vacation, I learned from him."

Zhang Li smiled and said, "You are Director Liu's son, do you need to learn these things? After graduating from university in the future, why don't you sit comfortably in a large organization and be the leader?"

"Who can say for sure what will happen in the future? My dad said that if you have a lot of money, it's better to have a skill. A rare technical talent like you, cousin, is very popular at any time."

These words were light and clever, and Zhang Li was praised without any trace, and Deputy Factory Manager Zhang laughed so hard that his mouth cracked.

"Hehe, look at what you said. He really deserves to be the son of the chief of the county. The upbringing is different. How can a child from an ordinary family compare?"

"Cousin, if everything goes well, I may have to trouble you to make another one in two months."

"That's no problem. When you need it, just say it."

At the beginning, when I said that Fang Wenti was responsible for organizing the brick-burning personnel, I actually thought it wrong.Although Fang Wenti is also a member of the Red Flag Commune, he has been away for a long time and spends very little time at home in the countryside.In the eyes of others, he basically belongs to the kind of person who does not do business properly.But because he has a disability, others don't criticize him too much. He thinks that he can support himself and not drag his parents down, which is considered very good.

Obviously, he lacks the ability and foundation to organize such "mass production".

So I discussed with him again, I should do it alone, and the money is considered to be my loan from him, and I will deduct [-] yuan a month from the dividends of the Limin Maintenance Department for one cent of the interest.Pay off in three months.

Fang Wenti was not very enthusiastic about this matter, and he had never seen the brick making machine with his own eyes, so he always felt that it was not reliable, so he was not very happy to ask him to put down the ready-made cash cow to serve Mudpimple.There was not much hesitation at the moment, and he readily agreed.

In his mind, it is more reassuring to make money if you can see it.

The thermal power plant has broken ground and is laying its foundation. The Daping Commune is in full swing. The county leaders, including Yan Yucheng and his father, have visited twice in person and are very concerned about the progress of the project.

The construction of the power plant was directly funded by the state, and the construction was undertaken by the No. [-] Construction Engineering Company in Province N. The funds were earmarked for special purposes, and neither the county nor the Baozhou area could intervene.The fact that Yan Yucheng and his father attached so much importance to it was just to show their intentions.You can't let others say that they don't care about the construction of key national projects.Of course, such a large project requires a lot of temporary workers, but it provides Xiangyang County, especially the members of Daping Commune, with a good place to do side jobs during the slack season.From this point of view, the concern of the county leaders is not purely for show.

A few days before the start of school, I went back to Liujiashan and went directly to Uncle Wu.

I originally planned to ask my cousin Liu Zhaoshi to take charge of this matter, but after careful consideration, I gave up.The reason for giving up Big Brother is the same as the reason for giving up Fang Wenti.The elder brother is 19 years old, the same age as the younger uncle, and legally considered an adult.But in the countryside, it's just a half-grown young man with green skin.Uncle passed away early, lost his upbringing, elder brother is a bit idle.Rural youths, with such a problem, are usually not favored by others.

Moreover, the eldest brother's health is not very good, and he often suffers from headaches.Although there is a brick-making machine, loosening the soil, loading the soil, stacking the blanks, hooping the kiln, and getting out of the kiln are all heavy physical labor, and my eldest brother can't stand it.

In terms of organizational ability and prestige among the masses, Tongliujiashan people can come up with five uncles, and it would be great if he could be persuaded to preside over it himself.I can't tell my dad about this, and I can't let Jiang Youxin come forward. I can't say it, so I have to go into battle naked.Fortunately, Uncle Wu has a good impression of me, and a series of "advanced deeds" such as "July [-] Coal Mine Repair Motor", "Fish Farming in Rice Fields", "Planting Honeysuckle" and other "advanced deeds" are at the bottom. His old man was overly surprised.

But as soon as I stepped into Uncle Wu's house, I couldn't make up my mind.

Uncle Wu called out "Xiaojun", got up immediately and went out to look around, and then he was very puzzled.

"Xiaojun, where's your dad?"


Dare to feel in Uncle Wu's heart, I'm still a brat!When you go to his house, of course you have to be accompanied by adults.

"Why, Uncle Wu, I can't come to your house to play by myself, do I have to ask my dad to bring me here?"

Fortunately, I'm not a real kid. I can't be completely blind for 40 years of life experience, right?While talking glibly with Uncle Wu, they put the tobacco and alcohol in their hands on the table.

Uncle Wu was stunned: "I can come, I can come...Xiao Jun, what is this?"

"Honor your old man."

"Who brought it?"

Uncle Wu asked suspiciously.

"Me. Your nephew, I honor you."


Uncle Wu was even more puzzled.

"Okay, Uncle Wu, I'm here, I just want to discuss something with your old man."

"Do you have something to discuss with me? Your father asked you to come here. Okay, tell me, what's the matter?"

I was almost completely defeated by Uncle Wu, and I went around, but he just refused to accept my qualification to have an equal dialogue with him.After thinking about it, I decided to blur the background, otherwise, the "qualification" issue alone would be enough for Uncle Wu and I to spend a long time circling around.

ps: Today is the Qixi Festival, and many new caretakers come up to praise, I don’t want to praise, I feel that it has been three days since I promised to explode a few days ago, and it’s not a big deal if I don’t take action and renege on my promise.Not to mention, I will also upload the chapter I just rushed out. I will work hard tonight and spend another three hours to catch up with the update tomorrow morning!Hope you guys like it!Thank you!

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