Without hesitation, I presented a set of arguments that I had discussed with Uncle Wu and the others in Liujiashan today.Yan Yucheng and his father listened very carefully, and their frowning brows gradually relaxed.

At the end, Yan Yucheng asked: "Since this matter is related to you, how do you understand it so clearly?"

"Hehe, it was originally closed to me. When someone filed a complaint and the investigation team came, it was related to me. It is obvious that someone wanted to punish my dad, and indirectly punish you, Uncle Yan. You are leading cadres, organized and disciplined. Restricted, this kind of pass must be cautious in words and deeds. I am a child, but I don’t have so many scruples. Could it be that my father is sued, and even I am not allowed to go home to see my grandparents?"

I talked freely, but Yan Yucheng and my father had seen my "adult thinking" many times, and it was still a bit difficult to accept for a while.Is this kid really only nine years old?If Dad really has a problem, I'm probably the most suitable person to engage in small tricks to collude confessions.What surprised them especially was that not only did I think of "collating confessions", but I also acted swiftly.Without discussing with them in advance, he went straight to Liujiashan to unify the "confessions".This ability to adapt is not necessarily possessed by many veterans in the officialdom.

Yan Yucheng pondered for a while, then nodded to his father.Dad nodded slightly in response. [

I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I understand this little action.Probably in their minds, I have basically washed away the "suspect".This was important, because it was the only way they would consider me "a comrade in the trenches."Otherwise, if they always suspect that the brick factory is my head and tail, it may be difficult to discuss countermeasures with me in a serious manner.

Party members and cadres at that time were not generally strong in party spirit principles and organizational discipline.It is common for righteousness to kill relatives.If they knew the truth, they might have taken me to the investigation team immediately to "surrender myself".

If I really did something wrong, whether I surrender myself, be punished, or my father be implicated, objectively speaking, it should be done.Anyone who makes a mistake has to pay the price.The problem is that I don't think the brick factory got it wrong at all.If you want to criticize it, it is a bit inconsistent with the current policy.At most next year, the policy will be adjusted. It is completely reasonable and legal for me to do so. If I am lucky, I may be able to win the honorary title of "Master of Getting Rich" and wear a big red flower to receive a certificate when I come home.

Don't engage in crooked ways, rely on skills to make money, and I won't admit my mistake if I say it's broken.

"If that's the case, then there's nothing to worry about."

Yan Yucheng said.

Dad smiled: "I wasn't worried at all. Didn't Director Long say that he was not afraid of the shadow? I didn't know that Liujiashan had this brick factory. I was afraid that it would be a bit overwhelming if I insisted on dragging it on me." difficulty."

If you have a cold in your heart, you are not afraid to eat watermelon.

Dad has become the deputy director of the County Revolutionary Committee, how can he think about the problem or be so "civilian"?There are many ways to punish people in the officialdom.If they want to punish you, they don't need any real evidence. An "unnecessary" charge also ruined the life of Yue Feiyue's grandfather.Come up with some gossip, you can throw shit on you without proof, and you can't find the person who threw shit.

It seems that there is still a lack of experience.

"Director Liu, this is your fault. You don't care about the economic construction of your hometown at all."

I half-jokingly and half-seriously stabbed my dad lightly.

"In today's Liujiashan, there are fish in the fields, medicine in the fields, and bricks in the ridges. The situation is very good. If we continue to develop like this, we will be able to make a comeback next year."

Both Yan Yucheng and his father were startled.Their minds are all on "taking the capitalist route" and "corruption crimes", but they don't have anything to do with rural economic construction.

Yan Yucheng took out a big front door and lit it, slowly puffing out smoke rings, his wise eyes gradually brightened in the lingering smoke.

"Jin Cai, what Xiaojun said makes sense. Maybe bad things can turn into good things."

Dad didn't have much experience in officialdom, but he was quick-witted, so he immediately caught up with Yan Yucheng's train of thought.

"You mean, simply set up Liujiashan as a model for developing the collective economy of the brigade?" [

"Well, as long as these things are done in the collective name of the brigade, I think this model can be erected."

I couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Can bad things be changed into good things like this?This method of "crisis management" is really amazing!

After a while, I shook my head.

"Stinky boy, what's the matter?"

As soon as Yan Yucheng said "stinky boy", I knew we had stepped into the same trench.

"Uncle Yan, you're too radical. The investigation team hasn't even started the investigation yet, so who knows what will be found out? Let's take a while to set up a typical example. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

"Well, that makes sense too."

Dad said: "Actually, whether this model should be erected or not, I think we can think about it again. The region sent people to investigate Liujiashan, but we just erected Liujiashan as a model. Doesn't it mean that we are going against the region?"

This is the way to seek stability.

Yan Yucheng frowned again, recalling the conversation with Long Tiejun.It seems that there is a deeper reason for sending this investigation team.According to the usual theory, the county should investigate the so-called "taking the capitalist road" and "speculating" in a brigade first.Even if it involves the deputy director of the County Revolutionary Committee, after all, my father is not the top leader, and Yan Yucheng is on top, so it makes sense for the county to investigate first.Maybe some leaders in the area insisted on sending an investigation team. Although Long Tiejun is the director, he still needs to pay attention to a balanced strategy.

But Long Tiejun pointed out that the investigation team leader is someone he can trust, but he has already told Yan Yucheng that the investigation team is under his control and will not mess around.

"Let's deal with it in a realistic manner. If there is a problem, we will deal with it as we want, and we will never tolerate it. On the contrary, if there is a real achievement, we should praise it. Otherwise, the hearts of comrades at the grassroots level will be chilled."

Yan Yucheng's words are both principled and flexible, and it really is the method of a seasoned veteran.


While speaking, a "report" sounded abruptly outside the door.The person who spoke was full of energy and his voice was loud. It was Liang Guoqiang, the chief of the security section.

It's already past nine o'clock in the evening. What's the matter with Chief Liang coming here to "report"?

"Come in."

Dad was also a soldier, so he naturally responded.

"Director Yan, Director Liu, I have something to report to the two directors."

Section Chief Liang stepped into the door with one step, his body straightened, and his eyes were not squinted.Look at that, it's almost a show of hands to Yan Yucheng and his father.

"Oh, Comrade Guoqiang, please sit down." [

Yan Yucheng habitually greeted Section Chief Liang to sit down.


Section Chief Liang responded, but did not take a seat, and stood upright as before.

"It's about a guest house."

"What about the guest house?"

Yan Yucheng's face immediately became serious.You know, the investigation team lives in a guest house.

"Yes. Some comrades reported to me that Wang Youfu, the director of a guest house, had abnormal contacts with individual comrades from the investigation team."

Yan Yucheng raised his eyebrows, and then said lightly, "What's the abnormal contact?"

"Report to Director Yan. I'm not very clear about the specific situation. It was reported by Comrade Zheng Cuihua, a waiter at the guest house. Now Xiao Zheng is outside. Do you want her to come in and report to the two directors in detail?"

Yan Yucheng knew that Liang Guoqiang acted prudently, so it must be very unusual for him to say so, so he nodded immediately.

"You invite her in."

Zheng Cuihua is a young girl in her early 20s. She has a good figure and appearance, and looks quite fresh.Entering the living room, he lowered his head, a little embarrassed.

Although the waiters in the guest house can often meet the leaders of the county, even the leaders of the district are not uncommon.But they all watched from a distance, and when they got close, they served a cup of tea and water. How could it be like now, talking face-to-face with the first and second leaders in the county?It makes sense to be nervous.

"Xiao Zheng, don't be nervous..."

Yan Yucheng was also considered considerate, so he comforted the girl first.Just keep a straight face, as serious as you want, it's no wonder people aren't nervous.

"...What's wrong with the hostel?"

"Director Yan...Director Liu, yes, it's like this. After the comrades from the regional investigation team moved into the guest house, Director Wang said that he would hold a dance party to receive them..."

Zheng Cuihua looked at the faces of the two directors while talking.

Yan Yucheng frowned and said, "It's normal to hold a dance party to entertain comrades from a good area."

There were very few recreational activities at that time. As a guest house within the government, it was common for a guest house to organize a dance party at night when receiving superior leaders.Leaving aside Wang Benqing's relationship, Wang Youfu is quite talented in welcoming and dispatching these things.


Seeing Director Yan's unhappy face, Zheng Cuihua was too frightened to speak.

"What's next? Is the dance going?"

Dad asked.

"No...no, Minister Tan, the head of the investigation team, disagrees. He said that everyone is here to work, not to dance."

Yan Yucheng showed a slight smile, Tan Liyang deserved Long Tiejun to give him a high look.

"What then?"

"Later... Director Wang asked the two leaders of the investigation team to go out, and they haven't come back yet."


Yan Yucheng and his father raised their eyebrows at the same time.I just sneered in my heart. On tnn, I suspected that this anonymous complaint was made by Wang Benqing's little guy who stayed in Xiangyang County. Now it seems that this suspicion is correct.

Hey, Director Wang, Director Wang, you still don't give up, you can't help it!

"Which two leaders of the investigation team?"

Zheng Cuihua thought for a while and said, "I don't know the specific names, I only know that one is surnamed Wang and the other is surnamed Cao."

"It is Wang Shaohong, chief of the cadre section of the regional organization department, and Cao Pingan, deputy chief of the pre-trial section of the regional public security department. Wang Shaohong is the deputy head of the investigation team. These two are cadres originally from Xiangyang County."

Liang Guoqiang explained.It seemed that he had already understood the situation clearly before.This is also normal, and you always have to ask clearly before deciding whether to report to the leader.

Dad looked at Yan Yucheng inquiringly.He didn't know much about the situation of Wang Benqing's family before, but Yan Yucheng knew it well, and said with a sneer, "It's the two of them, old acquaintances."

Liang Guoqiang glanced at his father, and added: "Wang Shaohong is the cousin of Director Wang Benqing, and Cao Ping'an is also somewhat related to him."

My dad and I nodded at the same time, that's why.Dad looked at Liang Guoqiang with some approval.This person doesn't talk much on weekdays, but he does things meticulously.

"Do you know where Wang Youfu and the two leaders of the investigation team went?"

Yan Yucheng asked.

Zheng Cuihua hesitated for a moment, shook her head, and then nodded inexplicably.

Miss, what does this mean?

I wondered in my heart.

Yan Yucheng directly asked his doubts: "Comrade Xiao Zheng, don't be afraid, just say what you know."

"Well, when Director Wang was talking to Section Chief Wang and Section Chief Cao in Room 2102, I happened to be delivering boiled water, and I heard a few words... I didn't mean it... I heard from them that I was going out to play cards... "

"Where are you going to play cards?"

Yan Yucheng followed closely.

"This, this, I really don't know... I just heard a few words..."

"Go play cards at Du Juan's house, the county theater troupe."

Liang Guoqiang added an explanation in due course.

Yan Yucheng asked with great interest: "How do you know? Who is this Du Juan from the county troupe?"

Liang Guoqiang straightened his body, put his feet together, and put on a report posture: "The first guest house is for receiving important guests, and it is also within the monitoring range of our security department."

This is the reason.

Since the first guest house is within the monitoring range of the security department, it is only natural for Liang Guoqiang to grasp these situations with his fine workmanship.

"Du Juan is an actress in the county troupe. Her husband died of illness three years ago."

It turned out to be a widow, and a widow who was an actress.Although the county theater troupe does not recruit top beauties, they have to be decent in figure and appearance.At this time, Wang Youfu asked Wang Shaohong and Cao Pingan, two important members of the investigation team, to play cards at a beautiful widow's house, which took a lot of thought.

Yan Yucheng smiled, the smile was very cold.

"Comrade Xiao Zheng, thank you. The information you provided is very important... You should go back and rest first. It's getting late, Comrade Guoqiang, take Xiao Zheng back."

"Yes." Liang Guoqiang stood at attention again, then smiled slightly and said, "Xiao Zheng is the fiancée of Comrade Xiao Wu, our security officer. Xiao Wu is waiting for her downstairs."

"That's right. Then you can skip this escort mission."

Yan Yucheng laughed, for real this time, looking very happy.

"Yes. I'll go back first. See you, the two directors."

Yan Yucheng and his father hurriedly stood up and shook hands with Section Chief Liang.

When Liang Guoqiang went out, his eyes seemed to sweep across his face inadvertently.I winked, and he nodded knowingly.

Yan Yucheng and his father looked at each other and remained silent.

Dad took out a big front door and handed it to him, Yan Yucheng took it, Dad lit it for him, and then lit one for himself.I looked at the big front door on the table and suddenly had the urge to get one too.Fortunately, I held back.

"Where is the area?"

After a while of silence, Dad spoke half a sentence.


Yan Yucheng took a few sharp breaths, threw half of the big front door on the ground, stretched out his feet and crushed it hard.

"Tigers don't show their power, when I'm a sick cat!"

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