Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 759 Lotus Villa

On Secretary Liu's side, there are more important guests who need to accompany him.

In fact, Liu Yanei set off from Yulan City last night, drove more than 100 kilometers, and arrived at the Buddhist holy place, "Lianhua Mountain". "Lianhua Mountain" is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains, with a radius of more than 100 square kilometers and dozens of peaks The main peak is more than 300 meters above sea level, and it is a national key scenic spot. There are more than [-] temples in the mountains, and hundreds of monks and nuns, to enshrine Bodhisattvas.

Driving more than 100 kilometers overnight to Lianhua Mountain was not because Liu Yanei sincerely worshiped the Buddha, but because Qiaoer brought Lele to Lianhua Mountain.

Lianhua Mountain is a tourist attraction, and the Lianhua Villa at the foot of the mountain is the hotel with the highest specifications and the best facilities.

The four most luxurious suites in Lianhua Villa were all booked by Qiaoer.Ten, lived in the mother and daughter of Qiaoer, one lived in the couple of Heizi and Shi Xiuli, the other lived in Su Jianzhong and Li Shuying's couple, and the fourth suite was the room of the two bodyguards. [

Hearing that Liu Jun was going to work in the ministry of mouth, Qiaoer brought Lele over.Heizi and others came together to catch up with Liu Jun.No matter how the world changes, among Heizi, Xiaopang, Dahai, Xiaodagang and Su Jianzhong, the old man, Yanhuang, Liu Jun is their eternal leader, and Qiaoer and Xiaoqing are naturally "mothers".

After receiving Qiaoer's phone call, Liu Yanei suddenly seemed to have returned to his old age, and rushed over impatiently.Not only did Liu Jun not see Lele for more than a month, Si Yang also did not see Qiaoer for more than ten months, and he really missed her very much.

"Come on, Lele, give Palan a hug..."

As soon as he entered the suite, Liu Jun opened his arms towards Lele with a smile on his face.

Lele is already two years old." The little girl is wearing a fiery red gown, her soft hair is woven into a small book, and the ends of the two outermost numbers are decorated with diamond-studded bows,...Little The face is really like a powder makeup, it is extremely beautiful and cute.

However, Secretary Liu's very affectionate gestures did not arouse Xiao Lele's "resonance".With a flash, the little guy hid behind his mother, hugged Qiaoer's thigh, poked out half of his head, and carefully looked at this stranger who claimed to be "father".

The difference of more than a month is enough for a two-year-old child to forget the "bad dad" to the sky.

Qiao'er pursed her lips and said, "Look at you, you scared the baby."

Like Lele, Qiao'er is actually wearing a fiery red Tang suit, her proud figure is hidden, but it sets off her white cheeks with bright red, adding a bit of charming and charming atmosphere.

Liu Jun smiled and hugged Qiao'er, kissed her lightly on the face, and said with a smile, "My daughter is not allowed to be hugged, but my wife is still allowed to be hugged..."

"After driving so far, you must be tired. Sit down, drink a cup of tea, and have a good rest."

Qiaoer is always so gentle and considerate, understanding.

Liu Jun smiled and sat down on the sofa, and Qiaoer made him a cup of steaming strong tea.

Lele kept staring at Liu Jun with big black eyes.

Liu Jun made a face at his daughter.

These ten small movements made Lele laugh all of a sudden.


The guy staggered forward.

Perhaps it was this familiar grimace that made Lele remember that the person in front of him was indeed Papa. [

Liu Jun picked up Lele, held it high, and spun around a few times, Lele couldn't stop giggling, and the clear and crisp child's voice echoed in every corner of the room.

Qiaoer looked at the intimacy between the father and daughter, with an extremely warm and happy smile on her face.

Not a moment later, Heizishi Xiuli, Su Jianzhong, Li Shuying and others all heard the news and came over.

"Young Master Jun is here..."

Both Heizi and Su Jianzhong belong to wood, and they were very happy to see Liu Jun, but they didn't say much.At any rate, Heizi still said four more words, Su Jianzhong was even more ruthless about his words, and yelled, "The boss didn't say anything, and even his face was calm, as if he was walking over to drive Liu Jun." Yes, we meet every day. There is only a trace of excitement in the eyes.

More than ten years of friendship between guest and host, there is nothing to say.

"Dahai said he wouldn't come here, and went directly to Changhe District. If this matter is negotiated, he might be stationed in Yulan City."

Everyone sat down, and Heizi spoke.

Although Lianhua Villa is the best hotel around the Lianhua Scenic Area, the conditions are average, just a small table and two sofas.Everyone sat down on the bed casually, only Heizi sat opposite Liu Jun.

On weekdays, Qiaoer is the chairman, but as soon as Xiaojun arrives, Chairman Liang consciously retreats behind the scenes." Heizi reports directly to Xiaojun.

In fact, the two chairmen of Qiaoer Heizi came to Tuxing not only to visit the ten Buddhist resorts of Lianhuazhi, but also to pay homage to the body of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.The most important thing is to discuss with Liu Jun about the specific matters of investing in Q Province.

This time, it was Liu Jun who asked for it on his own initiative.

During the meeting with He Yanan last Saturday, Liu Jun vaguely put forward two ideas, one is to rectify the administration of officials first, and then Xu Tu develops.The second Fang Zong is just the opposite. The administration of officials will be slowed down first, starting with stimulating economic development.

He Yanan is more inclined to the second way of thinking.

This is a more robust solution.

Liu Jun just arrived here, and he didn't have the slightest foundation in the local area to take the bureaucracy rashly, which was a big risk.Once he can't take it down, it will be a devastating blow to his prestige as the top leader.In the future, it will be difficult to implement orders and prohibitions.When the top leader doesn't speak very well, it means that he will basically be the maintenance chairman during his tenure here. If he makes a big achievement, he doesn't even think about it. It's not bad if he can get through smoothly.

Starting from stimulating economic development, Liu Jun's prestige can be gradually established.In specific economic construction projects, Liu Jun can gradually accumulate his contacts and promote a trustworthy cadre to a more important position.After the foundation has been solidified and there is a solid team of our own, we can then rectify the administration of officials, and it will come naturally.

Since He Yan'an doesn't want to copy Liu Jun's "adventure" Liu Jun can only hold back for the time being.

Of course, no matter whether the bureaucracy is rectified or not, the dire economic situation in Changhe District must be reversed, otherwise normal operations will be unsustainable.

In order to reverse the situation in Changhe District as soon as possible, Liu Jun urgently needs a large sum of capital injection to start a batch of new large projects to create a thriving momentum and inject a boost to the dejected Changhe District two teams.

At the same time, it can also eliminate everyone's doubts about Liu Jun.

Liu Jun knew that even with Boss Hong and He Yan'an's "prying corner" Shi, a 26-year-old member of the standing committee of the provincial capital city, was still too much of an eyesore. [

It is estimated that not only some people in the province and city are waiting to see his jokes, but also in other brother cities, I am afraid that there are not a few people who have the same thoughts.

Whether Liu Jun can gain a foothold in Changhe District and make a name for himself will actually affect the cadre structure of the whole province.If Liu Jun succeeds, then the young faction will be very excited and will promote more outstanding middle-aged and young cadres, and there will be practical examples.In the same way, if Liu Jun fails and leaves Yulan City in disgrace, conservative forces will use him as an example, proving that young people are somewhat unreliable after all, and experienced, mature and prudent people are more able to manage the place well.

Therefore, Liu Jun didn't care how to avoid it.

Moreover, since Xiaoqing visited the capital at the invitation of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, Liu Jun guessed that the huge financial empire hidden behind him has gradually become unable to keep a secret.When the United Front Work Department invited Xiaoqing, how could they not investigate her background?

However, Sheng Ye Fund has become a huge capital monster attracting global attention, and its influence in the financial markets of the world is gradually increasing. The bigwigs in the central government weigh the pros and cons, so naturally they have to make a friendly gesture.Boss Hong personally told He Yanan Liu Jun, maybe not only because Liu Jun left a deep impression on him when he summoned Liu Jun.The financial empire behind him may also be one of the reasons.

Considering all these things together, Liu Jun's thinking has undergone many different changes from before in terms of how to use capital power more effectively.

The high-level officials agree with the existence of his financial empire, and they definitely hope that this financial empire can make more beneficial contributions to the country.

Therefore, Liu Jun directly issued instructions to Qiaoer and Heizi, and the similar "Qing" Qing also received Liu Jun's instructions.However, the time to meet him in Tusheng will be staggered with Qiaoer.

Jun Yu did not interfere too much when it came to specific projects to invest in.Business operations have the laws of business operations. In this respect, Secretary Liu is already far behind Chairman Liang and President Yan.

But Pang Dahai reported to him on the phone that he would come to Changhe District to build a film and television city, but Liu Jun was somewhat surprised.

It's not good to directly compete with CCTV, right?

This was Liu Jun's thoughts at the time.

Unexpectedly, Pang Dahai was so proud that he said carelessly, "It's more than money, don't be afraid!"

Liu Jun laughed at that time.

Look at the virtue of burning buns!

Well, anyway, they are rich and like to make arrangements. Secretary Liu does not interfere with the internal operation.

"The sea is doing well now, rich and powerful!"

Liu Jun said to Heizi with a smile.

Heizi also smiled, and said, "Now the total assets of Phoenix Film and Television are 57 billion.

This is what it means to report to the boss.

Liu Jun smiled, and said, "At this stage, Phoenix Film and Television can be regarded as a giant in the film and television industry in China! Well, if this is the case, we are not afraid of losing money."

Qiaoer smiled and said, "Business is risky, and you may not be able to make a profit every time you invest. It doesn't matter if you lose once or twice."

Liu Jun gave a thumbs up and said playfully, "Chairman Liang has a good opinion! As expected of a big boss, what you said is bold."

The words made everyone laugh out loud.

Lele didn't know why everyone was laughing, she stared at a pair of big black eyes, looked at this and looked at that, and also slapped her hands and laughed.

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