Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 677 Someone wants to do something

Liu Shuhua ended his honeymoon trip ahead of schedule and returned to Ningbei County from Italy. As a candidate for the Provincial Party Committee Secretary, Liu Jun's materials passed the review of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and submitted to the Central Organization Department. The 26 outstanding county and municipal Party committee secretaries are commended internally by the method of differential selection. The provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in the country have applied for nearly 26 percent of the materials. Basic workers are selected from one of the two. After a preliminary review, special personnel were sent to various places to verify the situation, and the conversation finally confirmed that 10 outstanding county and city party secretaries were commended. Before Liu Jun went on his honeymoon, the Central Organization Department had already talked to him. Liu Jun should be on the list of being commended, and even the Central Organization Department intends to ask Liu Jun to be the representative of the excellent county and city party secretaries to be commended. In the previous statement, there are only three people who have won this honor, except Liu Junning, who was made by Ningbei County. It seems that there is another advantage of the excellent results of the young second middle school. It is very likely that the organization department of the second middle school wants to set him up as a model for vigorously promoting young and middle-aged cadres, so as to prove that the central government's major policy of vigorously promoting middle-aged and young cadres is more wise than some old comrades. Some worry that the young cadres are inexperienced and the party in charge will have problems The representative of the work of the National Recognition Conference speaks domineeringly like Liu Ya Nei is also a bit unreasonable. I have communicated with Bai Yang in private. Sister Bai Yang's tone is very relaxed. My dad asked you to say, what are you worried about?Liu Jun felt relieved and guessed that Bai Yang had already communicated with Bai Jianming. In the past, Bai Yang didn't pay much attention to the affairs of the officialdom. The issue involving the little naughty boy, of course, she would be very concerned about this matter of watching the work and going to the final decision, but something happened. Yan Yucheng told him on the phone that someone almost forced the collective fund collection of the township cadres Xiacun, Datang Town, Ningbei County, on December [-] last year. The deadly matter was exposed, and it was directly exposed. At present, many news media have rushed to Ningbei County to find out the truth of the matter. Liu Jun shook his head slightly when he received this call and simply said, I will come back. I didn't have much to say about Liu Jun's performance after he became the secretary of the county party committee. Yan Yucheng is basically at ease with him. You have to go through ups and downs. If you can be a good secretary of the county party committee, you have reached a certain level of political wisdom. You must always pay attention to everything and take care of everything. I heard that such a big thing happened. Yan Fei is very reasonable not to go to Hawaii and accompany her husband home. Within [-] minutes of showing up in the office, Shi Zhong and Ye Yuanchao came to see Secretary Liu, someone wanted to make trouble!Qiu Yuanchao met with a dark face, without Hanzhi, Liu Jun, who was annoyed at the first sentence, smiled slightly and said: "Secretary Yuanchao, please be safe, don't be impatient, the sky won't fall!"Pan Zhiren hurriedly served tea to the two leaders, and his expression was also very dignified. Before they arrived, he had already given a brief report to Liu Jun on the general situation. Try the candies I brought back from Italy!Liu Jun grabbed a handful of colorful candies from the drawer of the desk and threw them on the table. I don't know what happened?Pan Zhiren told him with his eyes that Secretary Liu already knew that Shi Chong was more calm than Qiu Yuanchao, grabbed a candy and said with a smile: "This is the first time I have eaten Italian candy. Hong Fu, who entrusted us to the secretary, also opened foreign meat!"Come, come, Lao Yin eats candy, isn't the secretary already back?There is nothing to worry about!Liu Jun smiled again. After Shi Heavy Industry became the deputy secretary of the party and the masses, he corrected his mentality. He has come out of the frustration of losing the competition for the county magistrate, and gradually began to have the calm demeanor of a worker. This is a very good progress. Qiu Yuanchao, in fact. It's not so restless. As the secretary of the political and legal committee, it's not okay to be calm. He just expressed his anger to Liu Jun appropriately, so that Liu Jun can feel the closeness and loyalty of his own people, although everyone is the most hardcore standing committee member of the Liu family. The weight is still slightly different, so the performance is also different. Shi Zhong has already been recognized by Liu Jun. Although he did not compete for the county magistrate, Liu Jun also won him a more favorable position and progressed to the third in command of the county party committee. From him, he must be the strongest contender for the county magistrate and even the county party secretary. Obviously, the arrangement of the deputy party secretary means that he has become Liu Jun's successor in Ningbei County!Therefore, he had to show Liu Jun too superficial loyalty, and more importantly, he needed to show the demeanor of a leader. If he was as angry as Qiu Yuanchao, he would inevitably be left behind. As soon as Liu Jun went to work, he rushed to the secretary immediately. The office has already shown his loyalty. Let's talk about what's going on?Everyone ate a few candies and listened to Liu Jun talking about the European style for a while. Then Liu Jun took out his cigarette and smoked it around and asked calmly, old man, you should report to the secretary!Shi Zhong said to Qiu Yuanchao, with a single word, the seriousness of the current situation has been dispatched to the point where political and legal agencies have been secretly involved. Well, the good thing is that Mao Ai first cited it!Speaking of Mao Aixian, Qiu Yuanchao’s anger that had just calmed down a little bit broke out again, and his tone became very unbalanced. After the secretary Mao Aixian recovered from his injury, Datang Town made a decision to expel him from his office. Mei Wenhua should have reported this to you... Liu Jun nodded. The decision of Datang Town was made shortly before Liu Junji’s marriage. Wenhua meant that a black sheep like Mao Aixian must be dealt with seriously before he can convince everyone. Liu Jun understood Mei Wenhua’s thoughts in the world. The cadres have been willing to fight among themselves for many years, and they have been divided into many large and small hilltops. When Liu Jun first arrived in Ningbei County, the situation he encountered was similar, so Liu Jun agreed to Mei Wenhua's treatment of Mao Aixian. Giving Ermao Aixian is hateful, after all, he is only a small cadre at the lowest level, and he has a taste that has been experienced by generations, so that people can't live without killing him with a stick!If it wasn't for Mao Aixian's rude attitude that almost killed someone, Liu Jun still felt a little sympathetic to him. Not going to the city or the province to file a report directly to the Central Committee Liu Jun frowned slightly when he heard this, Ermao Aixian and Shaoping had both met once in the hospital in Datang Town Mao Aixian gave Liu Jun the first It's not good at first glance, his face is very fierce, he is the kind of cruel person, if not so, he would have no mercy for a widow, but he is still relatively regular in front of the county party secretary, and even shows a certain degree of fear. His wife, Shao Ping, is Not a fuel-efficient lamp. He said a lot of harsh words in front of Liu Jun, with a posture that no one can mess with. Now it really broke out. The secretary said that such a problem shouldn't be handled like this, right?The party has organizational discipline, first-level management, and a small township in Ningbei County. It’s already an excuse not to ask the county to solve such a trivial matter. Now even the city and province skip it and report directly to the central government. It is appropriate to understand the situation first. Shi Zhong put forward his own opinion. Er Liu Jun said with a faint smile, "According to what the Secretary of Yuanchao said, it seems that the organization did not intervene in this matter. It was some media reporters who came to interview the news!"Shi Zhong said that this is even more wrong. The organizers have not yet expressed their opinions. What are these media reporters doing?He still has an old-fashioned way of thinking that the news media should obey the management of the organization and promote more positive news to the workers. How could they rush down to do some interviews? Isn't this intentional to discredit the workers in Ningbei County?Liu Jun smiled and said that press freedom is important now. The media and reporters' ideas are also changing. Secretary of Aid Korea, you mean that Mao Aixian and Shao Ping went directly to petition?I didn’t go through the city and the province, it seemed like this, um, I seemed to have gone to the Provincial Party Committee’s Letters and Calls Office, I submitted a complaint, and there was nothing left, and then I went directly to Dudian.Liu Jun said calmly with a faint smile on the same day, but Shi Chong, Qiu Yuanchao and Pan Zhiren were both stunned, as if they had caught a vague message in Liu Jun's words, but they were not sure what Secretary Liu was going to express. What do you mean? How many media reporters have come to the Secretary of Aid Korea?Qiu Yuanchao pointed his finger at him and listed them one by one. The reporters from four media outlets are all national media with great influence. What is especially surprising is that Liu Jun, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, leaned back. The two fingers in the middle of the food stretched out from the chair and slowly tapped on the table


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