In September, all schools reopened as scheduled.Although there is a secret agreement with Mr. Xie, the new semester has only just started, so we can't meet each other without having a fight.This third grade of elementary school is no different for me.But Dad had to hide his face somewhat.It's not good to let people point their backs and say that this little dude who refuses to go to school all day is the son of Director Liu of the County Revolutionary Committee.

Before school started, my dad had a serious discussion with me once, asking me if I want to skip a grade, go directly to the fourth grade, and go to junior high school next year.I thought about it but didn't agree.The so-called when to go to junior high school and when to go to high school is a question of student status.At that time, there was no such thing as social youth taking college entrance exams.When I get a few years older, it looks almost the same. After a year of high school, I can directly enter the university.What I was thinking about was that the brick factory had just opened, and the Limin maintenance department couldn't completely let go. It would be more free to stay in Mr. Xie's class.If the head teacher is changed, is it possible to have "Chen Qing Biao" again?This kind of pretentious thing has been done too much, and the taste is not good.Besides, Teacher Xie is my dad's classmate, so he can go to my house to discuss with my dad about letting me skip class without any scruples. Other class teachers may not have the courage.Maybe in order to live up to the "trust" of Director Liu, he strictly guarded me, but it would be miserable.

Dad saw that I disagreed, so he didn't force it.

Yan Yucheng treats me seriously, he is my old man, so it makes sense that he should trust me more than outsiders.

Therefore, I occasionally show up in the classroom of Class [-], Grade [-], Minzhu Primary School.It's just that, including Mr. Xie, no one knows that this little guy who binge-watched "War and Peace" in class is actually a first-class "big rich man" in Xiangyang County. [

Facts have proved that it is very wise to choose Liu Zhaoyu to be in charge of the brick factory.The next day after agreeing with me, I couldn't wait to pull the brick making machine back to Liujiashan.Everyone in the village came to watch the excitement.Hearing Liu Zhaoyu say that the square-headed and square-brained iron lump can eat clay and spit out bricks without mixing mud, he shook his head in disbelief.Since ancient times, adobes have been made with mud, and a big buffalo is brought in, and the mud is "waxy", so that the adobes made are strong and will not fall apart after being fired in the kiln.

Can this iron lump really have that ability?

Liu Zhaoyu had never used a brick making machine before, so he didn't have any confidence in his mind.Immediately connect the power supply, start the machine, and test it with a few shovels of clay.The result surprised everyone, and really spit out square adobes.

Everyone squeezed it with their hands, and it was flat and firm, not falling apart.

"I don't know what will happen after it is fired in the kiln?"

Everyone is still skeptical.

Uncle Qi is a veteran brick maker in Liujiashan. He picked up a piece of adobe and broke it to examine it carefully. He nodded and said, "It's very sticky. It can be fired in a kiln. It should be fine."

With Uncle Qi's words, Liu Zhaoyu's confidence greatly increased.Uncle Qi is not only good at making bricks, but also easy to talk nonsense.He said yes, so it's more or less the same.

There will be more things to do next, a few people need to be arranged to dig the soil, a few people to stack the billets, a few people to buy carbon to make carbon cakes (in brick kilns, bricks and carbon cakes are usually arranged like flower arrangements, like a sandwich), and people to hoop the kiln .

The work of hoop kiln must naturally be handed over to Uncle Qi, and he can't rest assured that it is handed over to others.This is the most critical step in red brick firing.If the fire is not well controlled, all the burnt products will be waste products.

When Liu Zhaoyu was assigning people, Uncle Wu came to the scene and just stood there without saying a word, but it worked.Some of the green-skinned juniors were still a little bit disobedient to Liu Zhaoyu's orders, but when they saw the stern-faced Uncle Wu, they all became honest.

In Liujiashan, Uncle Wu is the embodiment of power!

Everyone can rest assured that since Liu Zhishu is present, it means that he agrees to do this matter.You don't have to worry about not getting paid.

In less than two hours, everything was properly distributed, the machine was running rumblingly, pieces of smooth adobes were spit out from the brick making machine, and Liu Zhaoyu yelled at everyone to stack the adobes.

The entire Liujia Mountain resounded.

If Liujiashan's brick factory is compared to a company, I am the boss behind the scenes, Liu Zhaoyu is the general manager, and Qibo is the technical director.This is a very good combination, but the boss is too young, so young that even the general manager Liu Zhaoyu doesn't know that the big boss is his smallest family brother.

It was the first time to take on the "heavy task" and received a high salary of [-] yuan, Liu Zhaoyu was very caring.In front of the first brick hoop kiln, I made a special trip to the street to find me.

"Xiaojun, the kiln is about to start, do you want to tell the boss?"

I froze for a moment, and then realized that the boss he was talking about was the fabricated "friend" I was talking about. [

"So fast?"

"Of course. The machine can produce blanks very quickly. It can produce 6000 yuan a day, which is enough for a kiln in a few days."

I asked with great interest: "Who is the master of the hoop kiln?"

"Uncle Seven."

I feel relieved when I hear it.In my previous life, I knew that Uncle Qi was an old-fashioned way of burning bricks, and he still managed this business until I went to college.

"How did you pay Uncle Qi?"

"It's the same as the people who loosen the adobe, one yuan a day."

One dollar a day!

Although it has been two years since I traveled back, my thinking still stays in the 21st century.Hearing this kind of wages, I couldn't help being slightly dazed.

"Brother Zhaoyu, Uncle Qi is a technician, and his wages cannot be the same as others. In my opinion, give him one yuan and fifty cents a day."


Brother Zhaoyu agreed without hesitation, but then hesitated.

"Well, do you want to talk to the boss? Or, he thinks I'm wasting his money."

"It's okay. My friend is a busy man. I just tell him if I need anything. From now on, you can talk to me directly about the brick factory, and you don't need to talk to him."

I lied casually without even turning red.

Liu Zhaoyu was skeptical, seeing that my tone was firm, even though he was a child, he had an awe-inspiring aura.Immediately nodded in agreement.

"Brother Zhaoyu, my eldest brother, uh, Liu Zhaoshi, have you arranged for him to do something?"

"Well, not really... What can his body do?"

Liu Zhaoyu scratched her scalp, feeling a little embarrassed.This is the truth, the matter of the brick factory, the eldest brother really can't do it.Of course, this is also because Liu Zhaoyu didn't know that I was the boss behind the brick factory. If he knew, he would give his elder brother a job anyway, even if it was just for a job.My first cousin, it makes sense for me to take care of him.

I thought about it and said, "Then after you go back, ask him to come to my place tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and you will come with me."

Liu Zhaoyu was slightly taken aback: "Come with him, what do you want?"

I was a little displeased immediately, and said lightly: "Yes." [

It's not that I'm really angry, but this airs must be put on display.The brick factory not only invested all my belongings, but also advanced the income for the next few months.I can't watch it myself, and I can't let others know that I am the boss.All entrusted to Liu Zhaoyu, even though he is his own brother, he still has to establish an individual system.If this distinction between primary and secondary is mistaken, it will be very inconvenient.

This is similar to entrusting "professional managers" to manage company affairs that will be popular in the future.

Seeing my displeasure, Liu Zhaoyu was vigilant and even a little nervous, so she nodded hurriedly.

"Hurry up early, it's not easy to do things late."


Liu Zhaoyu agreed and was about to rush home.

I smiled: "Brother Zhaoyu, you have worked hard these days. Since you are here, you have to finish your meal before going back... Qiaoer, let me add another dish for lunch today...Brother Zhaoyu, what do you like to eat?"

Liu Zhaoyu smiled honestly: "I don't want to eat, there are too many things to do, and I can't eat well."

"Neither busy nor busy, you need to know how to work and how to live. Let's use twice-cooked pork... Qiaoer, stir-fry twice-cooked pork and make it fatter."


Liang Qiao happily agreed.

Seeing that I was young and commanded with certainty, Liu Zhaoyu secretly sighed, and dared not ignore me.

Seeing my eldest brother Liu Zhaoshi's slouch, I was a little angry.Liu Zhaoyu was very lively, he was a young man under 20 years old, he was in a daze all day long, and he couldn't keep up his spirits.I don't know if it's appropriate to entrust him with such an important matter.It's just that they have come, and they can no longer retreat.

"Can you ride a bicycle?"

I asked my eldest brother, his tone was a little cold.

Last night Liu Zhaoyu came to ask him to go to the county together with a red face. The elder brother asked Liu Zhaoyu several times, but Liu Zhaoyu couldn't tell what was going on.The eldest brother couldn't sleep, and didn't know what I asked him to do.He is the kind of person who has never seen the world seriously. He usually messes around in the brigade, and he was a little timid when he was in the county.


The eldest brother responded with a lack of confidence.

I was not surprised.Unexpectedly, my eldest brother learned to ride a bicycle. At that time, the bicycle was as expensive as the car in the future, and I don't know who he learned from.

"Brother Zhaoyu, what about you?"

"Of course I will, Zhaoshi is from my church."

I suddenly realized.

"Well, let's go to Daping Commune. You guys ride, brother Zhaoyu will take me."

"To Daping Commune?"

"Yes, a thermal power plant. We sell our bricks to them after we burn them. We have to find the way first."

Although the construction company of the thermal power plant is a construction company in the province, the county can't intervene.After all, it was on the territory of Daping Commune, so I asked Jiang Youxin to call my acquaintances in Daping Commune in advance.If you can't get involved in serious business, it's always possible to make an introduction.Otherwise, he ran over in a daze and didn't even know who to look for, for fear of making a joke.

Manager Sun of Wujiaohua Company got me those two second-hand Yongjiu bicycles.The 50-size truck is broken, but it can still be used after repairing it. It only costs [-] yuan to transfer it from others.

In the future, Liu Zhaoyu will keep in touch with me, and there will be no means of transportation to go back and forth.At that time, the bus could not be counted on, it only came once a day, and pigeons were often released.

From Liujiashan to the county seat for more than [-] miles, it takes about an hour to ride a bicycle.

And the other bicycle is intended for the elder brother.I want him to be in charge of red brick sales.Although this matter is not easy, it is much better than loose soil code hoop kiln.Telling him to go out and run often is also suitable for his temperament.

It is more than [-] miles from the county seat to Daping Commune, which happens to be an equilateral triangle with Liujiashan.But the road is easier to walk. It is already autumn and the sun is not too harsh. We arrived at Daping Commune just after eleven o'clock.Liu Zhaoyu led me along the way, he is far stronger than my elder brother.When he rode to Daping Commune, Liu Zhaoyu still had enough energy, but his eldest brother was a little exhausted.

With the experience of "riding" my dad's bicycle last time, this time I became more careful and asked Liang Qiao to install a cotton cushion on the back seat for me, otherwise I would have to rub my butt after driving for more than [-] miles. Unbreakable.

Jiang Youxin introduced Tong Shanxing, a civil affairs assistant from Daping Commune, who was a little older than Jiang Youxin, but a solid young man.

"Hello, hello, you are Secretary Jiang's friend Liu Zhaoyu, right? I'm Tong Shanxing."

Tong Shanxing shook Liu Zhaoyu's hand again and again, very politely.I don't know what the relationship between Jiang Youxin and him is, but it is expected that Director Liu's signboard should be very useful in the small Daping Commune.

On the way here, I made an agreement with Liu Zhaoyu, let him take the lead, not to mention Director Liu's nephew, let alone bring me to the front desk.

Liu Zhaoyu was indeed shrewd and capable, and he was very good at social occasions. After a few words of pleasantries, he stuffed a bag of big front doors into Tong Shanxing's pocket.In contrast, the eldest brother was a bit dumb, unable to get on the stage, and just stood aside with a smirk.

"These are my two cousins."

Although I had orders, Liu Zhaoyu gave a brief introduction.

The eldest brother is still a young man with green skin, and I am even a child. Tong Shanxing didn't care much, and nodded his head as a greeting.

"I heard from Secretary Jiang that the Liujiashan brigade has set up a brick factory?"

"Hey, we're just getting started, and we need a lot of support from Tong cadres."

Tong Shanxing smiled reservedly: "What can I, a little assistant, do to help? I just want to introduce you."

Liu Zhaoyu smiled and said, "Cadr Tong is being modest. This is the land of Daping Commune, who dare not give you face?"

"Brother Liu has given me a lot of face. It's just a coincidence that I know the purchaser of the provincial construction company. It's hard to say whether he will give face or not."

"Look at what you said, this kind of trivial matter, isn't it just a matter of Tong Cadre's words?"

"I dare not say that."

Tong Shanxing waved his hands again and again.But judging by his contented demeanor, he might be more familiar with other buyers.

Dai Sheng, a buyer in the project department of the Daping Power Plant of the Provincial Construction Company, is in his thirties, with a fat head and big ears, and he is arrogant, and he speaks in an official accent.It seems that no matter when, as long as he is a guy who holds financial power in his hands, he always has this virtue.

Liu Zhaoyu had 50 yuan of activity funds from me in her bag, and she was very confident.He didn't say much at the moment, pulled Dai Sheng and Tong Shanxing and sat down in the only restaurant in Daping Commune. The big fish and big meat were called up, and two bottles of Zhuyeqing were served, and they ate heartily.

"Red bricks, no problem, as long as the quality is good, I'll take as many as you want...uh...Xiao Liu, you are also a very upright person, I will make you my friend...uh...everywhere is a brick Three cents and eight cents, I'll give you four cents...uh...every month, cash on hand, never in arrears..."

Dai Sheng was drunk, hiccupped, patted Liu Zhaoyu's shoulder, and agreed.

I smiled slightly, the drink was a good deal.One brick is two per cent more, 5000 yuan a day is ten yuan, and 300 yuan a month.How much does a drink cost?

As for the benefits for Lao Dai when paying the bill every month, that is also the meaning of the question, needless to say.

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