Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 710 The structure of industrial enterprises needs to be improved

After Secretary Liu returned to Jubu in Rongbei, Gu Jia stopped for a while, and all kinds of rumors and rumors were automatically hidden.This is related to Secretary Liu's unprecedented prestige.

The so-called prestige is not just a certain aspect of the factor Er Ya Nei!

Just one aspect.Many yamen with bigger backgrounds and stronger backing than Liu Jun are generally disgraced in the local area.Some of the grassroots cadres below have ways to make you stand up!

The technique of calling brother face to face and stabbing a knife in the back is perfect.

Integrity and integrity! [

It is only one aspect.Throughout the ages, many upright officials have not ended well.

Smart wrist!

It's just one aspect.The strong are more powerful.

In the vast world, how can there be only small ones, Comrade Liu is a smart person.

However, the combination of these factors created a county party secretary with unprecedented authority in the history of Ningbei County.In the foreseeable future, I am afraid it will also be unprecedented.

Liu Shu recorded that Yu returned, and Ningbei County set off an upsurge of going fast.The princes from all walks of life rolled up their sleeves and rushed forward with all their strength, all wanting to show their faces in front of Secretary Liu and let Secretary Liu see the capabilities of the Sa family.

Just withdrew the district and merged with the township, who wouldn't want to compete?

On this day, Liu Jun summoned Cao Chunqiu in the secretary's office.

Cao Chunqiu still maintained a low-key habit. Before entering the door, he was very polite to Pan Zhiren, and even chatted with Pan Zhiren for a few words before asking Pan Zhiren to inform him.

If you want to say that the dignified red children, the people around the governor, still occupy such an important position as the executive deputy county magistrate, it is very rare to be so polite to Pan Zhiren, a deputy department-level cadre. Perhaps this is also an indirect expression to Liu Jun A kind of closeness.

I am like this to your secretary, and the attitude towards you is even more conceivable.

But Pan Zhiren always felt nervous for no reason.

Perhaps Cao Chunqiu was too feminine, which made Pan Zhiren feel uneasy.

"Secretary Liu, hello!"

Cao Chunqiu's attitude towards Liu Jun is also picky. He bowed slightly before entering the door, then stepped forward to hold Liu Jun's hand tightly, shook it a few times vigorously, and used honorific words in his mouth. Chunqiu is more than three years older than Liu Jun.

"Comrade Chunqiu, hello!"

In fact, Liu Jun doesn't like the overly polite attitude among team members, there is a gap.However, since Cao Chunqiu has complied with the rules, Secretary Liu is not easy to rely on.

"Comrade Chunqiu, please sit down."

Thank you secretary! "[

Cao Chunqiu sat down at the position opposite Liu Jun.

Liu Jun didn't invite him to sit down on the hospitality sofa, so it can be seen that inviting him here today is not to talk about heart-to-heart, but to talk about work.Cao Chunqiu became a little more careful in his heart.

Everyone knows that Secretary Liu has never been ambiguous about work matters.

Liu Jun is not such a feminine character as Cao Chunqiu, and occasionally gets angry and curses at others.And almost never, Secretary Liu got angry not because of work problems.

"Comrade Chunqiu, it's been almost half a year since you arrived in the county, right?"

Liu Jun smiled and handed Cao Chunqiu a cigarette.

"Thank you secretary..."

Cao Chunqiu took the cigarette over quickly, grabbed the lighter on the table, and lit the cigarette for Liu Jun. The movements were very smooth and natural, without any expression of "flattering".It seems that at the secretary's office of the provincial government, the experience is very good.

Some people are born with this kind of ability, and a small action can often bring the relationship between each other a lot closer.

Cao Chunqiu lit Liu Jun's cigarette, and then took a puff himself, but he didn't really inhale it, the smoke just swirled around in his mouth and spit it out again.

Liu Jun smiled slightly.

It is said that Cao Chunqiu does not smoke on weekdays, it seems that the rumors are true.

Cao Chunqiu was afraid that Liu Jun would be embarrassed to smoke if he said he didn't smoke, which is not good.How can the leader feel restrained because of you?

What a smart man, he understands the morals and human temperament in the officialdom.

"Well, it's been almost half a year.!"

Cao Chunqiu followed Liu Jun's words.

"Well, you should be familiar with work, right?"

Liu Jun smiled every day, and his tone was very peaceful. In his heart, Liu Jun liked this kind of gentle and gentle scholar.Although Cao Chunqiu is too feminine and has a relatively complicated background, Liu Jun will still not hold prejudice against him.In any case, Cao Chunqiu is his subordinate, and to be a leader must have the demeanor of a leader.Always be prepared for one's subordinates everywhere, and the layout work will be the first to fall.

"Basic workers are generally more familiar."

Cao Chunqiu replied cautiously.

Liu Jun's question seemed casual, but it was not easy to answer.A few words of humility, it is inevitable that people will underestimate it.I have been here for half a year, and I am not familiar with the work, so what do I eat?Besides, Cao Chunqiu had been speculating about the reason why Liu Jun suddenly summoned him today, if there was any ambiguity in his expression, or if Liu Jun caught him for something, it would be bad.

After all, their identities are relatively sensitive.One is Yan Yucheng's son-in-law, and the other is Zhang Guangming's confidant.Yan Zhang is not on the right track, and everyone in the province knows it.Cao Chunqiu is also Liu Jun's subordinate and is in a "disadvantaged position".Everything has to be careful. [

Liu Jun can show the demeanor of a leader as much as possible, but Cao Chunqiu must not take it lightly.

But the answer is too confident, but there is suspicion of Wang Po selling melons.

Therefore, Cao Chunqiu's answer was very decent, neither overbearing nor humble.

"Comrade Biaoqiu, if you studied economic management in college, right?"

"Yes, secretary."

Seeing Liu Jun suddenly ask about his major, Cao Chunqiu became more cautious. He answered whatever Liu Jun asked, and refused to say any extra words.

Liu Jun frowned slightly.

Liu Jun didn't like the atmosphere of talking with his subordinates very much.It is quite normal for ordinary subordinates to be respectful and cautious in front of their leaders.No one dares to be domineering!But Cao Chunqiu was obviously overly cautious, making people feel on guard.

It seems that although Cao Chunqiu acts cautiously and prudently, there is still room for improvement in terms of structure.

But it's no wonder that secretaries, especially those who are secretaries of large organizations, have developed such a habit of being cautious. It may be impossible to ask others to change it at any time.

"Comrade Chunqiu, I invited you here today, just to talk to you about how to improve the management of some enterprises in the county."

Aware of Cao Chunqiu's cautiousness, Liu Jun also put away the small talk and got straight to the point.

Since Liu Jun arrived in Ningbei County, not only the investment attraction has been quite effective, but also the electronics industrial park started to be built by the Xu Group, and the number of factories in the high-tech development zone has reached as many as [-] to [-] factories. The state-owned and collective enterprises in the town have also shown a thriving atmosphere after transformation. As for the township enterprises, they have also shown a momentum of blooming everywhere, which is quite similar to the scene in Xiangyang County back then.

When Liu Jun talked with Vice Premier Hong, he clearly and erroneously said that the government's fiscal revenue is mainly supported by industry and commerce, not only to reduce the burden on farmers, but also to provide certain subsidies to agriculture if conditions permit.

Dare to say this, of course, has the confidence.

However, in many industrial enterprises, the basic workers are still in a stage of fighting among themselves, and the level of management and sales is uneven, and there are not many really high-grade.At present, relying on the advantage of quantity, it has taken advantage of the favorable opportunity to start earlier. Within one or two years, there will be no big problem, and it can provide sufficient financial resources for the county.However, with the progress of the times, the big market outside is becoming more and more mature. At that time, there will definitely be a group of enterprises that will be eliminated because they do not adapt to the cruel competition in the market. As the county party secretary, Liu Jun, since he foresees this possibility, how can he Can sit idly by?Even if he had already left Ningbei County at that time, he could hardly absolve himself of the blame.

What's more, if a group of enterprises collapse in the near future, the financial situation of Ningbei County will definitely turn bad, and the excellent situation created by Liu Jun with great difficulty will be ruined.

This is something Liu Junru doesn't want to see no matter what.

Cao Chunqiu's eyes lit up immediately, and his tone of voice quickened a little.It was obvious that what Liu Jun said hit his itchy spot.

"Some enterprises in our county, especially township enterprises, um, including partially restructured state-owned enterprises, and some factories in the high-tech zone, are still relatively backward in management. To put it seriously, they are even relatively primitive. Although the scale of the factory has increased, it is still applying the management of a family workshop. Some factories are completely family-owned, and regardless of their ability, they all occupy the core management positions. If you don’t enter, if things go on like this, the enterprise will gradually lose its vitality, and it will lose its competitiveness, and it is inevitable to be eliminated.”

A trace of melancholy appeared on Cao Chunqiu's face.

"Then what good strategy does Comrade Chunqiu have?"

There was an encouraging look in Liu Jun's eyes, mixed with a hint of surprise.

When it comes to specific work, Cao Chunqiu is not casually modest, and said, "Secretary, I think that the existing enterprise must be transformed, and the senior management personnel of the enterprise, especially the boss, be trained. The management model is based on administrative orders to carry out rectification and acceptance within a time limit. For privately owned enterprises, it is recommended that they follow suit!"

"Okay, okay!"

Liu Jun patted the table lightly and said.

"Comrade Biaoqiu, I entrust you to carry out this work! Come up with a plan first, and we will discuss it later. Hurry up, time is ticking, we can't afford to delay!"

There was a kind of urgency in Liu Jun's words.

"Yes, secretary! I will do my best to implement the secretary's instructions!"

Although Cao Chunqiu still followed the official rules and spoke very politely, his tone was very firm. Erxian seemed a little excited.

Liu Jun nodded and said in an even more amiable manner, "Also, Comrade Chunqiu, the audit work is in your charge, and the financial audit and establishment inspection of the units directly under the county and townships in the second quarter must be implemented as soon as possible. The reward and punishment system established by the county must be implemented as soon as possible every quarter."

"Okay, secretary, I'll make arrangements now!"

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