In the quiet He Family Courtyard, I read two days of laughter and laughter, "Liu Jun, I listened to your speech. It's interesting."

It was He Yanan who said this.

Sitting next to the old man, the sister-in-law of the He family faintly reveals the dignity of a superior person in her elegant demeanor.The head of a province should have this kind of bearing and demeanor.Miss He, Mengying, naturally regained her noble and elegant demeanor of a mature young woman, and stood next to her sister-in-law.Occasionally play a guest role as a waiter.

Liu Jun put his hands on his knees and sat upright, but he was not restrained.

"Auntie praised." [

Liu Jun said with a smile.

"Hehe, Liu Jun, I was a little worried that you were too young to bear such a heavy burden. Now it seems that I was a little overwhelmed." Mr. He smiled very brightly.

This young man, since he appeared in front of him for the first time four years ago, has been very fond of the old man.

As people get older, they become more stubborn.This kind of stubbornness is often reflected in people and things. Once a certain perception is formed, it is not easy to change, regardless of likes or dislikes.

Seeing that Liu Jun is getting more and more promising, Mr. He is quite relieved.

"Grandpa, if someone says that, I will accept it without humility. But you praise me so much. I'm embarrassed." When you were the teacher, you seemed younger than me now, right? "

Liu Jun said with a smile.

He is naturally very clear about the old man's resume.

"Hehe, you little slicker. During the war, can you compare? One of my recruits. He was 17 years old. He was on the battlefield for the first time. After a battle, he became the acting company commander." That battle was tough, One company, there are seven remaining, "

Unknowingly, the old man's thoughts drifted back to the era of war.

He Mengying secretly made a face at Liu Jun.

Naturally, Liu Yanei didn't look sideways, pretending he didn't see it.

Miss He couldn't help feeling depressed.

This guy can really pretend!

"Dad, isn't our country getting stronger and stronger now?"

He Yan'an said with a smile on the side.

"Yeah, it's good to be strong, it's good to be strong, this is the ultimate goal of our revolution with our heads up." But there are always some clowns who refuse to stop."

As the old man said, a bright light appeared in his eyes again.

Everyone knows what the old man is referring to. [

"Dad, is the second brother's matter settled?"

He Yanan asked, as if chatting.

The second brother is of course referring to He Changzheng.He Yan'an actually talked about such an important personnel transfer in front of Liu Jun, it can be seen that in her heart, she did not regard Liu Jun as an outsider at all.

Liu Jun couldn't help being moved again.

"That's settled. It'll be over in a few days,"

Mr. He also replied casually.

Liu Jun understood that He Changzheng's new position was the commander of the Southeast Military Region.According to the information disclosed by Qiu Qingchuan at the beginning, He Changzheng was transferred in two directions, one was southeast.If it is assumed or transferred to the commander of the Capital Military Region, Mr. He would not say the past, but should say "come here."

With such an arrangement, it is estimated that He Changzheng will be the next chief.

This also means that the old He family and the No. [-] chief are closely united, and the posture of an evergreen tree in the military has been clearly revealed.The trend of history was once again changed by the butterfly effect.

"Liu Jun, I heard that your county has done a good job in attracting investment, especially in that development zone. Even the Xu Group is planning to build an electronic industrial park there?"

After He Yan'an asked a question, he bypassed the topic and said to Liu Jun with a smile.

"Yes, auntie. The Xu Group does have this intention. It has already signed a cooperation agreement and will soon want Moji. To be honest, the electronics industry introduced by the Xu Group this time is relatively low-end industries. The content is not high, it is a labor-intensive industry, mainly assembled finished products and semi-finished products. The main reason is that our relatively cheap labor force in Ningbei County, of course, is also a reason for the relatively favorable policies.”

Liu Jun knew that He Yan'an's question about this topic was not purely for small talk.As the governor, economic construction is her main task.So I just explained a few more words.

"However, this level is more in line with the actual situation in Ningbei County. It can solve the employment problem of some urban unemployed people and rural idle labor, and it can still play a very good role in stimulating the economy."

He Yan'an nodded slowly, with a thoughtful look on his brows, and said: "The most important thing is to proceed from reality in everything. It's too high-spirited. Greedy and seeking perfection is a taboo for politicians."

"Yes, Auntie, I feel the same way about this."

Liu Jun nodded in agreement.

"Play steadily and steadily, as expected of Liu Jincai's son."

An appreciative smile appeared on He Yanan's face again.

"Thank you auntie!"

Liu Jun bowed his body in a hurry, and replied respectfully.

"Liu Jun, have you ever thought about moving?"

He Yanan suddenly asked.

Liu Jun was shocked immediately.He never expected that He Yan'an would suddenly bring up this question.

"Auntie, I can't answer this well. The job transfer of party members and cadres should be subject to organizational arrangements."

For a while, it was unclear what He Yanan was referring to. Liu Jun didn't dare to speak suddenly, so he could only answer according to the rules.

He Yanan smiled and said, "Of course it was arranged by the organization, and I didn't tell you to pick and choose."

Liu Jun scratched his head and remained silent.

"Sister-in-law, don't you want to pry the corner of the wall? Be careful that Secretary Yan is in a hurry with you!"

He Mengjian was joking aside.

"Hehe, privately, Secretary Yan has already recruited Liu Jun as his son-in-law, and this advantage is enough. Yu Gong, who is not jealous of such an excellent county party secretary?"

He Yanan said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"Sister-in-law, I don't want you like this. Now people are under the protection of their father-in-law, nourishing them. After a while of seniority, the promotion to the next level is guaranteed. You pry them over. Isn't it hindering people's progress? ?”

He Mengying became a little serious.

In fact, she is also very clear that if He Yan'an really wants to dig a corner, he will definitely take all aspects into consideration, so that Liu Junming will definitely not be at a disadvantage.Just caring is messy.Miss He is really afraid that my sister-in-law will not think carefully and delay Airang's future.

The sex devil doesn't care about money, but he is an "official fan"

If the future is really delayed, I'm afraid there will be resentment.

That is He Mengying, relying on her sister-in-law's doting on her.Dare to say anything, even "ugly food".

He Yan'an just smiled and stopped talking about this topic.

Mr. He was a little displeased. He glared at Miss He, and said displeasedly: "Narrow! Where is it not doing work? In your eyes, only promotion can make progress?"

Miss He stuck out her tongue.

Liu Jun couldn't help but smile slightly.

He Mengying glared at him angrily.

But Miss He didn't bother to get angry, and the bell of the eldest brother rang.

"Hello there!"

Miss He hurriedly got up and went to a place farther away to answer the phone.The old man is impatient to listen to business matters.

"Sister Mengying, it's me, Liu Qing."

Xiaoqing's voice came from the phone.

He Mengying, Liang Qiao, and Liu Qing have a very peculiar relationship, and they often have some contacts, not necessarily all about business matters, and occasionally they will talk about women's topics.

It should be said that the three of them got along relatively well.

This is also a kind of "girlfriend", right?

Qing, where are you? "

As He Mengying said, she couldn't help but cast a glance towards Liu Jun. Fortunately, the little pervert was concentrating on talking to He Yan'an, and never paid attention to her "sneaky" appearance.

"Well, in the capital..."

"In the capital?"

He Mengying was slightly surprised.

In fact, there is a tacit understanding between them.Under normal circumstances, the capital is He Mengying's "turf." Liang Qiao and Liu Qing will not come to "play field" in their leisure time!

Over there in Daning City, although they often go there!Strictly speaking, it still has to be classified as Yan Qi and Bai Yang's "sphere of influence"

I don't know why Liu Qing rushed to the capital suddenly.

"Ah, where are you then, I'll go there right away"

After being taken aback for a moment, Miss He immediately came back to her senses and assumed a "host" posture.

"Hehe, the State Guesthouse, the No. [-] Building."

Qing said with a smile over there.

He Mengying understood, and said with a smile, "Are you invited?"

"Yes, Xu Xingbang, Li Changqing and others have all arrived."

Qing said casually over there.

Li Changqing is the chairman of the Li Group in Hong Kong. Like the Xu Group, he is one of the most famous aristocratic families in Hong Kong and is often invited by high-level officials.Hong Kong's handover is now imminent.Celebrities from all walks of life in Hong Kong are often invited to conferences and attend various major celebrations.

These people are the most important targets of the Central United Front Work Department.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoqing was also invited this time.

But it's normal to think about it.If Bu Qing hadn't been engaged in the financial business for a long time, but, like Xu Xingbang and Li Changqing, had focused on industries, with Sheng Ye Investment's financial strength and influence in Hong Kong, he might have already become a social celebrity closely watched by the United Front Work Department up.Of course, this is also related to Liu Qing's behavior style, which is extremely low-key. Under normal circumstances, as long as it is a party with a slightly strong political atmosphere, it is politely declined.

This was also the strategy Liu Jun had set for her long ago.

At this stage, prejudices and barriers abound in the so-called Western free world.Far from being as liberal and democratic as they claim to be.If Bu Qing and her Shengye investment want to be less constrained in the world's big market, they must seriously consider the political aspect.If Sheng Ye Group had a more obvious "pro-silent" imprint, it might be boycotted or even suppressed by the Western world.

But in this war against the yen, the performance of Sheng Ye Group and Sheng Ye Fund was too dazzling.A guy who became the largest hedge fund in Hong Kong and even in the world, with a formidable capital strength, as the president of Sheng Ye.It is reasonable to be invited back to the mainland for a discussion as a first-class guest.

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