Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 688 Boss Hong wants to see Liu Jun

How Mengying said,.The province's counterattack is just the beginning, and it's nothing to win a small mountain.Even if other characters were involved from that hill, Hu Xizai would be shaken.Compared with the huge storm that He Mengying set off in the province, the counterattack controlled by Liu Jun really seemed "petty".

In a province that was originally very peaceful, the news that the deputy governor in charge of construction, the director of the construction department, and a large group of related officials were involved in power-money transactions suddenly broke out.

As a large economic province, Tuo Province is at the forefront of reform and opening up, and many policy-related things are often tested there.For example, the housing reform policy released just two years ago, as well as the policy on economical housing and low-rent housing, were the province's first attempts.It is said that very impressive achievements have been made, which is a banner set up by the Ministry of Construction. Minister Gao has visited the province several times to investigate and investigate, and expressed his deep appreciation for the achievements made by the province in housing reform, and made several important speeches, Cheer up local officials in the province.

Although Minister Gao is an official of a ministry, his power is relatively hidden.However, as the leader of the second generation of the Gao family, what he said in public often represented the meaning of the Gao family and even the entire faction.

The province's successful attempt in the housing reform policy is suspected to be one of Minister Gao's achievements. [

With the success of the province, Minister Gao will be able to gradually spread this matter throughout the country, thus gaining a huge reputation for himself.Therefore, the cadres in this area are all cronies of the Gao family.

But now, there is a big problem.

Especially in the area of ​​economic housing, the national and local governments have invested a lot of money. In fact, economic housing has fallen into the hands of many powerful people, and then resell it in disguise, earning a huge price difference from it.

It is precisely because this matter is very sensitive and involves the interests of all sides, so once it was revealed, the shock it caused was unprecedented.Although it is still under investigation, it is not known how big a "black hole" is hidden inside, but one thing is certain.

The red flag that Minister Gao worked so hard to set up just fell like this!

The seriousness of the matter does not stop there.

Minister Gao has made several speeches in which he supported these officials in a high-profile manner.Now that they have fallen one after another, although they are specific, "bad things" will not involve Minister Gao's "knowledge of people and unknown" comments, but they will not be dropped no matter what.

As a leader, such flaws are indeed very serious.

How do you become a leader if you don't know people well and employ people improperly?

I have to say, He Mengying's move is ruthless enough!

Huaxing Real Estate has now become a well-known large-scale real estate company in several southern provinces and even the whole country. It is not difficult to find out the inside story of the economic housing construction.With the capital power that He Mengying and Liang Qiao now hold in their hands, it is not difficult to find evidence to bring down these officials.

The embarrassment is whether this evidence should be thrown out.

Under normal circumstances, no one would cause trouble if they knew that the opponent was a giant like Minister Gao behind them.

To deal with a behemoth, the one who can deal with a behemoth can only be another behemoth.

Unfortunately, He Changzheng and even the old He family are such giants.

He Mengying said on the phone that Commander He was personally in charge, and Liu Jun was a little moved.

Originally, the old He family had to be involved in this game.He Changzheng was promoted to admiral not long ago, and it was obvious that the top military leaders would make big moves. The He family's attention should be focused on the army.Suddenly intervening in the struggle between the Gao family and Yan Yucheng and Liu Jincai's faction at this time must bear certain risks.

Perhaps there is something hidden in this, and the He family also wants to gain some benefits through this shot.But this is not what Liu Jun or He Mengying can understand.

"If you want to make a fuss, make it louder, that's the fun!" He Mengying said heartlessly, her tone was very relaxed. [

Liu Jun then had some headaches.

Miss He is getting older, but her mentality is getting younger and younger.This big game involving the wealth and future of several people, from her mouth, the four words are so relaxed and fun!

"Okay, go and play, don't disturb my sleep!" Liu Jun had no choice but to say to Miss He reluctantly.

"X hee hee, you have to take it easy, Yan Feici doll-like little girl, don't be too cruel!" Liu Henei's head suddenly became dizzy, and he immediately hung up the phone!

But Secretary Liu couldn't get clean.As soon as she hung up Miss He's "nonsense" phone call, the ear-piercing ringtone immediately rang again.Liu Yanei sighed and had to press the answer button again.

Miss He is so naughty, when she can't sleep, she will keep calling to "harass" him.

Most of the time, Liu Jun is in a good mood, after all, he also loves He Mengying deeply in his heart.

"What's the matter? Let me tell you, if you talk nonsense again, I will really teach you!" Liu Jun said angrily.

"Huh? Why did you teach me? Don't tell me you already know?" A surprised male voice came from the phone.

Liu Jun immediately sat up, sweat profusely profusely, a cinnabar tinge appeared on his very thick skin.

But it turned out that the person he "rebuked" was Comrade Ye Qingchuan, Deputy Director of the Monetary Policy Department of the Central Bank.

"Yin Si, how could it be you?" Liu Jun said with shame.

"Then who do you think? Oh, I see, you're talking to Mengying!" Qiu Qingchuan laughed out loud.The relationship between Qiu Qingchuan and Wenwen has undergone a qualitative change since the last time I was "unfair" at the Chanel store. They have become very close. They often talk on the phone and discuss some economic issues. .

This person must be regarded as a character who must be smart, but from one or two sentences on Liu Jun's phone, it can be determined that he is talking to He Mengying.Secretary Liu didn't feel "ashamed" about this matter, he just smiled and muddled through it.

"Liu Jun, let me tell you something. I wrote an article, and it was published on the Economic Daily, the headline on the front page!"

Qiu Qingchuan said.

Liu Jun didn't care either.As Qiu Qingchuan, it is not too difficult to write an article for the Economic Daily.He is one of the core members of the central bank's monetary policy formulation, and it is his duty to publish articles in the "Economic Daily".

Of course, the headlines on the front page are a bit conspicuous, and it is estimated that the signature of Vice Premier Li Deshan is mainly effective.

An ordinary deputy director general of the central bank would not be able to get this position.

"What was written?"

Liu Jun asked casually.

The relationship between the two of them has reached the point of needing false politeness and saying "congratulations". [

For Qiu Qingchuan's opinions in the economic field, Liu Jun still pays more attention to it, and Ye Qingchuan's inner show has something in her stomach.This is one of the reasons why they became close friends.

"Some Thoughts on Macro-control in the Economic Field"

Qiu Qing said after deliberating her words.

"It's the theory you told the thread last time, when you let it go, it turns on, when you turn it on, it gets hot, when it's hot, you grab it, and when you grab it, you die."

Liu Jun said with a smile: "Qing" don't put a high hat on me indiscriminately, how did my jingle become a theory? "

Qiu Qingchuan smiled and did not refute.

These words were said by Liu Jun after drinking with Ye Qingchuan at the Great Wall Club on the night of shopping to avoid pursuit.At that time, Qiu Qingchuan was about to "investigate deeply", but Liu Jun used drinking as an excuse.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Qingchuan remembered it firmly, and not long after, she called Liu Jun to discuss it in detail.

This time, Secretary Liu naturally didn't hold back, and explained his point of view to him very carefully.Among them, many sutras from previous lives are combined.

The domestic economy has indeed never gotten out of this vicious circle.

Liu Jun's "theory" aroused Ye Qingchuan's strong interest, and she has been studying this issue carefully for several months.Now it has finally reached maturity, and it has been written into a professional article and sent to the "Economic Daily".


Liu Jun suddenly said something polite.

There is also a reason for this.

"Economic Daily" is not an ordinary academic publication, and it does not focus on discussing economic issues. As a national authoritative newspaper, putting Ye Qingpu's article on the headlines of the front page often means that this is the central bank's macroeconomic policy. New policy of regulation.At least it also represents a direction.And such an article must be reviewed by the top person in charge of the central bank.

The current governor of the central bank is concurrently held by Boss Hong.

There is no doubt that Ye Qingpu's article has been reviewed by Boss Hong, that is to say, Qiu Qingchuan has officially been approved by Boss Hong.This is of great significance to Qiu Qingpu, a young red third generation with a strong background.

Liu Jun clearly knew that in the next few years, Boss Hong would be at the helm of the domestic economic field.Qiu Qingchuan got Boss Hong's approval, and her status in the central bank will be improved just around the corner.

"Hehe, congratulations to you too!"

Qiu Qingchuan suddenly said such a sentence, which greatly surprised Liu Jun.

"Don't be funny, I have nothing to congratulate, you don't know that I am struggling to do work right now, and you are more comfortable in the big yamen!"

"Congratulations! Because the authors of this article are two people, Ye Qingchuan and Liu Jun!"

Qiu Qingchuan said slowly on the phone.

"What did you say?"

Liu Jun suddenly fainted.

"I said, the author of this article, I wrote the names of two people, me and you!"

Qiu Qingchuan said again.

Liu Jun gave a wry smile and said, "Qingchuan, you've confused me!" There's nothing to be confused about.The core of this article comes from your experience, I just did some processing.In fact, it is using your thoughts.It stands to reason that your name should be listed in front of me, but now it is reversed, it is already borrowed! "

Qiu Qingchuan's tone was very calm.

"Brother, you are a senior cadre of the central bank. It is only natural for you to write such a programmatic article in the economic field. I am just a local official, attached to the tail of a mule, and I am suspected of asking for credit!"

Liu Jun said with a wry smile, but he was also extremely grateful to Qiu Qingchuan for his love and righteousness.

"It's nothing, it's an extraordinary time, the merits that should be invited, you can be invited, and you can't just be polite!"

Next, what Ye Qingchuan said surprised Liu Jun again.

Qiu Qingchuan said: "You have to be mentally prepared, Boss Hong may want to see you!"

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