Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 72 Tang Haitian Visits

After dinner, I didn't rush to bend my tongue to read Lao Maozi's words, but first picked up "N Province Daily".This is a compulsory homework.Naturally, the old man couldn't let go of his words.Mr. Zhou has been holding on very tightly these days, forcing him to improve his Russian level to a higher level.The husband probably also has a premonition that he will not stay in Xiangyang County for too long.I have a basic knowledge of literature and history, and I can slowly improve in the future.The old man told him that once he left, he might not be able to find a decent teacher in Xiangyang County, and he might be abandoned.There is no teacher to teach this foreign language, and there is no repeater. If you want to be self-taught, it is not so difficult.Thinking about the painstaking efforts of my husband, I am also quite conscious, putting some pressure on myself every night.

Reading party newspapers mainly depends on the direction of public opinion.Since General Wen Yi publicly wrote an article criticizing the propaganda work in N Province in August, many bigwigs at his level have expressed their opinions, but most of them are against him.Basically, the collision of two thought systems has already decided the winner.Yan Yucheng and his father got a solid score.

I put down the newspaper and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.It seems that without the intervention of external forces, history will still move forward according to a fixed track.

Around seven o'clock, Dad came back.There was another person who came with him. When I saw this person, I couldn't help showing a surprised expression.The person who came with my father was Tang Haitian, the deputy director of the county revolutionary committee in charge of agricultural work.

After being taken aback for a moment, my mother immediately smiled and stood up to greet her, somewhat agitated.Three months ago, Tang Haitian was still someone we looked up to.Tang Haitian and Yan Yucheng had worked together in the County Agricultural Bureau before, and it seemed that Yan Yucheng was still Tang Haitian's superior.Now that he has become a superior again, Tang Haitian will not be too dissatisfied with Yan Yucheng.But my father's qualifications are far behind, so it is only natural that my mother and I were surprised that Tang Haitian came to the door on his own initiative. [

Tang Haitian greeted his mother with a smile.

He is slightly older, called "brother and sister".This "brother and sister" is very eloquent, at least it shows a kind of intimacy.With Tang Haitian's qualifications, it is very rare to have such an attitude.

Looking at his father's appearance, he also seemed to be very casual. He called Tang Haitian "Old Tang" instead of the serious "Director Tang".Tang Haitian nodded in agreement, without the slightest hint of annoyance, and called "Jin Cai" casually.

How this trick changed is puzzling.

I looked at my father with a little admiration in his eyes.It is said that my father was born as a technical cadre and has a simple mind. Now it seems that at least this method of wooing people is very good.After Wang Benqing, Zheng Xingyun, and Cui Xiuhe were transferred away, among all the deputy directors of the County Revolutionary Committee, only Tang Haitian was quite capable. For no reason, he was robbed of the ranking of "First Deputy Director" by his father who suddenly appeared. Know.In just three months, Dad was able to get this far with him, no matter whether there were superficial elements or not, it was a remarkable achievement.

My mother was busy for a while, and the tea, melon seeds, and candies were all served, and she asked, "Have Director Tang eaten? If not, why don't you just stop here?"

Tang Haitian waved his hand: "Don't trouble your siblings anymore. We had a farmer's meeting in the afternoon, and we didn't explain some things thoroughly. We dealt with Jincai in the office cafeteria, chatting while eating."

I don't think it's a little strange, Tang Haitian is responsible for the agricultural port, so what's the matter with Dad?After the meeting, go to the cafeteria to eat and chat, and come home to continue chatting if you can't finish the chat?Director Tang is suspected of finding the wrong partner.If you want to talk about this matter, you have to talk to Yan Yucheng, the top leader.Now leaving Yan Yucheng aside, the two and three of them got together and muttered, but it was very taboo.Did Dad fall into someone else's scheme to sow discord?

It is said that Dad would not make such an obvious mistake.I'm afraid that he is too confident about his relationship with Yan Yucheng, and sometimes neglects the details.I decided to remind you.

"Dad, where is Uncle Yan, why haven't I seen him these two days?"

Dad replied casually: "Your Uncle Yan has gone to a district meeting."


Tang Haitian glanced at me with a deep meaning.

"Jincai, the current situation in the county's rural areas is not optimistic. In 330, the county's per capita grain production exceeded [-] catties, but last year it dropped to less than [-] catties, a decrease of one-third. Last year, the per capita The rations were only [-] catties, and the per capita production of oil products in [-] was [-] catties and [-] taels, which dropped to three catties and [-] taels last year. This is not going to work..."

After Tang Haitian glanced over, he threw me, a little kid aside, and continued to talk with his father, looking worried.

Dad nodded: "Yes, the income of the members is too low."

Although my father was born in a rural area, he has been working for many years and is not familiar with the rural situation, so he just echoes.

Tang Haitian said: "Not only is it too low, it is simply unsustainable. Each working day is only worth three or four cents, and the average cash income of each household is less than 50 yuan. The number of households with overspending and arrears has reached nearly 300... …Did you know, Jincai, last year the county owed more than 30 million yuan in loans from the state, and the average debt per capita was nearly [-] yuan..."

"Insolvency!" [

Dad has not recovered, I have blurted out.

The six eyes of Tang Haitian and my parents stared at me together.

I was not in the mood to pay attention to their strange eyes at this time, but was deeply shocked by the data reported by Tang Haitian.The decline in grain production and oil production is still a large-scale figure, and there is no intuitive feeling.The latter set of income and arrears data is too intuitive.The average cash income per household is less than 50 yuan. Calculated on the basis of four people per household, the per capita cash income is only 15 or 30 yuan. I remember Wu Bo told me that the per capita cash income of the Liujiashan Brigade is [-] yuan or [-] cents, which should be higher than that of the whole county. average, and the per capita arrears are nearly [-] yuan.That is to say, the entire Xiangyang County is insolvent.The people of the county worked hard for a year, but their income was actually negative.

The business of Limin Maintenance Department is booming these days. It seems that the people's living standard is quite high, and the consumer demand for household appliances is quite strong. This made me hallucinate, and felt that the memory of this period in my previous life was biased.I feel that life is passable. Compared with later generations, it is simpler, and it is not particularly lacking in food and clothing.

Now after listening to Tang Haitian's data, I realize that this is a cruel illusion.On the one hand, Xiangyang Town is the political and economic center of the county, and more than half of the county's staff who eat imperial food are concentrated here, and their living standards are by no means comparable to that of ordinary towns.The second is that I have the foresight of a traveler and the technology of electrician maintenance, and I have taken advantage of the loopholes in the system, and I am a person who "gets rich first".With my current wealth, I can definitely be called a big "rich man" in Xiangyang County.There is a difference of one hundred and eight thousand miles from the life of a real ordinary member. How can I experience the pain of earning twelve or three yuan in cash every year?

I thought and shook my head.

"If this continues, the entire Xiangyang County will go bankrupt..."

"Xiaojun, don't talk nonsense."

My mother quickly stopped drinking, and looked at Tang Haitian warily again.Theoretically speaking, this person should be Dad's political enemy, who knows if he will spread the word?I don't even know how he will pass it on.If I say this on other occasions, maybe it doesn't matter.However, if you say it in front of your father at home and spread it to others, you don't know what it will be like.Guys with ulterior motives will definitely point the finger at Dad.

"Sister and sister, Xiaojun is right."

Tang Haitian let out a long sigh.

"If Xiangyang County is compared to a big factory, we have indeed gone bankrupt... After almost 30 years of liberation, our commune members have not even solved the most basic food and clothing problems. We leaders and cadres have a guilty conscience..."

Dad nodded silently.

Suddenly, I understood why my dad was able to handle the relationship with Tang Haitian.This deputy director Tang, like Yan Yucheng, has the blood of worrying about the country and the people flowing in his body, and he is just like his father.

The so-called things cluster together, people are divided into groups.

Party members and cadres who have ordinary people in their hearts will eventually come together.The order of ranking is just a trivial matter.I never doubted the party spirit and character of Yan Yucheng and his father, and felt that under the leadership of the two of them, Xiangyang County would definitely undergo a major change.Now with the addition of Tang Haitian, the commune members in Xiangyang County have something to look forward to.

In my previous life, I basically left Xiangyang County after graduating from high school to wander outside. During the winter and summer vacations when I was in college, I came back to live in Xiangyang County for two or three months.But Xiangyang County is always my hometown and the last harbor in my heart.I naturally hope that she can become rich and strong.

Since I was lucky enough to time travel once, I must do my best in this matter.

Thinking of this, I felt a little excited.

"Now that you see a problem, you have to find a way to solve it."

"Then according to you, how should we solve it?"

Tang Haitian asked with a smile.At this moment, he resumed his status as the deputy director of the Revolutionary Committee, with a calm tone and no hurry. [

I looked at my father, then at Tang Haitian, and said with a smile, "Relief of the sufferings of the people is the job of the superior. In fact, Uncle Tang already has a plan in his chest, so why bother to ask the little boy?"

"Xiaojun..." Dad scolded with a smile, and then explained to Tang Haitian with a smile: "This kid likes to joke with me like this on weekdays. Old Tang, don't be offended."

Tang Haitian has never experienced my "genius", so what I said just now was just a casual question.Seeing my eloquence, I was naturally quite surprised.But at his age, he can't keep playing mushrooms with a brat.

"It's okay, it's really a tiger father and dog son. Jincai, don't think I'm talkative, let's chat casually first, see if we can come up with an idea, and then report to Director Yan when he comes back, and ask him to make a decision .”

This is very appropriate, Dad smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Seeing the slack season, many people are about to run out of food. Last year, the central government called for large-scale farmland infrastructure construction. I think we can do it again this year. At least... let everyone have a place to eat."

It is said that there is such an explanation for the origin of the pyramid: it is said that the pharaoh in power found a big project to send back the grain stored in the treasury in order to let the common people have food to eat when they were free.

Regardless of whether this statement is valid or not, Tang Haitian has this meaning right now.

Dad said: "This method is good, but it can only treat the symptoms and not the root cause. You can't distribute relief grain every year, right? The grain depots in the county are not plentiful."

Tang Haitian smiled wryly and said, "It's not just that you're not rich? Jincai, you just took office not long ago, and you don't know the family background in the county. Last year, the whole county owed more than 1000 million catties of grain purchases, which is almost half of the county's public grain procurement tasks. .”


Dad is full of little stars.

These two guys, Wang Benqing and Zheng Xingyun, know how to intrigue all day long. What do they do in serious work?Half of the food procurement tasks are in arrears!

Tang Haitian nodded, meaning that he did not report false numbers.

"I also know that this is tantamount to distributing relief food. But it's impossible not to distribute it. Maybe, right now, in the four communes in the north of the mountain, there are many families who can't solve the problem."

The Shanbei area is the biggest burden for Xiangyang County.There are four communes under the jurisdiction of the whole district, all of which are eaten in the crevices of stones.Hongqi Commune had several brigades in the Shanbei area, which did not make Yan Yucheng less worried.It was still on the edge of the Shanbei area, which was much better than the few communes in the central area.Any cadre who has made a mistake or is not on the right track with those in power will faint to death on the spot as soon as they hear the phrase "transfer to Shanbei District".

That's a place where the real bird doesn't shit, and the money has no place to spend it.

I frowned when I heard that.Rao is inherently "smart" in this yamen. When encountering such an area where food and clothing have not been solved after 20 years, it also means that a tiger eats the sky and eats it.There is nothing to learn from, and my agricultural knowledge is so poor.

After much deliberation, my head got hot and I wanted to donate the brick making machine.Fortunately, he reined in the precipice and held back in time.This thing is not yet ready to reveal its bottom.However, the brick making machine inspired my thinking.

"Uncle Tang, isn't Shanbei District full of rocky mountains?"

"That's right. There are so many rocks and so little land. The per capita arable land is less than [-]%. It is a big problem to have relief every year."

"I don't know what color the stone mountain is?"

I muttered softly, as if talking to myself.

"Cyan, what's the matter?"

"It's blue, that's limestone." My eyes lit up: "Isn't the Daping thermal power plant under construction now? But it needs a lot of cement and lime. Limestone can also be used for the foundation."

Limestone can be used to make cement and burn lime. Both Tang Haitian and his father know this knowledge.It is not difficult to know that most of the stone mountains in Shanbei District are composed of limestone.The key is that Tang Haitian was in charge of agriculture, and his father was in charge of publicity, so they didn't bother with this aspect.In any case, this cement and lime production belongs to the industrial category, the so-called "not in the position, not in the government".As for immediately linking Shishan in Shanbei District with the construction of the Daping thermal power plant, it is even more incredible.

Dad and Tang Haitian looked at each other, their eyes lit up.

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