Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 768 Bai Pier

Dahai, have you chosen the location of the film and television city? "Liu Jun handed it to Fatty

Pang Dahai invested in Changhe District to build a film and television city. Although Liu Jun called to come here, Liu Jun never intervened in the specific negotiations, site selection and construction.

It's not to avoid any suspicion, but a

Liu Jun is well versed in the way of being a top official, so he doesn't go casually, and does things for others.


The reason is not a conflict of interests.

Whoever controls the specific project can learn from

This rule does not apply to Liu Jun at all.

It is precisely because of Liu Jun's decentralization.

These days, Chai Shaoji's perception of Liu Jun is quietly changing.

After the banquet at the Changhe Hotel, not only Chai Shaoji, but the entire team knew that Pang Dahai and Liu Jun had an unusual relationship, and it was Liu Jun who called Phoenix Company.

So sad, Liu

it's up to you

Speaking of Dali, the achievements of the entire development zone will eventually be attributed to Liu Jun's name.

"Preliminary, after some exploration, it's just across from you."

Pang Dahai laughed.

Although a formal investment agreement has not yet been signed, concrete work is already underway.

Liu Junxiao

film and television city

Useful when shooting water scenes.

In the dry season of the Heshui Reservoir, the water surface area is more than [-] hectares, which is more than enough.

It's just that once the film and television city is built.

The water quality will definitely cause certain pollution.

It is not suitable as a source of drinking water. [

Fortunately, Yulan City has never been short of water. There are still many places under the jurisdiction of Changhe District that can be used as drinking water sources.

Around the Heshui Reservoir, the scenery is beautiful and there are many residents. The construction of a super-large-scale film and television city building complex will involve a large number of residents who will be demolished. "The demolition problem is not afraid.

Compensation payments will not be in arrears.

Fat Dahai replied.

liu jun a little bit

Don't be petty, you must pay compensation in full and on time in accordance with the regulations of the country's documents.

In this way, the demolition work is also easier to carry out.

big smile

This was the first time Liu Jun smiled so heartily after Yan Fei returned to N Province.

Xiao Yu, who was busy moving things, glanced at Liu Jun with some surprise.

This man really has a charming temperament when he smiles.

"Xiaoyu, let me introduce you, this is Mr. Lin who came to our district to invest in the construction of the film and television city, and the president of Phoenix Film and Television Media Co., Ltd.

If you want to be an actor in the future, just tell Mr. Lin, he will definitely arrange a good role for you!" Liu Jun said to Xiaoyu with a smile in a good mood.

Yu was startled again.

Looking at Pang Dahai, his eyes were full of admiration. Phoenix Film and Television Media Co., Ltd.

It is also considered a well-known company in China, especially for a young man like Xiaoyu.

It's just that the star of Yingji is too far away from ordinary people, and it can only be a dream at best.


I'm sure there is no problem.

Yu is more beautiful than most movie stars, even if she is comfortable, she is not as good as Lu.

"Ah, little Shu...

Mr. Lin was joking, I'm not as beautiful as Shu Xin... Xiao Yu exclaimed. [

in her opinion

"Beautiful, bright, indeed beautiful.

Can a young woman not be beautiful? "Fat Hai Le

Yu blushed immediately, and stole a glance at Liu Jun, but this man picked up his teacup and drank tea as if nothing happened.

"Okay, since Young Master Jun has ordered, Xiao Yu, let's just say it this way, someday you want to make a movie, tell me, I will definitely arrange a female lead for you... Ah, it's the heroine!" Xiao Yu Feeling flustered, he smiled shyly at Pang Dahai, and continued to go upstairs with his things.

It seems that everyone, like Mr. Lin, regards himself as his woman! But from entering this villa to now.

He didn't even say a single wrong word! "Jun Shao, I heard that someone here is very dissatisfied with you?" Seeing Xiao Yu enter the upstairs room, Fat Dahai suddenly put away his smile, and his expression became serious.

liu jun smiles

Someone reminded me that in Changhe District

Liu Jun's face suddenly became serious.

Some are arrogant and domineering, he has seen Chi before but never expected that he would say such a thing.

This nature is different again.

Changhe District is a high-tech

It is also an important resource for the development and growth of Changhe District.

Now someone "reminds" the foreign investment bosses to "give a visit to the pier"! This is a famous and powerful enterprise like Pang Haihai and Phoenix Film and Television Media Co., Ltd.

If those foreign bosses with weaker strength,

The investors brought in by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary of the Working Committee, actually want to worship others on the site under their own jurisdiction?It's really unbelievable.

"This surname Chi is so arrogant, why don't I clean him up?" Pang Dahai asked, a savage look flashed across Yuanyuan's face.

Liu Jun glanced at him.

Elbow Dahai explained: "Don't worry, I won't blackmail him.

I also have a lot of acquaintances in the media, and I asked them to come and expose this guy named Chi, so that he can't eat and walk around!" This is a feasible way.

A secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee who has retired may still have his prestige in the province, but in the eyes of the outside media, he is nothing

Pang Dahai has been in the media industry for many years, and he has good public relations skills, so he must have met many big names in the media.

Coupled with its own terrifying capital strength, it must not be underestimated if it really wants to operate seriously.

"It's just... I'm worried that it will affect you."

Fat Dahai said again.

In any case, Liu Jun is the leader of Changhe District, so if he really wants to invite the media to talk about it, he is a little bit cautious.

Liu Jun took a puff of cigarette, said lightly: "Forget it, you go about your business, don't get involved for now and Dahai nodded.

His trust in Liu Jun was almost superstitious.

Ever since he followed Liu Jun, he has never been flattered! This guy named Chi, don't think he is a "sit on the ground", compared to Jun Shao, he is not worth it at all.

It is estimated that this kid's unlucky days will not be far away.

Fat Dahai said: "Young Master Jun.

Brother Heizi said,

He himself plans to stay here for a while, and he said that you just came here, and there is no one around you, so I'm afraid it will be inconvenient!" Liu Jun grabbed Pang Haihai's shoulder and said, "If you stay, you will be fine. That's fine, Heizi should stay in the south.

Nothing!" Fat Dahai smiled and asked, "I heard that Commander He has been transferred to the Southeast Military Region? "Well, I've been here for several months!" Liu Jun nodded slightly, unwilling to talk about this topic, and asked: "Dahai, what I told you last time

It is indeed a bit difficult for this big brother on the street to run the Internet.

"If it's something, you have to wait until you figure it out before doing it, the day lily is all shattered.

How about this, on Xiaoqing's side, the Tengfei Technology Research and Development Company has a special team researching this thing, and it seems that they have achieved certain results.

This project is still up to you to operate! Set up an independent legal person company, separate from Phoenix, don't join together, understand?You have to act fast, you can’t afford to delay!” When Xiaoqing was cooperating with Tengfei Company.

As early as a few cars ago, the Teng

But the Internet is too sensitive. Xiaoqing's current identity is a citizen of an island country in the Pacific Ocean. If she runs an Internet gang in China, she will be in trouble.

Under the name of Pang Dahai, there are not so many scruples.


It is not a problem for Qing to develop an Internet company in the United States.

Such a great opportunity, and a sustainable long-term career, as a reborn, Liu Jun's financial empire will naturally not miss this opportunity! Fat Dahai nodded repeatedly.

Follow orders but be careful.

The two chatted for a while longer.

Only then did Pang Dahai take his leave.

Lost in the fat sea, Liu Jun didn't rush into the study, and sat still

Seeing the cigarette butts piling up in front of Liu Jun, Xiao Yu became worried.

I don't know what problem he encountered.

He is the top leader in the district and the factory.

If you hold power, there will be difficulties

Although I was anxious in my heart, I didn't dare to interrupt, I just picked up Liu Jun's teacup, poured out the remaining tea, and brewed a cup of strong new tea

Then Yizhuo Buxiang sat down on the sofa beside him, and Qiufei Xizhen accompanied him to the corpse.

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