The two soldiers from Guangqi and Qi came to the Zhongbeiju, and the committee compound was shocked by the whole catty

Ningbei County is really promising, even Boss Hong was alarmed.

Time gossip seems to have grown wings.Fly in all directions.Some people even speculate.Who will be the next secretary of the county party committee in Ningbei County?It seems that no one can keep Xiao Liu this time!

Naturally, those who guessed like this were people who didn't know much about the real rules of officialdom.To put it bluntly, there is still some "dramatic complex" in it.General Qi Jun Zhu Li and others will be regarded as "eight government patrols".

Liu Jun couldn't hear these inexplicable rumors. [

"Yu Si, Ling Chu, Gong Chu, you three should listen to the relevant reports from the county party committee and the county government first, or go to the grassroots to find out the situation."

In the county party secretary's office, Liu Jun asked calmly.

Yu Qijun was slightly surprised by Liu Jun's calmness.This person's performance was too calm, not at all like a 26-year-old young man.To be honest, many levels are far higher than Liu Jun.Officials older than Liu Jun have never been so calm in front of him.

Being able to be assigned by Boss Hong to investigate the problem, Yu Qijun's weight in Hong Jizong's mind is self-evident.

People who are in the sky, one sentence can often determine the future of an official!

"Secretary Liu, I think we should go to Xiuxi Village to find out the situation first. The county government's report on the situation will be postponed for a while. What do you think?"

Yu Qijun was very polite and took the word of mouth to discuss.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Of course, he will execute what Yu Si instructs."

Yu Qijun smiled and waved his hands: "Secretary Liu is too polite to say that, let's go and find out the situation, and instructions are nothing to talk about."

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Then, let's go to Xiuxi Village now!"

"it is good!"

As soon as Yu Qijun and the other three arrived, all members of the county party committee were nervously preparing, as usual.The superior leaders usually listen to the reports of the team members, and this is a rare opportunity.Being able to show his face in front of Boss Hong's secretary and say a few words is not something that just happens to anyone.

Unexpectedly, in the secretary's office, the benches were not warm.I hurried to Xiuxi Village, and taught everyone to be busy for a while.This matter was weird, Liu Jun was with him from the beginning to the end, and he didn't call any other comrades in the office.

On the road, the road was very smooth, Yu Qijun and Ling Ya exchanged glances with each other again.

Only make the main road wide and flat.Maybe just for show.Let's go further to the question of "government philosophy", but the rural roads are so well built, it is definitely not just a show or a concept, this is a hard-fought ticket.Yu Qijun had been following Mr. Hong before.I have also served as a magistrate of the ruling party, so I know the situation here very well.

And looking at the condition of the roads, they are all newly built cement roads or paved asphalt roads, which should have been built within a year or two.

Yu Qijun couldn't help but took out a piece of resume from his purse to read.

No doubt, this is Liu Jun's resume.

It is clearly recorded on it that Liu Jun became the county magistrate two years ago, and served as the secretary of the county party committee last year. [

In other words, these roads were basically renovated during Liu Jun's tenure!

"Where did the money come from?"

Yu Qijun said something to himself.

Ling Ya smiled and said: "It seems that the young secretary of the county party committee is not easy!"

Yu Qijun nodded, then frowned.Said: "Building roads is certainly a good thing, but if the money is collected from the masses and apportioned, it is not good. It will cost a lot to build such a road!"

Ling Ya smiled and said, "You used to be a parent officer. You know more about this than I do."

Yu Qijun also laughed.Said: "Praise me or hurt me?"

"What do you say?"

Ling Ya said with a smile.

Yu Qijun smiled slightly and remained silent.

Liu Jun led Qi Jun and others directly to Xiuxi Village instead of Datang Town.

Arrived at Xiuxi Village, near the middle of the sheep, the weather was already hot, in the fields and on the road.The population is relatively sparse.Liu Jun didn't stop to discuss with Yu Qijun this time, and told Wang Ya to drive the car directly to the door of Song Yueyue's house.

"Yeah, yes, Secretary Liu,"

Song Yueyue was choosing vegetables in front of her house when she was taken aback by the car that suddenly drove up in front of her.When he saw Liu Jun coming down from the car, he couldn't help being very surprised, rubbing his eyes in disbelief, and then he was sure that Secretary Liu had come in person.

"Secretary Liu, why are you here? Come on, please come in and sit down." Several cadres, please come in, the sun is poisonous outside

Song Yueyue hurriedly greeted everyone.

Entering the house, the room was tidy.Although there is no decent furniture, it is neat and orderly, not messy.It can be seen that Song Yueyue is a shrewd person and also a strong person.

Ling Ya looked at this simple farmhouse curiously.

She is an educated woman born in a big city, gentle and elegant, and has rarely been to the countryside.This time, he went to Ningbei County together with Yu Qijun to investigate the situation.It means to increase experience, and really investigate the protagonist.Naturally, it was Yu Qijun.

"Secretary Liu, have you come to the village to guide the work again today?"

Song Yueyue asked with a smile while busy serving tea.

"It's not to guide the work, hehe, Sister Song, these are cadres sent by the central government, and I want to ask you to understand the situation." [

Liu Jun smiled and pointed at Yu Qijun and the others.

"Song Yueyue shivered, poured some tea out, and looked at Yu Qijun and the others in amazement, her eyes full of awe. From what she thought, Secretary Liu of the County Party Committee was a very powerful official. The supreme ruler of the Central Committee! The size of the cadres from the central government was completely beyond her imagination. She suddenly became extremely cautious. Standing there at a loss, she didn't even dare to bring tea.

Yu Qijun immediately smiled and said: "Sister Song, don't be nervous, we are here to understand the situation, please sit down!"

"Hey must

Song Yueyue just came back to her senses, put the tea on the table with trembling hands, wiped her hands vigorously on her body, and slowly sat aside, looking at Yu Qijun nervously. The big cadre wants to find out what's going on with her, a country woman.

Yu Qijun glanced at Liu Jun.

Liu Jun nodded slightly, and said to Song Yueyue: "Sister Song, these cadres from the Central Bureau want to ask you to know that on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month last year, the town cadres came to Xiuxi Village to collect funds. If there is any conflict with you, please report to me truthfully They reflect, seek truth from facts, don’t hide anything, okay? I’m going out now!”

After finishing, Liu Jun stood up and went out, Pan Zhiren naturally followed closely, and Gong Dacheng also followed, leaving Yu Qijun, Ling Ya and Song Yueyue in the room.

Outside, Junzi Liu stretched his waist and looked towards the green hills in the distance.

Gong Dacheng stood beside him without saying a word.

"Zhiren, have you seen that the altitude here is relatively high, the air is fresh, and the pastures on the mountain are relatively rich, which is suitable for the development of aquaculture."

Liu Jun gazed into the distance, and said to Pan Zhiren beside him.

Pan Zhiren nodded with a smile: "There may be some difficulties in the development of a large-scale breeding industry, but the family breeding industry is definitely possible. According to Mei Wenhua, after the establishment of the large livestock trading farm in Datang Town, the business is booming. Even in Hanhu City, many bosses came to buy cattle, pigs, and goats, and the farmers’ hands gradually began to become active.”

"Well, Mei Wenhua is relatively quick in handling things. He doesn't procrastinate." However, it is not enough to rely on a large livestock trading market. Datang Town has a population of nearly 5.To drive the development of the whole town, there must be other industries to support it.

"Mei Wenhua is playing with Xinle Company again."

Pan Zhiren laughed.

Xinle Company's new products have been launched this year, and the sales momentum is very good. Since it has filled the blank area of ​​domestic mid-range fruit juice drinks, the market outlook is very promising.Ready to expand the production line.When Mei Wenhua was the secretary in Wuliqiao Town, he built a thousand-acre orchard, but now he is transferred to Datang Town.This remote and poor town plans to build an orchard here.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "This guy is a tiger. When he sees meat, he wants to take a bite."

While talking, a villager saw Liu Jun and couldn't help shouting in surprise: "Secretary Liu" is Secretary Liu.

Not long after, party secretary Song Changyuan and several villagers rushed over after hearing the news, and they all stretched out their hands with a smile.

"Secretary Liu, you are here again, why didn't you say hello to us?" Hehe, I came to see Song Yueyue.

Song Changyuan held Liu Jun's hand, really affectionate.A group of villagers looked at Liu Jun.Smile without shrugging.

This young secretary of the county party committee means what he says.Not only fulfilled all the IOUs in the village.After the beginning of spring, I also visited Xiuxi Village twice to have discussions with the villagers to discuss the future development of Xiuxi Village, and to solve some urgently needed agricultural materials, which is well-known in Xiuxi Village.These simple villagers naturally became very close to him.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Changyuan party secretary, some cadres from the central government are looking for Sister Song to learn about the situation on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month last year. It's not good to bother me now."

"What? A cadre from the central government?"

Song Changyuan was taken aback.

In the past few days, group after group of reporters came to the village, all of them came, repeatedly asked about the incident last year, and asked about the situation of IOUs. Song Changyuan and the others were a little bored.It's just that it's not easy to attack because of the big sign above people's heads.Now even the cadres of the central government have come to understand these situations.

"Secretary Liu, what the hell is going on? I heard that someone wants to punish your black material." This is not acceptable, we will definitely not agree! "

Song Changyuan was a little anxious.

"Yes, Secretary Liu, we are determined not to agree!"

Some villagers followed suit.

They are not only grateful to Liu Jun now, but regard Liu Jun as a bosom friend.

Liu Jun said with a smile: "Chang Yuan Party Secretary, it doesn't matter. The cadres from the central government will definitely seek truth from facts!"

"That's good." Otherwise, we will go to the province and the central government to report the situation for you. "I still don't believe it. A bad cadre like Mao Aixian can turn the world upside down!"

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