Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 699 Resolute Struggle

Pi Xiangmei gritted her teeth at Xinjia)

It's this sentence again!

Liu Jun now has less and less the mentality of a 26-year-old young man, without the slightest agitation, and is abnormally calm.No matter how "formidable" the challenges people challenged him on the surface, they seldom responded positively.

The phrase "what do other comrades think" highlights the advantages of the top leader.

Liu Jun must respond to her directly! [

At the Standing Committee meeting, the cadres of the Liu faction were all in agreement. When, who should come forward, and what kind of language to speak, were clearly assigned, as if they had practiced several times, and they were very familiar.

Facing such a "combat unit" plus Liu Jun's status as a yamen and his prestige in the sky, he has actually become a "worker existence" in Ningbei County.

The other members of the Standing Committee consciously shrouded themselves under Liu Jun's halo and did not engage in so-called fights.

It's not in the same level of work at all, what's the fight?

Just making yourself uncomfortable!

So everyone was very puzzled by Lu Xiangmei's actions.

You got your wish and became the county magistrate, why don't you just stop?What's the benefit of wrestling with Liu Jun?

To say that not long ago, when Fei Dang and a group of reporters from the central media came to Ningbei County to make a fuss, everyone was indeed a little confused.At that time, the central media put enormous pressure on the little Ningbei County. "The king of crowns is definitely not talking about fun, but actually has a terrible "lethal power".

Some well-informed people also vaguely heard some rumors that there may be big shots behind these reporters.Such an analysis is reasonable, after all, everyone knows that Liu Jun's first teacher, Mr. Zhou Yifei, is the head of the Central Propaganda Department, and he is the boss in charge of the national media.Even he couldn't prevent Fei Qing and others from coming to Ningbei County to look for Liu Jun's "bad luck"...

There was indeed another powerful force intervening.

Although Liu Jun is here.In the province, it is a first-class yamen with arrogance. In the eyes of those big figures in the central government, it is not enough.

So that time, some people couldn't help thinking wildly.

Especially when Yu Qijun and Zhu Li's team arrived in Ningbei County for investigation, this guess was even more confirmed.

If no matter how capable the media reporters are, they can only create a momentum that is unfavorable to Liu Jun, and Yuanfa really shakes Liu Jun's status, then the staff of Prime Minister Hong Cha's office are a real "threat".

Prime Minister Hong, one of the "Seven Giants" is really dissatisfied with Liu Jun, no one will be able to keep him?

Few people know about the invisible forces behind Liu Jun, and everyone can only analyze them through superficial phenomena.

But no one dares to make a fuss, and everyone has to wait for a clear result.

This result does not necessarily mean Liu Jun's resignation. For example, the Commendation List of [-] Outstanding County and Municipal Party Secretaries of the Organization Department of the Central Committee is a good barometer.Liu Jun has already decided by default, if Liu Jun's name is not included in the officially announced list, it will be a clear signal.

Unexpectedly, things never went the way some people hoped! [

According to reports, Liu Jun was personally interviewed by Prime Minister Hong Ti.According to the news from the Provincial Office in Beijing, Vice President Hong talked with Liu Jun for five hours!

Five hours!

It's too personable.

What is the concept of talking face-to-face with the leaders of the highest core of the party and the country for five hours?Xiao... The cadres of Xiaoning North County are completely out of imagination.

But one thing is certain, everything Liu Jun said must have deeply moved Vice Premier Hong.

Otherwise, the chief would chat and break dance with a young man like Liu Jun, right?

Not long after Liu Jun returned from the capital, the Organization Department of the Central Committee officially announced the commendation list of [-] outstanding county and city party secretaries. Liu Jun's name was on the list. A series of achievements achieved by Fuyu Road.This is more simple...

The development of local economy is more convincing.

Vigorously developing the local economy is the premise and foundation for common prosperity.

Only when Ningbei County has strong economic strength can it be possible to talk about the common prosperity of the whole county!

Vigorously developing the economy is just a means, but common prosperity is the goal, a lofty ideal and a goal to pursue!

The layers are completely different.

At this point, everyone has clearly realized that Sizhi Koyanagi is far from being comparable to an ordinary county party secretary, and it will be a matter of time before he reaches a higher level.Not everyone can shake such a young reserve candidate for the senior card department. Now that everyone still has the opportunity to discuss many issues on a relatively equal basis in a conference room, it may not be long before Liu Jun needs to look up.

Such an opportunity should be seized.

Therefore, after Liu Jun returned to Ningbei County, the boundaries of the so-called Liu family cadres have become very blurred in Ningbei County.Basic workers, everyone is a cadre of the Liu family, but the emotional work is divided into relatives and estrangements!

From this point of view, Lu Xiangmei Sizhi really must be regarded as a different kind,,.

remarkably brave!

In fact, Lu Xiangmei herself, why does she want to be this alternative?"

It's just that she knows in her heart that if she doesn't do this "alternative", some people will be very disappointed in her.Unfortunately, none of those people was something she could afford to offend.

Feeling the strange eyes of the members of the Standing Committee, Lu Xiangmei realized that there really is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. To fight for the position of the county magistrate, some pressure must be endured.

Almost all members of the Standing Committee looked at Xiangmei strangely, with only two exceptions.

One is Secretary Liu, who stands on the high tip of the chair, and the other is Cao Chunqiu, the executive deputy county magistrate who has always been quiet and reticent. [

Lu Xiangmei had no choice but to engage in this "sudden sense of power, although there are difficulties, but because of Gao Ming's family Liu Xiang rarely opens books now, even if the guild is held, Lu Xiangmei has no advantage at all in the secretary's office meeting But the secretary's office meeting is closed and the scope is very small. Liu Jun has too many scruples and can directly express his dissatisfaction with Lu Xiangmei. Shi Zhong's words will also become more intense.

It can even be said that Liu Jun wanted to remember that the office worker put on the airs of the top leader and severely criticized Lu Xiangmei, but she could only knock out her teeth and swallow her blood. Even if the city leaders knew about it, they would not think that Liu Jun What Jun did was wrong.

The leader already has this power!

The fact that the party wants a secretary is not a decoration!

But it's different when it comes to the Standing Committee, the county government represented by Lu Xiangmei.The head of the administration put forward the proposal in an upright manner. Everyone can raise their opinions, or vote to reject her proposal. Lu Xiangmei is not ashamed.

But Lu Xiangmei didn't care that a certain motion was rejected.What she needs is to go through this formal process.

Changdu will work, the county magistrate's proposal can't be rejected every time, can it?

If Liu Jun really insisted on her proposal every time and spread the word, what would people say?

No courage, bullying lesbians, disrespecting the administrative power of the government, making a big deal, even if Lu Xiangmei's proposal is really justified every time, Liu Jun can't completely reject her. Of course, Canguo Most of Lu Xiangmei's proposals were rejected, which hurt her even more.

Facts have proved that Lu Xiangmei is immature, and she is reluctant to serve as the county magistrate.

But the lesser of two evils.

Lu Xiangmei wanted to use this method to express her position to those big bosses who secretly supported her, and I did not give in!I am fighting!And I did my best!

From this point of view, it can be said that Lu Xiangmei has truly understood the struggle culture of officialdom."

Officialdom is a place of mutual checks and balances, full of variables, security and balance.There has never been a single person or faction that can dominate a family!

Lu Xiangmei's promotion path was not in the hands of Liu Jun, but in the hands of other people.

Lu Xiangmei just needs to gain the trust and support of those people as always.

Iron-clad camps and flowing soldiers!

Liu Jun can't stay in Ningbei County all his life.

When Liu Jun finally leaves Ningbei one day, Lu Xiangmei's "hard days" will come to an end. Those big bosses who admire her and stand firm will give her what she deserves.

Of course, while Lu Xiangmei "struggled resolutely", she also kept her calm very carefully, never testing Liu Jun's bottom line.Otherwise, it will make Liu Jun anxious, and she may not be able to persist until the day Liu Jun is promoted!

Because Shi Zhong committed a taboo, it is difficult to pose any threat to her position as county magistrate. Now Cao Chunqiu, who has come down with a provincial government secretary next to her, is not eyeing it?

For example, the general direction of this proposal is completely consistent with the intention of the county party committee and Liu Jun.It was Liu Jun who first proposed to reduce the burden on farmers and fully honor the IOUs in farmers' hands.She, Lu Xiangmei, just took a step forward.Moreover, it is also a good way to propose the auction of some state-owned and collective enterprises that have actually gone bankrupt.Wouldn't it be a good move to kill two birds with one stone while not compressing investment in other economic construction projects and cashing out the IOUs in the hands of farmers as soon as possible?

"I think it should be handled according to the county party committee's document. Since the document has been issued, it must be implemented. It can't be changed at will just because of the whim of a certain secretary. In that case, what authority is there for the party committee's red-headed document? "

It goes without saying that it was the organization minister who picked up Zhiguang.

Gai Zhiguang has always been the vanguard of the Liu Clan, and he has a close personal relationship with Shi Zhong, both public and private, so he should come out and say such things.

Lu Xiangmei flushed suddenly with her pretty face.

Zhun Zhiguang is too impolite!

When Lu Xiangmei was the deputy secretary of the party and the masses, she and Jie Zhiguang were very awkward, and it can even be said that they never had a consensus.Now that Lu Xiangmei is stuck with the handle of "sudden attack", how can the old barnyard comrades let it go casually?

"Minister Hun, please pay attention to your wording! This is an official proposal from the county government. How can it be called a whim by some comrades?"

Lu Xiangmei put on a straight face and went mad at Zhun Zhiguang.

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became tense!

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